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Electrical Engineering Department

EE 200E–Electric Circuits 1 Laboratory Manual

Name: Jan Agawin Date Performed: October 28, 2022

Renz Baluyot
Elisha Cabotaje
Vencer Nuñez
Sam Rio Salmingo
Zed Raphael Sulit
Matthew Villacarlos
Course: EE200E – Electrical Circuits 1 Date Submitted: October 28, 2022
Section: ECE21S1 Instructor: Engr. Nelor Jane Agustin

Experiment No. 3.1


1. Objective(s):

The activity aims to verify the concept of Thevenizing a circuit, that is, to replace it by a series voltage source
and resistance.

2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students shall be able to:

2.1 To verify Thevenin’s theorem in a single voltage source and multisource combination circuit.
2.2 To use a multisource to make measurements for applying Thevenin’s theorem.
2.3 To convert a circuit to its Thevenin’s equivalent circuit.
2.4 To determine the current in RL using the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit.
2.5 To compare calculated and measured value.

3. Discussion:

Many electronic circuit applications necessitate use of equivalent circuit. Equivalent circuit methods
are used to reduce complex circuits to much simpler forms for circuit design or servicing work. One such
equivalent circuit method is Thevenin’s theorem. Thevenin’s theorem is expressed as follows: A complex
circuit may be reduced to an equivalent voltage source and an equivalent series resistance. The equivalent
voltage is called the Thevenin voltage (VTH), and the equivalent series resistance is called the Thevenin
resistance (RTH). The equivalent circuit has the same electric characteristics as the circuit form which it was

4. Resources:

Feedback AC and DC Basics 12-301

Electrical Engineering Department
EE 200E–Electric Circuits 1 Laboratory Manual

5. Procedure:

1. Construct the circuit as shown in Figure 7.1, and measure the current through and voltage across

R1 R3
470Ω 330Ω

10 V R2 R4
2.2kΩ 4153 680Ω

Figure 7.1. Single Voltage Combination Circuit

IL = 5.8970 mA

VL = 4.01 V

2. Remove the 680-ohm resistor and measure VTH , i.e., the open-circuit voltage across terminals A
and B.

R1 R3
470Ω 330Ω

E R2
10 V RL3145

VTH = 8.2937 V

Electrical Engineering Department
EE 200E–Electric Circuits 1 Laboratory Manual

3. Replace the 10-V source by a short-circuit and measure RTH, i.e., the resistance between terminals
A and B.

R1 R3
470Ω 330Ω

R2 35
2.2kΩ 1

RTH = 717.2659 Ω

4. Referring to Figure 7.2, connect VTH and RTH in series across terminals A and B. Reconnect RL =
680 ohms across terminals A and B.


VTH 330Ω R4
31 680Ω
10 V5

Figure 7.2. Thevenin’s Equivalent Circuit

5. Measure the current and voltage in the circuit as shown in Figure 7.2

IL = 5.9357 mA

VL = 4.0363 V

Electrical Engineering Department
EE 200E–Electric Circuits 1 Laboratory Manual

6. Data and Results:

Measured Value
Calculated Value % Difference
(Using Thevenin’s
VTH 8.2937 V 8.2937 V 0%

RTH 717.2659 Ω 717.2659 Ω 0%

IL 5.9357 mA 5.9357 mA 0%

VL 4.0363 V 4.0363 V 0%

7. Conclusion:

National Instrument’s Multisim, a circuit simulation software, was used to analyze the response of a resistive
circuit that requires the use of Thevenin’s theorem. Each individual steps were executed in the simulation.
First, the voltage and current were measured as is, the Thevenin’s theorem was not used and no iterations
were made in the circuit. Then, the Thevenin Equivalent Circuit was formed and simulated in Multisim. Hand
calculations were also done in order to confirm the accuracy of the simulation software. The results in the
calculated value and simulated value have a 0% difference, which proves the accuracy of the simulation

Electrical Engineering Department
EE 200E–Electric Circuits 1 Laboratory Manual

8. Assessment:
1 2 3
I. Laboratory Skills
Members do not Members always
Manipulative Skills demonstrate needed demonstrate needed
skills. skills.
needed skills
Members are able
Members are unable Members are able to
Experimental to set-up the
to set-up the set-up the material with
Set-up materials with
materials. minimum supervision.
Members do not occasionally Members always
Process Skills demonstrate targeted demonstrate demonstrate targeted
process skills. targeted process process skills.
Members do not Members follow Members follow safety
Safety Precautions follow safety safety precautions precautions at all
precautions. most of the time. times.
II. Work Habits
Time Management / Members finish ahead
Members do not finish Members finish on
Conduct of Experiment of time with complete
on time with time with
data and time to revise
incomplete data. incomplete data.
Members have
Members do not know
defined Members are on tasks
their tasks and have
responsibilities and have defined
no defined
Cooperative and most of the time. responsibilities at all
Teamwork Group conflicts are times. Group conflicts
Group conflicts have
cooperatively are cooperatively
to be settled by the
managed most of managed at all times.
the time.
Clean and orderly
Clean and orderly
Messy workplace workplace with
Neatness and workplace at all times
during and after the occasional mess
Orderliness during and after the
experiment. during and after
the experiment.
Members require
Members require Members do not need
Ability to do independent occasional
supervision by the to be supervised by the
work supervision by the
teacher. teacher.
Other Comments/Observations: Total Score

Electrical Engineering Department
EE 200E–Electric Circuits 1 Laboratory Manual

(𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒)
𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 = × 100
9. Reference(s):
“Understanding DC Circuits”, Dale R. Patrick/”Electric Circuit Fundamentals”, Thomas L. Floyd
Name: Jan Agawin Date Performed: October 28, 2022
Renz Baluyot
Elisha Cabotaje
Vencer Nuñez
Sam Rio Salmingo
Zed Raphael Sulit
Matthew Villacarlos
Course: EE200E – Electrical Circuits 1 Date Submitted: October 28, 2022
Section: ECE21S1 Instructor: Engr. Nelor Jane Agustin

Experiment No. 3.2


1. Objective(s):

The activity aims to verify the concept of Nortonizing a circuit, that is, to replace it by a series voltage source
and resistance.

2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students shall be able to:

2.6 To verify Norton’s theorem in a single voltage source and multisource combination circuit.
2.7 To use a multisource to make measurements for applying Norton’s theorem.
2.8 To convert a circuit to its Norton’s equivalent circuit.
2.9 To determine the current in RL using the Norton’s equivalent circuit.
2.10 To compare calculated and measured value.

3. Discussion:
Norton’s theorem is expressed as follows: A complex circuit may be reduced to an equivalent current
source and an equivalent resistance connected in parallel. The equivalent voltage is called the Noton’s
equivalent current source (IN), and the equivalent series resistance is called the Norton’s resistance (RN). The
equivalent circuit has the same electric characteristics as the circuit form which it was derived.

4. Resources:

Feedback AC and DC Basics 12-301

5. Procedure:

Electrical Engineering Department
EE 200E–Electric Circuits 1 Laboratory Manual

1. Construct the circuit as shown in Figure 8.1, and measure the current through and voltage across

R1 R3

470Ω 330Ω

E 12 R2 RL
10 V 2.2kΩ 680Ω

Figure 8.1. Single Voltage Combination Circuit

2. Remove the 680-ohm resistor. Replace it by a short circuit, and measure VTH , i.e., the short -circuit
current through terminals A and B.

R1 R3
470Ω 330Ω

E 12 R2
10 V
4 2.2kΩ

IN = 11.488 mA

3. Replace the 10-V source by a short-circuit and measure RN, i.e., the resistance between terminals A
and B.

Electrical Engineering Department
EE 200E–Electric Circuits 1 Laboratory Manual

R1 R3
470Ω 330Ω

R2 35
2.2kΩ 1

RN = 717.2659 Ω

4. Referring to Figure 8.2, connect IN and RN in parallel across terminals A and B. Reconnect RL =
680 ohms across terminals A and B.

A 680Ω

Figure 8.2. Norton’s Equivalent Circuit

5. Measure the current and voltage in the circuit as shown in Figure 8.2

IL = 5.8972 mA

VL = 4.0101 V

6. Data and Results:

Electrical Engineering Department
EE 200E–Electric Circuits 1 Laboratory Manual

Calculated Value Measured Value % Difference

(Using Norton’s
IN 11.488 mA 11.488 mA 0%

RN 717.2659 Ω 717.2659 Ω 0%

IL 5.8972 mA 5.8972 mA 0%

VL 4.0101 V 4.0101 V 0%

7. Conclusion:

National Instrument’s Multisim, a circuit simulation software, was used to analyze the response of a resistive
circuit that requires the use of Norton’s theorem. Each individual steps were executed in the simulation. First,
the voltage and current were measured as is, the Norton’s theorem was not used and no iterations were made
in the circuit. Then, the Norton Equivalent Circuit was formed and simulated in Multisim. Hand calculations
were also done in order to confirm the accuracy of the simulation software. The results in the calculated value
and simulated value have a 0% difference, which proves the accuracy of the simulation software.

Electrical Engineering Department
EE 200E–Electric Circuits 1 Laboratory Manual

8. Assessment:
1 2 3
I. Laboratory Skills
Members do not Members always
Manipulative Skills demonstrate needed demonstrate needed
skills. skills.
needed skills
Members are able
Members are unable Members are able to
Experimental to set-up the
to set-up the set-up the material with
Set-up materials with
materials. minimum supervision.
Members do not occasionally Members always
Process Skills demonstrate targeted demonstrate demonstrate targeted
process skills. targeted process process skills.
Members do not Members follow Members follow safety
Safety Precautions follow safety safety precautions precautions at all
precautions. most of the time. times.
II. Work Habits
Time Management / Members finish ahead
Members do not finish Members finish on
Conduct of Experiment of time with complete
on time with time with
data and time to revise
incomplete data. incomplete data.
Members have
Members do not know
defined Members are on tasks
their tasks and have
responsibilities and have defined
no defined
Cooperative and most of the time. responsibilities at all
Teamwork Group conflicts are times. Group conflicts
Group conflicts have
cooperatively are cooperatively
to be settled by the
managed most of managed at all times.
the time.
Clean and orderly
Clean and orderly
Messy workplace workplace with
Neatness and workplace at all times
during and after the occasional mess
Orderliness during and after the
experiment. during and after
the experiment.
Members require
Members require Members do not need
Ability to do independent occasional
supervision by the to be supervised by the
work supervision by the
teacher. teacher.
Other Comments/Observations: Total Score

Electrical Engineering Department
EE 200E–Electric Circuits 1 Laboratory Manual

(𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒)
𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 = × 100
9. Reference(s):
“Understanding DC Circuits”, Dale R. Patrick/”Electric Circuit Fundamentals”, Thomas L. Floyd
Name: Jan Agawin Date Performed: October 28, 2022
Renz Baluyot
Elisha Cabotaje
Vencer Nuñez
Sam Rio Salmingo
Zed Raphael Sulit
Matthew Villacarlos
Course: EE200E – Electrical Circuits 1 Date Submitted: October 28, 2022
Section: ECE21S1 Instructor: Engr. Nelor Jane Agustin
Instructor: Engr. Nelor Jane Agustin
Experiment No. 3.3


1. Objective(s):

The activity aims to verify Superposition theorem in a multi-source networks.

2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students shall be able to:

2.1 To apply the superposition method for determining the currents in a multiple-source circuit.
2.2 To use the multimeter to measure currents for applying the superposition method.
2.3 To compare superposition with Kirchhoff’s voltage law method.

3. Discussion:

Another method that may be used to solve problems with circuits that have more than one voltage
source is called the superposition method. A circuit must be reduced to as many individual circuits as there
are voltage sources. If a circuit has two voltage source, two separate circuits derived from the original circuit
must be manipulated. In this method the currents produced by each voltage source are calculated individually.
The direction of each vurrent must be labled. When the currents from each voltage source have been
determined, they may be combined to find the current through each components of the circuit.

4. Resources:

Feedback AC and DC Basics 12-301

Electrical Engineering Department
EE 200E–Electric Circuits 1 Laboratory Manual

5. Procedure:

1. Construct the circuit as shown in Figure 9.1, and measure the current and voltage across RL.

R1 R4


E1 14B2 36
5A 2.2kΩ 15 V
10 V

R2 R5


Figure 9.1. Multiple Voltage Source Combination Circuit.

VL = 9.5834 V

IL = 4.3561 mA

2. Remove the 15-V source and replace it by a short circuit (see Figure 9.2). Measure the current
through RL and call it IL’.

Electrical Engineering Department
EE 200E–Electric Circuits 1 Laboratory Manual

R1 R4


E1 14B 3 RL
5A 2.2kΩ
10 V 2

R2 R5


Figure 9.2.

IL’ = 1.6389 mA

3. Reconnect the 15-V source. Disconnect the 10-V source and replace it by a short circuit (see
Figure 9.3). Measure the current through RL and call it IL’’.

R1 R4


5A3 2.2kΩ
2 15 V

R2 R5


Figure 9.3

IL’’ = 2.7172 mA

Electrical Engineering Department
EE 200E–Electric Circuits 1 Laboratory Manual

6. Data and Results:

Calculated Value Measured Value % Difference

(using (using
Superposition Superposition
theorem) theorem)

IL ’ 1.6389 mA 1.6389 mA 0%

IL’’ 2.7172 mA 2.7172 mA 0%

IL 4.3561 mA 4.3561 mA 0%

VL 9.5834 V 9.5834 V 0%

7. Conclusion:

National Instrument’s Multisim, a circuit simulation software, was used to analyze the response of a resistive
circuit that requires the use of Norton’s theorem. Each individual steps were executed in the simulation. First,
the voltage and current were measured as is without using the superposition theorem. Then, the current that
each source contributes to the load was simulated. Hand calculations were also done, and the results remain
accurate with the simulation. There was a 0% difference between the results of the hand calculations and the

Electrical Engineering Department
EE 200E–Electric Circuits 1 Laboratory Manual

8. Assessment:
I. Laboratory Skills
2 3
Members d
Manipulative Skills demonstrat
needed skil
Members are unable Members always
Experimental occasionally
to set-up the demonstrate needed
Set-up demonstrate
materials. skills.
needed skills
Members are able
Members do not Members are able to
to set-up the
Process Skills demonstrate targeted set-up the material with
materials with
process skills. minimum supervision.
Members do not occasionally Members always
Safety Precautions follow safety demonstrate demonstrate targeted
precautions. targeted process process skills.
II. Work Habits Members follow Members follow safety
safety precautions precautions at all
most of the time. times.
Time Management / Conduct of Experiment Members d
finish on tim
Members do not know
their tasks and have
Members finish ahead
no defined Members finish on
Cooperative and of time with complete
responsibilities. time with
Teamwork data and time to revise
Group conflicts have incomplete data.
to be settled by the
Members have Members are on tasks
defined and have defined
Messy workplace
Neatness and responsibilities responsibilities at all
during and after the
Orderliness most of the time. times. Group conflicts
Group conflicts are are cooperatively
cooperatively managed at all times.

Electrical Engineering Department
EE 200E–Electric Circuits 1 Laboratory Manual

managed most of
the time.
Clean and orderly
Clean and orderly
Members require workplace with
Ability to do independent workplace at all times
supervision by the occasional mess
work during and after the
teacher. during and after
the experiment.
Other Members require
Members do not need
Comments/Observations: occasional
Total Score to be supervised by the
supervision by the
Other Comments/Observations: (𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒)
Reference(s): 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 = × 100

7. “Understanding DC Circuits”, Dale R. Patrick/”Electric Circuit Fundamentals”, Thomas L. Floyd

“We accept responsibility for our role in ensuring the integrity of the work submitted by the
group in which we participated.”


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