CLASSIFICADO SCP 5647 3 - SCP Foundation

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04/11/2022 01:01 Scp 5647 3 - SCP Foundation

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SCP-5647 » Scp 5647 3

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Accessing Document E-5647-Ω…

From the desk of the Ethics Committee.

Following events brought to our attention surrounding SCP-5647 and Procedure 5647-Ω, we have determined it necessary to review and
amend our current rulings regarding said anomaly.

Our inquiry highlighted the following:

+Procedure 5647-Ω's problematic qualities

+Potential problems with repeated use of Procedure 5647-Ω

+The implications of time travel

Our findings as detailed above have led us to defer to the Foundation's prime directive: we maintain normalcy. Whilst the flow of time is
an anomaly, it is so integral to our experience as humans that it ought not to be interfered with.


1. Procedure 5647-Ω is hereby decommissioned. Although it has the potential to avert catastrophe, Procedure 5647-Ω has too much
potential to be misused, which is only further compounded by its completely untraceable nature.
2. SCP-5647 is to be reclassified as Archon.1


The Ethics

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To: The Ethics Committee

From: O5-6

Subject: Procedure 5647-Ω appeal

Ethics Committee,

I don't mean in this appeal to overstep into your jurisdiction, nor do I mean to request that you blatantly ignore the
points you made in your inquiry. What I mean to do here, is to establish the case for Procedure 5647-Ω which I believe
wasn't given the proper light of day. 1/2
04/11/2022 01:01 Scp 5647 3 - SCP Foundation
Procedure 5647-Ω has not just the capability to avert catastrophe, but it has already done so. Whilst I can tell this was

≡ considered, I think it was brushed aside too quickly. Let me be clear, I fully agree that reliance on, or misuse of,
Procedure 5647-Ω would be horrible. I also agree that it does not negate moral consequences as some have suggested.

However, the reason we commissioned Procedure 5647-Ω in the first place was because it was necessary. We can't
foresee every danger, nor secure every anomaly, nor keep everyone safe. We have always been in a position where the
best we can do is make it unlikely that the worst might happen. Procedure 5647-Ω changes this. With it, we could avert
any catastrophe, contain any anomaly, keep anyone safe.

I understand that the Foundation's prime directive is to maintain normalcy, but the Ethics Committee is different. Your
job is not the same as ours. Yours is to be empathetic, to be moral, to be human. And so here I give you this choice:
you can maintain normalcy, or you can strive to create something better.


Message sent.


Shutting down systems…

Goodbye O5-6.

1. Archon class anomalies could theoretically be contained, but ought not to be.


page revision: 4, last edited: 19 Jan 2021, 13:23 (653 days ago)
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