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bE CUGNG KHOA HQC TONG ON TU VUNG - NGU PHAP 6 (Tie ngay 14/6/2021 dén ngay 3/10/2021) TUAN NOI DUNG NGO’ PHAP TY VUNG 1 ‘Thi dOng tir - Sy phdi thi - Sy hda Education hgp gitka chi ngtr va déng tir 2 | Bi ddng va Bj dong aac biét - Gidi tir Culture 3 Cau diéu kién - Danh déng tir va Population - Energy d6ng tir nguyén mau. 4 REVISION 1 5 Trong 4m- Phat am - Cau héi dudi Sports - Inventions 6 Cum dong tir Family Life 7 Cau tuéng thuat - Mao tir Entertainment 8 REVISION 2 9 | Ong tir khuyét thiéu - Thitc gid dinh Environment 10 Cac cap so sanh - trat ty tinh tir Healthy lifestyle i Cu tao tir - ugg tir Urbanization- Global warming 12 REVISION 3 13 Lién tir Gender equality- Relationship 14 Dao nga Tourism - Jobs 15 Ménh dé va ménh dé quan hé Volunteer - Ways of socializing REVISION 4 MUC LUC - [820000] ts Huéng dan tra ID. &Q- 1D (820001) GQ - ID [820002]: B..i tap ngay 15/6/2021 £2 « ID (820003): Bai tap ngay 16/6/2021 2 ID [820004]: Bai tap ngay 17/6/2021 12 - ID [820005]: Bai tap ngay 18/6/2021. A - ID (820006): Bai tap ngay 19/6/2021 1 - 1D [820007]: Bai tap lam thém tuan 1. (Q - ID [820008]; Bai tap ngay 21/6/2021 2 - ID (820009): Bai tap ngay 22/6/2021 (CQ - ID [820010): Bai tap ngay 23/6/2021 O21 ID [820011]: Bai tap ngay 24/6/2021 GQ - ID (820012): Bai tap ngay 25/6/2021 01 « ID [820013]: Bai tap ngay 26/6/2021 £2 - ID [820014]: Bai tap Lam thém tan fai tap ngay 28/6/2021, : Bai tap ngay 29/6/2021. G2 - ID (820019): Bai tap ngay 2/7/2021 SQ - ID [820020): Bai tap ngay 3/7/2021. £2) ID [820021}: Bai tap lain thém tuan 3. Q - 1D (820022): Bai tap ngay 5/7/2021. 2 - Ww (820023): Bai tap ngay 6/7/2021. A - ID [820024]: Bai tap ngay 7/7/2021 1 - ID [820025]: Bai tap ngay 8/7/2021 G2 - ID [820026]: Bai tap ngay 9/7/2021. 1) - 1D [820027]: Bai tap ngay 10/7/202 £2 - ID [820028]: Bai tap lam thém tuan 4. &- ID [820029]: Bai tap ngay 12/7/2021 2 + 1D [820030]: Bai tap ngay 13/7/202 £0) ID [8200311]: Bai tap ngay 14/7/2021 ID [820032]: Bai tap ngay 15/7/2021 «ID [820033]: Bai tap ngay 16/7/2021 QQ - ID [820034]: Bai tap ngay 17/7/2021, 1 - ID (820035): Bai tap lam thém tun 5. GQ" ID [820071]: | + 1D [820072]: Bai tap 1am thém tuan - I]. Antonyms and synonyms. 1 - ID [820036]: Bai tap ngay 19/7/2021... (A - ID [820037}: Bai tap ngay 20/7/202: Q - ID {820038}: Bai tap ngdy 21/7/2021 €Q - 1D [820039]: Bai tap ngay 22/7/202: Q - ID [820040]: Bai tap ngay 23/7/202 £2) - ID [820041]: Bai tap ngay 24/7/202: £3 ID [820042]: Bai t4p:lam thém tun 6... (Ll - ID (820043): Bai tap ngay 26/7/2021 - 1D [820044]: Bai tap ngay 27/7/202: EQ - 1D (820045): Bai tap ngay 28/7/202: Q - ID [820046]: Bai tap ngay 29/7/202: GQ - ID [820047]: Bai tap ngay 30/7/202: (QD - ID (820048): Bai tap ngay 31/7/2021 G2. 1D [820049]: Bai tap lam thém tuan (2 - 1b [820050]: Bai tap lam thém tun 7... (GQ - ID [820051]: Bai tap ngay 2/8/2021. (ID [820052]: Bai tap ngay 3/8/2021. £Q - Ip (820053): Bai tap ngay 4/8/2021. 2 - ID (820056): Bai tap ngay 7/8/2021. (Li 1D [820057]: Bai tap lam thém tuan 12 - ID [820058]: Bai tap ngay 9/8/2021. £ - ID [820059]: Bai tap ngay 10/8/2021. Ai tap ngay 11/8/2021. ai tap ngay 12/8/2021. : Bai tap ngay 13/8/2021... Gl - ID [820063]: Bai tap ngay 14/8/2021.. 02 ID [820064]: Bai tap lam thém tuan 9 1) - 1 [820065}: Bai tap ngay 16/8/2021. {2 - 1 [820066]: Bai tap ngay 17/8/2021. 1 - ID [820067]: Bai tap ngay 18/8/2021. {11 - ID (820068): Bai tap ngay 19/8/2021. 1 - 1D [820069): QQ + 1D [820070]: tap. lam thém tuan 10 ~I, Revision (¥- ID [820073]: Bai tap lam thém tuan~= III. Reading. 12 - ID [820074); Bai tap ngay 23/8/2021. Q «ID [820075): Bai tap ngay 24/8/2021. Q - ID [820076}: Bai tap ngay 25/8/202 €Q - 1D (820077): Bai tap ngay 26/8/202: 2 - ID (820078); Bai tap ngay 27/8/2021 2 - ID (820079); Bai tap ngay 28/8/202 | 1D [820080}; Bai tap lam thém twin 1i- 1, Reading ‘22 1D (820081): Bai tap lam them tun 11-1 Grammar, 1 - ID [820082]: Bai tap ngay 30/8/2021... 2 - 1D (820083): Bai tip ngay 31/8/2021 1 - 1 [820084]: Bai tap ngdy 1/9/2021. - ID (820085): Bai tap ngay 2/9/2021. £2 - ID (820086): Bai tap ngay 3/9/2021. @Q- 1D [820092]: Bai tap ngay 8/9/202: Q «ID [820093]: Bai tap ngay 9/9/2021. Q - ID [820094]; Bai tap ngay 10/9/2021 6 -ip (820095): ai tap nly 11/9/2021 tap ngay 13/9/2021 £0 - ID [820098}: Bai tap ngay 14/9/2021. DID (820099): Bai tap ngay 15/9/2021. £2 - ID (820101): Bai tap ngay 16/9/2021. 2) «ID (820102): Bai tap ngay 17/9/2021. © Ip (820103): Bai tap ngay 18/9/2021. YI [820105]: Bai tap ngay 20/9/2021 2 - ID [820106]: Bai tap ngay 21/9/202 2 - ID [820107]; Bai tap ngdy 22/9/202: @Q - ID (820108): Bai tap ngay 23/9/202: - 1D (820109): Bai tap ngay 24/9/202: G2) - 1D [820110}: Bai tap ngay 25/9/2021 A ib (620110): Baitap Tain thém tin 15; HUONG DAN TRA ID |. Kich heat khoa hoc tich hop Sach ID 4 tra dugc bat ky ID nao trén sach, truéc tién ban can phai kich hoat khéa hoc duge tich hop theo Sach ID. uy cap httas//moon.vniactivelD 40 nhe mé thé cdo & bia sau hoac bia phu cudn sdch. * Bue 3: Nhap ma kich hoat * Buréc 4: Dién ma ID cudn sach, ma ID nay ném 6 bia true cudn sach. * Bue 5: Kich hoat thanh céng tai khodn sé duoc théng bao va bat dau tra dugc ID. Il, Hwéng dan 04 cdp dé tra ID trén sach Dé tra ID ban chi cn truy cp trang chi: Moon. vn va dién ID vao thanh tim kiém Oo2432 99 9898 MoonBookvn Xép hang Box Gio vin + Ha thing Muse Hoe a khing ginh minh 4. Tra ID khéa hoc: Tra ID trén bia sach sé tim duoc khéa hoc tich hyp theo sach, ban nén thuéng xuyén tra ID nay dé truy c&p khéa hoc mét cach nhanh nht qua mat thao tac. Se ue eee ean cal Gido vién. C6 Trang Anh ID: [820000] 6 bai: 110 UG) THI 86 In xem: 10/bai THPT Quéc gia Khéa hoc Pro § Nai? phap mén Tiéng Anh la mét phan rt quan trong trong chwong trinh Pro SAT Tiéng Anh - gidi toan dién cho cac em tham gia luyén thi ky thi THPT Qudc gia 2022 Lee bai tap 2. Tra ID cha dé: Cap a6 chu 8 trong muc luc cia sach trong dueng cap dé tleng chuyén 8 trong khéa hoc, tra ID & cép dé nay sé 06 két qua toan bé bai hoc cla chuyén dé. > Hay sl’ dung muc luc HE THONG BAI GIANG VIDEO VA DE LUYEN TAP dau méi chuyén dé sach dé lay ID tra ctru cac bal giang va 48 thi, 3, Tra ID Bai giang hoc Bai luygn tap: Vao trong cudn sach, mdi mat bai hoc ho&c mat bai luyén tap sé c6 mt ID, tra ID nay ban sé xem dug bai ging video hoac dap an chi ét cla cd bai luyén tap. is Pe ACCC ET CCR Lo a \isn'the Q@ishe — C.hasn’the Paes TC OT that new word correctly, A.amnotl @amt ze oa CRE em Ur om Tea ee ; Corners De 4. Tra ID cau héi: Méi mét cau hdi bai tap cé mét ID, tra ID nay ban sé tim dugc dap an va loi giai cia cau hdi dd. ‘Cu 34, Mary looks sad. Did you tell her about the accident?” - “Yes, but L her.” A. shouldn't have told B. mustn't have told C. must have told D. should have told Dap an: A ID: 769084 (Chua phan loal (1) Lei gid & binh wan HD: w Djeh nghia: —“ Mary trong budn lam, Cé phai cu da ké cho ¢6 dy vé vu tai ngn khéng?” —“ U. nhung 1é ra minh khéng nén ké vai c6 dy.” * Xét ede dap dn: A. shouldn't have told: i@ ra 4 khéng nén ké (hung di ké ri). B. musin’t have told — khdng ding dang dign dat nay. C. must have told: chic hin da ké, D. should have told: 16 ra da nén ké (nhing d& khong ké). => Dap in A NHOM TONG ON TV VUNG - NOU PHAP.6 BAI TAP. TUAN 1 : (Tir ngay 14/6/2021 den ngay 20/6/2021) Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh. Facebook: Mrstranganh87 1. VOCABULARY Question 1 [890852]: The smell of floor polish still brings__ memories of my old school. A. back B.up Con D, over Question 2 [890853]: Next year our three-year-old will be starting school. ‘A. nursing B. nursery C infancy D. toddler Question 3 [890854]: When the teacher asked for a volunteer of kids put up their hands. A.plenty B, some C. many D. few Question 4 [890855]: I've got so far behind with my work it'll be hard to up. A. bring B. catch C. make D.let Question 5 {890856]: You ought to more of an effort at school. A.make B, take Cry QueStion 6 [890857]: Do you think children should wear a school 2? A.cloth B. costume C. uniform D. suit Question 7 [890858]: When I get. with the lesson | just look out of the window. A. boring B. bored C. boredom D. bore Question 8 [890859]: Parents receive a school on their child’s progress at the end of every year. A. report B. test C. assessment D. statement Question 9 [890860]; His rude behavior is not. in our school, A. receptive B. convenient C. comfortable D. acceptable Question 10 [890861]: Some students cannot learn anything by everything in their own words. Avear B. heart C.mind D.eye Question 11 [890862]: When I was at school we had to learn a poem each week and then it from memory. A. recite B. relate C rehearse D. recount Question 12 [890863]: Children are always trying to find out they can go with a new teacher. ; they want to say A.what distance _B, what length Chow far D. how long Question 13 [890864]: Laura goes to a____ school so she only sees her family at the weekends. A. boarding B. day C.comprehensive —_D. private 9 * BAL TAP TUAN 1 (tit ngay 14/6/2021 - 20/6/2021) ecabantngcntnen Question 14 [890865]: The of students in my year want to go to university. A.maximum B, majority C. highest D. most Question 15 [890866]: His parents are worried about his behavior. He’s always getting into at school. A. problems B. punishment C. trouble D. difficulty Question 16 [890867]: You should attention to what your teacher says. A.take B. pay C.give D. show Question 17 [890868]: Young school children are more likely to be influenced by pressure from their than from their families. A. peers B.counterparts _. mates D. colleagues Question 18 [890869]: If there was a (n) in class sizes, more students would be able to participate in lessons. A.lessening B. reduction C. dimension D. deduction Question 19 [890870]: By next year, my son will have ___his education at Cambridge University A. realized B. graduated C.terminated D. completed Question 20 [890871]; If | don’t write you a note to say you have a doctor's appointment, the teacher will think you are playing : ‘A. the fool B.truant C. tricks D. hard to get Il. GRAMMAR Question 21 [890872]: He playing with his dog. A. is loving B. loves C. was loving D. love Question 22 [890873]; Oi if you pour it on water, A. floated B. floats C. will be floated D. float Question 23 [890874]: Water at 100 degrees Celsius. A. boils B. boiling C. is boiling D. boil Question 24 [890875]: The launch of the first liquid - fuelled rocket in 1926. by flight historians as significant as the Wright Brothers’ flight. A. has considered - having been B, was considered - being C. is considered - to be D. has been considered - has been Question 25 [890876]: I'm afraid John will get drunk at the party no matter what his wife to prevent it. . A. would do B, were doing C. does D. will do Question 26 [890877]: “Any news from Vicky?” “Yes, She. tomorrow.on the 9:15 train,’ Avarrives B. will have arrived C. arriving D. will have been arriving Question 27 [890878]: “Do you know it's Barb's birthday today?” “Yes, she. a party tonight.” A. has B. is to have C. is having D. will have Question 28 [890879]: Tom, things round the house, which is annoying. A.alwaysleaves B.hasalwaysleft — leaving D. is always leaving Question 29 [890880]: Teenagers photos of pop stars on their bedroom walls, A. are often sticking _B. often stick C. will often stick D. have often stuck Question 30 [890881]: At least half of the world's population. more than one language. A. speak B. speaks C. have spoken speaking 10 Sach ID Tai ligu khéa hoc: TONG ON TU VUNG - NG{ PHAP 6- Trang Anh SE ang Anh swat eaasten REVISION Mark the letter A, B, G or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 31 [890882]:A. blind B. prioritize G,financial_—_—D. mobility Question 32 [890883]:A, accessible B. experience —_C. special D. force Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 33 [890884]: A. profile B,promote —_C. prefer D. regret Question 34 [890885]: A. matchmaking B.teenager C.romantic__D. reconciled Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Question 35 [890886]: Make sure that you have the words spell correctly; otherwise, your A B c form won't be accepted. D Question 36 [890887]: Almost of the trees in this plantation have been cut down and burned. A B c D Question 37 [890888]: Susan decided to not do her homework and went to a night-club. A B c oD Mark the letter A, B, G or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 38 [890889]: Could you please turn off the stove? The potatoes for at least twenty minutes. A.are boiling B. boiling C. were boiling D. have been boiling Question 39 [890890]: | will not be here next week. | am going to be business in London. A. about Bain Con Question 40 [890891]: Little he know how much suffering he has caused. A. didn’t B. should C.won't D. does Question 41 [890892]: he felt so unhappy and lonely. A. Despite his wealthy B. Rich as was he €. Rich as he was D. In spite of his being wealth Question 42 [890893]: All commuters the main highway to get to the center of the city will face delay of up to an hour today because of on-going construction. Avuse B.used Cusing D. will use Question 43 [890894]: The world’s deepest cave, Pierre St. Martin in the Pyrenees Mountains, is almost three times deep as the Empire State Building is _B. deeper than the Empire State Building is higher than the Empire State Building D. as the Empire State Building's height Question 44 [890895]: Nowadays, most students use calculators in their studies and examinations. A. electrical B. electricity C. electric D. electronic 11 * BAI TAP TUAN 1 (tir ngay 14/6/2021 — 20/6/2021) Mosaic ia Question 45 [890896]: The Mountain view Hotel offers its guests a buffet breakfast every morning. A. valuable B. situated C. dependent D. complimentary Question 46 [890897]: Water is of two elements: hydrogen and oxygen. A.consisted B. composed C. making D. comprising Question 47 [890898]: I want to a table at the Bamboo Restaurant. A. maintain B, manage C. reserve D. allow Question 48 [890899]: I can't___ this noise any longer. I'm going to write a letter of complaint about this problem. A. get back to B.take away from —_C. put up with D. make out of Question 49 [890900]: People are always advised to smoking because of its harm to their health. A. cut down B. cut off C.cutin D. cut down on Question 50 [890901]: Phong is my best friend, who has stuck with me through, . A.hereandthere B.nowandthen —_C.chalk and cheese _D, thick and thin L REVISION Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges. Question 1 [890904]: Lan: “Let's go to the cinema this evening.” - Susan: “ A. We don't have any film. B. You went to the theater. C. Let’s take the seat. D. I've seen the film already. Question 2 [890905]: “How lovely your pets are!” - : A. Thank you. It's nice ofyou to say so. _B, Really? They are always very nice. G.Can you say that again? D, Love them, too. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 3 [890906]: Within a week on display at the exhibition, the painting was hailed as amasterpiece. A.a down-to-earth work of art B. an excellent work of art C. an expensive work of art D.a large work of art Question 4 [890907]: Hypertension is one of the most widespread and potentially dangerous diseases. A. stretched B. popular common D. scattered Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 5 [890908]; We offer a speedy and secure service of transferring money in Jess than 24 hours. A.slow C.unsure D. uninterested Question 6 [890909]; “That is a well-behaved boy whose behavior has nothing to complain about.” A.behaving nice B.behavingcleverly C.good behavior _D. behaving improperly 12 Sach ID ‘Tai ligu khéa hoe: TONG ON TU VUNG - NGU PHAP 6- Trang Anh ote emerge Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. Question 7 [890910]: [haven't got enough money, so I'm not going on holiday. ‘A. If [have enough money I would go on holiday. B. If had enough money I would go on holiday. G If had had enough money I would go on holiday. D. If ]have had enough money I would go on holiday. Question 8 [890914]: The noise next door did not stop until after midnight. A. The noise next door didn’tstop during midnight. B. It was not until after midnight that the noise next door stopped. C. The noise next door didn’t stop after midnight. D. The noise next door didn’t stop at midnight. Question 9 [890912]: Nobody at all came to the meeting. A. Not many people came to the meeting. _B. Nota single person came to the meeting. C. Only a few people came to the meeting. D. There was almost nobody at the meeting. Mark the letter A, B, G, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. Question 10 [890913]: Many students like the lecture. Its subject is very interesting. A. The subject of the lecture, which is very interesting, many students like. B. The subject of the lecture, which many students like, is very interesting, C. Many students like the lecture the subject of which is very interesting. D. Many students like the lecture which subject is very interesting. Question 11 [890914]: We had overslept. We missed the bus. A. Having overslept so we couldn't the bus. B. Though we had overslept, we wouldn't miss the bus. C. If we hadn't overslept, we wouldn't miss the bus. D. Asa result of having overslept, we couldn't catch the bus. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 12 to 16. How do you feel when you sit an exam? Do you always succeed in getting all your ideas down on paper, or do you sometimes feel that you're (12) a mess of it? Apart from those lucky (13) sail through exams, most secondary school students find them very stressful. Many teachers are (14)___of the problems their students face and use different methods for (15) their progress: continuous assessment. With continuous assessment, students are given various achievements to do through the year. All their marks are added together to produce a total mark at the end of the year. Students have to take more responsibility for their education (16) _____ they can't rely on doing well on just one day. Also they have more time to think over their work, meaning that they're able to do their best. Question 12 [890915]: A. doing B.having —_C. making D. taking Question 13 [890916]: A. who B. whom C. whose D. which Question 14 [890917]: A.aware —_B.intelligent C. recognizable D. knowledgeable Question 15 [890918]: A. producing B, measuring ¢. giving D. estimating Question 16 [890919]: A.although B.owingto C. but D. because 13 * BAL TAP TUAN 1 (tir ngay 14/6/2021 - 20/6/2021) eeah ining mae Tl. VOCABULARY Question 17 [890920]: He avery positive contribution to the success of the project. A.took B. made C. did D. caused Question 18 [890921]: I'm afraid I'm not a very good advertisement for the diet since I've actually, on weight! A.get B. take C.cateh D. put Question 19 [890922]: These measures have been taken __increasing the company's profits. A.withaviewto _B. for fear of C.on purpose D. in order to Question 20 [890923]: You must and your family. all reasonable precautions to protect yourself A. take C.make D. cause Question 21 [890924]: Ifyou need to the teacher’s attention, just put your hand up. A. pull B. capture C. attract D. draw Question 22 [890925]: Make sure you your homework before you go out. B. make . write D. solve Question 23 [890926]: Mrs Dawson said that we are. our lesson in the library next Monday. A. reading B, making C. going D. having Question 24 [890927]: I was very proud when I was told that I'd been made a. . A. pupil B. prefect C. student D. classmate Question 25 [890928]: I'll meet you at the school gates during the lunch_. A. break B. gap C. interval D. pause Question 26 [890929]: Oh, no! We've got a double maths__ next! A, subject B. lesson C. interval D. task Question 27 {890930}: Can you imagine what it was like to have punishment in schools, with teachers hitting pupils? A. painful B. capital C. corporal D. harmful Question 28 [890931]: How many is Sam studying at school? ‘A. subjects B. objects C. themes D. topies Question 29 [890932]: I have English classes day - on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. A, all other B. each other C. this and the other D. every other Question 30 [890933]: [ haven't had a very week, I seem to have done nothing at all. A. productive B. enthusiastic C. extensive D. economic Question 31 [890934]: Itis impossible to find a good educational computer program, A. hardly B, barely C. almost D. merely Question 32 [890935]: A small of students was waiting outside the classroom to see the teacher. A. form B. group C. gang D. team Question 33 [890936]: Hard as she tried, she couldn’t understand the question. A.always B.even C.still D.yet Question 34 [890937]: How many marks did you in the last test? A. score B. make C. get D. take Question 35 [890938]: You will have to do the course again because your work has been__. A. unnecessary B. unpleasant C. unusual D. unsatisfactory 14 ‘Sach ID ‘Tai ligu khéa hoe: TONG ON TU VUNG - NGU PHAP 6- Trang Anh ee eventeese ara ssen Question 36 [890939]: Andy was from school because of his bad behavior. A.evicted B. left C. expelled D, resigned Question 37 [890940]: I'm not sure why he didn't go to the college, but I he failed the entrance exam. A. deduce B, estimate C. predict D. suspect Question 38 [890941]: The study of. can be very interesting. A. history B. histories C.ahistory D. the history Question 39 [890942]: You can learn as much theory as you like, but you only master a skill by it A. doing B. exercising C. training D. practicing Question 40 [890943]: Joseph was so at maths at school that he became the youngest student ever to be accepted by a college. A. hopeful B. brilliant Ckeen D. proud Il. GRAMMAR Question 41 [890944]: “Did you have a good time at the Browns?” “Not really. 1 Vilever visit them again.” A.won'tbe thinking notthinking — C. don’t think D. think not Question 42 [890945]: Today universities. of conducting “cruel and unnecessary” tests on animals, banned drugs such as amphetamines. + A.are accused - using B. have accused - to use C. have been accused - used D. are being accused - being used Question 43 [890946]: “George is in hospital.” “Yes, I've heard he__good progress.” A. makes B. wil! make C. is making D. would make Question 44 [890947]: My neighbor really gets on my nerves. She____ the washing machine on late at night. A.has always put B.had always put C.isalways putting _D. has always been putting Question 45 [890948]: The word “Olympic” from Olympian in Greece. A. has come B.came C. comes coming Question 46 [890949]: Three swimmers, Paul, Ed, and Jim, now in the competition for medals. Ais has been C. had been Dare Question 47 [890950]; “Could I have a word with you, please?” “Sorry, I'm in a big hurry. Mytrain_____in 15 minutes.” A. is leaving B. left C.has left D. will leave Question 48 [890951]: an important phone call from America. Could you tell me when it comes? A. had expected B. am expecting C. expected D. have been expected Question 49 [890952]: The existence of many stars in the sky us to suspect that there may be life on another planet. A.lead B, leading C. have led D, leads Question 50 [890953]: insist on a full refund. ‘A, Whatever he will say B. Whatever he said C. Whatever he says D. Whatever he would say 15 * BAL TAP TUAN 1 (tit ngay 14/6/2021 — 20/6/2021) 1. GRAMMAR Question 1 [890956]: Five pounds buy as much as it used to. A.aren’t going B. don't C. doesn't D. A&B are correct Question 2 [890957]: The science classes at this difficult. A. school are B. schools are C. school is D. school's is Question 3 [890958]: The English strong traditions. A. have much B. has much C. has many D. have many Question 4 [890959]: The first two problems very difficult but is not. A. are — the rest B. is — the other C. are — another D. are — the last Question 5 [890960]: Here notebook and report that I promised you last week. Avis the B.are the C.was the D. were the Question 6 [890961]: Half of the letters she sent him in purple ink. A. wrote B, has written C. was written D. were written Question 7 [890962]: The number of participants of the international conference still increasing. A.are Gis D. were Question 8 [890963]: Psychologists have found that the number of social contacts we have only reason for loneliness. A. are not the isnot the C. are not an D. is not an Question 9 [890964]: Neither Jim nor his brothers to school. Their father teaches them at home. A.have neverbeen B, has ever been have ever been D. ever go Question 10 [890965]: Five thousand dollars big sum of money. It's worth trying, A.area B. are Cisa D. would be Question 11 [890966]: The fact that the new staff members were complimented on their achievement known to the whole company. A.has B. have C.was Dare Question 12 [890967]: Five dollars for a pair of thongs expensive. A,are too B. isnot C.aren't D. be Question 13 [890968]: Neither the students nor their lecturer English in the classroom. A.use B. uses Gare suing D. have used Question 14 [890969]: The facilities at the new research library, including an excellent microfilm file, wonderful. Aare Bis Chas been D.was Question 15 [890970]: Each of the 4 types of human suited for a specific purpose. A. tooth are B. teeth is C.tooth is D, teeth are Question 16 [890971]: Not only John but his brothers also in debt. A.have B. were C.was Dis Question 17 [890972]: The committee has met and A, they have reached a decision B. ithas reached to a decision C. its decision was reached at D. ithas reached a decision Question 18 [890973]: The number of the months in a year twelve. A.was B. were Gare Deis 16 (tix ngay 14/6/2021 - 20/6/2021) hy —_——tudents look up to them as models, of course it's great. However, in to university is the only way to succe society's attitude that getting int 55], their lives are over. It should be noted that about 1.3 million high s exams and only about 300,000 of t. part in the annual university entrance about the hundreds of thousands who fail? Should we demand more stor. -who fail the exam but succeed in life or about those who quit universit, = ome level and do something else unconventional? ally think that it's not about you scoring top in an entrance exam or get even it's about what you do for the rest of your life,” satd Tran Nguyen Le Van, 29. He + of a website,, which passengers can use to book bus tickets online ickets via SMS. His business also arranges online tickets via mobile phones and ———jropped out of his MBA at the Thunderbird School of Global Management in —___4¢ United States. His story has caught the attention of many newspapers and he ve coverage should be given to the youngsters who can be role-models in the perenne unity. Getting into university, even with honors, is just the beginning. “We ey and their efforts and obviously that can give them motivation to do better in ns. success requires more than just scores,” Van said, Van once told a newspaper —____ jyation also came from among the world's most famous drop-outs, such as Mark ‘of Facebook or Bill Gates who also dropped out of Harvard University. 15 statistics about unemployment continues to plague us. As many as 162,000 Some kind of degree cannot find work, according to Labor Ministry's statistics An emphasis on getting into university does not inspire students who want to ——xive options. At the same time, the Ministry of Education and Training is still en how to reform our exam system, which emphasizes theories, but offers little to tical thinking or practice. Vu Thi Phuong Anh, former head of the Centre for “Testing and Quality Assessment at Vietnam National University in Ho Chi Mink 6 media should also monitor student successes after graduation. She agreed le, but added that it was imbalanced if many success stories about young peop! a king unconventional paths were not also encouraged. 4 m is, more than ever, in desperate need of those who think outside the box. Time cognize talent, no matter where it comes from or how. (Source: sage? 33 [890987]: Which of the following best describes the main idea of this pass students consider universities as their only way after school. > ¢ model of being successful in the real life out of school. ——————nany students are successful after graduating from universities. = sity js ot the only way to success. pens, 34 [390988]: What is NOT stated exam? =e ajority of them are poor put intelligent and eager to learn. === are hoped to find the way to better their families’ lives. e classes than others. in the passage about the top-scorers in the ae i ir success is more glorious because they attend mor: students are admired for the great efforts. i t * BAI TAP TUAN i (tit ngay 14/6/2021 - 20/6/2021) If other students look up to them as models, of course it's great. However, in a way, it contributes to society's attitude that getting into university is the only way to succeed. For those who fail, their lives are over. It should be noted that about 1.3 million high school students take part in the annual university entrance exams and only about 300,000 of them pass. What's about the hundreds of thousands who fail? Should we demand more stories about those who fail the exam but succeed in life or about those who quit university education at some level and do something else unconventional? “| personally think that it's not about you scoring top in an entrance exam or get even into Harvard. It's about what you do for the rest of your life,” said Tran Nguyen Le Van, 29. He is the founder of a website,, which passengers can use to book bus tickets online and receive tickets via SMS. His business also arranges online tickets via mobile phones and email. Van dropped out of his MBA at the Thunderbird School of Global Management in Arizona in the United States. His story has caught the attention of many newspapers and he believes more coverage should be given to the youngsters who can be role-models in the start-up community. Getting into university, even with honors, is just the beginning. “We applaud them and their efforts and obviously that can give them motivation to do better in life. However, success requires more than just scores,” Van said. Van once told a newspaper that his inspiration also came from among the world's most famous drop-outs, such as Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook or Bill Gates who also dropped out of Harvard University. Alarming statistics about unemployment continues to plague us. As many as 162,000 people with some kind of degree cannot find work, according to Labor Ministry's statistics this month. An emphasis on getting into university does not inspire students who want to try alternative options. At the same time, the Ministry of Education and Training is still pondering on how to reform our exam system, which emphasizes theories, but offers little to develop critical thinking or practice. Vu Thi Phuong Anh, former head of the Centre for Education Testing and Quality Assessment at Vietnam National University in Ho Chi Minh City said the media should also monitor student successes after graduation. She agreed there were many success stories about young people, but added that it was imbalanced if students taking unconventional paths were not also encouraged. Vietnam is, more than ever, in desperate need of those who think outside the box. Time for us to recognize talent, no matter where it comes from or how. (Source: Question 33 [890987]: Which of the following best describes the main idea of this passage? ‘A, Many students consider universities as their only way after school. B, A good model of being successful in the real life out of school. C. Not many students are successfull after graduating from universities. D. University is not the only way to success. Question 34 [890988]: What is NOT stated in the passage about the top-scorers in the entrance exam? A. The majority of them are poor but intelligent and eager to learn. B, They are hoped to find the way to better their families’ lives. C. Their success is more glorious because they attend more classes than others. D. The students are admired for the great efforts. 18 Sach ID Mont kerry ch kh6a hoc: TONG ON TU VUNG - NGU PHAP 6- Trang Anh Question 35 [890989]: The word “unconventional” in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by A. common B. unusual C.well-known D. infamous Question 36 [890990]: The author described Tran Nguyen Le Van in the third passage as_. ‘A.a good example to achieve success although he didn’t finish his education. B. a businessman who gains money by selling mobile phones online. C.a founder whose website was inspired from social networks like Facebook. D.a top-scorer who books online tickets and confirm through messages. Question 37 [890991]: The word “them’ in paragraph 3 refers to___. ‘A. honors B. role-models C.the youngsters D. newspapers Question 38 [890992]: The word “plague” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to . A. conflict B. afflict remind D. bother Question 39 [890993]: According to the fourth paragraph, what is TRUE about the modern exam system? A. It puts too much pressure on students who must get a place in a university. B, Students are not encouraged to do something different. C. The government is trying to change the theories of exam. D. Many stories about successful students cannot inspire those who attend universities. Question 40 [890994]: What can be inferred from the passage? A, It’s high time for the young to change their ways of thinking about success. B. High scores are the first step to attain achievements in the future. C. Failing the entrance exam will not determine that these students are doing unconventional things. D, The most concerned thing for each student is unemployment. 1. GRAMMAR Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. Question 1 [891017]: Mr. Jackson is worried that he won’tbe able to find a parking space when he will come to the office this afternoon. ‘ . Question 2 ipot019} Me Watson will return from his vacation before his assistant had to leave for his business trip. ‘ ® question 3 (891019): sssoonas the next lecture will end, let’s leave. Question 4 [891020]: As soon ashe wilcome tact his oie, tell him to see me. Question 5 [891021]: The spokesman dented his faery have damped chemical wastes into the local river. “ . . D 19 * BAL TAP TUAN 1 (ti ngay 14/6/2021 - 20/6/2021) Eetrsenieny Question 6 [891022]: You should not have offended my aunt the way you have done. A B c D Question 7 [891023]: Not until the office phoned me had I found out about the meeting. A B c D Question 8 [891024]: We haven’t seen each other from we left school. A B Cc D Question 9 [891025]: There are many frequently mentioned reasons why one out of A B four arrests involve a juvenile. c D Question 10 [891026]: More than half of the children in the 1,356-member district qualifies A B c for reduced-price or free lunches. D Question 14 [891027]: Five miles beyond the hills were a fire with its flames reaching up to A B Cc D the sky. Question 12 [891028]: The weather reports all showed that there were a tremendous A B c storm front moving in. D Question 13 [891029]: An understanding of engineering theories and problems are A B impossible until basic arithmetic is fully mastered. c D Question 14 [891030]: Some of the eye movements used in reading is actually unnecessary. A B oC OD Question 15 [891031]: The most common time for tornados to occur are in the afternoon or A B c evening on a hot, humid spring day. D II. VOCABULARY Question 16 [891032]: Arnold is arranged for him to have private tuition, a bit with his English classes so his parents have A. dragging B. struggling G straining D. fighting Question 17 [891033]: Billy isa most young man; he can doa lot of different jobs well. A. laborious B, cunning G. industrious D, capable Question 18 [891034]; Shirley is very up and thinks she is superior to her classmate. A.struck B, looked Gfed D. turned Question 19 [891035]: The new student found the informality at school at first. A. blinding B, foreign C. mysterious D. off-putting Question 20 [891036]: What's done is done. It’s wondering what would have happened if you had passed the exam. A. futile B, helpless C. ineffectual D. valueless 20 Sach ID Tai ligu Icha hoe: TONG ON TU VUNG - NGU PHAP 6— ‘Trang Anh neadecth merge Question 21 [891037]: You completely misunderstood my instructions; you got hold of the wrong end of the A. stick B. rope C.line D. story Question 22 [891038]: After the serious talk with his tutor, Hilary himself more conscientiously to his studies. A. exerted B. converted C. engaged D. applied Question 23 [891039]; After being told off by the teacher, the class out of the room in silence. A.led B, followed. CG. flowed D. filed Question 24 [891040]: Many students prefer assessment as an alternative to exams. A. continued B, continuing C. continual D. continuous Question 25 [891041]: He took to his new course of studies like a to water, B. fish C. horse D. dog Question 26 [891042]: It’s a foregone that he'll be on top of the class again. A. concept B. proposal C. conclusion D, prediction Question 27 [891043]: Financial help from his parents James to complete his studies. A.granted B. provided C. enabled D. eased Question 28 [891044]: She's fallen rather with her schoolwork since she’s been swimming competitively, A. below B, behind . down D. back Question 29 [891045]: I can’t imagine why he’s been missing classes and getting poor marks. He’s normally so A. observant B. attentive C. laborious D. conscientious Question 30 [891046]: Before I went to drama school, I had to quite a lot of family pressure for me to study medicine. A-resist B. restrain C.refuse D. reconcile Question 31 [891047]: The students in the nursing department are female. A. restrictively B.predominantly —_C. arbitrarily D. spontaneously Question 32 [891048]: My decision to leave university after a year is one I now regret. A. painfully B. harshly C. heavily D, keenly Question 33 [891049]: The classroom heating was broken and all the students sat there. . A, sobbing B. dozing C shivering D. blushing Question 34 [891050]: The librarian asked the students to from talking. A. refrain B. repeal C. suppress D. subdue Question 35 [891051]: | think Sarah just couldn't cope with the workload of the university and a young family, maybe dropping was the most sensible decision she could have made. Aoff B. out Dain Question 36 [891052]: This class seems to have only a_ knowledge of what they are supposed to achieve. A. smattering B. faded C. rudimentary D. comprehensive Question 37 [891053]: It was a very course, but we managed to get through it. A.strong B heavy C. strict D, demanding al % BAI TAP TUAN 1 (tir ngay 14/6/2021 — 20/6/2021) IIL REVISION Mark the letter A, B, G or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 38 [891054]: A. motivated B,prioritize C.confident —D. conflict Question 39 [891055]: A. sibling B. conservative C. counsellor _D. casual Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 40 [891056]: A. contaminate B. supervisor _C. investigate. convenient Question 41 [891057]: A. vulnerable B. discriminate C. philosopher _D. stability Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges. Question 42 [891058]: Daisy: ‘What an attractive hairstyle you have got, Mary!” - Mary: “ A. Thank you very much. I'm afraid. B. You're tellinga lie. C. Thank you for your compliment! D.1 don'tlike your sayings. Question 43 [891059]: “Shall I wait for you?” - A. Why ask such a question? B. No need to ask. C.No, don’t bother. D.No, of course. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 44 [891060]; I think we can safely say now that we have got our money back; we are home and dry. A. have got home dry B. have been successful C. have not got wet D. have got no water Question 45 [891061]: Paris is the ideal place to learn French; it’s a beautiful and hospitable city with institutions for high quality linguistic teaching. A. friendly B, natural C. affectionate D. noticeable Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions, Question 46 [891062]: Population growth rates vary among regions and even among countries within the same region. A.remain unstable _ B. fluctuate C. restrain D. stay unchanged Question 47 [891063]: This kind of dress is becoming outmoded. If | were you, I wouldn't dress it up at the party. A. fashionable B. realistic C.unfashionable _D. attractive Mark the letter A, B, © or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. Question 48 [891064]: “How long have you worked here?” he asked. A. He asked me how long I had worked there, B, He asked me for how long I had worked there, C. He asked me if had worked there long. D. He asked me how long had I worked there. 22 Sach ID ‘Tai liéu khéa hoe: TONG ON TU VUNG - NGU PHAP 6 - Trang Anh ersascsonmeng seh Question 49 [891065]: It is in museums and galleries that hobbyists can study exhibits relating to their hobby. A. Hobbyists can study exhibits relating to their hobby in museums and galleries. B, Hobbyists are said that they can study exhibits relating to their hobby in museums and galleries. €. Museums and galleries are the places which hobbyists can study exhibits relating to their hobby. D. It is known that museums and galleries are the best places for hobbyists to study exhibits relating to their hobby. Question 50 [891066]: We were prevented from having our picnic due to the heavy rain. A. The heavy rain made it impossible for us to have our picnic. B, The heavy rain came unexpectedly but we still had our picnic. C. We can't have our picnic because of the heavy rain. D.On being had the picnic, we met with a heavy rain. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 1 to 7. Online lectures are the first choice in the context of long-lasting and complicated Covid- 19 pandemic given their advantages. However, teachers say distance learning has many issues which need to be solved to achieve the set goals. The biggest advantage of online classes is that all materials, discussion questions and tests are stored on an online platform; therefore, students can easily access these contents anytime and anywhere. Lectures will be broadcast live for many students at the same time and could be recorded to be replayed. Nevertheless, talking to Hanoitimes, Dao Van Diep, a teacher of Hanoi-based Lomonosov My Dinh Primary School pointed out some disadvantages of online classes. “The most outstanding one is that in the online environment, teachers cannot remind their students, and there is not any specific timetable so that students can follow”, Diep said. “In addition, there are some other barriers such as equipment, transmission lines, interactions between learners and teachers. As students are not familiar with the online method, it’s hard to get their focus on the lecture which sometimes is interrupted due to poor transmission speed.” “The biggest shortcoming of online classes is the way of testing and evaluating students, I am struggling to find out what kind of test should be used to best assess my students, When we let students take the test from a distance, it is very difficult to ensure they do the test honestly. We need the instructions from the Ministry of Education and Training on this matter,” Diep said. In a phone interview with Hanoitimes, Tran Thi Hai Yen, managing director of Alpha School in Hanoi said that her school has made a big investment in online teaching infrastructure and developed an online teaching plan during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, since-the municipal Department of Education and Training has prohibited schools from collecting tuition fees, it is difficult to implement because schools with paid education do not have a backup funding for free teaching. (Adapted from 23 * BAL TAP TUAN 1 (tit ngay 14/6/2021 - 20/6/2021), Question 1 [891074]: Which of the following could be the main topic of the article? A. The difficulties of distance learning. B. The benefits and drawbacks of online lecturers. C. How to learn online effectively. D. Online classes - A perfect choice at this time. Question 2 [891075]: According to the article, which of the following is mentioned as the benefit of online lectures? A, Students can review the lessons whenever they want. B. All documents for the lessons will be locked after the class. C. Lessons are broadcast live, so it limits the number of participants. D. Teachers are able to control the participation of their students during the lessons. Question 3 [891076]: Mr. Dao Van Diep pointed out some factors that interfered with the effectiveness of distance learning, EXCEPT. . A. equipment B, transmission lines C. teachers’ preparation for the lessons D. difficulties in communicating with students Question 4 [891077]: The word “their” in paragraph 3 refers to A, teachers’ B. lectures’ C. students’ D, learners’ and teachers’ Question 5 (eo1078h: The word “shortcoming” in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to A. defect B. virtue C. quality D. good point Question 6 [891079]: What can be inferred from Mr. Diep’s opinion about the way of testing and evaluating online students? A, Teachers can limit the time students must take in their online tests. B. Online tests may not evaluate their learning exactly because of some students’ dishonesty. C, Each teacher will have a different way to assess their students in online examinations. D. The results of online tests and examinations should not be used to evaluate students’ whole learning process. Question 7 [891080]: The word “implement” in paragraph 5 most probably means. A. carry on B. carry out C.carry through —_D carry off Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 8 to 12. In the United States, the original purposes for higher education were to prepare students for a few “learned professions,” and to provide a strong, religiously tinged moral education. Many of the activities that we now associate with higher education - extra- curricular clubs, majoring in a defined specialization, faculty research, access for socioeconomically disadvantaged students - came later, Today, we would have to start by recognizing the fundamental fact that the purposes of higher education are highly differentiated by the stratum in the system institutions occupy. The great majority of the 3,000 or so four-year colleges and universities are primarily devoted to teaching students, mainly in occupational fields that in theory equip graduates to obtain jobs. Students will receive a smattering of general education in lower-division and will have opportunities to participate in extra-curricular activities. The latter are more important for many students than classroom studies. Students hone interpersonal skills on campus, make contacts that can be useful for instrumental purposes as well as ends in themselves. For those who finish, their diplomas do provide a boost in the labor market, more for quantitative fields than for other fields. 24 Sach ID Tai ligu kh6a hge: TONG ON TU VUNG - NGU PHAP 6 —'Trang Anh tet meg sca Research universities are of course the most complex environments. In addition to providing instruction in hundreds of programs, they run hundreds of student clubs and organizations, contribute to the selection of high achieving students for graduate degrees, train and mentor graduate and professional students, produce thousands or tens of thousands of research papers annually, reach out to industrial partners, field semi-professional athletic teams, solve community problems, run tertiary care hospitals, patent new discoveries and attempt to create environments conducive to learning for a very wide variety of students. These activities, taken together, constitute the enacted purposes of research universities, (Source: Question 8 [891081]: Which best serves as the title for the passage? A. Purposes of higher education. B. Student life in the universities. C. Losing sight of the original aims. D, Benefits of tertiary education. Question 9 [891082]: The word “occupy” in paragraph 1 is closest inmeaningto____. A. take away B. take over C. take in D. take up Question 10 [891083]: According to paragraph 2, what can you NOT do in tertiary education? A. Building your social circle. B. Polishing your communication skills. C. Starting a secret heretical cult. D. Learning the necessary knowledge. Question 11 [891084]: The word “they” in paragraph 3 refersto___. A.environments _B. universities C. programs D. fields Question 12 [891085]: According to paragraph 3, why did the author call research universities “the most complex environments”? A. They are not only trying to succeed academically but also politically. B, The range of their activities is wide and difficult to briefly summarize. C. Most of their activities fail to uphold their main function of researching, D. They are spreading themselves too thin, thus put strains on their budget. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Question 13 [891086]: Most of the guests turned up two hours early, that took us by surprise. A B c D Question 14 [891087]: Even a professional psychologist may have difficulty talking calm B A c and logically about his own problems. D Question 15 [891088]: Until recently, women were forbidden by law of owning property. A B c D Mark the letter A, B,C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 16 [891089]: It’s time she how to look after herself. A. learns B.learn C.learned D. learning Question 17 [891090]: Any player who wishes to participate in the Grace Tennis Tournament should register August 14. Avuntil B. about C since D. before Question 18 [891091]: Only if you promise to study hard to tutor you, A.will agree B. agree | C. agree D. I will agree 25 sss eine * BAI TAP TUAN 1 (tit ngay 14/6/2021 — 20/6/2021) Question 19 [891092]: The city libraries present a gloomy picture of the who used to flock the libraries every evening. A. gradual reduction of readers B. gradual readers reduction C. gradual readers of reduction D. reduction gradual readers Question 20 [891093]: “What are you going to do with your old typewriter?” - "I don't know yet, but. away seems wasteful.” A. throw B. throwing it C. thrown D. throw it Question 21 [891094]; Environmentalists are earnestly trying to determine of the ozone layer over the poles. A. what is causing the deterioration B, what the cause of the deterioration causing the deterioration D, the deterioration is causing Question 22 [891095]: Beginning next week, managers will be performance evaluations for all employees within their department. A. conduct B, conducts C. conducted D. conducting Question 23 [891096]: She has just bought . ‘A.areddish impressive wood French coffee table B. an impressive reddish French wood coffee table impressive French reddish coffee table D. an impressive French wood reddish coffee table Question 24 [891097]: The wet weather has three weeks now. It has rained every single day. A. lasted B. gone D. existed Question 25 [891098]: After we each had been assigned an installment part of the project, we came back to our section. A. respectively B, respectful C. irrespective D. respective Question 26 [891099]: Deborah is going to take extra lessons to___ what she missed. while she was away. A. catch up on. B. cut down on C, take up with D. put up with Question 27 [891100]: The meeting has been brought to Monday due to the seriousness of the situation. A.on B, out C.down D. forward Question 28 [891101]: It's difficult to accurate predictions about the effects on the environment. A.take B. put C. make Question 29 [891102]: The search for a new vaccine will priority over all other medical research, A. make B. cause C. take Question 30 [891103]: Many people are more interested in job satisfaction than in large amounts of money. A. earning B, causing C taking D. doing Question 31 [891104]: She used to be a heavy smoker but she the habit last year. A. skipped B, kicked C abandoned D. stopped 26 ‘Sach ID Tai ligu kha hoe: TONG ON TU VUNG - NGU PHAP 6— Trang Anh notes man oen Question 32 [891105]: I got into drugs because I was around with the wrong people. A. hanging B. playing C. bringing D. taking Question 33 [891106]: At first, Polly and Luna didn't very well, but now they are great friends. A. take on B. get along C. get by D, take over Question 34 [891107]: “I'm to listen to your pathetic excuses” she said. A.sickandtired B.havingenough —_€. inno mood D. sickto death Question 35 [891108]: There were a few small villages Dut no major city for miles around. A.onand off B.hereandthere C.back and forth —-D. up and down. Question 36 [891109]: After a six-year-relationship, Martha and Billy have decided to____ A.breakthebank B,turnthepage C.makethegrade _D. tie the knot Question 37 [891110]: If he thinks he’s capable of building a house on his own, he’s living A. ina fantasy world B. in the clouds C.on the moon D. in the sky Question 38 [891111]: On first coming to England, | fell in love with a girl who lived in the flat below mine. A.feetoverhands B. elbow to toe Gfootin mouth _D. head over heels Question 39 [891112]: Dianneis__the family tradition by becoming a lawyer. A. carrying on B, going on C.moving on D. keeping on Question 40 [891113]: his job was the last thing we expected him to do. A, Taking up B. Making up C. Giving up D. Turning up L Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to choose the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 1 to 5. Homework is an (1) part of school life in most countries around the world. @ there is still considerable debate among teachers about whether homework has a significant educational value. On the one side are those who claim that it takes too much time away from (3), more useful activities. On the other are those who see homework as reinforcing school lessons so that concepts will not be forgotten. (4), is often neglected in this debate is the role of parental involvement and whether or not the child's home provides support for effective homework. Parents in low-income families often do not have the time to make homework a priority or are not able to afford a computer or additional books. Whatever money they have goes on the basic necessities of life-accommodation, food, clothing and heating. However, the (5) that only middle-class parents support their children's education is quite obviously wrong. Not all well-to-do parents give the support they should, and some parents living in the most impoverished circumstances imaginable find the time and energy to involve themselves in their children's homework. Question 1 [891125]: A. exhausted B. established C. allowed D. accustomed Question 2 [891126}: A. Moreover B. Therefore C. Although D. However Question 3 [891127]: A. others B. the other C.other D. another Question 4 [891128]: A. Who B. Which C. What D. Whose Question 5 [891129]: A. idea B. fact C. reason D. cause 27 * BAI'TAP TUAN 1 (tit ngay 14/6/2021 - 20/6/2021) seating mh Il GRAMMAR Question 6 [891130]:__, his assistant signs the letters, ‘A. When the manager will be out B, Whenever the manager is out C. Whenever the manager had been out —_‘D. When the manager would be out Question 7 [892131]:1 all the preparations before you home, ‘A.have made - will have come B, am making — will come C. had made - came D. have made - will come Question 8 [891132]: After you your exam, I you out to eat. Is it OK? A.are finishing - will take B. were finishing - would take C have finished - will take D. finished - had taken Question 9 [891133]: According to estimates, there no energy shortage after these large dams . A. will be - have been constructed B. is - will be constructed C. should be - had been constructed D. was - would be constructed Question 10 [891134]: "Can we use the court now?” “Not yet. But as everything is ready, we can start as soon as they. ” A. finished B. will finish C. have finished D. will have finished Question 11 [891135]: They went home after they. their work. A. have finished B, had finished C finished D, would have finish Question 12 [891136]: There was a knock on the door while we. the game show on TV A.were enjoying —_B. enjoyed C. had enjoyed D, had been enjoying Question 13 [891137]: I wondered why he, his job. ‘A.has changed B, changes C.usedtochange —_D. had changed Question 14 [891138]: After I Junch, I looked for my bag. A. had B. had had C. have had D. have Question 15 [891139]: He on his English study all yesterday evening. A. used to work B. had worked C. was working D. working Question 16 [891140]: By December Tim enough money to buy a mountain bike. A. saves B. will save C. has saved D. will have saved Question 17 [891141]: 1 the homework by the time you come back. A. will finish B. have finished C. finish D. will have finished Question 18 [891142]: By December last year, we. in this house for twenty years. A. will have lived B, have lived C. will live D. had lived Question 19 [891143]: He off alone a month ago, and of since. A. set - hasn't been heard B. was set - hasn't heard C. set - hasn't heard D. set - wasn’t heard Question 20 [891144]: You look tired. hard all day? A. Are youworking B.Didyouwork —_C. Do you work D. Have you been working Ill. VOCABULARY Question 21 [891145]: Stephen has hardly done any, this week! A. effort B. job C. work D, labor Question 22 [891146]: All students leaving college at the end of term must leave their addresses so that letters can be sent . A. forward B. through Con D, to 28 Sach ID Ta rosea mathe, Question 23 [891147]: My dad wants me to go to university, but I'm in B. different C.some D. two igu kkhéa hoc: TONG ON TU VUNG - NGU PHAP 6—Trang Anh minds about it. Question 24 [891148]: Jessie’ parents were very with the grades on her school report. A. fulfilled B. pleased C.gratified D. entertained Question 25 [891149]: Did you hear? Elizabeth was suspended yesterday for truant! Avacting B. going C. behaving D. playing Question 26 [891150]: She was a student at school and deserved to get a university place. A. model B. hard ©. working D. major Question 27 [891151]: Each student must be___for his or her own belongings. A. interested B. careful G responsible D. aware Question 28 [891152]: How much do you need to spend books for your course? A.on B. with G.for Question 29 [891153]: We can’t teach him anything because he already knows his = subject Avupside-down Bu inside out C.from top to toe —_D. from cover to cover Question 30 [891154): My sister is a most. student, never failing to turn up to lectures. A.absent B, careful C.conscientious —_D. honest Question 31 [891155]: Rose was at school because she always made people laugh. A. attractive B. considerate C. familiar D. popular Question 32 [891156]: Some people have the mistaken idea that all students are A, motionless B.idle C. stagnant D. still Question 33 [891157]: He always did well at school disrupted by illness. having his early education A.onaccountof —_B. in spite of C.inaddition to D. even though Question 34 [891158]: In order to with his studies he worked through the summer, A. catch on B. take on C. catch up D. take up Question 35 [891159]: This is a photograph of the school I when I lived in Swindon. A. used B. assisted C. joined D. attended Question 36 [891160]: The student waited with some slight while his teacher stood reading his exercise, A. dread B.apprehension _. terror D. horror Question 37 [891161]: He managed to finish his thesis under the of his tutor. A. guidance aid D, assistance Question 38 [891162]: Students usually___ their “A” level examinations at the age of eighteen. A. pass B. make G take D. follow Question 39 [891163]: In some courses, students can build up over several years. A, modules B. grades C.credits D. marks Question 40 [891164]: Working all day and studying at night can be very . A, stressing B. stressed C. distressing D. stressful Question 41 [891165]: The discussion started between John and me, but then everyone__ A. took in B. checked in C. filled in D. joined in 29 * BAI TAP TUAN 1 (tit ngay 14/6/2021 - 20/6/2021) ae eee Hosabiedagern ate, Question 42 [891166]: I'm not going to an invitation to go to New York! A.turn down B. let down C. break down D. write down Question 43 [891167]: Many people have to. the meaning of this word in the dictionary. A. grow up B. look up C.take up D. blow up Question 44 [891168]: He's such a ! Just when everyone is having a good time he starts moaning about being tired. A. dry bone B. soft touch C.wet blanket D. drop kick Question 45 [891169]: } could tell from her face that she was on the of bursting into tears, A. limit B. edge C.verge D. border Question 46 [891170]: | usually buy my clothes. . I's cheaper than going toa dress-maker. ‘A.on the house B. in public C.on the shelf D, off the peg Question 47 [891171]: I think you should go anap. You look like you're about to fall asleep, standing up! B. make C.take D. get Question 48 [891172]: The doctor prescribed some pills and told her to aweek's rest. A. own B. have C.make D. put Question 49 [891173]: He was so exhausted that he asleep at his desk. A. fell B. broke made D, dropped Question 50 [891174]: The kidney a vital role in the removal of waste products from the blood. ‘A.makes B. plays D. causes 1. GRAMMAR 1. Sw hoa hop gia chit ngit va d6ng tie Question 1 [891175]: A quantitative analysis, using both the computer and quantitative A techniques, are used to optimize financial decisions. B c D Question 2 [891176]: The registrar does not know how many people is already registered A B at the hotel or the annual convention. c D Question 3 [891177]: The passengers, tired after a very long trip, was relaxing in every available A B c D seat in the airport lobby. Question 4 [891178]: I tried to make it clear to them that urgent action were required. A B Cc D Question 5 [891179]: Echoes occur when sound waves strike a smooth surface and bounces A B Cc backwards. D 30 Sach ID Tai ligu kh6a hoe: TONG ON TU VUNG - NGU PHAP 6- Trang Anh Question 6 [891180]: The influence of the nation’s literature, art, and science have captured widespread attention. ‘ pos Question 7 [891181]: In 1872, the US Congress declared that Yellowstone to be the first national park. ‘ , ‘ auestion 8 [891182]: Farming now use 10 percent of the earth's land area to produce food. Question 9 [891183]: In the past, some ofthe most highly stressed areas in eduction was A B c the moral improvement of students. D Question 10 [891184]: Playing cards is most commonly used for playing card games as well A B c as ne-t D Question 11 [891185]: The natural conditions in the US which most affecting manufacturers A BOC are factory power and labor supply. D Question 12 [891186]: The result of the studies have had a strong impact on future developments. A B c D Question 13 [891187]: The result of the evaluations and recommendations show that A B more effort needs to go into research. c D Question 14 [891188]: Library visitors often find that there are so few staff members A B available to help them, especially when funding for libraries have been reduced. c D Question 15 [891189]: The combination of two programmes are causing serious problems A B in the technical field. c D Question 16 [891190]: Neither the Browns nor Alice are watching the film on television. A B c D Question 17 [891191]: The actor, with his wife and children, were present at the opening AB c ceremony of the event. D Question 18 [891192]: Neither my traveler's cheques nor the money had with me were A B c sufficient to pay the bill. D 31 * BAI TAP TUAN 1 (tit ngdy 14/6/2021 - 20/6/2021) ecbinn gin Question 19 [891193]: The number of students attending the seminar are smaller than A B c registration numbers. D Question 20 [891194]: The rumors about the president's death was completely unfounded. A B c D Question 21 [891195]; Scientists say that the Earth is unique because no other planet has A B conditions which enables the existence of intelligent life. c D Question 22 [891196]: Despite the recent industrial revolution, all the forms of traditional A B craft has been preserved in that museum. ¢ D Question 23 [891197]: A number of tourists is going to return the evaluation form A B distributed by the travel agent. c D B Cc D Question 25 [891199]: A lot of homes in the area has been broken into by burglars. A B c D Question 26 [891200]: His commercial activity, which is trading in cars, have already A B Cc Question 24 [891198]: Getting to work on time mean | have to get up at 6:00. A brought him a fortune. D Question 27 [891201]: Before bridges were built, all transport across major rivers in the United State were by ferry boat. “ ° Question 28 (91202): On the floor of the Pacific Ocean is hundreds of flat-topped mountains more than a sale beneath sea level. ° ‘ Question 29 (991203): A basic knowledge of social studies, such as history and geography, are considered a basic part ofthe education of every child, . Question 30 ta91204;: Although there were a lot of opposition initially, many people now accept that infertile couples have the right tomedical help. ° ‘ D Question 31 [891205]: The rapid growth of the world's population over the past 100 years have led toa great increase in the acreage of land under cultivation. A B c D 32 ‘Sach ID Tai ligu khéa hoc: TONG ON TU VUNG - NGU PHAP 6 — Trang Anh suaeo enn 2. Thi d6ng tir va sw phi thi Question 32 [891206]: Yo much recently. A.weren'tstudying B, don’t study C. didn't study D, haven't been studying Question 33 [891207]: "Where's Tony?” "He, to the travel agent's, and he hasn't come back.” A.has been B.has been going —_C. has gone D. had gone Question 34 [891208]: I'm sorry, but the director. the office. A. already left B. has left G had left leaving Question 35 [891209]: For several years his ambition. to become a pilot. Avis B. has been C. was D. had been Question 36 [891210]: She said she met you once at the Hilton last year, since then? A.Haveyoumether B,Didyoumeether C.Wereyoumether D. I lad you met her Question 37 [891211]: It is years since I Tina, A. have seen see Chad seen D. saw Question 38 [891212]: I asked my father why he to this city, buthe couldn't answer. ‘A.moving B, had moved C.will move D. has moved Question 39 [891213]: The phone suddenly while Joanna was doing the housework. Avrang B. was ringing C. had rung D. is ringing Question 40 [891214]: It as we drove slowly along the road. ‘A. has snowed B. had snowed C.was snowing _D is snowing Question 41 [891215]: Peter left half an hour ago. He. for you for a long time then. A. was waiting B.has been waiting C, will be waiting _D. had been waiting Question 42 [891216]: The inspector noticed that not everyone. their safety helmet. A.was being worn B. willhave worn _C. was wearing D. wearing Question 43 [891217]: John went to the post office to ask about his package but they kept saying that it yet. A.doesn'tarrive B.hadn’tarrived —_C. is arriving D. was on the way Question 44 [891218]: When the original star of the play. ill, Mary chance to play the leading role. A. fell - got B. has fallen - would get C. was falling - has got D. falls - has been getting Question 45 [891219]: We in the direction of the castle. ‘A. were walking - haven't been going B. had been walking - weren't going C have been walking - didn't go D. had walked - wouldn't be going Question 46 [891220]: Dan made lot of friends while he. around America. A.wastravelling _B. has travelled C.willbe travelling D, had travelled Question 47 [891221]: David was fed up. He. for the bus for an hour. A.had been waiting B. waited C.has been waiting _D. was waiting Question 48 [891222]: Scientists examining bodies of ancient people evidence of malaria in people who, at least three thousand years ago. A, found - have lived B. find - had lived C. have found - lived D, had found - would he having up the hill for half an hour when we realized we. 33 * BAL TAP TUAN 1 (tit ngay 14/6/2021 — 20/6/2021) oc ibn re ish Question 49 [891223]: My grandfather retired from work last month, He for the same company for 40 years. A. was working B. has been working C.had been worked D, had been working Question 50 [891224]: Some research to show that dogs. from wolves as 15.000 years ago. A. has appeared - domesticated B. appears were - domesticated C. had appeared - would be domesticated _D. will appear - have been domesticated Question 51 [891225]: The students were excited when they _____that their favorite pop singer. them at the school. A. had heard has visited B. heard - was going to visit C. would hear - visited D. hear - will be visiting Question 52 [891226]: A fire-fighter. severely while he___to put outa fire. ‘A. was being injured - would help B. has been injured - helped C. had been injured - has helped D. was injured - was helping Question 53 [891227]: Before you asked, the letter . A. was written B. had been written C. had written D, has been written Question 54 [891228]: They. running their own company in 1990. A. started B. have started C. are starting D. start Question 55 [891229]: “I phoned but you didn’tanswer it. You must have gone out.” “ ” A.did B. I was C1 must D. lagree Question 56 [891230]: By the time I came here all the better jobs, taken. A. have been B. were Care D. had been Question 57 [891231]: I'm not sure who should be punished for the incident. Certainly not Nancy, since she. of possible dangers, A. hasn't warned B. wasn't warned C. hadn't warned D. wouldn't be warned Question 58 [891232]: Since the contest. before the end of the school year, I was against extending the deadline. A. must have been judged B. would have been judged C. has been judged D, had to be judged Question 59 [891233]; Two players off the field during last Sunday's match. A.weresending B.hadbeensent —_C. were sent D. were being sent Question 60 [891234]: The price of petrol went up only a few days after the official denial that an increase in the price of petrol. A.there would be _B. there is C. there would have D. had Question 61 [891235]: Jack____so lonely before he moved to Sydney. A.hasneverbeen —_B. was never C. wouldn't be D. had never been Question 62 [891236]: The couple ______in the castle for several months before they noticed anything odd. A. have been living B. have lived C.hadbeen living —_D. were living Question 63 [891237]; By the time | saved enough money, the price of the camera__— by ten percent. ‘A. had risen B. has risen C. was rising D.rose 34 Sach ID Tai ligu khéa hoc: TONG ON TU VUNG - NGU PHAP 6- Trang Anh saute edevngrg sen Question 64 [891238]: Pete. to the operating theater when the police arrived and arrested him. ‘A.was taking B. was being taken C, was taken D. had taken Question 65 [891239]: While Peter. the rose bush in the back yard, the phone rang, A, had been watering B. watering C. watered D. was watering Question 66 [891240]: By the time Sam got home from school, his brother. all the cake. A. had eaten B. was eating C.has beeneating D. has eaten Question 67 [89124 her at 11:00, she. A. still studied B, was still studying C. would still study _D. had still been studying Question 68 [891242]: "You're looking miserable.” “I on my assignment when my computer suddenly crashed.” A.usedtowork B.wasworking _C, would work D. have been working Question 69 [891243]: I was to learn that my first opponent would be Sam Muller, who partin tournaments for no less than ten years. A.was taking B.hasbeen taking G.hadbeentaking _D. took Question 70 [891244]: “Wasn't sacking Mary rather harsh on his part?” “Not really; he her several times in the past.” A. will warn B. was warning C. warns D. had warned Question 71 [891245]: “It’s a pity she had to pull out of the competition.” “Yes, especially since she such excellent progress.” Avis making B. made C.has been making D. had been making Question 72 [891246]: “Did you stay up late yesterday?” “Not really. I went to bed. after Monica. ” yy didn't Mary show up at the party last night?” “When I called A. had left B. was leaving C. leaving D. has left Question 73 [891247]: I got up late because my alarm clock . A.hadn'tgone off B.didn’tgoout —_C. didn't go off D. hadn't gone out Question 74 [891248]: My husband and I went to Montreal last May and greedily many lobsters because they were very cheap. Aveat B.ate Ghave eaten D. had eaten Question 75 [891249]: eagerly to go to Yellowstone, but my wife got sick three days before the departure. A. have been planning B. had been planning C. have planned D, was planned Question 76 [891250]: A basket of apples, oranges, and bananas, husband by his grandparents last Christmas. A, has been B, have been C. was D. were Question 77 [891251]; I declined the offer as |___it was time for me to go for a swim in the sea, A.havedecided —B.decided G had decided D, would decide Question 78 [891252]: When they. home from the concert, they found that somebody into it, A.came-had broken B.come-breaks C.came-broke —_D. came- breaking sent to my 35 * BAI TAP TUAN 1 (tit ngay 14/6/2021 — 20/6/2021) ‘ Hosabiting cin mi Question 79 [891253]: Jack____chess before, so I showed him what to do. A. didn't play B.wasn'tplaying C.hadn't played —_—iD hadn't been played Question 80 [891254]: “You went to Chile, didn't you?” “No, but L to Peru, which is right next door.” A.was going B, had gone C.was gone D. did go Question 81 [891255]: When they let us go in, we outside the exam room for over half an hour. A.had been standing B, have been standing C. have stood D. are standing Question 82 [891256]: I should very much like to have gone to that party of theirs, but. . A,I'm not invited B. Iwill not be invited C. [have not been invited D. I was not invited Question 83 [891257]: I decided to go to the library as soon as | . A, finish what | did B, would finish what | did C finished what I did D. finished what I was doing Question 84 [891258]: An eyewitness described how ten people in the fire. A. were killed B.hadbeen killed — C. had killed D, had been being killed Question 85 [891259]: when Kevin and Isabel arrived. A. We've just finished dinner B, We would be finishing dinner C. We were about to finish dinner D, Dinner has nearly been finished Question 86 [891260]: When the old school friends met, a lot of happy memories. back. A.were brought B. had been brought C. had brought D. brought Question 87 [891261]: Watch out, or you off the boat! A, will fall B. are falling G.fell D. won't fall Question 88 [891262]: “Who volunteered to pick up the pizza for tonight's party?” “_.” A. I did. I'm going to get it B. I was picking it up C.Idid, I'l get it D, [was going to pick it up Question 89 [891263]: There's someone at the door, it. A.l'manswering _B. [answer C.lanswer D, [answered Question 90 [891264]: By the end of next year, George English for 7 years. A.will have learned _B. will learn C.has learned D, would leant Question 91 [891265]: By the time you get to the theater, the play. - A. will have finished B, will finish C. finishes D. will have been finished Question 92 [891266]: By the time I return to my country, |_____away from home for more than three years. A.will be B.willhavebeen _C. has been D. was Question 93 {891267]: In general, by the second year of production, the price of a few technologies significantly. A.will decrease B, will have decreased C.has decreased D. will have been decreased Question 94 [891268]: I expect your Chinese a great deal by the time you. back from China. A. has been improving - have got B. will have improved - get C. had improved - would get D, improves - will be getting 36 ‘Sach ID Tai liu khéa hoc: TONG ON TU VUNG - NGU PHAP 6- Trang Anh Oe Ee eceusedeh mansion Question 95 [891269]: We all hope that the dispute by the end of the month. A. was going to settle B. will have been settled Chad been settled D. is supposed to settle Question 96 [891270]: If we___working at this rate, we____alll the invitations into the envelopes by 5 o'clock. A. are keeping will put B. have kept - will be putting C. kept - were to put D. keep - will have put Question 97 [891271]: “I suppose your report isn’t ready yet.” “Don't worry.|__it by tomorrow.” A. will have been finishing B. will be finishing finishing D. will have finished Question 98 [891272]: “Well, | first came here last June.” “So by the end of May you with us for almost a year.” A.will have working B. are going to have worked C.will have been working D. will work Question 99 [891273]: By the end of this month, | for this company for two years. A. have been working B. will have been working C. will be working D. will work Question 100 [891274]: By the time I come back, you your assignments. A. will finish B. willbe finishing C.have finished _D. will have finished Question 101 [891275]: “Will you, with the equipment by 12:30 p.m.?” “Possibly, but I'll let you know beforehand.” A. finish B.havefinished _C. be finishing D. finished Question 102 [891276]: “I'm getting my work permit next week.” “It's about time. You_____here for two months by then.” A.are B. will be C.willhavebeen —_D, have been Question 103 [891277]: “How long have you been with the company?" “By next month 1 there fora year.” A.will be working B.have worked Cam goingto work _D. will have been working Question 104 [891278]: By the time my younger son turns 26, | . retiring B. have retired C.willhave retired D. have been retiring Question 105 [891279]: By the year 2050, many people currently employed____ their jobs. A.willbelosing —-B,willhavelost —_C. have lost. D. are losing Question 106 [891280]: | visit a new country every year, By the time | fifty, 1 almost all the countries in the world. A.will be- will visit B. was - had visited C. am-- visit D. am - will have visited Question 107 [891281]: Ina few hours, we. the test, and we'll go home and rest. A.are finishing B.havefinished _C will have finished _D. will be finishing Question 108 [891282]: In one year’s time, she in this company for 15 years. A.will be working —B, has worked C.will work D. will have been working Question 109 [891283]: Hurry up or the train before you can catch it. A. will leave . leaves C. will have left D. has left 37 * BAI TAP TUAN 1 (tir ngay 14/6/2021 - 20/6/2021) sseabnimanat Question 110 [891284]: By the time we reach New York on Friday, we over 60 hours traveling. A.willhave spent —_B. will be spending —_C. have spent D. will spend Question 111 [891285]: By the end of this week, my illness, me $100. A.costs B. has cost C.willhave cost —_D. will cost Question 112 [891286]: | am reading this novel. By the time you come back from work, 1 A. finish B. have finished C. will have finished D. am going to finish Question 113 [891287]: “You'll recognize Jenny when you see her. She ared hat.” A.will wear B. willbe wearing —_C. wears D. is wearing Question 114 [891288]: Mary the country by the time this letter reaches her. A.isgoingtoleave _B. will leave leaving D. will have left Question 115 [891289]: By the time you come here tomorrow, the work . A, will have been finishing B. will be finishing C.will have been finished D. will be finished Question 116 [891290]: The z00 by the time we reach there. A. closes B. will close C.willhave closed _D. is closing Question 117 [891291]: He____in space for ten days by tomorrow. A. will travel willbe travelling C.hastravelled will have been travelling Question 118 [891292]: Our government. a system of private schools in the new future. ‘A.was developing going to develop C.has developed _D, would develop Question 119 [891293]: We think they. all that is necessary. A. have done B. doing C had done D. would do Question 120 [891294]: 1 here since last September. studying B.wasstudying Chad been studying. have been studying Question 121 [891295]: I think |___my door key. I can’t find it anywhere. A. lost losing C. have lost D. will lose Question 122 [891296]: Mr. Edwards. history for 35 years, and is retiring soon. A. teaches B. is teaching C. taught D. has been teaching Question 123 [891297): I'd like to see that football match because one this year. A. don’t see B. can’t see C. hardly see D. haven't seen Question 124 [891298]; Once an animal______from the wild, it generally cannot be returned to its place of origin for fear of disease. A. was taken B. will be taken C.wouldbe taken _D. has been taken Question 125 [891299]: I'm tired. I the house since 9 this morning. cleaning B. was cleaning C. had been cleaning D. have been cleaning Question 126 [891300]: | to your excuses carefully, but | A. listen - do not convince B. am listening - was not convinced C. had listened have not been convinced _D. have listened - am not convinced Question 127 [891301]: | can’t believe that you three exercises. You just started five minutes ago. A.have finished Bare finishing C. finished D. have been finishing 38 Sach ID ‘Tai ligu khéa hoc: TONG ON TU VUNG - NGU PHAP 6- Trang Anh — eee EEE eee An vetete chen Question 128 [891302]: Up to now, the discount to children under ten years old. A.has only applied _B. only applies C.was only applied _D, only applied Question 129 [891303]: Tom often watches TV after his parents to bed. A.had gone B. have gone C.go D. went Question 130 [891304]: This is the third time James the volunteer program to the village. A, joins B, joined Ghas joined D. has been joining Question 131 [891305]: “How's Peter doing?” “I don't know. I from him for months.” A.havetohear Byhaven’theard —_C. didn'thear D, don’t hear Question 132 [891306]: Susan is still looking for a decent flat.” “How long. for?” ‘A.was she looking B.isshelooking C.hadshe looked _D. has she been looking Question 133 [891307]: “Has Tim come to terms with his exam results?” “Yes. He. the fact he'll have to resist.” Ahad accepted —_B. has accepted C. accepted D. has been accepting Question 134 [891308]: “How do you like your sushi?” "Well, it’s really different. It's the first time | Japanese food.” B. am eating C. have eaten D. have been eating Question 135 [891309]: Their children____lots of new friends since they. to that town. A. have made- moved B. were making - have moved C.made - are moving D. made - have been moving Question 136 [891310}: It has been a good year. I stories, all of which are now in print. A.have written B, have been writing C. will have written D. had written Question 137 [891311]: You should know that everyone in this office. planning the dance for a week. B, has been C.have been D.are Question 138 [891312]: Jane is a wonderful singer. Her mother tells me that she____ professionally since she was four. A.has been sung _B. was singing Gis singing D. has been singing Question 139 [891313]: That the committee members could not agree with each other about solving that problem caused a serious problem. two books and several short busily Ais B, was Chas D. have Question 140 [891314]: Prices considerably since this time last year. A. have raised B. rose C.raised D. have risen Question 141 [891315]: The number of working women in China from 49% in 1980 to nearly 65% today. Avhave increased B.hasincreased — increasing D, has been increasing Question 142 [891316]: She. two miles and a half, and now she feels exhausted. A.runs was running Chas run D. has been running Question 143 [891317]: Something tells me that you. to a single word L in the past ten minutes. A. haven't been listening - have said B, haven't listened - had said CG hadn't listened -said D. didn't listen -was saying 39 + BAI TAP TUAN 1 (tit ngay 14/6/2021 - 20/6/2021), Question 144 [891318]: How many of those chocolates today? A.did you cat you cat Ghadyoueaten _D, have you eaten Question 145 [891319]: This is the latest news from Timbuktu. Two-thirds of the city inafire, ‘A. has been destroyed B. were destroyed C.was destroyed D. have been destroyed Question 146 [891320]: Our industrial output. from $2 million in 2011 to $4 million this year. A.rises B.rose C. was rising D. has risen Question 147 [891321]: The replacement of shops such as the groceries’ and chemist's by cafes the housewives with insufficient facilities for shopping. A.leave B. have left Chas left D. to have left Question 148 [891322]: Thousands of antibiotics but only about thirty are in common use today. A. have developed B. are developing C. have been developed D. have been developing Question 149 [891323]: None of the students to class yet. A. are coming B, hadn’t come haven't come D. have come Question 150 [891324]: We. for three hours and are very tired. A. are walking B, have been walking C. were walking _—D. had been walking Question 151 [891325]: 1 badminton before. This is the first time I to play it. A. lave never played-tried B. have ever played- have tried C. have played -have tried D. have never played -have tried Question 152 [891326]: “Are you learning your lesson?” “No. I i” A. finished B. finish C. have finished D. have been finished Question 153 [891327]: He is tired now. He for along time. A. has been learning B, learns C.hasbeenlearned D. learned Question 154 [891328]: Listen, Donna, I don't care if you the bus this morning. You late for work too many times. You are fired! ‘A. have missed - have been B. missed - have been C, missed - were D. were missing - were Question 155 [891329]: “Joseph's English, isn't it?” - "Yes. He____American television programs every day since he first arrived in San Diego. Soon he will be totally fluent.” A. is really improving - has been watching _B. has really improved - has watched C. really improved - watches D. is really improving - watches Question 156 [891330]: For the last ten years, engineers. noise levels in Britain's cities. A. have been measured B. have been measuring C. has measured D. have been measurement Question 157 [891331]: We for a cottage to rent while we our relatives in the USA next summer. A. have looked - were visiting B, have been looking - visited C. were looking - had visited D. will look - are visiting 40 Sach ID wot oe ema 8, igu khéa hoc: TONG ON TU VUNG - NGU PHAP 6- Trang Anh Question 158 [891332]: During the winter months, many people make plans about what they once winter A. are doing - will arrive B. do - will have arrived C. will do - has arrived D. have done - arrives Question 159 [891333]: While our car___tomorrow, I to the shopping centre for an items for the holiday. A. will be repaired - go B. has been repaired - am going C.was repaired - have been going D. is being repaired - will go Question 160 [891334]: Don’t try to stop him. The sooner he the better. I certainly won't miss him. A.had resigned ——_B. will resign C.will have resigned D. resigns Question 161 [891335]: I'l call you as soon as 1 in Paris. A.will arrive B. am arriving C.arrive D. will have arrived Question 162 [891336]: They'll move to France when their baby . A. will be born B.isbeingborn Cis born D. would be born Question 163 [891337]: the nation’s capital remained in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A, While designing Washington. D.C B, Washington, D.C. was designed C. Washington, D.C. designed D. While Washington, D.C. was being designed Question 164 [891338]: get older, the games they play become increasingly complex. A.Children B.Forchildrento —_C. Aschildren D. Children, when they Question 165 [891339]: Carbon dioxide may be absorbed by trees or water bodies, or it may stay in the atmosphere when while it is only in the atmosphere that chlorofluorocarbons find their home. A. by releasing emissions from cars B. cars that release emissions C. released from car emissions D. emissions are released from car Il READING AND GAP FILLING PASSAGE 1 In today's fast-paced industry, learning will most likely involve seeking new skills in ways that challenge the norm. But thankfully, there is promise for such lifelong learning online - a promise that will save you time and money while helping you earn more of both. Provided you have access to a decent computer and the Internet, the barrier to getting started is probably lower than it ever has been. And with those things in place, it is a matter. of finding the content you wish to learn. So, to help others who may be looking to maximize their own learning efforts, I have listed some quick tips below. First, set achievable goals. When you start learning, it is a good idea to set goals about what you want to learn or what you might do with your newly acquired knowledge. It might be landing that new job, building a tangible product, or impressing your current management, The goals may vary in size and complexity, but do revisit these goals throughout your learning process, Within a couple weeks ask yourself, "Am I getting closer to my goal?" or "Am I learning the skills necessary to reach my goals?" If you are not, then you may need to look elsewhere. Second, learn with others. By yourself, learning anything has a high propensity to become frustrating. Try teaming up with friends or colleagues. They can often be your best resource for maintaining motivation while you learn. 41 * BAL TAP TUAN 1 (tit ngay 14/6/2021 — 20/6/2021) E—— ree es$S———>—— edb lag ohms Third, make it a habit. Online habits often include scrolling through social media or watching videos on YouTube. If you have the downtime for such activities, then you could spend that downtime learning something. And why not learn something? If you do, then you will have plenty more to talk about on social media anyways. So, make learning your new online habit by making a commitment to learn something new each day. Question 166 [891340]: What does the word "both" in Paragraph 1 refer to? ‘A. Time and money B. Lifelong and online learning C. New skills and ways D. Industry and technology Question 167 [891341]: According to the passage, what are the basic condition for learning online? A. A smart phone and a 4-G sim card B.A computer and the Internet C.A goal and learning efforts D. A content and the wish to learn Question 168 [891342]: According to the passage, what is the first step of learning online? ‘A. Buying a computer and having it checked every two weeks. B, Landing a new job and building a tangible product. C. Setting practical goals and checking them regularly. D. Varying your goals in size as well as complexity. Question 169 [891343]: What is the word "commitment" in the last paragraph closest in meaning to? A.arule B.a chance C.aneed D.assituation Question 170 [891344]: Whatis the passage mainly about? A. Tips for lifelong learning B. Advantages of the Internet C. Changes of technology D. Effects of social media PASSAGE 2 Advances in technology have generated revolutionary applications that could change the face of education as we know it today. Online learning, also known as electronic learning, may (171) the future of education thanks to recent developments in the Internet and multimedia technologies. It is anticipated that cyberspace institutions or online universities will replace traditional educational (172) Virtual classrooms will be multi-functional, acting simultaneously as learning platforms, forums and (173). networks. They will be geared towards promoting the acquisition of knowledge as a life-long endeavor, (174) occurs through global collaboration. Cyberspace institutions can go a Jong way towards achieving this as they are able to liberate us from the limitations of time and space. Flexibility of time and location make e-learning a highly accessible, international resource. (175). , prospective students will, regardless of age, background or origin, have unlimited access to both formal and informal learning opportunities. The pursuit of knowledge will consequently become an end in itself and not a means to an end. (Trich ma dé 419- DP chi THPTQG 2019) Question 171 [891345]: A. Plan B, shape Cview —Dusee Question 172 [891346]: A. Specifications B. establishments C. provisions D. backgrounds Question 173 [891347]: A. Society B social C.socially D. socialize Question 174 [891348]: A, Which B. where C.when — D.who Question 175 [891349]: A. Because B, Although C. Therefore D. However 42

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