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Information, Technology and Knowledge Management

Article · July 2018


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Sivakumar Balakrishnan
PSG College of Arts and Science


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Journal of Advancements in Library Sciences
Volume 1, Issue 1

Information, Technology and Knowledge Management

B. Sivakumar1*, J. Dominic2
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Karunya University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

In this information and knowledge age, libraries must come out from back of the screen
to the centre stage of the organization. With the excellent skills in organizing and
codifying information sources and making information accessible to others, library
professionals can play an important role and contribute more for organizational
development. To sustain in technologically competitive global market, libraries must
have a strong information system in order to increase the organizational competitive
advantage. The success of the organizations’ greatly depends upon the value and
capacity of its library. This paper attempts to explain in details about the information,
technology and knowledge management, an attempt is also made to differentiate them.

Keywords: Information Management, Technology Management, Knowledge


*Author for Correspondence E-mail:

INTRODUCTION were the dominant figures. The period after

“As a general rule, the most successful man 1960s can be referred as the post industrial
in life is the man who has the best society. The essential characteristic of such
information” society is that the theoretical knowledge is
Benjamin Disraeli believed to be triggering all the innovations
Evolution of society is divided into 3 epoch and policy decisions. This also signifies a
viz. Pre Industrial agrarian society, Industrial noticeable shift from production to service
Society and Post–Industrial Society. Pre industry and economy. Thus, the managerial
industrial society was prevalent till late 18th and professional services took the driver’s seat
century. In pre industrial society the emphasis and technical skills were pushed to the back
was on extraction of resources from the nature. seat.
During this period the focus was on farmers
and plantations. A society in which; the quality of life as well
as prospects for social change and economic
Landlord and military personnel were the development, depend increasingly upon
dominant figures. This life revolved around information and its exploitation. In such a
agriculture, fishing and mining. This was society, living standards, patterns of work and
followed by industrial society where energy leisure, the education system and the market
and machinery played the major role. place are all influenced markedly by advances
Everything rested on the use of energy for in information and knowledge.
mass production and provision of service.
During this period the focus of the society was Relationship between Data, Information
on production and business. Businessmen and Knowledge

JoPC(2014) 1-10 © STM Journals 2014. All Rights Reserved Page 1

Information, Technology and Knowledge Management Sivakumar and Dominic

Source: Adapted from Liebowitz (2003)

1. Data: Symbols.
Data are essential ingredients to information. 2. Information: data that are processed to
Different types of data yield different be useful, provide answers to who, what,
meanings. When the data are brought in the where and when questions.
purview of awareness it becomes information. 3. Knowledge: application of data and
By collecting information we make certain information; answers how questions.
generalization that matures to knowledge. The 4. Understanding: appreciation of Why.
accumulated knowledge over a period of time 5. Wisdom: Evaluated understanding.
blossoms into a state of an ability to think and
act wisely utilizing knowledge, experience, Ackoff presumes that the first four
understanding, commonsense and insight categories related to the past, they deal
called wisdom. with what has been or what is known.
Only the fifth category, wisdom deals with
According to Russell Ackoff, the content of the future because it incorporates vision
human mind can be classified into five and design. With wisdom, people can
categories: create the future rather than just grasp the
present and past.

JoPC(2014) 1-10 © STM Journals 2014. All Rights Reserved Page 2

Journal of Advancements in Library Sciences
Volume 1, Issue 1,

Use Knowledge to Establish and

Achieve Goals

Analyze and Synthesize Derived Knowledge


Give Meaning to Obtained Information


Obtain Raw Facts Data

INFORMATION MANAGEMENT improve the overall performance of an

Information is only an organized or organization using information with the help
categorized data. The use of information is of technology. This is explicitly expressed or
knowledge. A knowledge creation is the implied.
information put to use by the organizational
staff. When this intangible knowledge is Secondly, information management differs
captured and used, will enhance the from organizations to organizations as each
organizational performance. Libraries are has different objectives, different needs and
generally driven by a desire to provide access different process of managing information.
to information sources and information What is adequate for one need not be adequate
sharing. Managing library and information for other. The type of information handled in a
services itself, is important. They need to be post office is different from the one handled in
focused towards the organizational objectives. a sugar industry.

Definition Thirdly, information management stresses on

By consolidating the various authors view converting external and internal information
(Lynda Woodman, 1999, D.P.Best, into actionable knowledge in a cost-effective
Ravichandra Rao, 1998), first, information manner. In view of this there are five
management is defined as the desire to components of Information Management:

External Information => Information Resource Management (IRM)

=> Information Technology
Internal Information => Management Information System (MIS)
=> Information System
Converting => Information Technology
=> Information Processing
Actionable Knowledge => Strategic Information Management
Cost-Effective Manner => Strategic Information management
=> Information Resource Management

These five components correspond to the six In a nutshell, IM has many meanings and is
activities. Therefore, information management applied differently depending on who uses the
comprises of theses six fields of activities. concept.

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Information, Technology and Knowledge Management Sivakumar and Dominic

At the heart of it, IM is a “structured set of management and decision making in a given
work activities that comprise the way in which organization and company.
companies capture, distribute and use
information and knowledge” (Davenport, Information Systems- Information
1997). Organizations today do not lack Handling
information. They lack tools to draw the right Information system comprises of the
information to the right people at the right documentation centers and the communication
time. Hence IM is a combination of the systems. Information systems deal with the
following disciplines: current status of the organization, its business
 Information Technology (IT) functions, data requirements, data sources,
 Management Information System potential opportunities, evaluation, priorities,
(MIS) organizational structure, control mechanism
 Strategic Information Management etc.
 Information Resource(s) Management Information Resources Management (IRM)
 Information Processing Information Resources deals with applying
 Information Systems management techniques such as planning,
evaluation, control etc., and treating
Information Technology (IT) information as a resource like men, material,
Information Technology has arisen as a machine and money. Information is considered
separate technology by convergence of data an expensive and vital resource to be managed
processing techniques providing the in line with the corporate goals. Information is
capabilities for processing and storing to be gathered, stored, processed, generated
information and telecommunications is a and retrieved. It has a market value. Therefore,
vehicle for communicating it. it has to be handled or managed with care.

Advances in telecommunications have made it TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT

possible to transfer information form Technology plays a dominant role in
anywhere to any where at extremely high determining the educational needs of the
speed. Online access of databases is made workforce. It is no doubt that technology has
possible instantaneously. Electronic document played an important role in creating the
processing and delivery are the gifts of IT. present environment within which
Development of expert systems can be applied organizations must adopt and learn how to
to information and documentation tasks enhance compared to their competitors. The
enriching retrieval function. advents of World Wide Web and rapid
increase in the internet, intranets, extranets,
Management Information System (MIS) portals etc., have created networking
MIS is a system designed to provide capabilities with faster speed and global
management and supervisory information with markets reach.
required data that is accurate, relevant and
timely, possible on a real-time basis. This type Integrating Technology and Knowledge
of information is necessary for decision- Management
making. MIS contains specific hardware,  Facilities the process of transmit and
software, databases and models designed to exchange information.
assist in planning, decision- making and  Enables in capturing information.
management. Therefore, in a nutshell, MIS is  Enables the sharing of information.
an integrated computerized system, covering  To gather vast amount of information.
both internal and external information for

JoPC(2014) 1-10 © STM Journals 2014. All Rights Reserved Page 4

Journal of Advancements in Library Sciences
Volume 1, Issue 1,

Comparison Between Human-Based and Technology-based Knowledge

Human-based Knowledge Technology-based knowledge

Face to face meetings Video conferencing
Bullet-in, Newsletters Web-sites, Portals
Company reports, MoU Groupware (Lotus Notes)
Hard copy reports Electronic Forums
Post-mail E-mail
Pen & Papers Scanner
Memos, Circulars Intranet
Books, Filing cabinet Digital Documents, Database

Technology Led Library the individuals tacit knowledge as explicit

 Reduced costs knowledge. Managing knowledge is about
 Fast and user-friendly creating an environment to encourage
 Regular up-dation of information knowledge creation and transfer, but the real
 Rapid retrieval of required information challenges lies in how to identify information
 Overcome shortage of intellectual staff in and put it to productive use. Organizations
schools/colleges/universities have to manage knowledge in order to
 Information about customers, library compete effectively and develop sustainable
statistics, etc., knowledge-base. The most important part for
 Reduced processing time developing knowledge base is correctiveness
 Increased customer satisfaction of information and timely availability of
information. Library can play viral role in
The rapid technological development has been organization by providing access to world-
changing the nature of the workplace and class information and services. If library and
demands placed on employees. At the same information professional can provide and
time, there is increase in global competition effective support in the knowledge
and survival of organizations is becoming management phenomenon, it is necessary to
more difficult. To be globally competitive, understand the technology perspectives and
employees have to apply greater knowledge concepts that enables knowledge management.
and adopt quickly through learning. They must
change from ordinary workers to knowledge Origin of Knowledge Management
workers. Libraries and librarians can play a Knowledge management as a percipient
vital role in improving the staff efficiency and discipline evolved out of brainwork of Peter
contribute to competitive advantage. Drucker (1970s), Karl –Erik Svieby (1980s)
Supporting knowledge workers needs for and Nonaka Tekuchi (1990s). The period
access to knowledge information capturing witnessed abrupt economic, social and
and leverage the knowledge they generate, are technological changes in the working of
issues that librarians need to support and companies. New opportunities emerged and
manage. competition increased with globalization.
Companies started downsizing, merging and
KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT reengineering their resources. Most of them
Knowledge management is a conscious started focusing on the usage of network and
discipline that strives to apply the personal computer technology. However, it could not
store of knowledge for the accomplishment of yield hardly any fruits of success that led to
organization al goals. increasing prices, smaller companies and
people no longer knew what they knew. On
Knowledge is categorized into two types. One closer inspection, companies felt that it was
from individual’s mind, which is known tacit their wrong approach to knowledge
knowledge and the other is documents that is management, i.e., focuses on technology
presented in written form, is known as explicit which misled them. In mid 90s most of
knowledge. Librarian efforts should bring out the world’s leading companies widely

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Information, Technology and Knowledge Management Sivakumar and Dominic

acknowledged that their competitive Knowledge refining process is placed in such

advantage was due to their knowledge assets containers or into such context which can be
like, workers skills, customer relations and easily used. Knowledge storing, the new
innovative measures. Excellence in business chunk of knowledge is stored in repository.
provoked other companies to follow the trend Knowledge managing is reviewed and
and knowledge management emerged as a evaluated to judge its accuracy and relevance.
core business objective. Knowledge disseminating, the new body of
knowledge is made available at all times to
Knowledge Management Process anyone.
Knowledge management process broadly
involves activities like creating, capturing, and Knowledge Management Technologies
refining, storing, managing and disseminating  Networking
knowledge. Knowledge Creation is a process  Internet, Intranet
which involves the conversion of tacit  Web Publishing
knowledge into explicit knowledge. At first  Search Engines and Text Mining
knowledge audit is conducted to identify  Electronic Publishing Technology J Gate
knowledge needs, knowledge resources and  Electronic Document Delivery
knowledge flows. Further opportunities have  Scanner
to be provided to generate new knowledge.  Compact Disks
 Robotics
Knowledge capturing is a process where new
body of knowledge identified and captured.

Knowledge Management versus Information Management

S.No Information Management Knowledge Management
1 It deals with explicit knowledge It deals with tacit and implicit knowledge

It is concerned with classifying, It relates to identification, creation and

codifying and transferring knowledge distribution of knowledge
It requires tools like schedules, index, It deals with skills or know-how to manage
databases, computers etc., knowledge

4 It is material oriented It is man oriented

5 It emphasis on enquires to repositories It emphasis on collaboration and sharing

It provides good productivity and

6 It increases productivity for innovation
It emphasis on structured or formal It emphasis on unstructured or informal
information/knowledge information/knowledge
It is concerned with information external
8 It is concerned with internal information
to the organization

Knowledge Management in libraries libraries should provide a strong leadership in

The new role of libraries in the 21st century knowledge management. Unlike those
needs to be as a learning and knowledge centre business organizations whose goal for
for their users as well as the intellectual knowledge management is for competitive
commons for their respective communities advantage, most public academic and research
where to borrow the phrase from the Keystone libraries with the exception of company
Principles “people and ideas interact in both libraries have a different orientation and value.
the real and virtual environments to expand Instead of competition, internal use only, and
learning and facilitate the creation of new little sharing of knowledge with others outside,
knowledge”. As a learning organization, the most important mission of public,

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Information, Technology and Knowledge Management Sivakumar and Dominic

academic and research libraries is to expand CONCLUSIONS

the access of knowledge for their users. Knowledge management is a combination of
Charged by this mission libraries should aim information management, technologies and
their knowledge management goal high. human resources. To evaluate the libraries
position and to increase the skills of the staff,
INFORMATION, TECHNOLOGY librarians should take this opportunity of
AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Knowledge management and must provide
Information in books and journals are access to world- class information and
transformed as usable knowledge, unless it services. To conclude, knowledge
resides in the minds of people. Knowledge can management is like clicking a photo, the focus
be transferred from face to face meetings and of an organization may be to achieve its goals
through interactions. Information management and objectives, but it is the library like a
on the other hand, is about capturing, camera flash, where we cannot get a clear
organizing and managing information. picture without it.
Knowledge management is about enhancing
the use of organizational knowledge through REFERENCES
sound practices of knowledge management 1. Kamalavijayan D, Information and
and organizational learning. Technology plays Knowledge Management, Macmillan India
an important role in knowledge management, Ltd, New Delhi, 2005.
although technology management is not about 2. Singh A P, Yuvaraj M, Information:
technology. Technology facilitates or enables Communication and Society, Ess Ess
the process of transmitting and sharing Publications, New Delhi, 2013.
information. To support both explicit and tacit 3. Jaisankar S, Knowledge Library and
knowledge, a knowledge management needs Technologies, CTM News, 6(2), 2004.
to be built with technologies. Knowledge
technologies are however, are interactively
employed with users [1–3].

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