Astro Brahma Murtha

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Active Ketu, Tureeya Sandhyaa and #VaakSiddhi.

There are 5 Sandhyaas accepted for Upaasana purposes are -
* Brahm - 4 to 6 AM, Twilight,
* Prabhaat - 6 AM, Sunrise,
* Abhijeet - 12 Noon,
* Godhuli - 6 PM, Evening, Twilight, and
* Tureeya - 12 Midnight.
While all the Five Sandhyaas are important and have distinct Upaasana Usage, Tureeya Sandhyaa
has an special application.
Tureeya is the Chaitanya State of Consciousness that is Purest and is synonymous with Shiva, the
Mandukya Upanishad gives four States of Consciousness -
* Jaagrat - Vaishwaanar,
* Swapna - Taijas,
* Sushupti - Praajna, and
* Tureeya - Advaita/Shiva
Brahm Sandhyaa is to awaken the Kundalini Shakti and to take it to the Sahastraar, the Crown in
the head, the Supreme Consciousness.
Next only to Brahm Sandhyaa is the Tureeya which falls in the midnight. The Tureeya Sandhyaa
Muhurt of Chaturdashi, Krishna Paksha, particularly of Shraavan Maas, is next only to
MahaShivRaatri in importance.
This is the excellent Muhurt to undertake Upaasana thru Mantra-Yoga. The Upaasana Phal is
#Vaak_Siddhi. Devi herself appears in the Dhyaan of the Yogi-Sadhaka.
One may follow Rudra-Abhishekam with -
* Rudra-Ashtaadhyayi,
* Shiva Panch-Akshari Mantra,
* Maha-Mrityunjaya Mantra,
* Devi Navaanha Mantra,
* Gayatri Mantra, Or
* Simply Eka-Akshar Omkaar Mantra.
Besides, One may only Chant, without Jal-Abhishekam, any Veda Sukta, like Purush Sukta, etc.
Siddha-Kunjika or Athava-Shirsha Stotram is also recommended. Or
One may simply sit in a comfortable Yogic Posture and chant a Mantra/Sukta, mentally with
Usually, the period prescribed is about 2 hours, begining from 11.25 PM to 1.25 AM. One may
shorten this to minimum one hour, if unable to sit for two hours. Any number of comfortable Yogic
postures can be followed out of the following five. These are considered good for Dhyaan-Yoga,
* Sukhasana,
* Padmasana,
* Siddhasana,
* Vajrasana,
* ArdhaPadmasana.
A Rider, however -
Tureeya Sandhyaa is recommended for those who have their Ketu in the active mode. This is
possible when One is fully detached with Affairs Mundane.
Also, One must have an active Spiritual Guru or an Ishta to support the Tureeya Sandhyaa
Sadhana. This can happen thru Bhakti-Yoga, thru complete surrender to the Guru/Ishta.
Vaak Siddhi is most important for Yogis, Sadhakas, Astrologers, and others who wish to
experience the Ecstasy, Bliss, Parmananda, and the like.
#Sushil_Jalan, 19.07.2021.

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