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State the advantages and disadvantages of Independent Learning, Self-Instruction and

Synectics Models in teaching Social Studies.

Independent Learning

There are numerous benefits to self-learning, It offers a lot of benefits, but it also has a lot
which we will address here. of weaknesses.
 You have complete control over your  There is no self-control.
own pace, materials, and methods.  There will be no face-to-face
 You're less worried about interaction.
embarrassing yourself in front of  Flexibility is limited.
others.  Trainers' input was lacking.
 The teacher is not compensated.  Slow progress
 Self-learning is not time-bound nor  It's challenging to create good e-
place-bound, and all that is required to learning.
engage in self-learning is access to a  There is a scarcity of transformational
computer and a reliable internet power.
connection.  There are no further benefits.
 It is particularly helpful for
individuals who are location or time-
bound because it can take place from
the comfort of anyplace and at any
 It's low-cost or free.


 Makes effective use of teachers' time  Self-instruction alone is useless if the
 Allows students to have some control student cannot perform the designated
over their learning. academic or behavioral skill.
 Once talents are learned, they only
require a small amount of time to
 Self-instruction techniques are
versatile, powerful, and potentially
very effective.

Synetics Models

 Saves time and money  Lacks social interaction
 Better retention  Inaccessible to others
 Personalized learning  Cheating is unavoidable
 Cost-effective  Requires self-motivation and proper
 Environment-friendly time management skills
 Focuses more on theory


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