Occupant Behavior Regarding The Manual Control of Windows in Residential Buildings

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Energy and Buildings 127 (2016) 206–216

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Occupant behavior regarding the manual control of windows in

residential buildings
Bongchan Jeong a , Jae-Weon Jeong b , J.S. Park b,∗
Department of Architectural Engineering, Graduate School of Hanyang University, South Korea
Department of Architectural Engineering, College of Engineering, Hanyang University, 222 Wangsimni-ro Seongdong-gu, 133-791, Seoul, 133-791, South

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The objective of this study was to identify the relation between occupants’ daily activities and window
Received 19 January 2016 control and also to quantify the influence of environmental variables on occupants’ window opening and
Received in revised form 3 May 2016 closing behavior. A field measurement was carried out during non-heating period, from February to May
Accepted 31 May 2016
2015, and heating period December 2014 to February 2015 in twenty occupied housing units. Window
Available online 1 June 2016
state, indoor and outdoor environmental conditions were continuously monitored during the measured
periods. From the results of the field measurements, it was found that the control of window is strongly
related to occupants’ daily activities. Cooking, cleaning and getting fresh air accounted for 27%, 40%, and
Window control
Occupant behavior
33% of total openings, respectively. Window openings in relation to the activities occurred at the specific
Indoor air quality time during the day. The daily average opening frequency and opened hours were varied from 0.5 to 1.8
Thermal sensation numbers/day and from 0.4 to 0.6 h/day respectively depending on outdoor temperature. The proportion
Residential building of opened windows steeply changed when outdoor temperature exceeded 12.7 ◦ C. Window closing was
associated with the degree of drop in indoor temperature after windows were opened. The results of this
study can help developing a complete model inferring occupants’ window opening behavior in residential
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction acceptable amount of outdoor air [2–4]. However, it was found from
Park and Kim’s study [5] that 68.3% (95 of 139) of occupants did not
Residential buildings account for a large portion of energy con- use mechanical fans for ventilation at all, and the occupants fre-
sumption and have significant energy saving potential. Due to this quently used windows for ventilation more than the mechanical
energy saving potential, governments have enhanced regulations fan. The results indicate that natural ventilation by opening win-
related with the energy performance of the residential build- dows is still the predominant way occupants control the indoor
ings. The residential buildings have become more tightly sealed environment in residential buildings.
and insulated to minimize heat loss. And mechanical ventilation Opening windows is the most common and preferable nat-
systems with heat recovery units have been installed, because ural ventilation method [6]. The two main parameters that are
infiltration or natural ventilation is often insufficient to meet the influenced by opening windows are air change rate and indoor
minimum requirement for ventilation. temperature. Iwashita found that 87% of the total air change rate
The mechanical ventilation systems are commonly equipped was attributed to window and door opening [7]. Also Wallace
with filters to remove particles from outdoor air and re-circulate et al. found that window and door opening produced the greatest
air. Park et al. [1] showed that mechanical ventilation systems with increase in air change rates [8]. Opening windows is not only use-
filters can reduce indoor levels of airborne particles by 26% for sub- ful for ventilation, but also provide a benefit for thermal comfort.
micron particles and 65% for fine particles when compared with Brager et al. shows that there is a 1.5 ◦ C difference in the neutral
naturally ventilated residential buildings. In terms of energy sav- temperature felt between occupants with high and low degree of
ing, several studies show that mechanical ventilation with heat window control [9]. Paciuk found that there is a significant relation
recovery can reduce energy consumption to provide a minimally between the possibility of personal control and satisfaction [10].
These findings suggest that the understanding of the occupants’
interactions with windows is important to ensure a good perfor-
mance of naturally as well as mechanically ventilated residential
∗ Corresponding author.
buildings. And the energy simulation based on the actual behavior
E-mail address: junpark@hanyang.ac.kr (J.S. Park).

0378-7788/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
B. Jeong et al. / Energy and Buildings 127 (2016) 206–216 207

Table 1
Characteristics of the sample housing units.

Sample ID Complex Floor area [m2 ] Floor levela Location Number of occupantsb Period of residence [year] Smokers Participated periodc

Of the building Within the building

a A 109 4/20 Border Inner 3 (M, F, m) 6.5 0 H/NH

b 109 8/20 Border Outer 4 (M, F, f, f) 6.8 0 H/NH
C 171 8/20 Border Outer 4 (M, F, f, f) 6.6 1 H/NH
d 109 16/24 Border Inner 4 (M, F, f, f) 7.0 0 H/NH
e 109 5/24 Border Inner 3 (M, F, f) 6.6 0 NH
f 129 14/26 Border Outer 4 (M, F, m, f) 7.0 0 H
g B 163 12/14 Border Outer 4 (M, F, m, f) 2.3 0 H/NH
h 163 4/15 Border Outer 4 (M, F, m, f) 2.0 0 H/NH
i 163 6/14 Border Inner 4 (M, F, m, f) 2.3 1 NH
j 163 10/15 Border Outer 4 (M, M, F, F) 2.0 0 NH
k 163 5/14 Border Inner 4 (M, F, m, f) 2.4 1 NH
l 136 2/19 Border Inner 4 (M, F, m, m) 2.8 0 H
m 145 4/19 Border Outer 4 (M, F, f, m) 3.0 0 H
n 145 13/19 Border Inner 4 (M, F, f, f) 1.2 0 H
o C 72 14/21 Border Inner 4 (M, F, f, f) 6.7 0 H/NH
p 80 7/23 Border Outer 4 (M, F, m, f) 9.5 1 H/NH
q 108 9/25 Center Outer 4 (M, F, f, f) 4.5 0 H/NH
r 80 6/20 Border Outer 4 (M, F, m, m) 1.4 0 H/NH
s 163 15/25 Center Outer 4 (M, F, m, f) 2.0 0 NH
t 79 19/25 Center Outer 4 (M, F, m, m) 16 0 H
Floor number/Total Number of floors.
M, male adult; F, female adult; m, male below 18 years; f, female below 18 years.
H/NH, both heating and non-heating period; NH, non-heating period only; H, heating period only.

Table 2
Measurement parameters and the specifications of devices used for measurement.

Parameter Device Accuracy Interval [minutes]

Outdoor Dry-bulb temperature Data Loggera (TR-72ui ±0.3 ◦ C 10

Relative humidity and RS-11, T&D) ±5% RH
Indoor Dry-bulb temperature Humidity, Temperature ±0.8 ◦ C 10
Relative humidity and CO2 monitor ±4% RH
CO2 concentration (MCH-383SD, Lutron) ±40 ppm
Particle number concentration Optical Particle Count (Aerotrack 9306, TSI) ±5% flow 60
Particle mass concentration Aerosol monitor (Dusttrak 8532, TSI) ±5% flow 60
Window opening Window opening status State Loggerb (UX90-001, Onset Computer) – Event
The sensors were radiation-shielded.
Binary window status was measured, opened or closed.

of occupants can provide reliable operational energy use which will Shi et al. showed that outdoor temperature is the most important
lead to more successful design of sustainable buildings. explanatory variable affecting the proportion of windows opened
Early studies used environmental parameters as input variables in 8 residential apartments in China [20]. Andersen et al. studied
to predict the windows opened. As early as 1951, Dick and Thomas the probability of opening and closing windows in 15 Danish resi-
[11] found that outdoor temperature was the most important vari- dential buildings and concluded that indoor CO2 concentration and
able affecting the number of windows opened. Raja et al. found a outdoor temperature are the two single most important variables
change in opened windows started occurring at an outdoor temper- in determining the probability of opening and closing windows
ature of 15 ◦ C [12]. Few windows were opened when the outdoor respectively [21]. The result of Schweriker et al. showed that both
temperature was below 15 ◦ C, but increased steeply with an out- indoor and outdoor temperature are significant variables affecting
door temperature above 15 ◦ C. The results of Nicol are consistent both opening and closing window probability [22]. Another impor-
with these findings [13]. The results of surveys for naturally ven- tant finding was that specific calibration was required for buildings
tilated office buildings through different countries showed that equipped with an air-conditioning unit. These studies have consid-
opened windows tends to increase significantly as the outdoor ered environmental factors only to analyze occupants’ interaction
temperature rises above 10 ◦ C. Recently, stochastic models for con- with windows control. The window opening behavior in residen-
trol of windows in office buildings have been proposed to reveal tial buildings, however, can be strongly related to daily activities of
affecting factors on window opening and closing behavior [14–18]. occupants, such as sleeping, cooking, and cleaning. The occupants’
Window opening and closing behavior indicate change of window activities vary during a day, and they can play an important role
state from closed to opened and from opened to closed respec- in determining window opening and closing behavior. Thus win-
tively. The main argument is that indoor and outdoor temperatures dow opening frequency, opening hours, and time of day are clearly
are likely to be the key stimuli for opening windows, and building influenced not only by indoor and outdoor temperatures but also
characteristics may also affect the probability of windows being the daily patterns of the occupants’ activities.
opened. Based on the previous literature reviews with regard to win-
In residential buildings, only a few studies have been made. dow control, a field study was carried out in order to expand the
Levie et al. showed through the questionnaire survey that house- understanding of occupant interaction with window control in res-
hold characteristics, such as disposable income, house size, age and idential buildings. The main objective of this study is to identify the
gender of the occupants, and insulation level, are significantly asso- relation between daily activities and window control, and also to
ciated with window opening behavior in residential buildings [19]. quantify the influence of environmental variables on occupants’
208 B. Jeong et al. / Energy and Buildings 127 (2016) 206–216

Fig. 1. Daily outdoor environmental conditions during measured period.

window opening and closing behavior. We monitored indoor and trict hydronic radiant heating floors and electric air conditioning
outdoor environmental variables as well as conducted a question- devices are installed in all buildings.
naire survey in 20 Korean housings for six months. Sample units a–f of Complex A has a mechanical supply fan
only for ventilation. Outdoor air is supplied from supply diffusers
mounted on ceilings through a single duct above the ceiling.
Exhaust vents are placed in kitchens and bathrooms. At complex
2. Methods B, sample units g–n have mechanical supply fans and exhaust fans
with a heat recovery unit. The mechanically supplied air flow rate
2.1. Samples is equal to the exhausted air flow rate. Sample units o–t of complex
C have local exhaust fans only, one in the kitchens and two in the
Twenty occupied housing units were selected from three multi- bathrooms. Outdoor and indoor air are exchanged mainly through
family residential complexes located in a suburban area of Seoul. exhaust vents and uncontrolled leakage, or doors and windows
The sample housing units were carefully recruited based on the openings.
number of family members, floor area, location, floor number, and Each sample unit was occupied by a single-family, and most of
period of residence as shown in Table 1. The three complexes con- the families consisted of two adults and two children. The floor
sist of several apartment buildings. The buildings are a typical flat areas and floor levels ranged from 72 to 171 m2 and 4th to 16th
type with at least four single-story housing units on each floor. Dis-
B. Jeong et al. / Energy and Buildings 127 (2016) 206–216 209

Fig. 2. Daily indoor environmental conditions during measured period (the error bars indicate standard deviation).

respectively. Four units d, g, h and l had a smoker among family window opening mainly occurs in the living-dining room. Indoor
members but they never smoked inside their homes. Each housing dry bulb temperature, relative humidity, and CO2 concentration
unit has more than two external walls facing outdoors, and operable were monitored continuously every 10 min by MCH-383SD Lutron.
windows are located in the external walls. Indoor particle numbers and PM10 mass concentration were hourly
measured during the day time by Aerotrack 9306, TSI and Dusttract
8532, TSI. The indoor environment monitoring devices were placed
2.2. Measurements
on internal walls or furniture at a height of roughly 1.2 m above the
The field measurement was conducted during a non-heating
Window position was measured using state logger, UX90-001
period, from February to May 2015, and a heating period December
Onset, to record when windows were opened or closed. The state
2014 to February 2015. Table 2summarized methods and devices
loggers were installed on two windows in the living room that were
for measurements. The measurements consisted of three parts:
frequently opened by respondents for cross ventilation purpose.
outdoor, indoor, and window position. Outdoor dry bulb temper-
The windows monitored for this study were sliding type which is
ature and relative humidity were continuously recorded by a data
the most-installed window type in residential buildings in Korea.
logger TR-72 and RS −11 T&D at one sample unit of each complex.
Additional climatic data that possibly affect occupants’ window
The indoor environment variables were measured in the living-
opening, such as solar radiation, wind speed, outdoor PM10 con-
dining room of all sample units because cross ventilation by
210 B. Jeong et al. / Energy and Buildings 127 (2016) 206–216

Fig. 3. Typical hourly average window opening and closing frequency for a day.

centration and rainfall, were collected from the closest station of air cleaner operation. The subjects were asked to fill out a ques-
the Korea Meteorological Administration. tionnaire on activity sheets every time they opened windows. The
sheets had two questionnaires which asked about the purpose of
window opening and the thermal sensation. To evaluate thermal
2.3. Subjective questionnaires sensation, ASHRAE seven-point scale which is cold (−3) to hot (+3)
with neutral (0) was used.
Twenty residents, one each from all sample units participated in
the questionnaire survey. The subjects were all female housewives
with no regular employment, thereby spending most of the time in 3. Results
their homes. Their ages ranges from 35 to 57, with a mean of 44.7
years old. The survey information used for this study consisted of 3.1. Environmental variables
three parts: (1) personal information, (2) general ventilation behav-
ior, (3) questionnaire on window opening activities. Fig. 1 shows the outdoor environment conditions during the
The background survey obtained information about the sub- measured periods. Daily outdoor temperatures ranged between
jects’ personal data including gender, age and period of residence. −8.0–20.4 ◦ C and had no significant difference among the three
The ventilation behavior survey obtained information that possi- complexes. The daily outdoor temperature was below 10.0 ◦ C until
bly affected the subjects’ window opening behavior. It included late February and rose steeply afterward. PM10 concentration and
mechanical ventilation system operation, window opening, and wind speed ranged between 13–168 ␮g/m3 and 1.2 m/s–5.3 m/s
B. Jeong et al. / Energy and Buildings 127 (2016) 206–216 211

Fig. 4. Reasons to open windows at each hour of a day.

respectively. PM10 and wind speed had a negative correlation as being opened, or windows were closed the day after they were
shown in Fig. 1(b) (p < 0.05). opened. In the non-heating period, more frequent window closings
Fig. 2 shows the changes of indoor air temperature and CO2 con- in the evening were observed. Therefore windows were opened
centration during the measured periods. Indoor air temperature earlier and closed late in the non-heating period which indicates
ranged between 16.3 ◦ C to 26.7 ◦ C, which is higher than the outdoor windows were opened longer. These results reveal a clear distinc-
air temperature. The temperature was constant at a lower level dur- tion of window behavior pattern compared to occupants in office
ing the heating period and then increased along with the outdoor buildings. Window opening and closing patterns in office build-
temperature afterward. During the heating period, the indoor air ings are related to the presence of occupants [15]. The change of
temperature was higher than 20.1 ◦ C on average, but there were the state of windows mainly takes place at 9 am when occupants
significant differences in among the sample units. The vertical bars arrive at the workplaces. By comparison, window position changes
shown in Fig. 2(a) indicate standard deviation which means occu- in residential buildings are more distributed and mainly occurred
pants had different ranges of the indoor set-point temperature. The between 8 am and 11 am. This suggests that the window behavior
difference of the indoor set-point temperature among the sample pattern is time dependent but the frequency varies during the day
units was higher than 6.0 ◦ C. The indoor temperature difference in relation to the period.
among the sample units decreased after heating stopped. Fig. 2(b) Fig. 4 provides the purpose of window openings according to
shows that the CO2 concentration had decreased throughout the responds by the occupants whenever they opened windows. As
measured period. In the non-heating period, occupants opened this survey was manually checked by the occupants, only 25% of the
windows longer and more frequently and it resulted in lower CO2 total openings were recorded. The reasons to open windows were
concentration. divided into three main categories: cooking, cleaning and getting
fresh air. Cooking accounted for 27% of total openings and partic-
3.2. Daily activities and behaviors related to windows ularly occurred in the early morning and in the evening. Cleaning
accounted for 40% and takes place mainly around 10 am. This obser-
In this section, a typical activity pattern related to windows vation explains the time of the window openings during a day. To
was analyzed. The window opening and closing frequency indi- get fresh air is comparatively widely distributed throughout the
cates the change of the windows state, from closed to opened or day. The result indicates that activities are dominant window open-
from opened to closed. When analyzing the window opening or ing stimuli, which explains 67% of total openings. Therefore the
closing frequency, dataset was hourly averaged to infer the daily occupants’ activity schedule is required to understand the window
behavior pattern during the measured period. Therefore the results opening or closing behavior in residential buildings.
do not correspond to individuals, but rather the typical behavior Fig. 5(a)shows occupants’ daily average opening frequency (1 ◦ C
pattern of the occupants. Fig. 3(a)shows the hourly mean window bin) distribution in relation to the outdoor temperature and stan-
opening frequency. The earliest opening was observed at 5 am in dard deviation of occupants. The frequency varied on the average
the non-heating period which is an hour earlier than in the heat- between 0.5 and 1.8 numbers/day depending on the outdoor tem-
ing period. The maximum frequency of window opening occurs at perature. The opening frequency was consistent at lower outdoor
10 am and 8 am in each period, respectively. This indicates that temperatures and started to increase around 13 ◦ C. Fig. 5(b) shows
the occupants’ behavior pattern shifted to earlier in the morning daily average window opened hours in relation to the outdoor tem-
in the non-heating period. This might be due to the early morn- perature. The average for the whole period was 1.8 h/day varying
ing sunshine and higher outdoor temperature in the non-heating between 0.4–6.0 h/day depending on the outdoor temperature. In
period. common with the result of Fig. 5(a), a steep increasing was observed
The peak change of windows from being opened to closed in around the outdoor temperature of 10 ◦ C. These results of Fig. 5(a)
each period was at 11 and 9 am respectively, which is an hour later and (b) correlate to previous studies. Herkel [15] showed that the
than the maximum frequency of window opening in each period. lowest frequency and percentage of open windows were found in
This shows that either windows were closed within an hour after winter and that the highest frequency in opening windows was
212 B. Jeong et al. / Energy and Buildings 127 (2016) 206–216

Fig. 5. Daily average window opening frequency and opening hours in relation to outdoor temperature.

observed in spring and autumn. He also showed that the propor- to 09:20 during heating period. The proportion was observed much
tion of windows opened increases strongly when reaching a certain higher in then non-heating period. The increase of the proportion
temperature. Findings by Nicol [23], through the surveys of the use in the evening was much higher than in the morning. It indicates
of simple controls of naturally ventilated buildings through dif- that windows were opened longer in the non-heating period.
ferent countries, showed that opened window tends to increase The influence of outdoor and indoor environmental variables on
significantly as the outdoor temperature rises above 10 ◦ C. occupants’ proportion of windows opened was analyzed using the
regressions as shown in Table 3. B is a regression coefficient used
for linear equation. ␤ is a standardized coefficient that refers to
3.3. Window opening the standardized level of influence on proportion of opened win-
dows. The outdoor air temperature has the strongest influence on
From the previous sections, it was found that occupant behavior occupants’ opened windows (0.738). The second influential vari-
patterns related with changing status of windows was time depen- able is relative humidity of indoor air (−0.322). Negative influence
dent due to activities. In this section, the proportion of windows indicates that the less the relative humidity, the more windows
opened was analyzed to evaluate what factors influence occupants were opened. This can be explained by the time of day. The indoor
to keep windows opened. Fig. 6 shows the hourly average propor- temperature varies mainly depending on the outdoor temperature
tion of windows opened during the day. The proportion of windows during the day. Windows are opened mostly during the daytime
opened indicates the number of data that windows are opened when the indoor temperature is higher. Relative humidity has a
divided by the total number of data. For example, the data point negative correlation with temperature due to change of amount
at 9:00 at heating period indicates that the number of data that of saturated water vapor. This result shows that indoor relative
windows were opened divided by total number of data from 08:30
B. Jeong et al. / Energy and Buildings 127 (2016) 206–216 213

Fig. 6. Hourly proportion of opened windows in each period.

Table 3 cate that CO2 concentration was not a main stimulus, it was rather
Multiple regression analysis for window opening behavior with environmental
consequentially influenced by window opening.
The analysis on window opening frequency and opened hours
B ␤ Sig. shows that there was a steep change when the outdoor temper-
Outdoor environment ature is reached at a certain value. The proportion of windows
Temperature (◦ C) 0.014 0.738 0.00** opened as a function of outdoor temperature is modelled using the
Relative humidity (%) 0.001 0.107 0.00** change-point model. This method is capable of breaking data sets
Solar radiation (MJ/m2 ) 0.001 0.006 0.61
into segments and of inferring appropriate statistical models for
Wind speed −0.008 −0.084 0.00**
PM10 (␮g/m3 ) 0.000 0.031 0.00** each segment. Therefore it is suitable to detect whether change has
Rainfall (mm) 0.005 0.016 0.04* taken place. The functional form for the change-point regression
Indoor environment model is
Temperature (◦ C) 0.005 0.043 0.00**  +  +
Relative humidity (%) −0.007 −0.322 0.00** Pw open = C + CSH Tcp − Toa + CSNH Toa − Tcp (1)
CO2 Concentration (ppm) −0.000 −0.093 0.00**
PM10 (␮g/m3 ) 0.0000 −0.018 0.23 where C is constant term, CSH is the slope at heating, CSNH is the
p < 0.05. slope at non-heating, Tcp is the change-point temperature. P is a
p < 0.01. dependent variable for proportion of windows opened and Toa is
outdoor air temperature as an independent variable. The + nota-
Table 4 tion indicates that parenthetic term sets to be zero if a value is not
Logistic regression analysis for window closing probability with environmental positive. The proportion of windows opened and outdoor tempera-
factors. ture for 0.5 ◦ C bin are used for dependent and independent variables
Heating Non-heating
respectively to verify the effect of outdoor temperature on window
opening behavior. Equation obtained from change-point model is:
B Wald Sig. B Wald Sig.

Outdoor environment Pw open = 0.0811 − 0.0031(12.7 − Toa )+ + 0.0189(Toa − 12.7)+ (2)

Temperature (◦ C) −0.009 1.460 0.23 −0.036 21.736 0.00**
Relative humidity (%) 0.012 32.660 0.00** 0.000 0.004 0.95 The Eq. (2) explains that the relationship between opened pro-
Indoor environment portion and outdoor temperature. It shows that there is change
Temperature (◦ C) −0.054 14.063 0.00** −0.264 158.414 0.00** in the proportion of opened windows when the outdoor temper-
Temperature drop (◦ C) −0.072 8.912 0.00** 0.014 0.388 0.53 ature reaches the change-point temperature of 12.7 ◦ C. The first
Relative humidity (%) 0.001 0.027 0.87 0.006 1.117 0.29
CO2 Concentration (ppm) 0.000 6.059 0.01* −0.001 39.991 0.00**
slope and second slope, 0.0031 and 0.0189 respectively, indicate
that occupants open windows 6 times longer after the change-point
p < 0.05.
p < 0.01.
Fig. 7 shows that the observed data and fitted curve using
change-point model (R2 = 0.98) compared with logistic regression
(R2 = 0.96). The logistic regression model was developed in previ-
humidity has a negative influence on opened proportion. Indoor ous studies [14], and the probability distribution is expressed by
temperature has less influence (0.043), because the range of the using logit function. The goodness of fit, R2 , value explains that
indoor temperature of each sample unit was significantly different the outdoor temperature can stand alone to infer the proportion
during the heating period as shown in Fig. 2(a). Outdoor relative of windows opened. The logistic regression analysis from various
humidity and PM10 concentration were found to have a positive countries resulted by recent studies are presented in Fig. 8. Nicol
influence but it is far lower than the outdoor temperature (0.107 investigated the occupant behavior of 25 office buildings in the UK
and 0.031). Wind speed also had a low negative influence. Indoor and Europe in 2001 [13]. The result showed that different propor-
CO2 concentration was found to be negatively linked. This may indi- tion of windows opened from the three countries was monitored.
214 B. Jeong et al. / Energy and Buildings 127 (2016) 206–216

Fig. 7. Proportion of opened windows as a function of outdoor temperature with logistic regression and change-point model curve (0.5 ◦ C bin).

Fig. 8. Comparison of the curve obtained using change-point model with recent studies.

UK office workers generally tended to open windows more fre- a regression coefficient used for inferring probability of closing a
quently than other European countries. Another investigation of window. The temperature drop means the degree of the indoor
window opening in UK office buildings by Rijal et al. [14] resulted temperature dropped after the windows opened. However, it is
in a fewer opened proportion than Nicol’s investigation. The result insufficient to evaluate the influence of each variable using B only,
of this study showed a relatively lower opened proportion when because the variables have different scale. For example, outdoor
compared to the result of office buildings in other countries. humidity and CO2 concentration have a range of 15–100% and
205–3293 ppm each. Thus the influence of each variable was tested
using Wald tests. In the heating period, outdoor relative humid-
3.4. Window closing ity, indoor temperature, and the temperature drop had significant
influence. In the non-heating period, indoor temperature, outdoor
In this section, the time when windows were closed was ana- temperature, and CO2 concentration were relevant. Although there
lyzed. We supposed that closing a window is such an action to quash were slight differences in significance at each period, it was found
environmental discomforting stimuli. Logistic regression was used that indoor temperature is the most important variable to deter-
to evaluate the influence of outdoor and indoor environmental mine closing windows in both periods.
variables on the probability of changing the window status, from
opened to closed. Table 4 shows the result of the analysis. B is
B. Jeong et al. / Energy and Buildings 127 (2016) 206–216 215

Fig. 9. Temperature drops when windows were closed.

Fig. 9(a) and (b) shows different thermal stimuli at each period of changing a window status was time dependent due to the activ-
when closing windows. The indoor temperature drop indicates ities. It also indicates that the operation of a window is dependent
the temperature difference between opening and closing windows. on the time of the day more than the physical variables only [16].
Although each sample unit had different indoor set-point temper- Occupants in un-air-conditioned space open windows for two
ature in the heating period, 90.6% of opened windows were closed main reasons: to improve indoor air quality or to bring a cooling
before the indoor temperature drop was reached at 4 ◦ C. In the effect by dropping the indoor temperature and stimulating indoor
non-heating period, as shown in Fig. 9(b), the indoor temperature air movement. During the heating period, it is hard to believe that
drops show a good linear relationship with the outdoor temper- occupants open windows to bring a cooling effect. Therefore the
ature. 84.6% of the data are included within ±2 ◦ C band from the main reason for this period would be to improve indoor air quality.
central regression line. Since occupants starts to expect a cooling effect, the window open-
ing pattern would differ as to achieve both IAQ and cooling effect.
To confirm this assumption, the change-point regression model
4. Discussion was used to detect behavioral change. As a result, Fig. 7 shows that
the second slope becomes larger than the first slope when outdoor
The results of this study show occupant behavior related to temperature exceeds the change-point 12.7 ◦ C.
window opening and closing in residential buildings. Occupants The results obtained from this study show a lower rate of opened
opened their windows when desiring fresh air or when doing activ- windows than the results from other studies of office buildings as
ities. Window openings in relation to the activities occurred at the presented in Fig. 8. In the daytime, the housewives were at home
specific time during the day. As a result, occupant behavior pattern
216 B. Jeong et al. / Energy and Buildings 127 (2016) 206–216

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This work was supported by National Research Foundation of

Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korean government (MEST) (NRF-

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