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Came in for check up

Chief complaint: Lower back pain, right x 1 year

HPI: 1 year prior to consult, (+) constant pain on right lower back, localized at the lumbosacral
area, characterized as numbing, precipitated lying supine and sitting down. PRS of 6/10,
temporarily relieved by pain reliever. No fever, no dysuria, no history of trauma or injuries.

3 months prior to consult, patient had lumbosacral xray at a private hospital with normal
findings. With take home meds of pain reliever.

Interim, still with constant back pain, temporarily by pain reliever

Days prior to consult, (+) still with pain on lower back, with PRS of 7/10 and unrelieved by pain
reliever. Hence, consult.

Past Medical history unremarkable

Non diabetic, non-hypertensive

No known allergies to food and drinks

With family history of hypertension


Patient works as a CAD operator

Non smoker, non alcoholic beverage drinker


Patient was examined sitting, alert, conscious, coherent, and conversant, not in cardiorespiratory
distress, oriented to time, place and person.

Vital signs:

BP: 110/80

HR: 94 bpm
RR: 18 cpm

O2sat: 96%

The patient has stable vital signs and essentially normal physical examination.


Skin: warm, dry with good skin turgor fair in color. No rashes, no active lesions, no cyanosis, no

Nails: with good capillary refill of <2 seconds. No clubbing, no breaks, no ridges


Head: Normocephalic. Atraumatic, symmetric with no lesions, tenderness, and breaks. Hair is
black in color, fine with equal distribution, no alopecia, no lice infestation, with dandruff, no
breaks, no tenderness, no active lesions

Eyes: Non-sunken eyes, pale palpebral conjunctivae, anicteric sclerae, pupils are equally reactive
to light and accommodation

Ears: symmetric, aligned with lateral canthus of eyes, no tenderness, no impacted cerumen, no
abnormal discharges, no hearing impairment

Mouth and Throat: no dentures, buccal mucosa is moist and pinkish. Lips are pinkish and oral
mucosa is moist.

Uvula and tonsils: midline, no tonsilopharyngeal congestion

NECK: Trachea is at midline; thyroid gland is non-palpable. Thyroid cartilage moves upward
upon deglutition, with no palpable and tender cervical lymph nodes, no visible pulsation, ROM

BREASTS: No discoloration, nipples are everted, no discharges, no palpable lymph nodes, no

lumps, no tenderness


Inspection: No retractions, no apparent respiratory distress

Palpation: symmetric expansion, no tenderness

Percussion: resonant on all lung field

Auscultation: clear breath sounds


Inspection: adynamic heart, no precordial bulging

Palpation: PMI is not measured, adynamic apex precordium, carotid pulse is brisk and sharp, and
synchronous with apex pulsations. No thrills, no heaves

Auscultation: Radial pulse is synchronous with heart sounds, with regular rate and rhythm, no


Inspection: Umbilicus everted, no visible veins nor lesions.

Auscultation: Normoactive bowel sounds

Palpation: No organomegaly, no palpable masses

GUT: No discharges, no voiding problems.

EXTREMITIES: Symmetric, equal in length and size on both sides, no edema, no cyanosis, no

BACK and SPINE: no abnormal deviations,(+) Lumbosacral Pain, PRS 7/10, no visible bulging,
no redness (-) Inflammation. No CVA tenderness;

NEUROLOGIC: no neurologic deficit

A> T/C Spondylolisthesis

P> Laboratory:

1. Lumbosacral xray APL view


1. Orphenadine Citrate + Paracetamol 50/650mg tab. 1 tab 3x a day for pain

To come back with laboratory result


PGI Garcia/Dr. Mojica



Came in for check up

Chief complaint: Left sided body weakness x 2 years


2 years prior to consultation, (+) onset of left sided body weakness and dizziness, consulted at a
private clinic with take home medications of  Cinnarazine 75mg/cap, 1 cap once a day for 2
weeks, Betahistine 16mg/tab 1/2 tablect 2x a day. For referral to a neurologist, but unable to seek

Interim, patient claimed to have good compliance to medications, however, failed to seek consult
at the neurologist

Week prior to consultation, still with left sided body weakness, now unable to do ADLs without
support of her wife. Consulted at a private MD with take home meds of Atorvastatin 20mg/tab
once a day, Amlodipine 5mg/tab, once a day, Febuxostat 80mg/tab 1x a day. Persistence of
symptoms prompted consultation

Past Medical history unremarkable

Non diabetic, hypertensive

No known allergies to food and drinks

With family history of hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus and BPH


Patient works as a fisherman

Non smoker, non alcoholic beverage drinker


Patient was examined sitting, alert, conscious, coherent, and conversant, not in cardiorespiratory
distress, oriented to time, place and person.

Vital signs:
BP: 130/80

HR: 87 bpm

RR: 18 cpm

O2sat: 97%

The patient has stable vital signs and essentially normal physical examination.


Skin: warm, dry with good skin turgor fair in color. No rashes, no active lesions, no cyanosis, no

Nails: with good capillary refill of <2 seconds. No clubbing, no breaks, no ridges


Head: Normocephalic. Atraumatic, symmetric with no lesions, tenderness, and breaks. Hair is
black in color, fine with equal distribution, no alopecia, no lice infestation, with dandruff, no
breaks, no tenderness, no active lesions

Eyes: Non-sunken eyes, pale palpebral conjunctivae, anicteric sclerae, pupils are equally reactive
to light and accommodation

Ears: symmetric, aligned with lateral canthus of eyes, no tenderness, no impacted cerumen, no
abnormal discharges, no hearing impairment

Mouth and Throat: no dentures, buccal mucosa is moist and pinkish. Lips are pinkish and oral
mucosa is moist.

Uvula and tonsils: midline, no tonsilopharyngeal congestion

NECK: Trachea is at midline; thyroid gland is non-palpable. Thyroid cartilage moves upward
upon deglutition, with no palpable and tender cervical lymph nodes, no visible pulsation, ROM

BREASTS: No discoloration, nipples are everted, no discharges, no palpable lymph nodes, no

lumps, no tenderness


Inspection: No retractions, no apparent respiratory distress

Palpation: symmetric expansion, no tenderness

Percussion: resonant on all lung field

Auscultation: clear breath sounds


Inspection: adynamic heart, no precordial bulging

Palpation: PMI is not measured, adynamic apex precordium, carotid pulse is brisk and sharp, and
synchronous with apex pulsations. No thrills, no heaves

Auscultation: Radial pulse is synchronous with heart sounds, with regular rate and rhythm, no


Inspection: Umbilicus everted, no visible veins nor lesions.

Auscultation: Normoactive bowel sounds

Palpation: No organomegaly, no palpable masses

GUT: No discharges, no voiding problems.

EXTREMITIES: Symmetric, equal in length and size on both sides, no edema, no cyanosis, no

BACK and SPINE: no abnormal deviations, no visible bulging, no redness (-) Inflammation. No
CVA tenderness;


Cranial nerves:

CN I: Intact 

CN II: Intact visual fields by conformation. Pupils are equally rounds and reactive to direct and
consensual lght

CN III, IV, VI: Extraocular movement are intact, with no nystagmus

CN V: Sensory: No sensory loss, Motor: intact, midline location of the jaw and equal contraction
during mastication

CN VII: No facial asymmetry. Facial muscle is normal and equal bilaterally

CN VIII: Hearing is intact bilaterally

CN IX, X: The palate and uvula elevate symmetrically, with normal voice. Intact gag reflex

CN XI: Shoulder shrug and head turning is strong and equal bilaterally. No fasciculation.

CN XII: (+) Tongue deviation to the right and move symetrically. No atrophy

Motor: Good muscle bulk and tone. Strength 5/5 throughout. 

Cerebellar: Rapid alternating movements, point to point movement intact. Gait stable

Sensory: Pinprick, light touch, position sense intact


Blood Chemistry (05/03/2022)

Creatinine: 117umol/L (HIGH)

Total cholesterol: 6.04mmol/L (HIGH)

BUA: 512 umol/L (HIGH)

GFR: 56.4ml/min

A> 1.CVD

2. Hypertension-controlled

2. Hyperuricemia

P> Laboratory:

1. CT scan with contrast 

Continue maintenance medications:

1.Atorvastatin 20mg/tab once a day

2. Amlodipine 5mg/tab, once a day

3.Febuxostat 80mg/tab 1x a day

To come back with laboratory result


PGI Garcia/Dr. Mojica


Came in for check up

Chief complaint: Headache from head injury x 5 months, with occasional dizziness.
Characterized as pulsating, PRS 7/10. No fever, no vomiting. No medications taken.

HPI: 5 months prior to consult, patient had head trauma

NOI: Alleged head trauma from falling debri

POI: San roque, Samar

TOI: 10:00am

DOI: 1st week of December 2022

Past Medical history unremarkable

Non diabetic, non-hypertensive

No known allergies to food and drinks

Family history unremarkable


Patient works as a construction foreman

Non smoker, Alcoholic beverage drinker


Patient was examined sitting, alert, conscious, coherent, and conversant, not in cardiorespiratory
distress, oriented to time, place and person.

Vital signs:

BP: 140/100
HR: 102 bpm

RR: 18 cpm

O2sat: 98%

The patient has stable vital signs and essentially normal physical examination.


Skin: warm, dry with good skin turgor fair in color. No rashes, no active lesions, no cyanosis, no

Nails: with good capillary refill of <2 seconds. No clubbing, no breaks, no ridges


Head: Normocephalic. (+) Tenderness upon palpation. symmetric with no lesions. Hair is black
in color, fine with equal distribution, no alopecia, no lice infestation, with dandruff, no breaks,
no tenderness, no active lesions

Eyes: Non-sunken eyes, pale palpebral conjunctivae, anicteric sclerae, pupils are equally reactive
to light and accommodation

Ears: symmetric, aligned with lateral canthus of eyes, no tenderness, no impacted cerumen, no
abnormal discharges, no hearing impairment

Mouth and Throat: no dentures, buccal mucosa is moist and pinkish. Lips are pinkish and oral
mucosa is moist.

Uvula and tonsils: midline, no tonsilopharyngeal congestion

NECK: Trachea is at midline; thyroid gland is non-palpable. Thyroid cartilage moves upward
upon deglutition, with no palpable and tender cervical lymph nodes, no visible pulsation, ROM

BREASTS: No discoloration, nipples are everted, no discharges, no palpable lymph nodes, no

lumps, no tenderness


Inspection: No retractions, no apparent respiratory distress

Palpation: symmetric expansion, no tenderness

Percussion: resonant on all lung field

Auscultation: clear breath sounds


Inspection: adynamic heart, no precordial bulging

Palpation: PMI is not measured, adynamic apex precordium, carotid pulse is brisk and sharp, and
synchronous with apex pulsations. No thrills, no heaves

Auscultation: Radial pulse is synchronous with heart sounds, with regular rate and rhythm, no


Inspection: Umbilicus everted, no visible veins nor lesions.

Auscultation: Normoactive bowel sounds

Palpation: No organomegaly, no palpable masses

GUT: No discharges, no voiding problems.

EXTREMITIES: Symmetric, equal in length and size on both sides, no edema, no cyanosis, no

BACK and SPINE: no abnormal deviations,(+) Lumbosacral Pain, PRS 7/10, no visible bulging,
no redness (-) Inflammation. No CVA tenderness;

NEUROLOGIC: no neurologic deficit


A> Head injury

P> Laboratory:

1. Ct scan of the head with contrast

2. Creatinine


1. Celecoxib 200mg/tab 2x a day for pain

To come back with laboratory result


PGI Garcia/Dr. Mojica


Came in for check up

Chief complaint: Right knee pain x 4 months, skin lesions x 2 years

History of Present Illness: 

PROBLEM #1: Right knee pain

4 months prior to consult, (+) right knee pain, aggravated by walking, PRS of 3/10, temporarily
relived by pain reliever.

Interim, still with right knee pain temporarily relived by pain reliever.

Due to persistence of symptoms, sought consult to our center.

Problem #2: Skin lesion

2 years prior to consult (+) itchy skin lesion on both thenar eminence, self medicated with topical
ointment which afforded temporary relief. No medications taken. No consult done.

Interim, persistence of symptom.

Past Medical history unremarkable

Hypertensive with maintenance medications of Amlodipine 10mg/tab once a day and Losartan
50mg/tab 1 tab once a day

No known allergies to food and medications

With family history of hypertension, DM


Patient works as a housewife

Non smoker, alcoholic beverage drinker


Patient was examined sitting, alert, conscious, coherent, and conversant, not in cardiorespiratory
distress, oriented to time, place and person.

Vital signs:

BP: 150/110mmHg

HR: 98 bpm

RR: 20 cpm

O2sat: 99%

Temp: 36.7

Weight: 90.2kg

Height: 5'2

BMI: 36.4 (Obesity)

The patient has stable vital signs and essentially normal physical examination.


Skin: (+) lichenification on both thenar eminence, warm, dry with good skin turgor fair in color.
No rashes, no cyanosis, no edema

Nails: with good capillary refill of <2 seconds. No clubbing, no breaks, no ridges


Head: Normocephalic. Atraumatic, symmetric with no lesions, tenderness, and breaks. Hair is
black in color, fine with equal distribution, no alopecia, no lice infestation, with dandruff, no
breaks, no tenderness, no active lesions

Eyes: Non-sunken eyes, pale palpebral conjunctivae, anicteric sclerae, pupils are equally reactive
to light and accommodation
Ears: symmetric, aligned with lateral canthus of eyes, no tenderness, no impacted cerumen, no
abnormal discharges, no hearing impairment

Mouth and Throat: no dentures, buccal mucosa is moist and pinkish. Lips are pinkish and oral
mucosa is moist.

Uvula and tonsils: midline, no tonsilopharyngeal congestion

NECK: Trachea is at midline; thyroid gland is non-palpable. Thyroid cartilage moves upward
upon deglutition, with no palpable and tender cervical lymph nodes, no visible pulsation, ROM

BREASTS: No discoloration, nipples are everted, no discharges, no palpable lymph nodes, no

lumps, no tenderness


Inspection: No retractions, no apparent respiratory distress

Palpation: symmetric expansion, no tenderness

Percussion: resonant on all lung field

Auscultation: clear breath sounds


Inspection: adynamic heart, no precordial bulging

Palpation: PMI is not measured, adynamic apex precordium, carotid pulse is brisk and sharp, and
synchronous with apex pulsations. No thrills, no heaves

Auscultation: Radial pulse is synchronous with heart sounds, with regular rate and rhythm, no


Inspection: Umbilicus everted, no visible veins nor lesions.

Auscultation: Normoactive bowel sounds

Palpation: No organomegaly, no palpable masses

GUT: No discharges, no voiding problems.

EXTREMITIES: Symmetric, equal in length and size on both sides, no edema, no cyanosis, no

BACK and SPINE: no abnormal deviations, no visible bulging, no redness (-) Inflammation. No
CVA tenderness;

NEUROLOGIC: no neurologic deficit

A> T/C Arthritis


P> Laboratory examination:

1. Lipid profile
2. FBS
3. BUA
4. Creatinine


1. Betamethasone+Gentamicin+Clotrimazole ointment apply 2x a day for 7 days

To come back once with laboratory result



S> (+) 3 days yellowish watery stool, 3-4x per day
(+) Generalized abdominal pain, cramping 
1 day (+) low grade fever relieved by Paracetamol
Past medical history and family history unremarkable
Fully vaccinated
O> BP : 120/70mmHg, HR: 87bpm, RR: 15cpm
Full and equal pulses
A> Acute gastroenteritis
P> Lab exam: CBC, UA and stool exam
1. Erceflora neb 1 neb TID
2. HNBB 10mg/tab 1 tablet TID
3. Oresol sachet dissolve 200ml per bout of stool or as needed
> To come back once with lab result


S> Came in for checkup

Chief complaint: Abdominal pain x 7 days, diarrhea x 3 days, vomiting x 3 days, fever x 3 days

History of Present Illness:

7 days prior to consult (+) Generalized abdominal pain, characterized as cramping, PRS 7/10,
self medicated with Loperamide which gave temporary relief. Associated with loose watery stool
diarrhea, vomiting and fever. No other medications taken, no consult done.

Persistence of symptoms prompted patient for consult

Past Medical history unremarkable

Non diabetic, non-hypertensive

No known allergies to food and drinks

With family history of hypertension


Patient works as a laundry woman

Non smoker, alcoholic beverage drinker



Patient was examined sitting, alert, conscious, coherent, and conversant, not in cardiorespiratory
distress, oriented to time, place and person.

Vital signs:

BP: 120/80

HR: 97 bpm

RR: 24 cpm

O2sat: 97%

The patient has stable vital signs and essentially normal physical examination.


Skin: warm, dry with poor skin turgor fair in color. No rashes, no active lesions, no cyanosis, no

Nails: with prolonged capillary refill of >2 seconds. No clubbing, no breaks, no ridges


Head: Normocephalic. Atraumatic, symmetric with no lesions, tenderness, and breaks. Hair is
black in color, fine with equal distribution, no alopecia, no lice infestation, with dandruff, no
breaks, no tenderness, no active lesions

Eyes: Sunken eyes, pale palpebral conjunctivae, anicteric sclerae, pupils are equally reactive to
light and accommodation

Ears: symmetric, aligned with lateral canthus of eyes, no tenderness, no impacted cerumen, no
abnormal discharges, no hearing impairment

Mouth and Throat: no dentures, buccal mucosa is moist and pinkish. Lips are pinkish and oral
mucosa is moist.

Uvula and tonsils: midline, no tonsilopharyngeal congestion

NECK: Trachea is at midline; thyroid gland is non-palpable. Thyroid cartilage moves upward
upon deglutition, with no palpable and tender cervical lymph nodes, no visible pulsation, ROM

BREASTS: No discoloration, nipples are everted, no discharges, no palpable lymph nodes, no

lumps, no tenderness


Inspection: No retractions, no apparent respiratory distress

Palpation: symmetric expansion, no tenderness

Percussion: resonant on all lung field

Auscultation: clear breath sounds


Inspection: adynamic heart, no precordial bulging

Palpation: PMI is not measured, adynamic apex precordium, carotid pulse is brisk and sharp, and
synchronous with apex pulsations. No thrills, no heaves

Auscultation: Radial pulse is synchronous with heart sounds, with regular rate and rhythm, no


Inspection: Umbilicus everted, no visible veins nor lesions.

Auscultation: Normoactive bowel sounds

Palpation: No organomegaly, no palpable masses

GUT: No discharges, no voiding problems.

EXTREMITIES: Symmetric, equal in length and size on both sides, no edema, no cyanosis, no

BACK and SPINE: no abnormal deviations, no visible bulging, no redness (-) Inflammation. No
CVA tenderness;

NEUROLOGIC: no neurologic deficit

A> Acute gadtroenteritis

P> Laboratory examination:

1. CBC
2. Fecalysis


1. Erceflora neb 1 neb TID

2. Racecadotril 100mg/cap TID
3. Oresol sachet dissolve 200ml per bout of stool or as needed

To come back with laboratory result


S> Came in for checkup
Chief complaint: Protruding anal mass x 3 months
History of present illness:
3 months prior to consult, (+) protruding anal mass, painless upon palpation and straining, reducible.
Occasional blood on stool
Past Medical history unremarkable
Non diabetic, non-hypertensive
No known allergies to food and drinks
With family history of hypertension
Patient works as a market vendor
Non smoker, non alcoholic beverage drinker
Patient was examined sitting, alert, conscious, coherent, and conversant, not in cardiorespiratory distress,
oriented to time, place and person.
Vital signs:
BP: 100/70
HR: 81 bpm
RR: 23 cpm
O2sat: 98%
The patient has stable vital signs and essentially normal physical examination.
Skin: warm, dry with good skin turgor fair in color. No rashes, no active lesions, no cyanosis, no edema
Nails: with good capillary refill of <2 seconds. No clubbing, no breaks, no ridges
Head: Normocephalic. Atraumatic, symmetric with no lesions, tenderness, and breaks. Hair is black in color,
fine with equal distribution, no alopecia, no lice infestation, with dandruff, no breaks, no tenderness, no active
Eyes: Non-sunken eyes, pale palpebral conjunctivae, anicteric sclerae, pupils are equally reactive to light and
Ears: symmetric, aligned with lateral canthus of eyes, no tenderness, no impacted cerumen, no abnormal
discharges, no hearing impairment
Mouth and Throat: no dentures, buccal mucosa is moist and pinkish. Lips are pinkish and oral mucosa is moist.
Uvula and tonsils: midline, no tonsilopharyngeal congestion
NECK: Trachea is at midline; thyroid gland is non-palpable. Thyroid cartilage moves upward upon deglutition,
with no palpable and tender cervical lymph nodes, no visible pulsation, ROM unimpaired
BREASTS: No discoloration, nipples are everted, no discharges, no palpable lymph nodes, no lumps, no
Inspection: No retractions, no apparent respiratory distress
Palpation: symmetric expansion, no tenderness
Percussion: resonant on all lung field
Auscultation: clear breath sounds
Inspection: adynamic heart, no precordial bulging
Palpation: PMI is not measured, adynamic apex precordium, carotid pulse is brisk and sharp, and synchronous
with apex pulsations. No thrills, no heaves
Auscultation: Radial pulse is synchronous with heart sounds, with regular rate and rhythm, no murmurs
Inspection: Umbilicus everted, no visible veins nor lesions.
Auscultation: Normoactive bowel sounds
Palpation: No organomegaly, no palpable masses 
GUT: No discharges, no voiding problems.
Digital Rectal Exam: Good sphincteric tone, (+) painless protruding mass, reducible, brownish fecl matter on
examining finger, smooth mucosal walls
EXTREMITIES: Symmetric, equal in length and size on both sides, no edema, no cyanosis, no deformities.
BACK and SPINE: no abnormal deviations, no visible bulging, no redness (-) Inflammation. No CVA
NEUROLOGIC: no neurologic deficit
A> Internal hemorrhoids, grade 2
P> Medications:
1. Bismuth subgallate 2g, menthol 1g, Menthol 1g, Zinc Oxide 8g, Calcium carbonate 5g,
ROWATANAL CREAM, apply on affected area 3x a day after defecation
Advise to do hot sitz bath
S> Came in for checkup 

Chief complaint: Dizziness x 1 year

1 year prior to consult: (+) onset of dizziness, lasts for a few seconds to minutes, triggered by
sudden head movements changes, alleviated by rest, self medicated with pain reliever. 

(+) throbbing headache PRS 6/10, radiates in a band like fashion bilaterally from forehead to

(+) nausea and vomiting

(+) tinnitus

Past Medical history unremarkable

Non diabetic, non-hypertensive

No known allergies to food and drinks

With family history of hypertension


Patient works as a supervisor at a fuel refilling station

Non smoker, alcoholic beverage drinker


Patient was examined sitting, alert, conscious, coherent, and conversant, not in cardiorespiratory
distress, oriented to time, place and person.

Vital signs:

BP: 110/70

HR: 74 bpm

RR: 23 cpm
O2sat: 99%

The patient has stable vital signs and essentially normal physical examination.


Skin: warm, dry with good skin turgor fair in color. No rashes, no active lesions, no cyanosis, no

Nails: with good capillary refill of <2 seconds. No clubbing, no breaks, no ridges


Head: Normocephalic. Atraumatic, symmetric with no lesions, tenderness, and breaks. Hair is
black in color, fine with equal distribution, no alopecia, no lice infestation, with dandruff, no
breaks, no tenderness, no active lesions

Eyes: Non-sunken eyes, pale palpebral conjunctivae, anicteric sclerae, pupils are equally reactive
to light and accommodation

Ears: symmetric, aligned with lateral canthus of eyes, no tenderness, no impacted cerumen, no
abnormal discharges, no hearing impairment

Mouth and Throat: no dentures, buccal mucosa is moist and pinkish. Lips are pinkish and oral
mucosa is moist.

Uvula and tonsils: midline, no tonsilopharyngeal congestion

NECK: Trachea is at midline; thyroid gland is non-palpable. Thyroid cartilage moves upward
upon deglutition, with no palpable and tender cervical lymph nodes, no visible pulsation, ROM

BREASTS: No discoloration, nipples are everted, no discharges, no palpable lymph nodes, no

lumps, no tenderness


Inspection: No retractions, no apparent respiratory distress

Palpation: symmetric expansion, no tenderness

Percussion: resonant on all lung field

Auscultation: clear breath sounds


Inspection: adynamic heart, no precordial bulging

Palpation: PMI is not measured, adynamic apex precordium, carotid pulse is brisk and sharp, and
synchronous with apex pulsations. No thrills, no heaves

Auscultation: Radial pulse is synchronous with heart sounds, with regular rate and rhythm, no


Inspection: Umbilicus everted, no visible veins nor lesions.

Auscultation: Normoactive bowel sounds

Palpation: No organomegaly, no palpable masses

GUT: No discharges, no voiding problems.

EXTREMITIES: Symmetric, equal in length and size on both sides, no edema, no cyanosis, no

BACK and SPINE: no abnormal deviations, no visible bulging, no redness (-) Inflammation. No
CVA tenderness;

NEUROLOGIC: no neurologic deficit

A> Vertigo
P> Medications:

1. Betahistine 16mg/tab 3x a day for 5 days



Chief Complaint: Numbness of lower extremities x 1 month


1 month prior to consultation, (+) numbness of lower extremeties, with associated occasional
joint pains. Relieved by massage. No associated symptoms such as fever, vomiting or diarrhea.
No history of trauma. No medications, no consult done.

Persistence of symptoms prompted consult


Patient was examined sitting, alert, conscious, coherent, and conversant, not in cardiorespiratory
distress, oriented to time, place and person.

Vital signs:

BP: 140/80

HR: 99 bpm

RR: 20 cpm

O2sat: 99%

Temp: 36.9

The patient has stable vital signs and essentially normal physical examination.


Skin: warm, dry with good skin turgor fair in color. No rashes, no active lesions, no cyanosis, no

Nails: with good capillary refill of <2 seconds. No clubbing, no breaks, no ridges


Head: Normocephalic. Atraumatic, symmetric with no lesions, tenderness, and breaks. Hair is
black in color, fine with equal distribution, no alopecia, no lice infestation, with dandruff, no
breaks, no tenderness, no active lesions

Eyes: Non-sunken eyes, pale palpebral conjunctivae, anicteric sclerae, pupils are equally reactive
to light and accommodation

Ears: symmetric, aligned with lateral canthus of eyes, no tenderness, no impacted cerumen, no
abnormal discharges, no hearing impairment

Mouth and Throat: no dentures, buccal mucosa is moist and pinkish. Lips are pinkish and oral
mucosa is moist.

Uvula and tonsils: midline, no tonsilopharyngeal congestion

NECK: Trachea is at midline; thyroid gland is non-palpable. Thyroid cartilage moves upward
upon deglutition, with no palpable and tender cervical lymph nodes, no visible pulsation, ROM

BREASTS: No discoloration, nipples are everted, no discharges, no palpable lymph nodes, no

lumps, no tenderness


Inspection: No retractions, no apparent respiratory distress

Palpation: symmetric expansion, no tenderness

Percussion: resonant on all lung field

Auscultation: clear breath sounds


Inspection: adynamic heart, no precordial bulging

Palpation: PMI is not measured, adynamic apex precordium, carotid pulse is brisk and sharp, and
synchronous with apex pulsations. No thrills, no heaves
Auscultation: Radial pulse is synchronous with heart sounds, with regular rate and rhythm, no


Inspection: Umbilicus everted, no visible veins nor lesions.

Auscultation: Normoactive bowel sounds

Palpation: No organomegaly, no palpable masses

GUT: No discharges, no voiding problems.

EXTREMITIES: Symmetric, equal in length and size on both sides, no edema, no cyanosis, no

BACK and SPINE: no abnormal deviations,no visible bulging, no redness (-) Inflammation. No
CVA tenderness;

NEUROLOGIC: no neurologic deficit


Polyneuropathy T/C Diabetes Mellitus



Laboratory examination:

1. Lipid profile
2. BUA
3. Creatinine
4. FBS
6. CBC
7. Urinalysis


1. Vitamin B complex tab 1 tablet once a day

To come back once with lab result



Chief Complaint: Numbness of extremities x 4 months


4 months prior to consultation, (+) numbness of extremeties, (+) occasional cough with
yellowish phlegm (+) weight loss approx 8 kilos in 2 months.(+) joint pains. No associated
symptoms such as fever, vomiting or diarrhea.No medications taken, no consult done.

1 day prior to consultation, still with persistence of symptoms. Patient had CBG of 257mg/dl
hence consultation


Patient was examined sitting, alert, conscious, coherent, and conversant, not in cardiorespiratory
distress, oriented to time, place and person.

Vital signs:

BP: 100/70

HR: 97 bpm

RR: 20 cpm

O2sat: 99%

Temp: 36.7

Weight: 50.4 kg

Height: 5'2

BMI: 20.3 (Normal)

The patient has stable vital signs and essentially normal physical examination.


Skin: warm, dry with good skin turgor fair in color. No rashes, no active lesions, no cyanosis, no

Nails: with good capillary refill of <2 seconds. No clubbing, no breaks, no ridges


Head: Normocephalic. Atraumatic, symmetric with no lesions, tenderness, and breaks. Hair is
black in color, fine with equal distribution, no alopecia, no lice infestation, with dandruff, no
breaks, no tenderness, no active lesions

Eyes: Non-sunken eyes, pale palpebral conjunctivae, anicteric sclerae, pupils are equally reactive
to light and accommodation

Ears: symmetric, aligned with lateral canthus of eyes, no tenderness, no impacted cerumen, no
abnormal discharges, no hearing impairment

Mouth and Throat: no dentures, buccal mucosa is moist and pinkish. Lips are pinkish and oral
mucosa is moist.

Uvula and tonsils: midline, no tonsilopharyngeal congestion

NECK: Trachea is at midline; thyroid gland is non-palpable. Thyroid cartilage moves upward
upon deglutition, with no palpable and tender cervical lymph nodes, no visible pulsation, ROM

BREASTS: No discoloration, nipples are everted, no discharges, no palpable lymph nodes, no

lumps, no tenderness


Inspection: No retractions, no apparent respiratory distress

Palpation: symmetric expansion, no tenderness

Percussion: resonant on all lung field

Auscultation: clear breath sounds


Inspection: adynamic heart, no precordial bulging

Palpation: PMI is not measured, adynamic apex precordium, carotid pulse is brisk and sharp, and
synchronous with apex pulsations. No thrills, no heaves

Auscultation: Radial pulse is synchronous with heart sounds, with regular rate and rhythm, no


Inspection: Umbilicus everted, no visible veins nor lesions.

Auscultation: Normoactive bowel sounds

Palpation: No organomegaly, no palpable masses

GUT: No discharges, no voiding problems.

EXTREMITIES: Symmetric, equal in length and size on both sides, no edema, no cyanosis, no

BACK and SPINE: no abnormal deviations,no visible bulging, no redness (-) Inflammation. No
CVA tenderness;

NEUROLOGIC: no neurologic deficit

Polyneuropathy T/C Diabetes Mellitus



Laboratory examination:

1. Lipid profile
2. BUA
3. Creatinine
4. FBS
6. CBC
7. Urinalysis
8. NaKCl


1. Vitamin B complex tab 1 tablet once a day

Continue maintenance medication of Amlodipine 10mg/tab once a day

To come back once with lab result


Past Medical history unremarkable

(+) Hypertensive with maintenance medication of Amlodipine 10mg/tab once a day, with good
compliance to medications

No known allergies to food and drinks

With family history of hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus


Patient works as a supervisor at City Engineers Office

(+) Smoker, 18.5 pack years

(+) Alcoholic beverage drinker, consumes 2 L/day


Chief Complaint: Body malaise x 1 month


1 month prior to consult, (+) body malaise, (+) occasional headache no other associated
symptoms, no medications taken. 

Persistence of symptom prompt consult


Patient was examined sitting, alert, conscious, coherent, and conversant, not in cardiorespiratory
distress, oriented to time, place and person.

Vital signs:

BP: 160/90

HR: 105 bpm

RR: 20 cpm

O2sat: 99%

Temp: 36.7

Weight: 67.7 kg

Height: 5'2

BMI: 27.3 (Normal)

The patient has stable vital signs and essentially normal physical examination.


Skin: warm, dry with good skin turgor fair in color. No rashes, no active lesions, no cyanosis, no

Nails: with good capillary refill of <2 seconds. No clubbing, no breaks, no ridges


Head: Normocephalic. Atraumatic, symmetric with no lesions, tenderness, and breaks. Hair is
black in color, fine with equal distribution, no alopecia, no lice infestation, with dandruff, no
breaks, no tenderness, no active lesions

Eyes: Non-sunken eyes, pale palpebral conjunctivae, anicteric sclerae, pupils are equally reactive
to light and accommodation

Ears: symmetric, aligned with lateral canthus of eyes, no tenderness, no impacted cerumen, no
abnormal discharges, no hearing impairment

Mouth and Throat: no dentures, buccal mucosa is moist and pinkish. Lips are pinkish and oral
mucosa is moist.

Uvula and tonsils: midline, no tonsilopharyngeal congestion

NECK: Trachea is at midline; thyroid gland is non-palpable. Thyroid cartilage moves upward
upon deglutition, with no palpable and tender cervical lymph nodes, no visible pulsation, ROM

BREASTS: No discoloration, nipples are everted, no discharges, no palpable lymph nodes, no

lumps, no tenderness


Inspection: No retractions, no apparent respiratory distress

Palpation: symmetric expansion, no tenderness

Percussion: resonant on all lung field

Auscultation: clear breath sounds



Inspection: adynamic heart, no precordial bulging

Palpation: PMI is not measured, adynamic apex precordium, carotid pulse is brisk and sharp, and
synchronous with apex pulsations. No thrills, no heaves

Auscultation: Radial pulse is synchronous with heart sounds, with regular rate and rhythm, no


Inspection: Umbilicus everted, no visible veins nor lesions.

Auscultation: Normoactive bowel sounds

Palpation: No organomegaly, no palpable masses

GUT: No discharges, no voiding problems.

EXTREMITIES: Symmetric, equal in length and size on both sides, no edema, no cyanosis, no

BACK and SPINE: no abnormal deviations,no visible bulging, no redness (-) Inflammation. No
CVA tenderness;

NEUROLOGIC: no neurologic deficit


T/C Anemia

Hypertension Stage 2


Give Losartan+Amlodipine 50/5mg 1 tab now, recheck BP after 15 mins

Laboratory examination:

1. CBC
2. Lipid profile
3. FBS
4. BUA
5. Creatinine
7. Urinalysis
8. Na, K, Cl


1. Ferrous Sulfate + Iron tablet, 1 tablet once a day

2. Losartan+Amlodpine 50/5mg/tab 1 tab once a day at bedtime
3. Atorvastatin 20mg/tab, 1 tab once a day for bedtime

To come back once with lab result



Chief Complaint: Abdominal enlargement x 1 month, abdominal pain x 3 days


1 month prior to consult, (+) sudden onset abdominal enlargement. No other associated
symptoms. No medications taken. No consult done

3 days prior to consult, (+) generalized abdominal pain, nonradiating, characterized as cramping,
PRS 7/10. No medications taken, no consult done.

Persistence of symptom prompt consult


Patient was examined sitting, alert, conscious, coherent, and conversant, not in cardiorespiratory
distress, oriented to time, place and person.

Vital signs:

BP: 120/90

HR: 134 bpm

RR: 23 cpm

O2sat: 98%

Temp: 36.8

Weight:58.4 kg

Height: 5'0
BMI: 24.6 (Normal)

The patient has stable vital signs and essentially normal physical examination.


Skin: warm, dry with good skin turgor fair in color. No rashes, no active lesions, no cyanosis, no

Nails: with good capillary refill of <2 seconds. No clubbing, no breaks, no ridges


Head: Normocephalic. Atraumatic, symmetric with no lesions, tenderness, and breaks. Hair is
black in color, fine with equal distribution, no alopecia, no lice infestation, with dandruff, no
breaks, no tenderness, no active lesions

Eyes: Non-sunken eyes, pale palpebral conjunctivae, anicteric sclerae, pupils are equally reactive
to light and accommodation

Ears: symmetric, aligned with lateral canthus of eyes, no tenderness, no impacted cerumen, no
abnormal discharges, no hearing impairment

Mouth and Throat: no dentures, buccal mucosa is moist and pinkish. Lips are pinkish and oral
mucosa is moist.

Uvula and tonsils: midline, no tonsilopharyngeal congestion

NECK: Trachea is at midline; thyroid gland is non-palpable. Thyroid cartilage moves upward
upon deglutition, with no palpable and tender cervical lymph nodes, no visible pulsation, ROM

BREASTS: No discoloration, nipples are everted, no discharges, no palpable lymph nodes, no

lumps, no tenderness


Inspection: No retractions, no apparent respiratory distress

Palpation: symmetric expansion, no tenderness

Percussion: resonant on all lung field

Auscultation: clear breath sounds


Inspection: adynamic heart, no precordial bulging

Palpation: PMI is not measured, adynamic apex precordium, carotid pulse is brisk and sharp, and
synchronous with apex pulsations. No thrills, no heaves

Auscultation: Radial pulse is synchronous with heart sounds, with regular rate and rhythm, no


Inspection: (+) Globular abdomen, 31inches,  Umbilicus everted, no visible veins nor lesions.

Auscultation: Normoactive bowel sounds

Palpation: Firm, tender upon palpation

GUT: No discharges, no voiding problems.

EXTREMITIES: Symmetric, equal in length and size on both sides, no edema, no cyanosis, no

BACK and SPINE: no abnormal deviations,no visible bulging, no redness (-) Inflammation. No
CVA tenderness;

NEUROLOGIC: no neurologic deficit

Massive Ascites, etiology to be determined


Laboratory examination:

1. Whole abdomimanl UTZ


1. Paracetamol+Tramadol 37.5/325mg/tab 1 tab 3x a day for pain

To come back once with lab result

Alimangohan, Anacorita, 70/Female

CC: Abdominal Pain; (+) Knee joint pains


HPI: 2 months prior to consult, patient noted Episgastric pain, Radiating to RUQ, sharp, burning in
character, with PRS of 7/10. Triggered by hunger and relieved by food intake.

2 days prior to consult, patient still noted epigastric pain, now associated with loose bowel movement.
Occassional right knee joint pains was also noted. Patient was already worked-up, hence follow- up
check up.

ROS: (+) Epigastric pains, (+) right knee joint pain, no fever

Objective : Seen awake, conscious, ambulatory, not in cardiorespiratory distress

BP: 130/80 HR:83 RR: 20 T: 36.7 C SPO2: 97 %

Skin smooth, warm with good skin turgor, no rashes, no hematoma

HEENT:Head: Head normocephalic, symmetrical facial features

Eyes: anicteric sclerae, pink palpebral conjunctiva

Ears: No tenderness or discharges

Nose: Septum at midline, no tenderness or discharges

Mouth: Moist oral cavity, Pink gums, no bleeding or ulcers

Neck and throat: no cervical lymphadenopathies

CHEST AND LUNGS: Symmetric lung expansion, Clear breath sounds

HEART AND CVS: Adynamic precordium, NRRR, no heaves or thrills, no murmurs

ABDOMEN: Soft, flabby, (+) Epigastric tenderness, no masses

BACK & SPINE: Symmetrical with no masses, no tenderness

EXTREMITIES: Full equal pulses, no clubbing or cyanosis, no edema, CRT <2 s


BUA: 533.20

FBS: 6:13

ECG: Sinus rhthym, Normal axis, no ischemic changes, no chamber enlargment

2D Echo: Concentric LV remodeling; Normal systolic function; mild diastolic dysfucntion; Mitral and
Aortic vavle stenosis; Physiologic mitral and Tricuspid and Pulmonic regurgitation; Atherematous Aorta;
Normal pulmonary pressure.

A: Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease (HCVD)(I11) Hypertensive heart disease ; T2DM - controlled;


P: Fecalysis; repeat BUA;

Continue present medications:

Losartan 100 mg tab OD

Metformin 500 mg tab TID

Febuxostat 40 mg OD

Dr. Monge/ PGI Tamayo

PMHx: (+) DM maintained on Metformin 500 mg OD,

(+)HPN maintained on Losartan 100 mg OD

2014: Heart problem (Diagnosis unknown): Maintained on Aspirin

Family Hx: HPN & DM (maternal), Heart Disease (Siblings)

Psychosocial: Non-alcoholic beverage drinker, Non-smoker, With a smoker family member, Usual diet:
Fish, Rice and Vegetables

With laboratory result

Came in for followup checkup

Chief Complaint:

Occasional epigastric pain x 3 months


3 months prior to consult, (+) epigastric pain, consulted at a polyclinic at Ormoc City, laboratory
exam done and was diagnosed with Cholelithiasis, with take home medications of
Ursodeoxycholic Acid 250mg/cap 1 capsule 3x a day, Liverprime capsule 1 capsule 2x/a day,
and Melatonin 3mg/cap 1 capsule one a day at bedtime. With poor compliance to medication but
opted to self medicate with various herbal supplements.

Interim, (+) Occasional epigastric pain and occasional joint pains prompted consult

ROS: (+) Epigastric pains, (+) joint pains, no weight loss, no fever


Seen awake, conscious, ambulatory, not in cardiorespiratory distress

BP: 120/70 HR:83  RR: 20 T: 36.7 C SPO2: 97 %

Weight: 62kg
Skin smooth, warm with good skin turgor, no rashes, no hematoma

HEENT:Head: Head normocephalic, symmetrical facial features

Eyes: anicteric sclerae, pink palpebral conjunctiva

Ears: No tenderness or discharges

Nose: Septum at midline, no tenderness or discharges

Mouth: Moist oral cavity, Pink gums, no bleeding or ulcers

Neck and throat: no cervical lymphadenopathies

CHEST AND LUNGS: Symmetric lung expansion, Clear breath sounds

HEART AND CVS: Adynamic precordium, NRRR, no heaves or thrills, no murmurs

ABDOMEN: Soft, flabby, no masses

BACK & SPINE: Symmetrical with no masses, no tenderness

EXTREMITIES:  Full equal pulses, no clubbing or cyanosis, no edema, CRT <2 s

NEUROLOGIC: No neurologic deficit

Short Geriatric Screen Score: Low Risk


Blood Chemistry (2/14/2022)

ALT- 31.39 (High)

BUA- 375.58 umol/L (High)

Whole Abdomen Ultrasound (02/10/2022)







1. Urodeoxycholic acid 300mg/cap, 1 capsule 3x a day

2. Febuxostat 40mg/tab, 1 tablet once a day for 14 days

Refer to Surgery Department for further evaluation and management of Cholelithiasis

Advise limiting intake of herbal supplements


Dr. Mojica/ PGI Garcia



(+) Cholelithiasis diagnosed last Feb 2022, poor compliance to prescribed medications

Family Hx: Unremarkable

Psychosocial: Non-alcoholic beverage drinker, Non-smoker 

Usual diet: Fish, Rice and Vegetables, fatty foods



With laboratory result

Came in for checkup

Chief Complaint:

Shoulder pain x 2 weeks


2 weeks prior to consult, alleged trauma from falling debri

NOI: Alleged trauma from falling debri

POI: Linao, Ormoc city

DOI: May 26, 2022

TOI: 3pm

Consulted at nearest hospital, laboratory exam taken with take home medications of Diclofenac
Sodium and Vitamin B complex

Interim, (+) shoulder pain, left (+) epigastric pain hence consult

ROS: (+) Epigastric pain, (+) shoulder pain, no weight loss, no fever


Seen awake, conscious, ambulatory, not in cardiorespiratory distress

BP: 190/60 HR:70  RR: 22 T: 36.7 C SPO2: 98 %

Weight: 38kg

Skin smooth, warm with good skin turgor, no rashes, no hematoma

HEENT:Head: Head normocephalic, symmetrical facial features

Eyes: anicteric sclerae, pink palpebral conjunctiva

Ears: No tenderness or discharges

Nose: Septum at midline, no tenderness or discharges

Mouth: Moist oral cavity, Pink gums, no bleeding or ulcers

Neck and throat: no cervical lymphadenopathies

CHEST AND LUNGS: Symmetric lung expansion, Clear breath sounds

HEART AND CVS: Adynamic precordium, NRRR, no heaves or thrills, no murmurs

ABDOMEN: Soft, flabby, no masses

BACK & SPINE: Symmetrical with no masses, no tenderness

EXTREMITIES:  (+) Limited ROM on left arm, Full equal pulses, no clubbing or cyanosis, no
edema, CRT <2 s

NEUROLOGIC: No neurologic deficit

Short Geriatric Screen Score: Low Risk


Complete fracture of left clavicle


Refer to Orthopedic Department for further evaluation and management of fracture


Dr. Mojica/ PGI Garcia




(+) BPH 2000 (Resolved)

Family Hx: Unremarkable


(+) Alcoholic beverage drinker

Tobacco smoker, 51 pack years

Usual diet: Fish, Rice and Vegetables



Chief Complaint: Productive cough x 2 weeks


2 weeks prior to consult, (+) productive cough with whitish phlegm, (+) occasional chest pain
when coughing, no fever, no weight loss. Admitted at City Hospital for 6 days and was
diagnosed with Pneumonia. Xpert MTB not detected, chest xray revealed unsettled and hazy
densities. With take home medications of Co-Amoxiclav for 7 days and Azinomycin for 2 more
days. With good compliance to medication. 

Persistence of symptoms prompted consult


Patient was examined sitting, alert, conscious, coherent, and conversant, not in cardiorespiratory
distress, oriented to time, place and person.

Vital signs:

BP: 120/90

HR: 66 bpm

RR: 20 cpm
O2sat: 98%

Temp: 36.7

Weight:59.3 kg

Height: 5'2

BMI: 23.9 (Normal)

The patient has stable vital signs and essentially normal physical examination.


Skin: warm, dry with good skin turgor fair in color. No rashes, no active lesions, no cyanosis, no

Nails: with good capillary refill of <2 seconds. No clubbing, no breaks, no ridges


Head: Normocephalic. Atraumatic, symmetric with no lesions, tenderness, and breaks. Hair is
black in color, fine with equal distribution, no alopecia, no lice infestation, with dandruff, no
breaks, no tenderness, no active lesions

Eyes: Non-sunken eyes, pale palpebral conjunctivae, anicteric sclerae, pupils are equally reactive
to light and accommodation

Ears: symmetric, aligned with lateral canthus of eyes, no tenderness, no impacted cerumen, no
abnormal discharges, no hearing impairment

Mouth and Throat: no dentures, buccal mucosa is moist and pinkish. Lips are pinkish and oral
mucosa is moist.

Uvula and tonsils: midline, no tonsilopharyngeal congestion

NECK: Trachea is at midline; thyroid gland is non-palpable. Thyroid cartilage moves upward
upon deglutition, with no palpable and tender cervical lymph nodes, no visible pulsation, ROM

BREASTS: No discoloration, nipples are everted, no discharges, no palpable lymph nodes, no

lumps, no tenderness


Inspection: No retractions, no apparent respiratory distress

Palpation: symmetric expansion, no tenderness

Percussion: resonant on all lung field

Auscultation: (+) crackles heard on both lower lungs fields


Inspection: adynamic heart, no precordial bulging

Palpation: PMI is not measured, adynamic apex precordium, carotid pulse is brisk and sharp, and
synchronous with apex pulsations. No thrills, no heaves

Auscultation: Radial pulse is synchronous with heart sounds, with regular rate and rhythm, no


Inspection: Umbilicus everted, no visible veins nor lesions.

Auscultation: Normoactive bowel sounds

Palpation: Firm, tender upon palpation

GUT: No discharges, no voiding problems.

EXTREMITIES: Symmetric, equal in length and size on both sides, no edema, no cyanosis, no

BACK and SPINE: no abnormal deviations,no visible bulging, no redness (-) Inflammation. No
CVA tenderness;

NEUROLOGIC: no neurologic deficit





1. Cefixime 200mg, 1 tablet 2x a day for 7 days 

2. Butamirate citrate 50mg/tab 1 tab 3x a day for 5 days

To come back with still with symptoms



Pneumonia (2019) 


Diabetic (05/22) with maintenance if Metformin 500mg/tab, 1tab 2x a day

Family Hx: Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus


(+) Alcoholic beverage drinker

Tobacco smoker, 42 pack years

Usual diet: Fish, Rice and Vegetables


Chief Complaint: Numbness on both upper and lower extremeties x 1 month

Epigastric pain x 1 week


1 month prior to consultation, (+) Numbness on both upper and lower extremeties, no
medications taken

1 week prior to consult, (+) epigastric pain, aggravated by hunger and after eating, non radiating,
no medications taken

Persistence of symptoms prompted consult


Patient was examined sitting, alert, conscious, coherent, and conversant, not in cardiorespiratory
distress, oriented to time, place and person.

Vital signs:

BP: 140/80

HR: 109 bpm

RR: 20 cpm

O2sat: 98%

Temp: 36.7

Weight:63 kg

Height: 5'5

BMI: 23.1 (Normal)

The patient has stable vital signs and essentially normal physical examination.

Skin: warm, dry with good skin turgor fair in color. No rashes, no active lesions, no cyanosis, no

Nails: with good capillary refill of <2 seconds. No clubbing, no breaks, no ridges


Head: Normocephalic. Atraumatic, symmetric with no lesions, tenderness, and breaks. Hair is
black in color, fine with equal distribution, no alopecia, no lice infestation, with dandruff, no
breaks, no tenderness, no active lesions

Eyes: Non-sunken eyes, pale palpebral conjunctivae, anicteric sclerae, pupils are equally reactive
to light and accommodation

Ears: symmetric, aligned with lateral canthus of eyes, no tenderness, no impacted cerumen, no
abnormal discharges, no hearing impairment

Mouth and Throat: no dentures, buccal mucosa is moist and pinkish. Lips are pinkish and oral
mucosa is moist.

Uvula and tonsils: midline, no tonsilopharyngeal congestion

NECK: Trachea is at midline; thyroid gland is non-palpable. Thyroid cartilage moves upward
upon deglutition, with no palpable and tender cervical lymph nodes, no visible pulsation, ROM

BREASTS: No discoloration, nipples are everted, no discharges, no palpable lymph nodes, no

lumps, no tenderness


Inspection: No retractions, no apparent respiratory distress

Palpation: symmetric expansion, no tenderness

Percussion: resonant on all lung field

Auscultation: Clear breath sounds

Inspection: adynamic heart, no precordial bulging

Palpation: PMI is not measured, adynamic apex precordium, carotid pulse is brisk and sharp, and
synchronous with apex pulsations. No thrills, no heaves

Auscultation: Radial pulse is synchronous with heart sounds, with regular rate and rhythm, no


Inspection: Umbilicus everted, no visible veins nor lesions.

Auscultation: Normoactive bowel sounds

Palpation: Firm, tender upon palpation

GUT: No discharges, no voiding problems.

EXTREMITIES: Symmetric, equal in length and size on both sides, no edema, no cyanosis, no

BACK and SPINE: no abnormal deviations,no visible bulging, no redness (-) Inflammation. No
CVA tenderness;

NEUROLOGIC: no neurologic deficit


Polyneuropathy T/C Diabetes Mellitus



Laboratory Examinations:

1. FBS
2. Lipid profile
3. CBC
4. Urinalysis
5. BUA
6. Lipid Profile
7. NaKCl
8. Creatinine


1. Vitamin B complex tab, 1 tab once a day

2. Sodium Alginate+Sodium Bicarbonate+Calcium Carbonate tab, 1 tab 3x a day for 5 days

To come back once with laboratory result


Jun 13, 2022 09:27


Non hypertensive

Non diabetic

Family Hx: Unremarkable

(+) Alcoholic beverage drinker

Non smoker

Usual diet: Fish, Rice and Vegetables

Chief Complaint: Inflamed nostrils left x 3 days
1 week prior to consult, (+) toothache and headache, (+) fever. Consulted at private MD, labs ordered and
unrecalled medications given. 
3 days prior to consult, (+) inflamed nostril, left, no fever, No medications taken
Persistence of symptoms hence consult
Patient was examined sitting, alert, conscious, coherent, and conversant, not in cardiorespiratory distress,
oriented to time, place and person.
Vital signs:
BP: 120/80
HR: 89 bpm
RR: 20 cpm
O2sat: 98%
Temp: 36.7
Weight:63 kg
Height: 5'5
BMI: 23.1 (Normal)
The patient has stable vital signs and essentially normal physical examination.
Skin: warm, dry with good skin turgor fair in color. No rashes, no active lesions, no cyanosis, no edema
Nails: with good capillary refill of <2 seconds. No clubbing, no breaks, no ridges
Head: Normocephalic. Atraumatic, symmetric with no lesions, tenderness, and breaks. Hair is black in color,
fine with equal distribution, no alopecia, no lice infestation, with dandruff, no breaks, no tenderness, no active
Eyes: Non-sunken eyes, pale palpebral conjunctivae, anicteric sclerae, pupils are equally reactive to light and
Ears: symmetric, aligned with lateral canthus of eyes, no tenderness, no impacted cerumen, no abnormal
discharges, no hearing impairment
Nose: Visible mass in the nostril
Mouth and Throat: no dentures, buccal mucosa is moist and pinkish. Lips are pinkish and oral mucosa is moist.
Uvula and tonsils: midline, no tonsilopharyngeal congestion
NECK: Trachea is at midline; thyroid gland is non-palpable. Thyroid cartilage moves upward upon deglutition,
with no palpable and tender cervical lymph nodes, no visible pulsation, ROM unimpaired
BREASTS: No discoloration, nipples are everted, no discharges, no palpable lymph nodes, no lumps, no
Inspection: No retractions, no apparent respiratory distress
Palpation: symmetric expansion, no tenderness
Percussion: resonant on all lung field
Auscultation: Clear breath sounds
Inspection: adynamic heart, no precordial bulging
Palpation: PMI is not measured, adynamic apex precordium, carotid pulse is brisk and sharp, and synchronous
with apex pulsations. No thrills, no heaves
Auscultation: Radial pulse is synchronous with heart sounds, with regular rate and rhythm, no murmurs
Inspection: Umbilicus everted, no visible veins nor lesions.
Auscultation: Normoactive bowel sounds
Palpation: Firm, tender upon palpation
GUT: No discharges, no voiding problems.
EXTREMITIES: Symmetric, equal in length and size on both sides, no edema, no cyanosis, no deformities.
BACK and SPINE: no abnormal deviations,no visible bulging, no redness (-) Inflammation. No CVA
NEUROLOGIC: no neurologic deficit
t/c Nasal polyp
1. Mometasone furoate monohydrate nasal spray,2 sprays each nostril 2x a day for 7 days
Refer to ENT Department for further management and evaluation of nasal polyp
To come back once with laboratory result


Chief Complaint: Epigastric pain x 1 month


1 month prior to consult, (+) epigastric pain, gnawing pain 10/10,non-radiating associated with
vomiting, (+) feeling of bloatedness, consulted with medicatons of omeprazole and ranitidine,
with temporary relief.

Persistence of symptoms prompted consult


Patient was examined sitting, alert, conscious, coherent, and conversant, not in cardiorespiratory
distress, oriented to time, place and person.

Vital signs:

BP: 90/60

HR: 88 bpm

RR: 20 cpm

O2sat: 98%

Temp: 36.5

Weight: 59.5

Height: 4'11

BMI: 26.7 (Overweight)

The patient has stable vital signs and essentially normal physical examination.


Skin: warm, dry with good skin turgor fair in color. No rashes, no active lesions, no cyanosis, no

Nails: with good capillary refill of <2 seconds. No clubbing, no breaks, no ridges


Head: Normocephalic. Atraumatic, symmetric with no lesions, tenderness, and breaks. Hair is
black in color, fine with equal distribution, no alopecia, no lice infestation, with dandruff, no
breaks, no tenderness, no active lesions

Eyes: Non-sunken eyes, pale palpebral conjunctivae, anicteric sclerae, pupils are equally reactive
to light and accommodation

Ears: symmetric, aligned with lateral canthus of eyes, no tenderness, no impacted cerumen, no
abnormal discharges, no hearing impairment
Mouth and Throat: no dentures, buccal mucosa is moist and pinkish. Lips are pinkish and oral
mucosa is moist.

Uvula and tonsils: midline, no tonsilopharyngeal congestion

NECK: Trachea is at midline; thyroid gland is non-palpable. Thyroid cartilage moves upward
upon deglutition, with no palpable and tender cervical lymph nodes, no visible pulsation, ROM

BREASTS: No discoloration, nipples are everted, no discharges, no palpable lymph nodes, no

lumps, no tenderness


Inspection: No retractions, no apparent respiratory distress

Palpation: symmetric expansion, no tenderness

Percussion: resonant on all lung field

Auscultation: Clear breath sounds


Inspection: adynamic heart, no precordial bulging

Palpation: PMI is not measured, adynamic apex precordium, carotid pulse is brisk and sharp, and
synchronous with apex pulsations. No thrills, no heaves

Auscultation: Radial pulse is synchronous with heart sounds, with regular rate and rhythm, no


Inspection: Umbilicus everted, no visible veins nor lesions.

Auscultation: Normoactive bowel sounds

Palpation: Firm, tender upon palpation


GUT: No discharges, no voiding problems.

EXTREMITIES: Symmetric, equal in length and size on both sides, no edema, no cyanosis, no

BACK and SPINE: no abnormal deviations,no visible bulging, no redness (-) Inflammation. No
CVA tenderness;

NEUROLOGIC: no neurologic deficit


Dyspepsia t/c PUD


Laboratory Examinations:

1. H.pylori testing
2. Hepatobiliarytree UTZ


1. Omeprazole 40mg/tab, one tab once a day for 2 weeks

2. Sodium Alginate sachet 3x a day for 5 days after meals

To come back once with laboratory result


Chief Complaint: Hypogastric pain x 4 months


4 months prior to consult, (+) Hypogastric pain, gnawing, nonradiating, PRS of 5/10, (+) dysuria.
(-) Fever. Consulted at a lying in clinic, diagnosed with UTI with home medications of Cefalexin
for 7 days. Urinalysis was done, still with infection, and was prescribed Cefuroxime for 7 days.
Urinalysis after was done with unresolved UTI, Fosmomycin was then prescribed and still with
unresolved UTI.

3 days prior to consult, (+) Hypogastric pain, gnawing, radiating to lumbosacral area, with PRS
of 5/10, (+) Fever. Consulted at a lying in clinic with laboratory request for KUB UTZ and urine

Persistence of symptoms prompted consult


Patient was examined sitting, alert, conscious, coherent, and conversant, not in cardiorespiratory
distress, oriented to time, place and person.

Vital signs:

BP: 100/80

HR: 58 bpm

RR: 20 cpm

O2sat: 98%

Temp: 36.5

Weight: 61.9

Height: 5'0

BMI: 26.7 (Overweight)

The patient has stable vital signs and essentially normal physical examination.


Skin: warm, dry with good skin turgor fair in color. No rashes, no active lesions, no cyanosis, no

Nails: with good capillary refill of <2 seconds. No clubbing, no breaks, no ridges

Head: Normocephalic. Atraumatic, symmetric with no lesions, tenderness, and breaks. Hair is
black in color, fine with equal distribution, no alopecia, no lice infestation, with dandruff, no
breaks, no tenderness, no active lesions

Eyes: Non-sunken eyes, pale palpebral conjunctivae, anicteric sclerae, pupils are equally reactive
to light and accommodation

Ears: symmetric, aligned with lateral canthus of eyes, no tenderness, no impacted cerumen, no
abnormal discharges, no hearing impairment

Mouth and Throat: no dentures, buccal mucosa is moist and pinkish. Lips are pinkish and oral
mucosa is moist.

Uvula and tonsils: midline, no tonsilopharyngeal congestion

NECK: Trachea is at midline; thyroid gland is non-palpable. Thyroid cartilage moves upward
upon deglutition, with no palpable and tender cervical lymph nodes, no visible pulsation, ROM

BREASTS: No discoloration, nipples are everted, no discharges, no palpable lymph nodes, no

lumps, no tenderness


Inspection: No retractions, no apparent respiratory distress

Palpation: symmetric expansion, no tenderness

Percussion: resonant on all lung field

Auscultation: Clear breath sounds


Inspection: adynamic heart, no precordial bulging

Palpation: PMI is not measured, adynamic apex precordium, carotid pulse is brisk and sharp, and
synchronous with apex pulsations. No thrills, no heaves

Auscultation: Radial pulse is synchronous with heart sounds, with regular rate and rhythm, no


Inspection: Umbilicus everted, no visible veins nor lesions.

Auscultation: Normoactive bowel sounds

Palpation: Firm, (+) hypogastric pain

GUT: (+) dysuria No discharges

EXTREMITIES: Symmetric, equal in length and size on both sides, no edema, no cyanosis, no

BACK and SPINE: no abnormal deviations,no visible bulging, no redness (-) Inflammation. No
CVA tenderness;

NEUROLOGIC: no neurologic deficit


G2P0 (0010) PU 25 4/7 weeks AOG, Recurrent UTI

r/o Nephrolithiasis


Laboratory Examinations:

2. Urine culture

1. Duphaston 10mg/tab, 1 tab 3x a day for 7 days

Encourage increase oral fluid intake



(+) Recurrent UTI

(+) Asthmatic

Non hypertensive

Non diabetic

FAMILY HISTORY: Unremarkable


G2P0 (0010) PU 25 4/7 weeks AOG

LMP: December 24, 2021

EDC: September 30, 2022


M-11 years old

I- 28-30 days

D-3 days

A-4 pads/day


Occasional alcoholic beverage drinker

Non smoker

Usual diet: Fish, Rice and Vegetables

Patient works as a saleslady

Came in for follow up check up
With laboratory result
(+) Numbness on extremeties
Vital signs:
BP: 90/60
HR: 88 bpm
RR: 20 cpm
O2sat: 98%
Temp: 36.5
(E11.4+G63.2*) Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Diabetic polyneuropathy 
(A02.2+M01.3*) arthritis 
1. Sitagliptin+Metformin 50/1gram tab OD after lunch
2. Atorvastatin 20mg/tab, OD HS 
3. Febuxostat 40mg/tab OD for 1 month
4. Continue Amlodipine 5mg/tab 1 tab OD
For repeat FBS, HBA1C, BUA after 1 month
For followup after 1 month at DM clinic 5 July 14, 2022
Advise DM diet and low purine diet
Dr. Somera/PGI Garcia


Came in for follow up check up

With laboratory result

(+) Numbness on extremeties


Vital signs:

BP: 120/80

HR: 88 bpm

RR: 20 cpm

O2sat: 98%

Temp: 36.5

Weight:63 kg

Height: 5'5
BMI: 23.1 (Normal)


FBS: 19.26(High)

SGPT/ALT: 44.53 (High)

BUA: 260.20 (Low)

Triglycerides: 2.90 (High)


(E10.4+G63.2*) Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Diabetic polyneuropathy 



1. Human premixed insulin 70/30. Inject 22 'u' before breakfast, inject 11 'u' before dinner

For followup after 1 month at DM clinic 5 July 14, 2022

Advise DM diet 



Chief Complaint: Elevated blood pressure x 1 year


1 year prior to consult, (+) elevated blood pressure ranging from 160-140/90-100, (+) occasional
dizziness and joint pains. No fever, no weight loss, no cough. No medications taken. No consult
Persistence of symptoms prompted consult


Patient was examined sitting, alert, conscious, coherent, and conversant, not in cardiorespiratory
distress, oriented to time, place and person.

Vital signs:

BP: 140/100

HR: 98 bpm

RR: 22 cpm

O2sat: 98%

Temp: 36.7

Weight: 54.4 kg

Height: 5'3

BMI: 21.1 (Normal)

The patient has stable vital signs and essentially normal physical examination.


Skin: warm, dry with good skin turgor fair in color. No rashes, no active lesions, no cyanosis, no

Nails: with good capillary refill of <2 seconds. No clubbing, no breaks, no ridges


Head: Normocephalic. Atraumatic, symmetric with no lesions, tenderness, and breaks. Hair is
black in color, fine with equal distribution, no alopecia, no lice infestation, with dandruff, no
breaks, no tenderness, no active lesions
Eyes: Non-sunken eyes, pale palpebral conjunctivae, anicteric sclerae, pupils are equally reactive
to light and accommodation

Ears: symmetric, aligned with lateral canthus of eyes, no tenderness, no impacted cerumen, no
abnormal discharges, no hearing impairment

Mouth and Throat: no dentures, buccal mucosa is moist and pinkish. Lips are pinkish and oral
mucosa is moist.

Uvula and tonsils: midline, no tonsilopharyngeal congestion

NECK: Trachea is at midline; thyroid gland is non-palpable. Thyroid cartilage moves upward
upon deglutition, with no palpable and tender cervical lymph nodes, no visible pulsation, ROM

BREASTS: No discoloration, nipples are everted, no discharges, no palpable lymph nodes, no

lumps, no tenderness


Inspection: No retractions, no apparent respiratory distress

Palpation: symmetric expansion, no tenderness

Percussion: resonant on all lung field

Auscultation: Clear breath sounds


Inspection: adynamic heart, no precordial bulging

Palpation: PMI is not measured, adynamic apex precordium, carotid pulse is brisk and sharp, and
synchronous with apex pulsations. No thrills, no heaves

Auscultation: Radial pulse is synchronous with heart sounds, with regular rate and rhythm, no

Inspection: Umbilicus everted, no visible veins nor lesions.

Auscultation: Normoactive bowel sounds

Palpation: Firm, non tender upon palpation

GUT: No discharges, no voiding problems.

EXTREMITIES: Symmetric, equal in length and size on both sides, no edema, no cyanosis, no

BACK and SPINE: no abnormal deviations,no visible bulging, no redness (-) Inflammation. No
CVA tenderness;

NEUROLOGIC: no neurologic deficit


(I10.1) Hypertension, stage II 



1. FBS
2. BUA
3. Lipid Profile
4. NaKCl
5. Creatinine
7. CBC
8. Urinalysis

1. Losartan 50mg/tab, 1 tab once a day 

Refer to medical records for medical certificate issuance

To come back once with laboratory result

Advise low sat amnd low fat diet



Non hypertensive

Non diabetic

Family Hx: Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus


(+) Alcoholic beverage drinker

Smoker, 15 pack years

Usual diet: Fish, Rice and Vegetables, salty and fatty foods

Works as a cargo agent

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