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Document No : GE/STERLITE/CIV/HIRA/Rev-00 Date : 01-08-2021

Sl. No. :


Risk Level (LXC)

RATING (1-5)

RATING (!-5)

Control Measures Proposed
(Who? When? And How?)

Task Hazard

• Soil levelling / Compaction • Vehicular Hazard 4 3 12 H Who : Site Manager/ First Line Supervisor – Prior to start work L
Vehicle movement / Access For • Unexperienced Operator
Road Roller • Touple of Vehicle • PTW & Toolbox Meeting
• Hit with structure (Property Damage) • Mandatory PPE's (Safety helmet, safety shoes, Reflective safety jacket & safety goggles) to be provided to all
• Hit with person (Serious Injury / Fatality) including all vehicle operators & helper.
• Road Roller must be inspected before use.
• Vehicle driver/operators/helpers to be explained about site's access & aggress path way, road safety signages,
speed limitations, Do's & Don’t’s along with general site rules before entering work site.
• Depute a traffic controller during vehicle movement. Don’t occupy access road for material stacking.
• Road safety signages to be displayed at site.
• Speed limit to be maintained below 15 Km per hour.
• License holder operators with authorization to be permitted.
• During reversing the vehicles signal man to be deputed.
• When not in use vehicle to be parked in designated parking points.
• All workmen must be trained to maintain a minimum of 2 mtrs from moving vehicles at site.
• All must follow pedestrian walkways during site entry point.
• All construction vehicles must be parked in designated parking point.
• No horse play at site.
• All activities should be done under GE Supervision.

• Cutting/Bending/ • Sharp edges may Pierce in body 2 3 6 M Who : First Line Supervisor , for start of activity L
/Lifting/shifting/Fixing of • Slip, Trip, Falls
reinforcement • Hazard from sharp tools/ objects and equipments • Proper PPE's along with jobspecific PPE's like Hand Gloves & Face shiels.
(Body/Eye/back/hand fingers / leg injuries) • Housekeeping around work area, Metal scraps to be stored only in scrap yard.
• Right tools and equipment during manually steel cutting & bending.
• Ensure, No horse play
inside Steel yard
• Proper earthing of equipment should be done on power tools.
• No exposed reinforcement steel & other metals-use of rebar caps
• Manual lifting and movement requires use of Hand Gloves and shoulder pads
• Only reasonable weight of load to be permitted considering number of persons involved, 20 KG by male.
• Work area & access
are should be defined.
• All work under GE
• Operating Azax mixer • Unauthorized operator 3 3 9 M • Ensure Mandatory & job specific PPE's like nose mask, hand gloves. L
• Dust Hazard • Ensure authorized operator should operate.
• Trap in between rotating parts • Inspection of Azax mixer / Authorized operator.
(Personal injury/ Serious injury) • Speed limit to be maintained below 15 Km per hour.
• Signal man to be deputed.
• Work area & access are should be defined.

All work under GE Supervision.

Risk Level (LXC)

RATING (1-5)

RATING (!-5)

Control Measures Proposed
(Who? When? And How?)

Task Hazard

• Use of concrete vibrator and • Noise 3 2 6 M • Only authorized workmen should operate L
compactor • Vibration • job specific & mandatory PPE's should be used.
• Defective Equipment • Appropriate physical guarding on moving parts
• White finger • Trained Operator
• Personnel injury due to defective machine • Inspection of vibrator
• Fuel Leakages.(Fire Hazard) • Proper electrical cable layout/route though GE PSDB
•Electrocution (Prefer use of Diesel / Kerosine based Vibrator / compactors)
• All work under GE Supervision.

• Handling cement during • Inhalation / ingestion of cement dust 3 2 6 M L

placing for RCC & PCC (Skin / lungs & eye injury) Who : Site In charge , while set up of concreting location through Azax
through Azax (Breathing problem, Dermatitis) : First line supervisor , before execution
• Injury to hands/eye during handling.
• Collision of Azax with near by structures or people. • Issue PTW only after ensuring the workplace safety conditions & Ensure that all the workers have been
• Mishap due to improper access explained safe working procedures & risk assessment through Tool box talk.
inside yard • Ensure the availability of Mandatory PPE's & job specific PPE's like Dust Mask, hand gloves.
• Vehicle hit during reversing operation. • Ensure the availability of MSDS of cement.
• Exposure of human parts to moving parts of Azax • Walk ways / work area / approach shall to be clear without obstructions
• Lifting Equipment failure • Availability of clean water for washing Face / Hands / Feet / Eye as and when required
• Unsafe act caused by inexperienced operator • Use of any kind of ladder for carrying load on head is not permitted. Use uniquely identified Platform / Stairs for
• Failure of co-ordination the purpose having green tag.
(Serious injury ) • Ensure necessary instructions on vehicle movement is imparted to operators.
• Safe distance to be maintained from structures/ buildings/edges .
• Revercing to be guided by Sub Contractotrs Supervisor from driver side/audible reverse horn to be ensured.
• Ensure the avalabilty of appropriate physical guard on moving parts of Azax to prevent human interference.
• All work to be done under GE Supervision.

Curing activity at site • Electrocution due to short circuiting caused by spilled water on 3 2 6 M Who : First line Supervisor before start of work L
distribution board / electrical device
• Fall of person. • Perform inspection and due care to be taken to ensure water doesn’t fall on live electrical utilities, avoid joints in
• Slip trip and fall. curing pipes.
•Algae formation-mosquito breeding in water tank • In case of any electrical utility is there, it needs to be either de-energized or re-located
• Ensure Proper access.
• Ensure mandatory PPE's & in addition rubber hand gloves for the curing person
• Storage of water tank at safe position.
• Proper handling/carring of water bucket, pipes etc.
• Ensure that water is not left stagnant for longer durations-periodic tank cleaning to be done to prevent algae
formation/mosquito breeding.
• Avoid passing of curing pipes upon any electrical cable. connection, welding cables
etc. •
Ensure no horse play with curing pipe & pressurised water near by any electrical panels & near existing live
substaton premises. Do not cross the barricading / marked zone.
• All work to be done under GE Supervision.

Risk Level (LXC)

RATING (1-5)

RATING (!-5)

Control Measures Proposed
(Who? When? And How?)

Task Hazard

All Activities • Heat exhaustion or stroke. 4 3 12 H • Avoid strenuous work in ambient temperatures in excessive heat. L
• Adverse weather condition ( Heavy wind & rainfall) • Nose mask must be worn & social distancing must be maintained as per Covid 19 Safety precautions.
• All potential hazards.
• No work should be allowed in adverse weather condition during heavy wind rain etc.
• No work at height activities to be done after sunset.
• Where a situation presents a
hazardous condition, the exposed
employee will be removed from the hazardous area until all
necessary precautions have been taken to eliminate the hazard
and ensure their safety.
Any Other Point To include • Emergency Prepardness.

Note :
1. The Execution team (All GE & Sub Contractor ) must read & understand the HIRA.
2. Permit to work to be ensured before start of planned activity at workplace.
3. Pre job discussion should be done with all who are working on the job before starts the job.
4. Safety precaution should be taken into concideration which has been mentioned in HIRA.

Name & Sign Of GE Representative Name & Sign Of Contractor Representative

1- 1-

2- 2-

3- 3-

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