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Theology- I, St. Ambrose
Feast Day of Saint Charles Borromeo

This essay will focus on my two Saturday apostolates, which took place on 15 th and 22nd of
October. It includes of personal experiences, an assessment, some reflection, and ideas for advancing
the apostolate approach. On the first day of apostolate, I and Frt. Roger Bacalan, together with the
point person who was responsible for the assistance in so far, our apostolate is concerned. The
primary thing that we do is we were assigned at designated places, we assigned at Purok Uno. The
boundary of purok starting from the seminary both sides and back. We have been surveying the area
as well as she introduces us to the people out there. The place there was soothing and refreshing for
the place was full of trees and near at the river. On the other hand, the second apostolate in particular
we begin our apostolate by starting in our guide person. From there we had a chance to ask her some
questions with regard to her life as a catholic, citizen, and a mother. Most especially if she’s still
okay; how does her life go on, until such time he shared to us her experience of the typhoon Yolanda.
In addition, there is a bit of reminiscing the past apostolate which eventually she shared with us her
experiences for the past apostolate. If there is one word that summarize it “marisyo”.

From the experiences above it is proper and fitting to evaluate it. In order that when the next
apostolate would be easy for us to be flexible to the place and situation, we are in. To evaluate the
first experience, since we survey and look at the situation, it entails to really go into the peripheries
and I would like to reiterate the very words of our guide “uunahon ta an diri naninimba, an hirayo
ngan napahirayo sa simbahan”. With a question delivered jokingly saying ‘nano man nabati pa kam
san bagting?’ Consequently, this situation entails the passion, to listen and read the situation we are
in. It needs to have a flexibility skill to the unexpected and surprising experience that is waiting for
us. Furthermore, to evaluate the latter experience, our purpose in starting conversing our guide is to
foster relationship between us. In other words, we secure that we know the person who will be
guiding us throughout our apostolate. A kind of relationship that is rooted with the same purpose and
intention. The intention to bring back once again the people who are least, lost, and last. And to open
our eyes, open for transcendence and humanistic realm. So that we may able to share a realistic and
fruitful approach on how we were going to put into fruition the objectives prompted in the apostolate
guidelines. Thus, all this these things are pleasing with the Lord when it is done with charity. A
charity that leads to Him.

To facilitate me in reflecting my two experiences I would like to call Saint Charles Borromeo
whom we celebrate his feast day today. This is taken from office of reading for today. He said and I
quote “My brothers, you must realize that for us churchmen nothing is more necessary than
meditation. We must meditate before, during and after everything we do.” A meditation that brings
us closer to the one who sent us in apostolate. A meditation that people will see in me Christ in my
life, the way we talk and act. That people encounter us seeing Christ radiating in our lives (St.
Theresa of Calcuta). So that whenever they do their respected undertakings as a catholic, citizen and
part of the family they may remember Christ. A remembrance that moves them to do what is pleasing
to Him. This is a challenge on our part. That is why I myself struggling to meditate on the very acts
of Christ on how do I live it. By following His footsteps. Hence, we do not only radiate Christ in our
lives so that they may see Christ, but also to see also Christ in their daily lives. Seeing Christ to the
people whom we meet to that of the purok. Seeing Christ dwelling there, that His presence
thoroughly lives in their midst. And having testifying all these things we may attest and articulate to
the people there, that, God is Emmanuel. Living there in their community. A God who does not
abandoned His sheep. May these two Saturday apostolates bring to fulfillment and fruition for the
glorification of God and sanctification of us. Consequently, the two Saturday experiences brings to
Theology- I, St. Ambrose
Feast Day of Saint Charles Borromeo

come closer to the One who sent us—Jesus our master. This is only a foretaste... There something
more to be known…sent me Lord.

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