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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step] https://adamtheautomator.


How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]

Published: 28 October 2021 - 12 min. read


June Castillote
Read more tutorials by June Castillote!

Table of Contents

Preparing the Hosts for Hyper-V Replication

• Allowing Hyper-V Replication Traffic

• Setting Up the Hyper-V Host Records

• Creating Self-Signed Certificates

• Installing the Certificates on the Replica Host

Configuring Hyper-V Replication

• Enabling the Host as a Replica Server

• Enabling Virtual Machine Replication

• Checking Replication Health


1 of 58 10/18/22, 08:18
How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]

Do you manage Hyper-V virtual machines (VM) and want to put in place a disaster
recovery plan? You can get started with Hyper-V replication. Things can go wrong,
and they probably will. And if you only have one copy of your virtual machines, then
you’re preparing yourself for a world of pain.

Not a reader? Watch this related video tutorial!

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Having one or more replicas of your VMs, especially the critical ones, doesn’t need to
be complex and expensive. Microsoft baked a built-in replication feature into Hyper-
V, which you can set up without the complication of introducing third-party software
or appliance into your infrastructure.

If you’re ready to learn how to enable Hyper-V replication and be ready to prevent
possible catastrophic data loss, then let’s get started! 05:27


2 of 58 10/18/22, 08:18
How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]

This tutorial will be a hands-on demonstration. If you’d like to follow along, be sure
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you have the following:

Two Hyper-V host servers. These two hosts can be in an Active Directory (AD) domain
or a workgroup. This tutorial will be using two servers with the following details.

Hostname IP Address Designation Location Operating


hyperv-ny Primary Server Primary Site Windows Server

2019 Datacenter
(version 1809)

hyperv-wa Replica Server Secondary Site Windows Server

2019 Datacenter
(version 1809)

The primary Hyper-V host must have at least one guest virtual machine to replicate.
In this tutorial, the primary host will have one guest VM named webserver.

For more details on Hyper-V system requirements, refer to System requirements

for Hyper-V on Windows Server. 05:27

Preparing the Hosts for Hyper-V Replication

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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]

Assuming that you already have the prerequisites in place, don’t think about starting
the Hyper-V replication yet. Before replicating virtual machines, there are still several
preparations to do. Below are the general items that you need to check off before
everything is ready.

Allowing Hyper-V Replication Traffic

This section only applies if you’re using Windows Firewall on your Hyper-V hosts.
If not, you can skip to the next part.

Or, if you’re currently using Windows Firewall and want to disable it altogether,
read How to Disable or Turn Off the Windows Firewall (All the Ways).

When you install the Hyper-V role on the server, Windows creates two additional
inbound rules in the Windows Firewall. These two rules control whether to allow
Hyper-V replication traffic, and they are:

• Hyper-V Replica HTTP Listener (TCP-In) – Inbound rule for Hyper-V Replica
listener to accept HTTP connection for replication (via port 80, not encrypted).

• Hyper-V Replica HTTPS Listener (TCP-In) – Inbound rule for Hyper-V Replica
listener to accept HTTPS connection for replication (via05:27
port 443, encrypted with

By default, these Windows Firewalls are disabled, effectively blocking Hyper-V

replication traffic to the host. But the focus of this tutorial is to set up Hyper-V

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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]

replication via HTTPS only and not HTTP.

To enable the Hyper-V replication firewall rule, follow these steps.

1. Log in to the replica server and open PowerShell as admin.

2. Run the Enable-Netfirewallrule command below in PowerShell to enable the rule.

# Enable Hyper-V HTTPS replication traffic firewall rule.

Enable-Netfirewallrule -DisplayName 'Hyper-V Replica HTTPS Listener (TCP-In

3. Lastly, to confirm that you’ve successfully enabled the firewall rules, run the
command below.

Get-Netfirewallrule -DisplayName 'Hyper-V Replica HTTPS Listener (TCP-In)'

If everything went well, you should see a result similar to the screenshot below.

Enabling Hyper-V replication firewall rules


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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]

Setting Up the Hyper-V Host Records

If your Hyper-V hosts can resolve each other’s names through DNS lookup, you
can skip this section.

When it is time to enable Hyper-V replication, you will specify the replica server’s
name during the configuration. Whether Hyper-V can find the secondary server by
name depends on proper name resolution.

To ensure that the Hyper-V nodes can find each other’s names in the network, you’ll
need to edit the hosts file on both servers and add their respective names and IP
addresses. To do so, proceed as follows.

1. On the primary server, open PowerShell as admin.

2. Run the command below to open the hosts file in notepad.exe for editing.

notepad.exe "$env:windir\system32\drivers\etc\hosts"

3. Once the hosts file is open, scroll down to the bottom of the text editor and add the
replica server’s IP address and name as follows.

Make sure to use your IP address and server name instead. hyperv-wa

4. After editing the file, press CTRL+S or click File —> Save to save the changes.

5. Repeat the same steps on the replica server and add the primary server’s name
and IP address to the replica server’s hosts file. The screenshot below shows the side-
by-side end state of both server’s hosts files.

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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]

Updating the hosts file

Creating Self-Signed Certificates

This section only applies if your Hyper-V replication will use certificate-based
authentication (HTTPS). If the Hyper-V hosts are domain-joined and will use
Kerberos authentication (HTTP), you can skip this section.

Hyper-V replication via HTTPS requires that both the primary and replica hosts use a
certificate issued by a common issuer. Hyper-V uses these certificates to
authenticate the primary server to the replica server.

Instead of buying certificates from an external certificate provider, like DigiCert or

NameCheap, you can generate self-signed certificates for use with Hyper-V
replication for free.

Related: New-SelfSignedCertificate: Creating Certificates with PowerShell

For certificate-based authentication between two Hyper-V hosts, you will need three
certificates. A root certificate and a server certificate for each host. Follow the below
steps to generate these certificates.

1. On the primary host server, open PowerShell as admin.

2. Next, define the following variables by running the commands below in PowerShell.
Refer to the inline comments to understand each variable and replace their values
as necessary. 05:27

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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]

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# Setup the Certificates Variables

## Specify the name of the new Root CA certificate.

$rootCA_Name = 'Hyper-V Root CA'

## Specify the Hyper-V server names.

$hostnames = @('hyperv-ny','hyperv-wa')

## What is the password for the exported PFX certificates.

$CertPassword = 'this is a strong password' | ConvertTo-SecureString

## Where to export the PFX certificate after creating. Make sure that this
$CertFolder = 'C:\HPVCerts'

3. After defining the certificate variables, run the command below to generate the
root certificate. This command creates a self-signed root certificate using the New-
SelfSignedCertificate cmdlet in the server’s Personal Certificate store.

## Create and save the Root CA certificate into the 'Personal' certificates
## Valid for 10 years.
$rootCA = New-SelfSignedCertificate `
-Subject $rootCA_Name `
-FriendlyName $rootCA_Name `
-KeyExportPolicy Exportable `
-KeyUsage CertSign ` 05:27
-KeyLength 2048 `
-KeyUsageProperty All `
-KeyAlgorithm 'RSA' `
-HashAlgorithm 'SHA256' `
Provider "Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider" `

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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]

-Provider "Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider" `

-NotAfter (Get-Date).AddYears(10)

4. To make the server trust the root certificate itself, copy the root certificate to the
Trusted Root Certification Authorities Certificate Store by executing the command

## Copy the Root CA from the 'Personal' store to the 'Trusted Root Certific
$rootStore = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store]

5. Next, run the command below to export the root certificate to a file using the
Export-PfxCertificate cmdlet. You need to export the certificate so that you can

copy it to the replica server later on.

## Export the Root CA

$rootCA | Export-PfxCertificate -FilePath "$CertFolder\$($rootCA_Name

Exporting the Root Certificate

6. Now, generate the server certificates signed by the root certificate you have
created. Run the command below to create the server certificates for each Hyper-V
host and export each certificate to a file.


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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]

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$hostnames | ForEach-Object {
$name = $_
## Create the certificate
New-SelfSignedCertificate `
-FriendlyName $name `
-Subject $name `
-KeyExportPolicy Exportable `
-CertStoreLocation "Cert:\LocalMachine\My" `
-Signer $rootCA `
-KeyLength 2048 `
-KeyAlgorithm 'RSA' `
-HashAlgorithm 'SHA256' `
-Provider "Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider" `
-NotAfter (Get-Date).AddYears(10) |
## Export the certificate
Export-PfxCertificate -FilePath "$CertFolder\$($name).pfx" -Password


Generating and exporting the server certificates

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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]

7. Finally, copy the root certificate file ( Hyper-V Root CA.pfx ) and the replica server
certificate file ( hyperv-wa.pfx ) to the replica server.

Copying the certificate files to the replica host

Installing the Certificates on the Replica Host

To make the certificate-based authentication work between the two Hyper-V hosts,
the same root certificate and server certificate need to be present in the replica host,
too. Follow the steps below to install the root and server certificates.

1. On the replica host, open PowerShell as admin.

To install the root certificate into the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store, run
the Import- PfxCertificate command below. Make sure to change the variable
values as necessary.

## Specify the name of the Root CA certificate.

$rootCA_Name = 'Hyper-V Root CA'
## Where to find the PFX certificate files.
$CertFolder = 'C:\HPVCerts'

## What is the password for the exported PFX certificates.

$CertPassword = 'this is a strong password' | ConvertTo-SecureString

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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]

$CertPassword = 'this is a strong password' | ConvertTo-SecureString

## Import the Root CA

Import-PfxCertificate "$CertFolder\$($rootCA_Name).pfx" -CertStoreLocation

Inverter 3kVA 5kVA

Integrates lithium iron phosphate battery cells,
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Importing the root certificate

Managing Certs with Windows Certificate Manager and PowerShell


3. To install the server certificate into the Personal Certificate store, run the command

## Import the Server Certificate

Import-PfxCertificate "$CertFolder\$($env:COMPUTERNAME).pfx" -CertStoreLoc

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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]

Importing the server certificate

4. Lastly, configure the Hyper-V registry to disable the checking for certificate
revocation. Doing so, Hyper-V will not try to check the certificate’s revocation details
– which does not exist in the self-signed certificate. Run the following New-
ItemProperty PowerShell command.

## Disable Hyper-V Certificate Revocation Check.

New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\

Related: Get-ChildItem: Listing Files, Registry, and Certificates

Configuring Hyper-V Replication

You have now finished preparing your Hyper-V hosts. Now you can start enabling
Hyper-V replication and start replicating VMs.

Enabling the Host as a Replica Server

Before a Hyper-V host can host VM replicas, the host must be enabled as a replica
server first. To do so, proceed as follows.

1. On the replica host, open the Hyper-V Manager. To do so, run the virtmgmt.msc
command in PowerShell.

2. While in the Hyper-V Manager window, right-click the replica server name and
click Hyper-V settings.

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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]

Open the Hyper-V settings

3. Next, on the Hyper-V settings window, click Replication Configuration on the left

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On the right pane, check the box that says Enable this computer as a Replica server.
Doing so will enable all the other configuration options below.

Under the Authentication and ports section, check the User certificate-based
Authentication (HTTPS) box. Leave the port number value as 443.


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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]

Enabling the server as a replica

4. Under the Authentication and ports section, click Select Certificate. On the
Windows Security pop-up box, confirm that the certificate is correct and click OK.

Selecting the server certificate

After selecting the certificate, you should see that the Specify the certificate box now
shows the certificate details.


Certificate details

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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]

Certificate details

Note: If there is no valid certificate or you have not installed the certificate
correctly, you will see an error similar to the image below. In which case, you’ll
need to go back and install the certificate.

The error shows no valid certificate

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5. Next, under Authorization and storage, select Allow replication from any
authenticated server. Doing so allows any Hyper-V server to replicate VMs to this
server as long as the certificate-based authentication is successful.

To allow only specific servers for replication, select Allow replication from the

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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]

To allow only specific servers for replication, select Allow replication from the
specified servers option and add each server details instead.

Type in or browse the location where to store the replica files. In this example, the
storage location is C:\Hyper-V\Virtual Hard Disks. Make sure to choose a location
with sufficient storage space to accommodate the VM replica files.

Finally, click OK to save the changes.

Choosing the authorization and storage

Enabling Virtual Machine Replication

So far, you have enabled the replica host to accept incoming Hyper-V replication for
VMs. At this point, you’re ready to enable a VM to replicate. Follow the below steps to

1. On the primary host, open the Hyper-V Manager window.

2. Next, click the Hyper-V server on the left pane. Under the list of VMs, click the VM
you intend to replicate and click Enable replication under the Actions pane.

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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]

Selecting the VM for Hyper-V replication

3. On the Enable Replication for <VM name> windows that popped up, click Next on
the Before you begin page.

4. On the Specify Replica Server page, type the replica server’s hostname in the
Replica server box, and click Next.


Specifying the target replica server

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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]

5. Now, on the Specify Connection Parameters page, change the Replica server port
number to 443.

Under the Authentication Type options, click to select User certificate-based

authentication (HTTPS).

You’ll notice that the certificate information at this point is empty. To choose a
certificate, click Select Certificate.


Specifying the port and authentication type

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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]

Specifying the port and authentication type

6. Next, on the Select certificate dialog box, click to select the certificate you
previously generated that bears the primary host’s server name. After selecting the
certificate, click OK.

Selecting the server certificate

7. After you’ve selected the certificate, you should now see the certificate information,
as you can see below. Click Next to proceed.


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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]

Confirming the certificate details

8. Next, select which Virtual Hard Disks (VHD) to include in the replication. If there is
more than one VHD, make sure to select the VHD containing the VM’s operating
system. The example below only has one VHD. After making your selection, click Next.


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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]

Selecting VHDs to replicate

9. On the next page, choose the replication interval from the dropdown list. This value
determines how frequently Hyper-V sends changes to the replica server. The default
interval is 5 minutes. Other available options are 30 seconds and 15 minutes. Click

Choosing the Hyper-V replication interval

10. On the Configure Additional Recovery Points page, click the option to Maintain
only the latest recovery point.

Choosing this option, Hyper-V will only maintain the VM’s latest recovery point or
state on the replica server. This option uses the least storage space but only enables
a single point in time recovery. Click Next to proceed.

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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]

Selecting the recovery points to maintain

11. On the Choose Initial Replication Method, there are three options on how you want
to send the initial copy of the VHD to the replica server:

• Send initial copy over the network. This option copies the VHD through the

• Send initial copy using external media. Choosing this option allows you to save
the VHD copy to external storage, such as an external hard drive. You can then
physically transport the storage and attach it to the replica server for copying.

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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]

• Use an existing virtual machine on the Replica server as the initial copy. This
option is applicable only if you’ve already restored a copy of the VM to the replica

Whichever option you choose in real life depends on your assessment. But for this
tutorial, select Send initial copy over the network.

Next, select Start replication immediately to kickstart the replication process as soon
as you’ve finished configuring.

Choosing the initial replication method

12. On the Summary page, review the replication configuration, and click Finish to

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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]

Finalizing the replication configuration

13. Wait for the confirmation message saying that the Replication enabled
successfully. Click Close to go back to the Hyper-V Manager window.

Hyper-V replication replicates the virtual machine, its configuration, and VHDs.
But the resulting replica on the replica server is not connected. As you can see
below, you still need to configure the replica VM’s network connection.


Confirming the replication is now enabled

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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]

Checking Replication Health

So you’ve enabled the Hyper-V replication for your selected VM. How do you know
whether the Hyper-V replication is still in progress, completed, or has it failed?
Fortunately, Hyper-V gives you the convenience to check the replication health right
inside the Hyper-V Manager.

To check the VM replication health, proceed as follows.

Right click the VM name on the primary host Hyper-V Manager window —>
Replication —> View Replication Health.


Opening the VM replication health

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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]

Initially, you will see a Replication State message like the screenshot below shows,
which indicates that replication is still in progress.

Initial replication in progress

And when Hyper-V replication has finished, you should see a message similar to the
one below.


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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]

And that’s it! You’ve successfully set up Hyper-V replication for your VM.

And that’s it! You’ve successfully set up Hyper-V replication for your VM.

Related: Getting Started Guide to Managing Hyper-V VMs with PowerShell


In the end, setting up Hyper-V replication is something that system admins should
consider when planning and implementing disaster recovery. Doing so can be less
expensive than losing data or extended service downtimes. Imagine if your payroll
server goes offline?

Have you used Hyper-V replication? What did you think? Would you recommend it to
others, or is there any reason you believe organizations should stay away from it?

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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]


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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]


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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]


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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]


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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]


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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]


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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]


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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]


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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]


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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]


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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]


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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]


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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]


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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]


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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]


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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]


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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]


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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]


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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]


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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]


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4 Comments 12 ONLINE Sort By Best 

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Ricky B. 6 months ago

I am IT Consultant and i have try your solution
and it work perfectly! Thank you
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Steve M 4 months ago


Please let me know where things can be


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Guest 3 months ago

Hi Steve, you need to run the command
for disabling the checking for certificate
Open Powershell in adminmode and type
"New-ItemProperty -Path

56 of 58 10/18/22, 08:18
How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]

\Replication" -Name
"DisableCertRevocationCheck" -Value 1
-PropertyType DWORD -Force"
Reply Share 0 0

Steve M 4 months ago

I am getting an error while setting up
replication from host, last step Summary Page.
I followed all the instructions from Host and
replica. Everything worked as expected, now
at final step when I am hitting Finish I am
getting an error "Could not apply replication
settings. Failed to validate certificate in
Personal certificate store of local computer." I
verified certificate exists at Local
Computer/Personal Store.
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How to Set up Hyper-V Replication [Step-by-Step]


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