Chilli Crop Improvement - Training - IIHR

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Online Training Programme on

Recent Advances in Chilli Crop Improvement

Organised by
ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bengaluru
7th to 9th September, 2022

Registration is compulsory for participation.

Click the link below for registration

Major highlights:
☞Opportunity to listen to both National and International experts in
chilli crop improvement
☞E-certificate will be issued to participants

Course Director: Dr K Madhavi Reddy

Co-course Director(s):Dr Ponnam Naresh and Dr Smaranika Mishra

Division of Vegetable Crops

ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research
Online training programme on ‘Recent Advances in Chilli Crop Improvement’
(September 7th to 9th, 2022)
Division of Vegetable Crops, ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru

Course Director: Dr K Madhavi Reddy

Co-course Directors: Dr Ponnam Naresh and Dr Smaranika Mishra

Sept 7th, 2022

1 10:00 AM- 10:45 AM Chilli breeding- Road map Dr K Madhavi Reddy, Chilli breeder, IIHR
2 10:45 to 11:30 AM Breeding chillies for varied market Dr GK Hegde, Noble Seeds Pvt. Ltd
3 11:30AM to 12:15 PM South East Asia market, Modern Breeding Dr Chinna Babu
methods Enzazaden seeds Pvt. Ltd.
12:15AM to 1:00 PM Lunch Break
4 1:00 to 1:45 PM Genetic and molecular dissection of fruit Dr Illan Paran, Institute of Plant Sciences,
color variation in Chilli Agricultural Research Organization, Isreal
5 1:45 to 2:45 PM Viruses diversity, phenotyping and Dr M Krishna Reddy
strategies for exploring host plant Former-Head, Division of Crop protection, IIHR
6 2:45 to 3:30 PM Breeding for insect resistance Dr Mohamed Rakha, Kafrelsheikh
University, Egypt
7 3:30 to 4:15 PM Chilli fungal pathogens: Diversity and Dr G M Sandeep Kumar, Pathologist, IIHR
screening procedures
Sept 8th, 2022
7 9:30- 10:15 AM Breeding chilli for viruses resistance Dr K Madhavi Reddy, Chilli breeder, IIHR
8 10:15 to 11:00 AM Breeding chilli for Phytophthora capsici Dr Derek Berchanger, Pepper Breeder, World
resistance Veg, Taiwan
9 11:00 to 11:45AM Breeding for Anthracnose fruit rot Dr Patchporn Suwor, King Mongkut's Institute of
resistance in chilli Technology,Thailand
10 11:45AM to 12:30 PM Breeding for powdery mildew resistance Dr AA Deshpande
in chilli
12:30 to 1:30 PM Lunch Break
11 1:30 to 2:15 PM Root stock breeding for overcoming biotic Dr Ponnam Naresh, IIHR
and abiotic constraints
12 2:15 to 3:00 PM Use of male sterility in hybrid seed Dr K Madhavi Reddy, IIHR
Sept 9th, 2022
13 9:30- 10:15 AM Breeding chillies for industrial uses Dr K Madhavi Reddy, Chilli breeder, IIHR
14 10:15 to 11:00 AM Genebank and Genomics in chilli Dr Roland schafleitner, Head, Molecular
Genetics, World Vegetable Center, Taiwan
15 11:00 to 11:45AM Use of molecular markers in chilli Dr Lakshamana Reddy DC, Biotechnologist,
breeding IIHR
16 11:45AM to 12:30 PM Breeding for Heat tolerance in chilli Dr Manoj Kumar Nalla, Pepper Breeder, World
Veg, Hyderabad
1:30 to 1:30 PM Lunch Break
17 1:30 to 2:15 PM Seed quality and seed health in chilli Dr HS Yogeesha, IIHR

18 2:15 to 3:00 PM Discussion and Closing Remarks Dr K Madhavi Reddy, IIHR

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