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I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Directions: Write the “capital or upper-case letter” of the correct answer on the box provided for on
the left of each number. (30 points = 2 points each number)

1. He was an American self-taught
chemist and manufacturing engineer
who developed vulcanized rubber, for Charles Chaplin Charles Darwin Charles Bronson
A Goodyear
which he received patent number (1800 –1860) (1800 –1860) (1800 –1860)
(1800 –1860)
3633 from the United States Patent
Office on June 15, 1844:
2. In the Mayan culture, they used
B chocnuts chocolates chocomucho chocosticks
______________ as currency.
3. It includes the entire area of Central
D America from Southern Mexico up to Mesopotamia Mesobenthos Mesobilane Mesoamerica
the border of South America:
4. It is a technique used in Mesoamerican
agriculture which relied on small,
C rectangular areas of fertile arable land chinampo chinampu chinampa chinampe
to grow crops on the shallow lake beds
in the Valley of Mexico:
5. It is an American multinational tire
Goodbye Tire & Goodyear Tire Goodluck Tire Goody Tire &
manufacturing company founded in
B Rubber & Rubber & Rubber Rubber
1898 by Frank Seiberling and based in
Company Company Company Company
Akron, Ohio:
6. It is one of the famous civilizations
C that lasted for approximately 2,000 Amaya civilization Mayo civilization Maya civilization Inca civilization
7. The Aztec valued the ____________ beans
A highly and made it as part of their cacao string macao pork
tribute to their gods.
8. The Inca civilization developed the
A suspension suspense pension suggestion
first ________________ bridge.
9. The Mayans built ____________ system
A with sophisticated waterways to hydraulics hydroponics hydrogen hydration
supply water.
10. The Mayans built looms for weaving
C cloth and devised a rainbow of glittery mice mico mica micu
paints made from ____________.
11. The Mayans created a number system
B 10 20 30 40
based on the numeral _______.
12. The Mayans independently developed
A zero one two three
the concept of __________.
13. The pyramid at Chichen Itza in
____________ is situated at the location of
B Egypt Mexico Africa Middle East
the sun during the spring and fall
14. They are recording devices fashioned
from strings historically used by a
D quipe quipi quipo quipu
number of cultures in the region of
Andean South America:
C 15. This civilization put value on education: Maya Inca Aztec Zuma

II. MATCHING TYPE. Directions: Match Column A with Column B. Choose the “capital or upper-case letter” of your choice
and write it on the box provided for. (30 points = 2 points each number)

Column A Column B

1. Ancient network of trade routes, formally A. Siddhānta Śiromaṇi

established during the Han Dynasty:
2. Ancient Sanskrit text on medicine and B. canoe
C 3. Biggest continent in the world: C. Asia
4. Chinese astronomer/mathematician who D. Sushruta Samhita
J invented the first seismograph in 132
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5. Discovered by Chinese monks in the 9th E. Silk Road
century CE:
6. He is considered the founder of the Kerala F. Mādhava of Sangamagrāma
school of astronomy and mathematics:
7. He was the first to give rules to compute G. Islam
with zero:
O 8. It has accuracy within 0.13 millimeters: H. Gunpowder
9. Light narrow boat used for travelling in I. Aryabhatiya
water systems:
10. Major treatise of Indian mathematician J. Chang Heng
Bhāskara II:
M 11. Most populous democracy in the world: K. ayurveda
12. Nearly straight-line configuration of three L. China
celestial bodies:
13. Only known surviving work of the 5th M. India
century Indian mathematician Aryabhata:
K 14. Traditional Hindu system of medicine: N. Brahmagupta
L 15. World's most populous country: O. Mohenjo-Daro ruler
P. syzygy

III. MODIFIED TRUE or FALSE. Directions: On the space provided for, write YES if the statement is true, or correct, or
accurate. If it is false, or incorrect, or inaccurate, then REDDEN that ONE-WORD that made it so and write the
correct word on the box provided for. (30 points = 2 points each number)

stellar 1. Africans used three types of calendars: lunar, solar, and collar.
optics 2. Al-Hasan Ibn Al-Haytham is considered the father of optometry.
YES 3. Ancient Egyptians are good in the four fundamental mathematical operations.
Astronomy 4. Astrology was also famous in the African region.
continent 5. Egypt is part of the of African country.
alchemy 6. Egypt was known to have been a center of chemistry.
YES 7. Ibn Sina, a.k.a. Avicenna, pioneered the science of theoretical medicine.
Chemistry 8. Jābir ibn Ḥayyān is considered the Father of Biology.
science 9. Muslim scientists placed greater value on thought experiments.
Mongols 10. The decline of the golden age of Islam is due to the conquest of Mongoloids.
pharaohs 11. The Egyptian pyramids were built as tombs for their country's slaves.
Islam 12. The Golden Age of Christianity lasted until the 13th century.
Muslims 13. The Middle East countries are dominantly occupied by Christians.
Nile 14. The Tile River is the longest river in Africa.
al-jabr 15. The word algebra comes from the Arabic term al-qantara.

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