Arco - Unit 5

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Christine Joy Manantan Arco BSED 1-D

ED 203-The Child and Adolescent Learner & Learning Principles


Lesson 1 - Characteristics , Developmental Tasks of Adolescence and Physical


ACTIVITY I: Word Search

List down the words that you found in the puzzle and identify whether they
belong to the male and female groups.

Word Male/Female

__facial hair__________________ __Male_________

__ovary_____________________ __Female_______
__adams apple_______________ __Male_________
__uterus____________________ __Female_______
__penis_____________________ __Male_________
__testes_____________________ __Male_________
__girl breast__________________ __Female_______
__scrotum___________________ __Male_________
__fallopian tube_______________ __Female_______

What’s your idea about these words?

 These words that I have found in the puzzle are the characteristics of

males and females commonly found during adolescence and are important

parts in reproductive system.

ACTIVITY 2: Self-Assessment Questionnaire

Conscious of physical appearance? /
Attracted to opposite sex? /
Experience many changes in body such as development of /
breasts and hips?
Consider a long term commitment and relationship? /
Consider romantic and sexual relationship as not /
Have fun going out with friends? /
Likes to follow friends’ fashion style? /
Want to be accepted and strongly influenced by friends? /
Depends on mother’s choice in buying clothes and other /
personal needs?
Dependent on parents in making decisions? /
Can stand and handle problems in life? /
Believe that goals in life can be easily achieved? /
Engaged in adult activities such as smoking and drinking /
alcoholic drinks?
Sometimes experience conflict with parents in making /
Concerned with politics and social issues? /
TOTAL 10 5


Discuss the memorable experiences that you have encountered during your
adolescence stage.

 I forgot the day of the month of my menstrual period, so I got blood stains on
my skirt, but I have great friends, so they helped me buy sanitary napkin.
As future teachers, in what way/s can you help students during adolescence period
especially the ones with problems?

 As a future teacher, I want to educate my students about the changes during

adolescence and let them understand that these changes are normal. If ever I
will encounter children with problems, I will try my best to listen and give advice
for them to overcome their fears.

Practice Test

1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. D
6. C
7. A
8. C
9. A

Answer briefly:

1. What are the physical changes that take place during adolescence?

Many biological changes take place during the adolescent years. Most obvious
are the physical changes, for example, increases in height, acquisition of muscle mass,
the distribution of body fat and the development of secondary sexual characteristics.
Physical changes of puberty mark the onset of adolescence. For both boys and girls,
these changes include a growth spurt in height, growth of pubic and underarm hair,
and skin changes such as pimples. Boys also experience growth in facial hair and a
deepening of their voice.
2. Describe the characteristics of adolescence. What are considered as the most crucial?

The five leading characteristics of adolescence are biological growth and

development, an undefined status, increased decision making, increased pressures, and

the search for self. Adolescence is a very vital period that will determine how a person

will view and interact with the world as an adult. The most important task of

adolescence is the search for identity. (This is often a lifelong voyage, launched in

adolescence.) Along with the search for identity comes the struggle for independence.

Identity formation in teens is about developing a strong sense of self, personality,

connection to others and individuality. Therefore, a positive teen self-identity is vital

because it shapes a teen's perception of belonging not just for their teen years but for

most of their adult life.

Lesson 2. Cognitive Development in Adolescence

The Critical Thinking Self-Appraisal Test (CTSAT)

Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
1 I am very particular even with 5
the small detail regarding the 1 2 3 4
root of a problem.
2 I give much effort in analyzing 5
the problem before making a 1 2 3 4
final decision.
3 I make an effort to thoroughly 5
analyze the probable
1 2 3 4
consequences of my
4 I try to make connections 5
between the information and
1 2 3 4
knowledge I already have when I
read or hear information.
5 I plan where and how to get 5
1 2 3 4
information on a topic.
6 I find it easy to give explanation 4
by just reading the report/write- 1 2 3 5
up once.
7 I can recognize problems based 4
1 2 3 5
on the situation being presented.
8 I can easily understand the 5
1 2 3 4
meaning of symbols.
9 I find it important to clarify 5
information before I give my own 1 2 3 4
10 I am able to recognize how 5
others feel by looking at their 1 2 3 4
facial expressions.
11 I assess the things I read, see, 5
and hear to decipher if the
1 2 3 4
information given is fact or
12 I carefully examine every option 1 2 3 4 5
before jumping into conclusion.
13 I thoroughly assess the 4
objectivity of rules and policies 1 2 3 5
before implementing them.
14 I can easily distinguish facts from 4
1 2 3 5
15 I develop my ideas by gathering 5
1 2 3 4
16 I am able to state what will 4
happen to people based on the 1 2 3 5
choices/decisions they make.
17 I can determine if people really 5
1 2 3 4
mean what they say.
18 I gather relevant information 5
1 2 3 4
before making a judgment.
Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
19 I make serious effort to assess 5
the situation and its
1 2 3 4
consequences to come up with a
truthful judgment.
20 I recognize the fact that 5
sometimes there are no right or 1 2 3 4
wrong answers to a question.
21 I like to solve mathematical 2
equations with different 1 3 4 5
22 I can simplify complex ideas. 1 2 3 4 5
23 I can summarize details of the 4
1 2 3 5
events with accuracy.
24 I am usually praised for giving 4
1 2 3 5
clear directions/explanations.
25 I am able to give reasons for my 5
1 2 3 4
26 I am not easily persuaded or 5
1 2 3 4
influenced by others.
27 I am able to keep the 5
1 2 3 4
confidentiality of information.
28 I avoid being impulsive in my 5
1 2 3 4
29 I have the capacity to stand by 5
1 2 3 4
what I believe is right.
30 I can easily tell what I did was 4
1 2 3 5
right or wrong.
COGNITIVE DIMENSION Total Raw Score ___20__ / 30 = Mean _3.33__

Never Rarely Sometimes Often
1 I feel excited and challenged 5
everytime I share my ideas in 1 2 3 4
front of a crowd.
2 I can show how strong I was by 5
1 2 3 4
expressing what I’ve felt.
3 I work through a challenging 5
problem with confidence that I 1 2 3 4
can find the solution.
4 I can easily express my thoughts 5
1 2 3 4
on a problem.
5 I am able to tell the best way of 4
1 2 3 5
handling a problem.
6 I can easily adjust to changes if 4
1 2 3 5
the situations ask for them.
Neve Rarel
Sometimes Often Always
r y
7 I can easily adjust to people with 4
1 2 3 5
different characteristics.
8 I can easily adapt to new 4
1 2 3 5
9 I adjust my opinion when I learn 5
1 2 3 4
new facts.
10 I am willing to stand for the truth 5
1 2 3 4
no matter what.
11 I am courageous enough to 5
express my ideas/feelings towards 1 2 3 4
12 I can accept with humility that my 5
knowledge in some issues is 1 2 3 4
13 I make sure that the information I 5
1 2 3 4
give to others is credible.
14 I am willing to endure the 5
hardships just to achieve my 1 2 3 4
15 I try to continue despite all the 5
challenges in finding out the truth 1 2 3 4
regarding an issue.
16 I do not easily back away from 1 2 3 4 5
challenges that require more than
my capabilities.
17 I do not easily give up in finding 1 2 3 4 5
solutions to my problem.
18 I do not believe everything I hear, 1 2 3 4 5
instead, I evaluate the source and
make sure the source is credible
and reliable.
19 I usually think and anticipate 1 2 3 4 5
consequences in every options.
20 I am not easily convinced by the 1 2 3 4 5
ideas presented by other people.
21 I weigh every detail that I heard 1 2 3 4 5
from the news.
22 I look up for other references 1 2 3 4 5
before agreeing to the ideas
presented by others.
23 I am willing to accept change of 1 2 3 4 5
plans if the situation calls for it.
24 I prefer people who are free to 1 2 3 4 5
express their own ideas.
25 I can tolerate ideas and beliefs 1 2 3 4 5
that are not in agreement with
my own.
26 I get ideas from other people 1 2 3 4 5
when having a task to do or
decision to make.
Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
27 I keep on asking for more details 1 2 3 4 5
when something bothers me.
28 I take it upon myself to 1 2 3 4 5
investigate something that
catches my attention.
29 I am eager to learn new things. 1 2 3 4 5
30 I usually read books and 1 2 3 4 5
newspapers or watch current
events on TV to learn more.
AFFECTIVE DIMENSION Total Raw Score ___24__ / 30 = Mean __4____


1. Based on the results, what can you say about your level of predisposition for
critical thinking?
 Based on the results, my level of predisposition for critical thinking is moderate.
It means that I have a fair objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order
to form a judgment.

2. What do you think is the result of the test telling you about your cognitive
abilities? Identify your weak and strong points.
 The result of the test tells me that I strength and weaknesses about my
cognitive abilities in dealing with situations to form a judgment.

Weak Point:

 To solve mathematical equations with different solutions. (2)

Strong Points (5):

 Very particular even with the small detail regarding the root of a problem.
 Give much effort in analyzing the problem before making a final decision.
 I make an effort to thoroughly analyze the probable consequences of my
 I try to make connections between the information and knowledge I already
have when I read or hear information.
 I plan where and how to get information on a topic.
 I can easily understand the meaning of symbols.
 I find it important to clarify information before I give my own opinions.
 I am able to recognize how others feel by looking at their facial expressions.
 I assess the things I read, see, and hear to decipher if the information given is
fact or opinion.
 I carefully examine every option before jumping into conclusion.
 I develop my ideas by gathering information.
 I can determine if people really mean what they say.
 I gather relevant information before making a judgment.
 I make serious effort to assess the situation and its consequences to come up
with a truthful judgment.
 I recognize the fact that sometimes there are no right or wrong answers to a
 I am able to give reasons for my opinions.
 I am not easily persuaded or influenced by others.
 I am able to keep the confidentiality of information.
 I avoid being impulsive in my actions.
 I have the capacity to stand by what I believe is right.

3. Do you think you need to develop your cognitive skills more so that you can be a
critical thinker? Explain your answer.
 Yes. Developing cognitive skills is critical in preparing young people to be able to
manage complexity, make judgments, and plan for the future. We adolescents
whose thinking is well-developed will be successful and prepared to lead us
forward in the future.
4. Looking into your personal experiences, what are the factors that helped you in
developing your thinking skills?
 From what I have experienced in life, there are factors that helped me developed
my thinking skills. One of them is curiosity. Being curious means, I need answers
to my questions that I cannot just forget or avoid. To make a judgment, I need
first to clarify my purpose and context on why I need those questions to be
answered. Then, it is important to gather, question and analyze the sources if
they were valid and credible to create my own judgment. I also considered to
the demography, culture, religion as well as social class in developing my
thinking skills. There are instances that these factors may influence my thinking
skills and being a critical thinker, it is important not be biased.
5. How are your cognitive abilities affecting your ways of learning? your choices in
 When my cognitive abilities are strong, it contributes to a fast and easy learning.
It allows me to build up previous knowledge and ideas as a student. This helps
me in applying new concepts on my previous knowledge. With this, schoolwork,
activities, and topics can be easily understood and can help me build up
confidence. My cognitive abilities also affect my choices in life in a way that this
helps me process and recall information as well as in logic and reasoning. This
can be used in my daily activities which greatly affects my way of living.


Test I

1. B

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. B
Test II: Essay

 Discuss ways on how families and schools can support the cognitive development
of adolescents.

Family is the foundation of an individual’s identity as well as personality. Parents

and caregivers support adolescents' growing cognitive development when we create an

environment where teens' ideas and independent thinking are valued. Engage also

teens in discussions about current events and ask them to consider solutions to

problems. It is also important to recognize when teens make well-thought-out

decisions. In schools, encouraging problem-solving in the classroom is also important.

Make planful choices when arranging the classroom environment. Provide puzzles

and encourage your child to work on them independently. In addition, teachers

can use strategies for cognitive development. These include repetition, organizing

new language, summarizing meaning, guessing meaning from context, using

imagery for memorization. All these strategies involve deliberate manipulation of

language to improve learning.

Lesson 3. Socio-Emotional and Moral Development in Adolescence


Who Am I?


Lazy Similarities Shy

Introvert Kind Talented

Courageous Smart

Helpful Passionate

What where the similarities or differences of how you see yourself and how others look
at you? What realizations about yourself did you gain after making the comparisons?

 I find myself as a lazy and introvert person. I prefer to be alone and not to get
close with other people. Also, other people think of me as a shy person at first
meeting, talented which I do not believe, smart and passionate in working with
something. The similarities that I have as I and other people view myself are
that I am kind, courageous and helpful. After making the comparisons, I have
realized that there are characteristics that I have not notice within myself but are
easily distinguished by other people who see me.

It is said that adolescents’ views of themselves influence their behavior. How did your
self-perception affect your interactions with the following significant others (parents,
siblings, peers, authority figures)?

 My self-perception affects with significant others in a way that I have become a

problem to them. There are things left undone. Also, I seldom socialize with
other people as I choose to be alone all the time.
In what ways did other people’s perception of you influence how you view yourself?

 Other people’s perception of me influenced as I view myself in a way that I

realized I have worth, and I can help other people with my actions and become a
good example for them.

How do you handle incongruences of your self-perception and others’ views about you?

 If there were incongruences of me and other people’s view about me, I first take
initiative to ask them on why or how they thought of that. Through
communication, problems or misunderstandings that may arise can be avoided.

As a growing adolescent, what were the factors that greatly influenced your socio-
emotional development?

 As a growing adolescent, my socio-emotional development was greatly influence

by the people around me. A great circle of friends can guide or encourage me to
do good things. Otherwise, if you have peers that influence you with bad habits
it can affect you and the people around you especially your family. So, it is
important to choose the right group of friends where you can trust and rely on.



Interacting Family
Engage in Friends
recreational Relatives
 Bella’s teachers have steadily been working on her self-esteem by
frequently commenting on how nice it is to have her as a member of their
class. Which strategy are these teachers using?
Answer: Using emotional support and social approval

 “Students at this age are full of surprises,” comments the Junior High
School teacher. “They come in looking and acting like hard rockers one
day, then like nuns and monks the next!” Erikson would say these
students are acting out repressed conflicts.
Answer: actively exploring different roles.

 Zoren and Carmina believe that they should make certain that their
adolescent knows the right choices to make, and they use harsh
punishment when their directives are not followed. This pattern is likely to
promote ________ in their adolescent.
Answer: identity foreclosure

 Angel’s parents decided to separate but agreed to support each other in

raising their children and providing for their needs. When two of her
friends discuss her parents’ decision, one of them says, "Although I don't
personally agree with your parents’ decisions, it is ultimately their choice
and it is best that you understand them." This response demonstrates
what level of morality?
Answer: Post-conventional

 What is meant by identity confusion?

Answer: a homosexual who has not yet realized his true sexual

Many aspects of development offer insights into adolescent risk behavior, such as
substance use, delinquency, and sexual activity. How might changing relationships with
parents, including monitoring, parenting styles, and conflict, contribute to adolescent
risk behavior? What role might relationships and interactions with peers take?

Due to this changing world, adolescent’s attitude also follows. Changing

relationships with parents, including monitoring, parenting styles, and conflict,

contribute to adolescent risk behavior in a way that they have become irresponsible of

their actions and behaviors. They seek independence from their family particularly their

parents and wants to be accepted by their peers. This behavior causes conflict between

the parent and the adolescence causing them to rebel and prefers to act on their own

without the consent of their parents. Relationships and interactions with peers take

when the adolescents prefer to be with them than their family or parents. If the

adolescent is in a good group of friends, he/she may be influenced in a positive way

otherwise peers who influences bad habits may cause problems both to the adolescent

and to the people around them.

Lesson 4. Issues Confronting Adolescents, Personality Changes & Interests
Is there the same situation’s that happen in your life? Reflect on yourself why it
- Yes. Sometimes we need to see the whole picture first before we make our
judgment. We need to analyze the situation first before we make decisions. There are
things we don’t know yet. And things happen because we let it happen.


1. What’s your reaction to the story?

The story tells that we should not limit our view in life. There are things that
we need to know for us to become a better person. If there are things that we
think are holding us back, we should have the courage to take some risk to
achieve what we really need and for us to avoid regrets that may come later as we

2. Has something similar happened in your life? Or perhaps to someone you know?

3. What lesson/s have you learned from the story?

I have learned that no matter what our status in life we should always
respect other people’s opinions and view in life if we want to be respected also.
Having in a right group of friends which we can trust is also important to have
someone to talk to about our problems and ask for advice on how we can cope up
with them.

What do you think are the most difficult issues confronting adolescents?
 The most difficult issues confronting adolescents is the influence of peer
pressure. Some adolescents preferred being with their group of friends than their
family. If in a wrong group of friends, others engaged in alcoholic beverages
consumption and smoking which are harmful to their health.

In your own community, what is the most common interest of adolescence?

 In my own community, the most common interest of adolescents is to engage in
the use of social media. Some are into sports particularly basketball especially
boys, but the majority is engaging in social media and mobile gaming.

Practice Test

1. B

2. A

3. D

4. B

5. D

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