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PSHE Year 6

Resource 2b

Statement True or False? Comments

1. One in four people ex- T This is true, and shows that

perience a mental health mental health problems are
problem each year quite common, although the
number has not changed for
several years (i.e. not
increased). The statistic for
children is one in eight, so less

2. When someone is diag- nosed F Most treatment for people with

with a mental health condition, mental health conditions is
they are usually locked up in a community based, including
psychiatric hospital talking therapy, group
counselling or medication.
Some mental health conditions
require treatment in a
specialised treatment centre or
hospital, but these are almost
always voluntarily chosen by
the person involved or their

3. Having OCD means liking to F Obsessive compulsive disorder

keep things clean, organ- ised (OCD) is a type of anxiety
and tidy disorder that includes
‘obsessions’ such as worries,
doubts or unwelcome thoughts
that constantly appear, and
‘compulsions’ – repetitive
activities that are caused by the
obsessions, e.g. repeatedly
checking doors are locked or
repeating comforting phrases.
Although it sometimes
manifests in repetitive cleaning
and tiding, this is not an
accurate understanding of the

4. Most people with mental T Although it is not easy, and

health concerns are able to every day presents challenges,
PSHE Year 6

treat their condition and lead most people with a mental

full, happy lives health issue continue to
contribute to society and lead a
happy life. With the right
treatment, support and care,
many conditions can be
successfully managed.

5. When someone has a men- T We know that, on average,

tal health condition seeking there is a considerable delay
early treatment can improve between someone experiencing
chances of good mental health first symptoms of poor mental
recovery. health and seeking treatment
(often many years). This delay
can be for many reasons (e.g.
stigma, not knowing where to
get help etc.). The main reason,
however, is because people are
unaware that they are unwell.
There is really good evidence
with most mental health
conditions that early
treatment-seeking can increase
the chances of recovery.

7. It is possible to tell if some- F Most mental health issues are

one has a mental health not observable to others, in the
problem just by looking at them way that physical illness can be.
This is one of the reasons why
mental health can be harder to
talk about than physical health.

8. People with mental health F People with mental health

concerns are violent and issues are no more likely to be
dangerous violent than anyone else.

9. There are things everyone T The following lessons aim to

can do to promote their own support young people to
mental health develop strategies and
techniques to support mental

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