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First Quarter – Week 7
Participation in an Organized Event that Addresses
Health/Fitness Issues and Concerns
YR. & SEC.:
1. Competency: Participates in an organized event that addresses health/fitness issues and
concerns. (PEH11FH-lk-o-13)
Objectives: At the end of the week, you shall have
A. Knowledge: identify the different activities to be conducted for health purposes.
B. Skill: make a collage about involving physical activities.
C. Attitude: value on the participation of organized events that addresses health
issues and concerns in the community.
Phase of the Activities Reference/
lesson Resource
As you become more involved in physical activities, you can
elevate your participation by joining events that promote health and pehealth11_q1
fitness as well as address health issues like diabetes, obesity, nutrition, _melc7_particip
smoking, and many more. By joining these events, you can learn more ationinanorgani
about these health concerns, what is being done to handle them—and zedevents_v1.p
Introduction at the same time, you also get to increase your physical activity. df
The usual objective of the organizers of these events is to raise
funds for awareness about these health issues. Participation in these
events not only increases your activity but also gives you an advocacy
to work on. Your choice would depend on your interests and
preferences. Here are some viable options for you.
Fun runs
These are usually 1- day
events that focus on running
various distances (i.e., 3k, 5k,
10k, or longer). They cater to a
wide variety of participants—
competitive or recreational
runners, and even families. Other
than the fitness benefits you
would get from joining fun runs,
you also get to help out certain
causes. Some organizations
associations, and companies organize fun runs as one of their cause-
oriented events. Other benefits of joining fun runs include meeting new
friends, enjoying the outdoors, and bringing home participant race kits.

Dance events, competitions, or

These events focus on
dance as the main activity, whether
as competition (e.g. streetdance,
dancesport) or as rec reation (e.g.
aerobic dance marathons,
ZumbaTM events). Other than
fitness benefits, you can get a lot
out from joining dance competitions
and marathons.
If events are competition-based, usually cash prizes, trophies, and
freebies are the main incentives, along with bragging rights.
However, if the events are recreation-type, participant kits (e.g.
event shirt, sponsor freebies) are the usual takeaway. However, the
enjoyment and fun of dancing are the main attraction in these types of
events. The attractiveness of physical activities like Zumba comes from the
lively music and instructors, colorful vibe, and relatively easy to follow dance
Sports tournaments
These are the most common
type of health- and fitness-related
organized events.
They mainly focus on sports in
a tournament type of play where
individual players and/or teams
compete. They are usually
organized for school teams [(e.g.
University Athletic
Association of the Philippines
However, sports associations, cause-oriented groups, organizations,
brands, and companies also hold sports tournaments for various purposes,
levels, and sports.
It may not be explicit that health and fitness are the main highlights
when joining such events because the nature of such events is usually
competitive. That is why they train not only for their sports skills but also for
their conditioning. Through sport tournaments, athletes and competitors are
actually good role models of health and fitness.
In school, intramurals are the
common sports competitions for
students. Different grade or year
levels compete against each other in
different sports. Games are usually
played after classes where semi-
finals and championship games are
usually the highlights.

Summer sports clinics

These are short-course sports
programs catering to school children.
Sports clinics are offered by schools and
product brands when school is over and
students have their summer break. The
usual sports offered include basketball,
taekwondo, swimming, gymnastics,
football, volleyball, and others. These last
for several sessions spanning days or
weeks, and usually culminate with an
exhibition tournament.

Outdoor recreation events like cycling

events, triathlon, marathons, and
These are specialized events that
target sports enthusiasts and athletes.
These are held in specialized venues and
locations, and usually have different
categories for different levels of
participants. Depending on the event,
categories such as beginner, intermediate, and advanced are formed or
opened. When you join such events, you get to experience recreation-level
of participation to a higher level of competition. You also get to experience
a different atmosphere because of the ambiance in such events.
Talks, seminars, or conferences
These are usually lecture-
based events that cover topics
discussed with an audience. Some
events are held for different lengths
(i.e., half-day, 1-day, 2-day, 3-day,
weeklong) and some include
workshops or hands on training. Some
also are held with different formats like
classroom-type lecture, panel
discussions, parallel sessions, and the
like. Credible resource persons and
and speakers are invited to speak so that reliable information are shared
and learned.
Cause-oriented associations, product brands, companies,
professional organizations, among others hold such events for various
purposes, some to increase awareness, promote various causes, and to
inform. It would be beneficial for you to attend such events so you could
learn more things about health and fitness, become more aware of related
issues and concerns, and have a clearer understanding of these things.

In answering the activities, make sure to read and examine carefully

the questions and be able to answer the guide questions set for you.

Exercises Activity 1. “Tell me the Truth!” pehealth11_q1

Directions: Classify whether the following physical activities are _melc7_particip
health benefits or Not. Support your answer by giving a short ationinanorgani
description or explanation. Write your answers on the table zedevents_v1.p
provided. df
1. Yoga session
2. Window shopping
3. Watching Television
4. Hiking and Trekking
5. Eating
6. Playing Mobile games
7. Chatting with friends
8. Attending fun runs
9. Doing household chores
10. Make up tutorial
Health Benefits Explanation Not a Health Explanation
Activity 2. Answer the given question. Write your answer on the box
provided. (5 points each)
1. As a student, what do you think is the main purpose of
including this topic into your course subject?

3. Does involving into the said events can improve your health?
Prove your answer.

4. What is your most unforgettable event that you have joined?

Multiple Choice. Read each item carefully and encircle the letter of
Post Test the best answer.
1. It is a type of play where individual players and/or teams compete. _melc7_particip
a. Summer sports clinic c. Sports tournament ationinanorgani
b. Fun runs d. Dance events zedevents_v1.p
2. These are the benefits of participating in physical activities, Except; df
a. Have stronger bones, muscles and joints and lower risk of
developing osteoporosis
b. Feel better – with more energy, a better mood, feel more
relaxed and sleep better.
c. You may experience dizziness and over-fatigue
d. Have a lower blood cholesterol level
3. The following are the benefits in joining fun runs. Except;
a. Meeting new friends
b. Bring additional stress
c. Enjoying the outdoors
d. Bringing home participants race kits.
4. The following are the benefits of joining physical activities Except;
a. Improve your mood and decrease feelings of depression, anxiety
and stress
b. It can help with weight loss.
c. It is good for your muscles and bones
d. It can decrease your energy levels.
5. You want to share a particular topic to your colleagues about the ways
on how to avoid Corona Virus, what event are you going to initiate?
a. Fun Runs c. Seminar or conferences
b. Dance events d. Outdoor recreation
Performance Make your own collage involving into physical activities.
Task Paste any pictures of yours as a proof of involvement in to such activities with short
Do it in an A4 size of bondpaper.
Your output will be graded based on the rubrics below.


Reflections What have you learned from this lesson?

What are the events that you have participated already that is related to physical
What are the benefits that you got from that event?

Answer Key
Activity 1
The answers will depend on the students. The answers will be acceptable.
Activity 2
The answers will depend on the students. The answers will be acceptable.



P.E and Health Teacher’s Guide

Prepared by:

Subject Teachers

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