CE 411 Lesson 4 - Statics On Structures

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Lecture Notes 4

First semester
BSCE Curriculum 2018-2019

Presented by: NENITA M. ABARADO, C.E.

College of Engineering and Architecture

Lesson 4
Statics of Structures

Learning Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. recall the types of supports and determine reactions and stress in each member of
beams frames and trusses;
2. calculate reactions for beams, frames, and trusses;
3. investigate the stability of the structure and
4. classify if the structures are determinate or indeterminate.
Time Frame: 3 hours


The structures have to be stable under all load conditions, with few exceptions. In
other words, they must be able to withstand the loads applied (their own weight, expected live
loads, wind, and so on) without changing shape, suffering significant displacements or

Although stable structures do not move visibly when loaded, their analysis —
determination of both internal and external forces — is based primarily on the concepts and
techniques found in the engineering mechanics branch termed statics.

The topic of statics you have learned before engaging with systems of forces applied
on rigid bodies at rest (the most common case) or moving at constant speed; that is, the body
In any case acceleration is zero.

4.1 Supports

∙ The types of supports can be mainly classified into two types:

a) External supports are the supports which are normally provided around without
disrupting the structural members. The following are the different types of external
∙ Fixed support
∙ Pinned support or hinged support
∙ Roller support
∙ Rocker support
∙ Link support

b) Internal supports

Internal supports are provided internally in the structural member which means an
internal support divides the full member into parts. So, the external reactions can be found for
each part which will be quite easier for the analysis. The following are the types of internal
support provided in the structure:

∙ Internal hinge
∙ Internal roller

Visit this website for more information on the types of supports and
reactions in systems and their applications
∙ .https://theconstructor.org/structural-engg/types-of-supports-reactions-uses
structures/16974/ ret 7/12/20
Source :p.57, Structural Analysis, Aslam Kassimali

4.2 Determinacy and Stability

⮚ Beams and Frames:

∙ Determinacy
The equilibrium equations provide both necessary and adequate equilibrium
conditions. When all the forces in the structure can be calculated solely by these equations,
the structure

is referred to as being statically determinate. Structures with more unknown forces than
available equilibrium equations are considered statically indeterminate.

r = 3n, statically determinate

r > 3n, statically indeterminate
n = no. of parts r = no. of reactions
If a structure is statically indeterminate, the additional equations required to solve the
unknown reactions are obtained by comparing the loads and reactions applied at various
points on the structure to the displacement or slopes. These equations which are termed
compatibility equations must be equal in number to the structure 's degree of indeterminacy.

⮚ Stability
It is not only necessary to satisfy the equations of equilibrium to ensure the equilibrium
of a system or its members, but the members must also be properly maintained or
constrained by their supports. There may be two cases where the conditions for the correct
restriction were not met.
a. Partial Constraint
In certain situations, a structure or one of its members may have fewer reactive forces
than that of the equilibrium equations that must be met. Then, the structure becomes
constrained partially.

In certain cases, there may be as many unknown forces as equilibrium equations;

however, a structure or its members can experience instability of movement due to improper
constraint on the supports.

This can happen if all of the help reactions at a point are concurrent. Another form in
which unsuitable constraints contribute to instability arises when all the reactive forces are
parallel. The summation of forces in the horizontal direction, when an inclined force P is
applied, will not be equal to zero

r < 3n, unstable

r ≥ 3n, unstable if member reaction are concurrent or

If the structure is unstable, whether it is determinate or indeterminate doesn't matter.

This type of structure must be avoided in any practice.

Thus, the behavior of beams can be categorized according to their reactions by

considering the components of both the connection and the number of available

⮚ Trusses

A simple rigid truss is generated by originating with a triangle made up of three

members and three joints, and then adding two members and a joint to create another

Truss Determinacy and Stability Criteria.

∙ If m + r = 2j, the truss is statically determinate

∙ If m + r > 2j, the truss is statically indeterminate
∙ If m + r < 2j, the truss is unstable
Where: 2j = independent equations
m = total number of members
r = the number of reaction components

⮚ Rigid Frames

The rigid frame consists of beams and columns that are rigidly fixed to the joints. If a
member of a rigid frame is isolated as a free-body, it can be found that there are usually three
unknown quantities, horizontal and vertical forces and a moment at either end of the member.
Thus, for each frame member, there are only three unknown internal independent elements.
The criteria for stability and determinacy of rigid frames were summarized as follows;

∙ If 3m + r = 3j + c, the frame is statically determinate

∙ If 3m + r > 3j + c, the frame is statically indeterminate
∙ If 3m + r < 3j + c, the frame is unstable
Where: m = total number of members
r = the number of reactive forces
j = the no. of rigid joints
c = the no. of construction devices or connections

⮚ Procedures to determine the determinacy and stability of structures:

1. Draw a free-body diagram (FBD) of the structure.
2. Count the total number of support reactions, r.
3. Count the total number of internal forces, fi that can be transmitted through the
internal hinges and the internal rollers of the structures.
4. Determine the total number of unknowns, r + fi.
5. Count the number of rigid members of portions, n, contained in the structure. 6.
Because each of the individual rigid portions or members f the structure must be in
equilibrium under the action of applied loads, reactions, and/or internal forces, each
member must satisfy the three equations of equilibrium (ΣFH=0, ΣFV=0, and ΣM=0).
Thus, the total number of equations available for the entire structure is 3nr. 7.
Determine whether the structure is statically unstable, determinate, or indeterminate
by comparing the total number of unknowns, r + fi, to the total number of equations.
If r + fi < 3nr 🡪 the structure is statically unstable externally
r + fi = 3nr, 🡪 the structure is statically determinate externally

r+ fi > 3nr , 🡪 the structure is statically
indeterminate externally Sample Exercises:
12 K 6K
1. Determine the determinacy
4 5 ft
for the beam shown in the 10 ft 10 ft
figure. 6K


Free-Body Diagram
12 K
A exerts reaction R A inclined B
A Bx
Note that the roller at in the direction Ra By
perpendicular to the 5 4 C

Static Determinacy: 3 5 ft
supporting surfaces. 10 ft 10 ft

The beam is internally stable and is supported by three reactions, RAx, Bx, and By, all of which
are neither parallel nor concurrent.

No. of reactions r = 3
No. of members n = 1

r = 3n,
3 = 3(1), 3=3, therefore, stat. determinate

2. Determine the determinacy for the beam given below.

A 3 KN/m D
5 KN/m B


Solution: Dy
At sight: Reactions at A = 2, at C =1, At D =1, at F =1

Total number of reactions r = 5 Internal forces f1: @ B

=2, @ E = 2

Total number of internal forces, f1 = 4

Number of parts n =3

Equation: r +f1 = 3n
5 +4 = 3 (3)
9 = 9 therefore, stat. determinate

In fact, you can evaluate the stability and determinacy of the structures as
long as you can show the free body diagram of the reactions and you are
familiar with the equations.

4.3 Determination of Reactions for Beams, Frames and Trusses

∙ Beams

The beam is a horizontal structural feature that can withstand the load mainly by
resisting bending. The bending force caused in the material of the beam as a result of
external loads, own weight, length and external reactions to these loads is called a bending

∙ Frames

A frame is a structural framework that supports other elements of a physical structure. The
term structural system or structural framework in structural engineering refers to the load
resistant component of the structure. The structural structure transfers loads by
interconnected structural elements or components. Rigid frames are commonly referred to as

∙ Trusses
Truss is the assembly of straight parts connected at their ends by flexible connections
for a rigid structure. Due to their light weight and high strength, trusses are commonly used to
support a larger load or span of bridges and roofs of buildings.

The entire truss has its own weight or load and gives the reaction force on its lying
support as beams and columns. If an entire truss is being examined to determine the reaction
forces on the supports, the forces between the individual truss members are not included.

∙ Reactions

External forces are the behavior of other bodies in relation to the systems under
consideration. For the purpose of analysis, it is generally desirable to further identify these
forces as applied forces and reaction forces.

Applied forces, generally referred to as loads (e.g. live loads and wind loads), tend to
move the structure as is usually known in the analysis.

Reaction forces, or reactions, are the forces exerted by the support of the structural
members and have the ability to prevent them from moving and to keep them in equilibrium.
The reactions are typically among the unknown to be determined by the analysis. The state of
equilibrium or motion of the structural component shall be controlled by the external forces
acting on it.
⮚ Procedure on determining the reactions on beams, frames and trusses

∙ Draw a free-body diagram (FBD) of the structure.

∙ Present the structure under consideration that is detached from its supports and is
detached from all other bodies to which it may be attached.
∙ Display-known force or couple on the FBD with an arrow showing its direction and
∙ Display the direction of the two perpendicular xy coordinate system to be used in the
∙ Indicate the unknown external reactions to the structure at every point where the
structure has been disconnected from the support.
∙ To complete the FBD, draw the dimensions of the structure, showing the positions of
both known and unknown external forces. Determine the unknown reaction by
applying the equilibrium and condition equations to the entire structure.
∙ Verify the equations by adding an alternative balance equation that has not been used in
the equations. This alternative equation should typically include all the reactions found
in the analysis.

Sample Exercises:
Note: This first example is followed by discussion about
how reactions are calculated. Although this subject is
possibly covered in Strength of Materials, I still include
this subject in the course because of its importance in
the analysis of structures.

∙ Beams

1. The beam is loaded as shown below. Determine the magnitude of the reactions at
supports A and B.


The A and B reactions are replaced by the A and B forces. The force at B must be
vertical, because its roller support can only respond perpendicularly to the surface it rests
upon. The 40k load line and reaction at B do not have horizontal components, so it should be
obvious that A's horizontal component must be zero. So it is not shown.

If we assumed a horizontal component at A and displayed it on the FBD, we will find

that the horizontal component was zero through the "sum of horizontal forces equals zero." It
would still have been a correct FBD. Everything needed to solve the FBD is shown

If we try to solve the vertical forces, we have two unknowns and just one equation. If
we track moments about the line of action of either A or B, we 're going to have a moment
equation with just one unknown. For this reason, points A or B are convenient points from
which to take a moment.

If we take the moments around point A, ∑M A = 0, we know that the absolute value of
clockwise moments must be equal to the absolute value of clockwise moments.

∑MA = 0 ⟳ + (RB)(20 kip-feet) = 240 kip-feet RB = 12 kips

These assumption is very important and should
40 kips)(6 feet) - (RB)(20 feet) =0 240 always be included in the equation. It is advised
kip-feet - (RB)20 kip-feet = 0 to start the equation with zero at the right side.
The reaction at point A can now be determined either by taking the moments about
point B, ∑MB=0, or by summing up the vertical forces, ∑Fy=0, and by using the reaction at B
described above.

∑MB = 0⟳ +
(-40 kips)(14ft) + (RA)(20ft) = 0

-560 kip-feet + (RA) (20 kip-feet) = 0

(RA) (20 kip-feet = 560 kip-feet

RA = 28 kips 12k + 28k - 40k = 0

The direction of the final answer must be
To check: indicated with arrowhead.

∑ FY = 0 +

∙ Frames:
2. Determine the
reactions at the
supports A and B
of the given frame.

_____________ ________

5 Ray + 9 (6) + 3(5) – 12 (4) – 14 (1.5) = 0
Ray = 0

∑MA=0 ⟳ +
-5 Rb + 14 ( 3.5 ) + 12 (2) – 3 ( 1) = 0 Rb =14


∙ Trusses:

Free Body diagram (FBD)

You can observe that the dimensions are not

clearly indicated in the free-body diagram. Try to
provide the complete dimensions in this FBD.


∑Fx = 0 → +
-Rax + 12 – 3 = 0
Rax = 9 KN→

∑MB=0 ⟳ +

3. Find the reactions at the supports of the given truss.

10 KN

5 KN

4@1 m


X = 0.577 m

tan 30°= x/1

∑Mc=0 ⟲+
X = tan 30° C
10 KN 5KNCos60

5KNsin60 Free-Body Diagram

5 KN X

Rgy ( 4m ) + ( 5KN cos60° )( X ) – ( 5KN sin 60° )( 3m) – 10KN ( 2m ) =

0 Rgy (4m) + (5KN cos〖60°) (tan30°) - 15KN.m sin60° - 20KN.m = 0

Rgy (4m) + (5KN cos60°) (0.577m) - 15KN sin60° - 20KN.m = 0 Rgy =

7.89 KN ↑

∑Fy=0 ↑+

Rcy + Rgy – 10KN - 5KN sin60° = 0

Rcy = 10KN + 5KN sin 60° - 7.89KN

Rcy = 6.44 KN ↑

∑Fx=0 → +

Rcx - 5KN cos60° = 0

Rcx = 2.5 KN →

Try this exercises: (Activity 4)

Provide the right data and methods to achieve the results. Some problems have
already been solved for reference purposes.
Beam Give the values Classification
of r, f1 and n

r + f1 = 3n, statically determinate

r +f1 > 3n, statically indeterminate

Note: degree of
⁰= 3n-r+f1

r f1 n

5 4 3 Stable and determinate

6 4 3 Stable and indeterminate

to the first degree
or stat. indet. 1⁰

Unstable *

Unstable *

Stable and determinate

Unstable *

Trusses Give the values of Classification
m, r and j

m + r = 2j statically determinate

m + r < 2j Unstable
m r j

7 3 5 Stable and determinate

b 7 3 5 Unstable*


Unstable* *


Stable and determinate

Stable and determinate

to the second degree
bc Unstable* * *


Frame Give the values of Classification

m, r, j and c

If 3m + r = 3j + c, statically determinate

3m + r > 3j + c, statically indeterminate

3m + r < 3j + c, unstable

m r j c

10 9 6 9 Indeterminate to the
12th degree

30 9 1 9

Using the beam Indeterminate to the

equation r + f1 =3n Or
r + f1 > 3n r=9
f1 =12
n= 3
r +f1 = 3n
21 > 9, stat. indet. 12⁰

Indeterminate to the
11th degree
Indeterminate to the
ninth degree

Indeterminate to the
c d ninth degree


Plate 3

A. Determinacy and Stability


1. State whether the given structure (figure a to q) is determinate, indeterminate or stable.

Support your answers.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)





(l) (m)



B. Determination of Reactions

Determine the reactions in the support for the following structures.






7. 8.


Activity 5:

Determine the reactions on the structural members in

your structure.


∙ Aslam Kassimali, STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS, 2nd Edition

∙ R.C. Hibbeler, STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS, 8 th ed


∙ http://pages.uoregon.edu/struct/courseware/461/461_example_problems/ex_prob_lect
∙ http://www.mathalino.com/reviewer/engineering-mechanics/problem-332-equilibrium
∙ www.google.com/statics-trussstructure


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