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Instruction Sheet

To determine the divergence of Laser Beam

Name of Subject: Advanced Engineering Physics Lab Subject Code: SPP-126

Group Size and number: 06 Students Practical No.1

Name of the practical: To determine the divergence of Laser Beam

Pre-Preparation /Prerequisite

Students is advised to understand the following aspects before carrying out the experiment

1. Fundamentals of Laser and ordinary light.

2. Basic principle to achieve various wavelengths by laser light.
3. Basic principle and working of LASER (Absorption, Emission, Population Inversion and
4. Practical applications of laser.

Outcomes of this Experiment

After the completion of the experiment student will be

1. Decide which laser is preferred to find divergence of beam.

2. Set up and conduct present experiment with minimum error.
3. Observe the Comparison between the divergence of LASER and ordinary light.

Teaching Learning Activities

1. To learn about the various components of laser.

2. To learn how to set up the experiment.
3. Recording of observations and plotting of the graph.
4. Viva-voce during the performance of experiment.

Assessment of the attainments of outcomes

Execution of the experiment (12)

1. Indicate the various components for experiment and give specification.

2. Properly record the reading for different displacement.
3. Should be able to explain the significant points to reduce error during observation.
4. Independently operate the laser equipment.
5. Explain the significant points for divergence plot at various displacements.
Record of Experiment (10)

1. Proper Recording of observations and related calculations.

2. Proper Analysis of the results.
3. Comparative analysis of spot size for various displacements
4. Brief description of the Applications of laser in different field.
5. Important Recommendations and Conclusion

Viva-Voce (8)

1. Theory and principle of the present experiment.

2. Questions related to conducting the Experiment.
3. Applications of experimental system in engineering.

Note: - Assessment will be based on the level of competence attained by the student in
subject knowledge and operational skill of the experiment.
Instruction Sheet

To determine the diffraction using laser beam and find the grating element of
diffraction grating

Name of Subject: Advanced Engineering Physics Lab Subject Code: SPP-126

Group Size and number: 06 Students Practical No.2

Name of the practical: To determine the diffraction using laser beam and find the grating
element of diffraction grating

Pre-preparation/ Prerequisite

Student is advised to understand the following aspects before carrying out the experiment

1. Fundamentals of laser production

2. Difference between the ordinary light and laser beam
3. Difference between the diffraction and interference pattern
4. Diffraction pattern of laser beam
5. Calculation of Grating element

Outcomes of this Experiment

After the completion of the experiment student will be

1. Explain the fundamental principle of the laser production

2. Explain the diffraction pattern produced by laser beam
3. Calculate the grating element
4. Analyze the results with the help of diffraction pattern formed on graph.
Teaching Learning Activities

1. Learning about the diffraction pattern of laser beam.

2. Practice for setting up the instruments on optical bench by each student.
3. Recording of Observations.
4. Viva voce examination during experimentations.
Assessment of the attainments of outcomes

Execution of the Experiment (12)

1. Arrangement of equipment on optical bench.

2. Recording of observations.
3. Drawing of diffraction pattern on the graph paper.
4. Calculation of grating element.
Record of Experiment (10)
1. Proper Recording of observations and related calculations.
2. Proper Analysis of the results.
3. Comparative analysis of ordinary light and Laser light.
4. Important Recommendations and Conclusion.

Viva-Voce (8)

1. Theory and principle of the present experiment.

2. Questions related to conducting the Experiment.
3. Applications of experimental system in engineering.
Note: - Assessment will be based on the level of competence attained by the student in
subject knowledge and operational skill of the experiment.
Instruction Sheet

To determine the numerical aperture of given optical fiber

Name of Subject: Advanced Engineering Physics Lab Subject Code: SPP-126

Group Size and number: 06 Students Practical No.3

Name of the practical: To determine the numerical aperture of given optical fiber.
Pre-preparation/ Prerequisites

Student is advised to understand the following aspects before carrying out the experiment:

1. Fundamentals of Optical fiber cable

2. Material used in optical fiber.
3. Phenomenon of Total Internal Reflection
4. Concept of Numerical Aperture and acceptance angle

Outcomes of this Experiment

After the completion of the experiment student will be

1. Perform the experiment independently.

2. Explain the principle of optical fiber.
3. Explain the construction of optical fiber and its numerical aperture.
4. Conduct complete experiment with minimum error.
5. Analyze the results of the experiments.
Teaching Learning Activities

1. Learning about the specifications of the apparatus used.

2. Practice for fixing and operating the apparatus by each student.
3. Recording of Observations and calculations and comparison with standard value.
4. Viva voce examination during experimentations.
Assessment of the attainments of outcomes

Execution of the Experiment (12)

1. Indicate the components, systems, specifications.

2. Properly fix any prescribed specimen in the universal testing.
3. Properly handle the optical fiber.
4. Properly record the readings.
5. Successfully find out the numerical aperture of optical fiber.
Record of Experiment (10)

1. Proper recording of observations and calculations of result.

2. Proper analysis of the results.
3. Briefly describe the procedure to execute the experiment.
4. Briefly describe the applications of optical fiber.
5. Important recommendations and conclusion.

Viva-Voce (8)

1. Theory and principle of the present experiment.

2. Questions related to conducting the Experiment.
3. Applications of experimental system in engineering.

Note: - Assessment will be based on the level of competence attained by the student in
subject knowledge and operational skill of the experiment.
Instruction Sheet
To determine the attenuation and propagation losses in optical fibre

Name of Subject: Advanced Engineering Physics Lab Subject Code: SPP-126

Group Size and number: 06 Students Practical No.4

Name of the practical: To determine the attenuation and propagation losses in optical fibre

Pre-preparation/ Prerequisite

Student is advised to understand the following aspects before carrying out the experiment

1. Fundamentals of optical fiber and its components.

2. Types of losses in data communication through optical fiber.

Outcomes of this Experiment

After the completion of the experiment student will be

1. Understand the signal communication process through Optical fiber.

2. Understand various types of losses observed in optical fiber communication system.
3. Observe the advantages of optical fiber communication over other systems.

Teaching Learning Activities

1. To learn various components of optical fiber communication system.

2. To learn how to set up the experiment.
3. To record of the observations.
4. To calculate the attenuation loss.
5. To find out percentage error.
6. Viva-voce during the performance of experiment

Assessment of the attainments of outcomes

Execution of the Experiment (12)

1. Indicate the components, connections, specifications and find out the result.
2. Properly fix the components or make the proper connections.
3. Properly handle the optical fiber.
4. Properly record the readings of voltage and resistance to calculate the power loss in
5. Successfully find the losses in data communication through optical fiber.
Record of Experiment (10)

1. Briefly describe the procedure to execute the experiment

2. Proper Recording of observations and related calculations.
3. Proper Analysis of the results.
4. Important Recommendations and Conclusion

Viva-Voce (8)

1. Principle and theory related to present experiment.

2. Specimen set up and related matter.
3. Questions related to the conduct of the Experiment.
4. Applications of optical fiber.

Note: - Assessment will be based on the level of competence attained by the student in
subject knowledge and operational skill of the experiment.
Instruction Sheet
To find the band gap of a semiconductor material using four probe method

Name of Subject: Advanced Engineering Physics Lab Subject Code: SPP-126

Group Size and number: 06 Students Practical No.5

Name of the practical: To find the band gap of a semiconductor material using four probe

Pre-preparation/ Prerequisite

Student is advised to understand the following aspects before carrying out the experiment

1. Fundamentals of Semiconductor theory

2. How a semiconductor works
3. Phenomenon of excitation and absorption.
4. Various parameters which affect the band gap of material.
5. Have knowledge about band gap of different semiconducting materials.

Outcomes of this Experiment

At the completion of the experiment student will be

1. Handle the four probe apparatus which is used to measure band gap of the
2. Understand the effect of temperature on band gap of semiconductor.
3. Approximate the values from the slope.
4. Experienced to decide the value of current and voltage and temperature and see their
effect on band gap.
5. Conduct complete experiment; find out least count of ammeter voltmeter and
thermometer, and other observations as required for the present experiment.
6. Analyze the results of the experiments with a conclusion.
Teaching Learning Activities

1. Learning about the four probe components, systems, specifications, and attachments
2. Practice for fixing and operating the four probes by each student.
3. Recording of Observations and generation of graph.
4. Plotting the graph with the observed readings.
5. Viva voce examination during experimentations.
Assessment of the attainments of outcomes

Execution of the Experiment (12)

1. Indicate the four probe components, systems, specifications and find out the least
2. Properly fix any prescribed thin film material of semiconductor in the four probe
3. Properly record the readings of voltmeter and temperature from thermometer and
draw the relation between them.
4. Successfully draw the graph for resistivity for a given material and temperature with
the help of that calculated band gap.
Record of Experiment (10)

1. Proper Recording of observations and related calculations.

2. Proper Analysis of the results.
3. Comparative analysis of effect of temperature at different currents for the given
4. Briefly describe the applications of the experiment in engineering.
5. Important Recommendations and Conclusion

Viva-Voce (8)

1. Principle and theory related to present experiment.

2. Four probe specifications, Specimen set up and related matter
3. Basic concept of electronics like resistivity, conductivity, valance band, conduction
band etc.
4. Important components and systems of Universal Four probe Machine.
5. Questions related to conducting the Experiment.
6. Application and variations in experimental system.
Note: - Assessment will be based on the level of competence attained by the student in
subject knowledge and operational skill of the experiment.
Instruction Sheet
To draw the reverse characteristics of Zener diode

Name of Subject: Advanced Engineering Physics Lab Subject Code: SPP-126

Group Size and number: 06 Students Practical No.6

Name of the practical: To draw the reverse characteristics of Zener diode.

Pre-preparation/ Prerequisite

Student is advised to understand the following aspects before carrying out the experiment

1. The fundamentals of semiconductors.

2. The fundamentals of Zener diode.
3. The fundamentals of forward as well as reverse characteristics of Zener diode.
4. The fundamental knowledge of electronic circuits.
5. Applications of Zener diode.
Outcomes of this Experiment

After the completion of the experiment student will be

1 Understand the fundamentals of p-n junction diodes

2 Explain the fundamentals of Zener diode.
3 Make the connections of reverse characteristics of Zener diode.
4 Draw the reverse characteristics of Zener diode.

Teaching Learning Activities

1. Learning about the reverse characteristics of Zener diode apparatus.

2. Practice of setting up and operating the apparatus by each student.
3. Recording of observations and plotting of graph with observed readings.
4. Viva voce examination during experimentation.
Assessment of the attainments of outcomes

Execution of the Experiment (12)

1. Indicate the electric components for reverse characteristics of apparatus of Zener

2. Properly connecting the various components as required in circuit diagram.
3. Independently operate the Zener diode apparatus.
4. Properly record the readings of reverse voltage and reverse current.
5. Successfully draw the graph between ‘V’ and ‘I’ in reverse arrangement.
6. Explain the significant points included in the experiment.
Record of Experiment (10)

1. Proper Recording of observations and related calculations.

2. Proper Analysis of the results.
3. Analysis of breakdown voltage for reverse characteristics of Zener diode.
4. Briefly describe the applications of this experiment in engineering.
5. Important recommendations and conclusions.

Viva-Voce (8)

1. Principle and theory related to present experiment.

2. Important components of the apparatus and related electronic terms.
3. Questions related to the conduct of experiment.
4. Applications of experimental system.
Note: - Assessment will be based on the level of competence attained by the student in
subject knowledge and operational skill of the experiment.
Instruction Sheet
To determine Hall Voltage and Hall Coefficient using Hall Effect

Name of Subject: Advanced Engineering Physics Lab Subject Code: SPP-126

Group Size and number: 06 Students Practical No.7

Name of the practical: To determine Hall Voltage and Hall Coefficient using Hall Effect

Pre-preparation/ Prerequisite

Student is advised to understand the following aspects before carrying out the experiment

1. Fundamentals of magneto statics.

2. About Gauss meter.
3. Concept of Hall Effect.
4. Various parameters which affect the Hall voltage.
5. Applications of Hall Effect.

Outcomes of this Experiment

After the completion of the experiment student will:

1. Find out the Hall voltage, Hall current and Hall Coefficient.
2. Explain the characteristic of the material from which the conductor is made.
3. Identify , whether the conductivity is due to electrons or holes.(for electrons hall
coefficient is negative, for holes it is positive )
4. Measure magnetic flux density.
Teaching Learning Activities

1. Learning about the components, specifications of the apparatus.

2. Practice for fixing and operating the Constant Current Generator.
3. Recording of observations
4. Analyzing the results.
5. Viva voce examination during experimentations.
Assessment of the attainments of outcomes

Execution of the Experiment (12)

1. Indicate the components, systems, specifications.

2. Properly handle the Hall Effect kit.
3. Properly record the readings.
4. Successfully find out the Hall voltage and Hall coefficient.
5. To compare with standard value for error
Record of Experiment (10)

1. Proper Recording of observations and related calculations.

2. Proper Analysis of the results.
3. Important Recommendations and Conclusion

Viva-Voce (8)

1. Principle and theory related to present experiment.

2. Basic concepts like Hall Effect, Hall voltage, Hall coefficient etc.
3. Questions related to conduct of experiment.
4. Application and variations in experimental system.
Note: - Assessment will be based on the level of competence attained by the student in
subject knowledge and operational skill of the experiment.
Instruction Sheet
To study ferroelectric behaviour of any material

Name of Subject: Advanced Engineering Physics Lab Subject Code: SPP-126

Group Size and number: 06 Students Practical No.8

Name of the practical: To study ferroelectric behaviour of any material.

Pre-preparation/ Prerequisite

Student is advised to understand the following aspects before carrying out the experiment

1. Fundamentals of ferroelectric
2. Effect of Curie temperature on ferroelectric material.
Outcomes of this Experiment

After the completion of the experiment student will be

1. Understand the concept of phase changes.

2. Understand the effect of temperature on dielectric constant.
3. Observe the change the properties of ferroelectric properties.

Teaching Learning Activities

1. To learn ferroelectric behavior of the material.

2. To learn how to set up the experiment.
3. To record of the observations.
4. To calculate dielectric constant
5. Viva-voce during the performance of experiment.

Assessment of the attainments of outcomes

Execution of the Experiment (12)

6. Indicate the components, connections, specifications and find out the result.
7. Properly fix the components or make the proper connections.
8. Properly handle the ferroelectric material
9. Properly record the readings of standard cell voltage and dielectric cell voltage to
calculate the capacitance.
10. Successfully find the change the phase.
Record of Experiment (10)

5. Briefly describe the procedure to execute the experiment

6. Proper Recording of observations and related calculations.
7. Proper Analysis of the results.
8. Important Recommendations and Conclusion
Viva-Voce (8)

1. Principle and theory related to present experiment

2. Specimen set up and related matter
3. Questions related to the conduct of the Experiment
4. Applications of ferroelectric.
Note: - Assessment will be based on the level of competence attained by the student in
subject knowledge and operational skill of the experiment.
Instruction Sheet
To find the thermal conductivity of Nanofluids

Name of Subject: Advanced Engineering Physics Lab Subject Code: SPP-126

Group Size and number: 06 Students Practical No.9

Name of the practical: To find the thermal conductivity of Nanofluids.

Pre-preparation/ Prerequisite

Student is advised to understand the following aspects before carrying out the
1. Fundamentals of nanofluids and its properties
2. Effect of thermal conductivity of nanofluids.
Outcomes of this Experiment

After the completion of the experiment student will be

1. Understand the Debye concept.
2. Understand the Bridgman equation.
3. Observe the frequency of thermal conductivity.

Teaching Learning Activities

1. To learn about thermal conductivity.

2. To learn how to set up the experiment.
3. To record the observations.
4. To calculate wavelength, velocity.
5. Viva-voce during the performance of experiment.

Assessment of the attainments of outcomes

Execution of the Experiment (12)

1. Indicate the components, connections, specifications and find out the result.
2. Properly fix the components or make the proper connections.
3. Properly handle the nanofluids interferometer.
4. Properly record the readings of micrometer reading of corresponding maxima and
difference between consecutive maxima.
5. Successfully find the velocity.
Record of Experiment (10)

1. Briefly describe the procedure to execute the experiment

2. Proper Recording of observations and related calculations.
3. Proper Analysis of the results.
4. Important Recommendations and Conclusion

Viva-Voce (8)

1. Principle and theory related to present experiment

2. Specimen set up and related matter
3. Questions related to the conduct of the Experiment
4. Applications of nanofluids.

Note: - Assessment will be based on the level of competence attained by the student in
subject knowledge and operational skill of the experiment.

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