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Food hygiene

Meaza Gezu

4/27/2022 MeazaG 2021 1

Learning outcomes

• Define food hygiene?

• Describe public health importance of foods?
• Describe the good sanitary practice in food
• Explain regulatory options?
• Describe food preservation

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• Food: is any raw, cooked or processed edible
substance, beverage or ingredients used or
intended for use or for sale in whole or in part
for human consumption.
• It is the one which is physically, chemically and
biologically safe for consumption.

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Food hygiene
Food hygiene/ safety: all conditions and
measures necessary for ensuring the safety,
wholesomeness, and fitness for consumption of
food at all its stages from its production,
processing, storage, distribution, preservation,
and service. (WHO/FAO);

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Objectives of food hygiene

A. Food quality versus health

✓ Ensuring consumption of safe foods to protect consumers
✓ Prevent food spoilage which might result wastage
✓ Protect food from adulteration
B. Legal values
✓ Ensure proper practice in all levels
✓ To prevent sale of foods poor in quality and defective in value

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Food hygiene…
• To meet all the above objectives all food
supplies should be:
– Supplied from approved sources
– Wholesome:- not adulterated, protected from
– Not misbranded
– Potentially hazardous food should be stored
at <45 oF or >140 oF i.e. safe temperature
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Food contaminants/ hazards

• Micro-organisms
• Food additives
• Pesticides
• Plant toxins
• Animal toxins
• Physical matters

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Food hygiene
It should be applied from farm to table involving
• Good agricultural practices, personal hygiene of workers,
management of soil quality, and safe use of pesticides
• Transporter
• Processor
• Distributor
• Wholesaler
• Retailer, including vending machines
• Food preparer
• Server
• Consumer
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Food protections
• Proper food protection measures should

1)Strict observation of personal hygiene by food handlers

2)Keeping potentially hazardous foods refrigerated or

heated at all times to the appropriate temperature

3)Application of good sanitation practices in storage,

preparation, display and service of food

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Proper Measures..

4)Adequate cooking of certain food to assure

destruction of pathogens

5)Thorough washing and proper storage of fruits

and vegetables

6)Provision of adequate and convenient

equipment and facilities for proper conduct of
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Adulteration of foods consists of a large number of practices :
•Mixing, substitution, abstraction, concealing the quality, putting
up decomposed foods for sale, misbranding or giving labels
and addition of poisons.
•Some forms of adulteration are injurious to health,
Eg. adulteration of mustard oil with Argemone oil.
•In many cases food adulteration has an economic rather than a
sanitary significance

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Factors affecting bacterial growth
• Micro-organisms need conditions to survive and reproduce :
✓ temperature
✓ moisture
✓ time
✓ oxygen
✓ pH level
✓ Light
✓ food

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Factors affecting…
1. food:
E.g. Meat, fish, dairy……
• Kinds of food
✓Perishable foods: eggs, meat, fish, vegetables;
milk; creamy cake (Potenially hazardous food)
✓Semi-perishable: bread, injera, fruits;
✓Non perishable: dry foods; canned foods

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Factors affecting…
2. Temperature
• There are 3 classes of bacteria depending on
temperature preference
a) Psychrophilic (cold temperature liking
-Growth range 5-25oC; optimum 20-25oC
-Cause food spoilage at refrigeration

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Factors affecting…
b) Mesophilic (middle temperature liking
-Growth range 20-45oC; optimum 30-37oC
-Pathologic bacteria to humans

c) Thermophilic (Heat liking bacteria)

-Growth range 45-70oC; optimum 50-55oC

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Factors affecting…
3. Time:
• bacterial division occurs every 20-30 min
• under suitable environmental conditions, one cell could give
rise to over 17 million in 8 hours and 1 billion (109) in 10 hrs
• Cooked/ left over food that stayed more than 2 hours is

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Factors affecting…

4. Moisture:
Bacterial cell contains about 80% water
• Water is an essential requirement for bacterial
existence so storing food in high humid area is

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Factors affecting…
5. Oxygen:
• Aerobic – Need oxygen
• Facultative – can survive both in the presence
and absence of O2
• Anaerobic – No need of oxygen for survival

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Factors affecting…

6. pH:
• most bacteria prefer slightly alkaline (7.2-7.6) pH

7. Light:
• bacteria grow best in darkness (UV light has
bactericidal effect)

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Food borne diseases
• It can be categorized into 4:
1. Food-borne infections:
• due to ingestion of food containing
pathogenic m.os (Bacteria, parasite, viruses)
• E.g. Salmonellas, Shigellosis, Brucellosis,
Amoebiasis, Taeniasis, infectious hepatitis
• Mode of transmission is faeco-oral

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Food-borne diseases…
2. Food-borne intoxication:
• Due to bacterial toxins
A) Staphylococcus food poisoning
– The toxin is heat resistant (withstanding
boiling To)
B) Botulism caused by Cl. Botulinum
– Toxin is formed under anaerobic condition
– Destroy by boiling at 120oc for 10-15 min
– Home canned foods are mostly affected

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Food-borne diseases…
3. Chemical poisoning:
• Sources of poisonous chemicals:
✓ Metals: Cd, Zn, Cu, Pb used to plate containers
✓ Chem. Substances used in cleaning & sanitizing if
used in excess or accidentally mixed
✓ Use of insecticides or rodenticides in our food area
✓ Residual pesticides on crops from farm

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Food-borne diseases…
4. Poisonous plants and animals:
a. fungus Claviceps purpurea causing ergotism.
The usual media for intoxication is rye, wheat, barely, rice:
convulsion and crippling forms (gangrene) as a result of
vasoconstriction of capillaries in the extremities, giving
rise to a burning sensation known as “St Antony’s fire”.
b. Poisonous mushrooms (Aspergillusflavus) causing
aflatoxicosis-necrosis of liver, skin, and intestine, also
suspected of carcinogenic effect.
c. Lathyrisma neuro-toxicosis causing the muscular
disabilities of extremities (from cereal of (“Guaya”)

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Good sanitary practice

Features include:
A. Food
• Supplied from approved source/supplies
• Unsafe or unsuitable for human consumption should be
• Potentially hazardous food must be stored at a safe To
• On display food must be protected against handling,
sneezing and coughing and against contamination by flies,
rodents etc
• Food must be stored on clean racks, shelves, cabinets or
other clean surface at sufficient height, proper arrangements
• On properly labeled container

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Use of temperature for hazardous
• Storage: < 8 oC(5oC)
• Freezing food < 0oC
• Serving cooked food at > 60 oC
• Internal cooking temperature > 65oCfor egg, fish, beef;
>74oCfor poultry
• Reheating cooled cooked food at >74oC
• Use immediately cooked food
• Drying (dehydration): bread, meat, milk, etc
• Sterilization of canned food;
• Smoking of meat and fish,
• Pasteurization: milk, beer
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Correct Food Storage
Foods to be covered and stored separately

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B. Personnel
• Medical check-up (pre-employment and periodical)

• Should keep hands clean, wear clean outer garments &

wear hair restraints (coverings)

• Persons with boils, infected wounds, sore throat or any

communicable disease couldn’t be permitted to work

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Poor Personal Hygiene

Dirty Hands Dirty Finger Nails

Dirty Uniforms

Smoking in Food Areas

Sick at Work
Open Cuts 29
Hand washing
People who work with food should always WASH their
hands with SOAP and warm water
✓ after going to the toilet,
✓ smoking,
✓ touching their hair, nose and mouth.
✓ after sneezing and coughing,
✓ touching raw foods
✓ handling rubbish
✓ handling chemicals

Every time a food handler enters a KITCHEN or food

room they must ALWAYS wash their HANDS
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Good sanitary practices
C. Food equipment and utensils

• Should be in good conditions or in good repair & no


• Should not be from toxic materials (Cadmium, Zinc,

Antimony, lead, etc)

• No corrosion of surfaces

• Must be cleaned and sanitized regularly

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Good sanitary practices

Cleaning and bactericidal treatment of utensils

and equipment
– Two basic methods for dishwashing and
1. Manual dish washing
2. Mechanical dish washing

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Cleaning & bactericidal…
1. Manual dish washing: can be fixed or movable with two or
three bowl, dishes or sinks
• The first- for washing or thorough scraping to eliminate large
food particles
• The second- for rinse in water at temp 110-120 0F with soap
or other detergents
• The third- for rinsing combined with an effective germicidal
process to sanitize
Sanitizing can be obtained by using:
• Boiling water at least half minute or 170 0F for 2 min
• Chlorine solution 150 ppm for 2 min

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1 2 3

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Cleaning & bactericidal…

2. Mechanical dish washing: washing procedure is by using

machine (depending on the instruction given)

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D. Sanitation facilities and controls

• Safe and adequate hot and cold water supply

• Proper sewage disposal system

• Plumbing must be properly installed

• Toilet facilities should be available

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D. Sanitation facilities...

• Proper solid waste management

• Rodents, flies and other vermin must be avoided

• Sufficient light and ventilation

• Washable walls, floor and ceilings

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E. Public control
• The regulatory bodies: the MOH and its branches are
responsible to verify, ensure the food is safe
• It follows the comprehensive approach: from “farm to Table”
• The tools are:
–Food safety regulations
–Enforcing bodies/ experts
–Generating data on the number and type of food establishments
• –The main enforcement tool is sanitary inspection

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• Inspection types
•Regular or periodical
•Inspection by complain
•Inspection by emergency
What is inspected?
•Physical structure
•Sanitary facilities and services
•Food handlers health condition
•SOP of cleaning of equipment, utensils, food handling, etc

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Enforcement provision
• The issuance: licensing

• The supervision: interrupting/stopping for the

time, cessation of operation

• The reinstatement: to restore into former

place after correction

• The revocation of permits

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Food preservation
• food preservation is a technique by which foods
are kept for intended longer periods with out
altering their natural state.
Foods can be preserved
• Damaging agent
• Delay growth of Mos
• Delay of self decomposition

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1. Aseptic technique: cover clean food; do not contaminate
2. Removal of micro-organisms:
• this may involve techniques like washing, trimming, and
filtration techniques
3. Use of high temperature: this is a technique of destruction
of the agent (organism or enzyme) through the application
of heat: sterilization, pasteurization, sanitizing

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4. Use of low temperature
• to retard the growth and multiplication of micro
• organisms by decreasing the metabolic activities of the cells
• •Refrigeration: < 5oC

• Chilling (cold storage or refrigeration): chilling is normally

used at 0 OC to 8 OC
• Freezing: it is achieved by using below 0 OC.

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5. Drying technique: this is a dehydration process by which
the water or moisture content of the food is removed or
decreased. E.g. smoking, Fumigation, etc.
6. Use of chemical preservatives/Additives. Like salting,
sugaring, spices, SO2, CO2, Benzoic acid, etc.
7. Irradiation: use of gamma rays
8. The combination of two or more of the above technique

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The WHO Golden Rules
(for food preparation/ hygiene)
1. Choose foods processed for safety
2. Cook food thoroughly
3. Eat cooked foods immediately
4. Store cooked foods carefully
5. Reheat cooked foods thoroughly
6. Avoid contact between raw foods and cooked foods
7. Wash hands repeatedly
8. Keep all kitchen surfaces meticulously clean
9. Protect foods from insects, rodents, and other
10. Use pure water
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1. Lewis H.K. Clay’s Handbook of Environmental Health, 9th edition ,New
York, Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2004
2. Salvato JA. Environmental Engineering and Sanitation, 5th edition New
Jersey, John Wiley & Sons, 2003
3. Teka GebreEmanuel. Food Hygiene: principles and methods of food
borne diseases control with special emphasis to Ethiopia. Addis Ababa.
Addis Ababa University Press, 1997.

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