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Causative: Use of have and get.

Usamos 'To have/get something done' cuando queremos significar que alguien hace algo por alguien, alguien hace hacer algo, o se le hace algo a alguien.

Causative use of have

Usamos el causative have cuando queremos significar que alguien hace algo por nosotros, mandamos hacer algo, o se nos hace algo. Se forma con have + noun + past participle

Liz and Meg had their hair dyed. Liz y Meg se mandaron teir el pelo. Mr. Singer always has his suits made at the tailor's shop. El seor Singer siempre se manda hacer los trajes en la sastrera. Jake had his groceries delivered two hours ago. Le trajeron las verduras a Jake hace dos horas. We had our house burgled last weekend. El fin de semana pasado entraron a nuestra casa a robar. Diane has had her printer cartridges refilled. Diane mand recargar los cartuchos de su impresora. We'd just had our house fumigated. Habamos acabado de hacer fumigar la casa. You should have your eyes checked. Deberas mandarte revisar los ojos. Jenny will have her ears pierced. Jenny se va a mandar perforar las orejas.

Tambin se puede usar el get en lugar del have en contextos ms informales. I usually get my hair cut at Luigi's. Generalmente me corto el cabello en Luigis. Martin got his tonsils removed yesterday. A Martin le extirparon las amgdalas ayer. You must get this pipe fixed as soon as possible. Debes mandar arreglar esta tubera lo antes posible.

Getting something done by somebody else is expressed by the structure have (or get) + object + past participle. Read the following sentences. I must get/have my hair cut. You must get/have your shoes mended. We must get our roof repaired. She got/had her son trained as a mechanic.

Exercise Rewrite the following sentences using have or get followed by a past participle. 1. My servant washes my car for me. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. This tailor makes my clothes for me. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. A famous architect designed our house for us. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 4. My hair needs cutting. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 5. The grass of my garden is very grown up. ______________________________________________________________________________________

Form Have + object + past participle -- to have something done Have + object + bare infinitive -- to have someone do something Functions and examples We use causative have when arranging for someone to do something for us. They repaired their car. (they did it themselves) They had their car repaired. (they arranged for someone to repair it) I cut my hair yesterday. (I cut it myself) I had my hair cut yesterday. (I went to the hairdresser) We also use causative have when someone does something to us. Bill had his money stolen by a thief. Important points Get is possible instead of have, usually in informal spoken English. I'm going to get my car fixed tomorrow. We can also use have someone do something to talk about giving instructions or orders which is more common in American English. I had my assistant type the report. I'll have my lawyer look into it.

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