SC1-020 MS

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Strictly Confidential : (For Internal and Restricted Use Only)

Secondary School Examination

Class – IX
General Instructions :
1. The Marking Scheme provides general guidelines to reduce subjectivity and maintain
uniformity. The answers given in the marking scheme are the best suggested answers.
2. Marking be done as per the instructions provided in the marking scheme. (It should not be
done according to one’s own interpretation or any other consideration). Marking Scheme
be strictly adhered to and religiously followed.
3. Alternative methods be accepted. Proportional marks be awarded.
4. If a question is attempted twice and the candidate has not crossed any answer, only first
attempt be evaluated and ‘EXTRA’ written with second attempt.
5. In case where no answers are given or answers are found wrong in this Marking Scheme,
correct answers may be found and used for valuation purpose.


1. Water has more energy than ice at same temperature because particles in water 1
have absorbed more energy during the change of state.

2. (a) Nucleoid ½
(b) Mitochondria ½

3. Force of friction. 1

4. (1) Level of water remains same ½x4=2

(2) A uniform mixture is formed / a true solution is obtained.
(3) The solution becomes white in colour.
(4) Smell can be detected even on repeated dilution.

5. When a bar magnet is brought closer to the mixture of iron filings and sulphur 1
powder Iron particles stick to the magnet, while incase of iron sulphide no change
will be observed. When a mixture of Iron and sulphur is added to carbon
disulphide sulphur dissolves while incase of iron sulphide no change is observed.

6. (a) attached to limb bones and helps in their movement. 1

(b) (i) Presence of light and dark bands ½x2=1
(ii) multinucleated
(iii) cylindrical and unbranched. (Any two)

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7. In air the coin will touch the ground first. ½
In vacuum both will touch the ground together. ½
Reason – In case of air the resistance provided by the air is more for paper than ½+½

8. (a) Domestic breed - Ascel ½

Exotic breed - Leghorn ½
(b) Egg, chicken meat ½,½
(c) Vitamin A, Vitamin K ½,½

9. (a) well roofed / well ventilated / slopy floor (Any two) ½+½
(b) Milch animals, draught animals. ½+½
(c) Red Sindhi, Sahiwal ½+½

10. (a) Solid ½

(b) Sublimation - The process of conversion of solid directly into vapours or ½, 1
vice – versa.
(c) Dry ice 1

11. Physical change Chemical change 1x2=2

(i) No new substance is formed (i) A new substance is formed.
(ii) only physical properties of a (ii) Chemical properties of
substance change. matter changes.
Burning of a candle 1

12. (a) Differences 1

Plant cell Animal cell
(i) Presence of cell wall (i) Absent
(ii) Big sized vacuole (ii) Small sizes vacuole
(iii) Plastids present (iii) Absent
(i) Both have cell membrane
(ii) Both have nucleus.
(Any two)
(b) Cell will first swell and then burst.

13. Two types of transporting tissues in plants are xylem and phloem. ½+½
Xylem Phloem
(i) Transports water and mineral (i) Transports food. 1
(ii) All elements are dead except (ii) All elements are living except
xylem parenchyma. phloem fibres.
(Any one)
Both are made up of more than one type of cells.

14. (a) collenchyma ½x3=1½

(b) aerenchyma
(c) sclerenchyma
Collenchyma - leaf stalks below the epidermis ½
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aerenchyma - stem and leaves of aquatic plants ½
sclerenchyma - hard part of the plant ½
(seed coat, mid rib etc)

15. (a) uniform motion 1

v  u 0  60
(b) a    3 m/s 2 1
t 20
(c) s  D  s t
6040 2400m 1

16. It is because of inertia, which states that a body continues to remain in the same 3
state of rest or in uniform motion in a straight line with uniform speed, unless it is
compelled by an external force to change its state of rest or of uniform motion we
tend to fall side ways because of our inertia or tendency to continue moving in a
straight line.

17. F  50 N (because force is opposing motion) ½

m 200 kg, u  15 m/s, v 0
F  ma  a
50 ½
a   0.25 m/s 2
v  u at
v u 0 15
t   60 s ½
a  0.25
s ut  at 2 ½
1 ½
 1560 (0.25) (60)2 450 m

18. Gravitational const (G) Acceleration due to gravity (g) ½x6=3

(i) It is numerically equal to the (i) It is the acceleration produced
gravitational force of attraction in a body when it is allowed to
between two bodies each of fall under the influence of
unit mass kept at unit distance gravity alone.
from each other.
(ii) It is constant (ii) It varies
(iii) 2
S.I unit Nm /kg 2 (iii) S.I unit m/s2

19. F1  100 N, F2 50 N 1

If r1 is the original distance and r 2 is the new distance between the two objects
F  2
r 1
F1 r 
  2 
F2  r1 

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F1  100   r2 
  
F2  50   r1 
Or 2  2  r2  2 r1

20. (a) A. dorsata rock bee ½

A. florae little bee ½
A. Cerena Indica Indian bee ½
(b) Apis mellifera Reasons for using italian bees for honey production ½
(i) high honey collection capacity
(ii) Sting less 2
(iii) Stay in beehive for long periods.
(iv) breed very well
(c) Kind of flower available (Any two) 1
(a) (i) multiple rounds of crops in a year and reduces cost of crop 1
production. 1
(ii) can with stand conditions like drought, salinity or diseases or attack 1
of insects /
(iii) Stablises crop production under different environmental
(b) (i) hybridisation
(ii) Genetic modification / genetic engineering

21. (a) (i) Force of attraction 1

Oxygen gas < Kerosene < Iron nail
(ii) Intermolecular space 1
Iron nail < Kerosene < O 2 gas
(b) (i) Rigidity - It is property of matter to maintain shape against 1
external force.
(ii) Compressibility – It is the property of matter by virtue of which 1
molecules of matter are brought closer to each other.
(iii) Diffusion - The inter mixing of the particles of matter is known
as diffusion.
China dish kept under a fan
This is because rate of evaporation increases 1, 1
with surface area and wind speed.
Rate of evaporation will decrease, rate of 1, 1
evaporation decreases with humidity.

22. (a) 1
Suspension True solution 1
Filtration Can be filtered Can not be filtered
Transparency opaque transparent 1
Stability unstable stable
(b) (i) Beam of light enters a dark room through a small hole. 1
(ii) Sunlight passes through the canopy of a dense forest
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Application of crystalisation
(i) Purification of salt that we get from sea water
(ii) Separation of crystals of alum from impure sample. 1

23. (a) Graph ½

Derivation 1½
(b) 18 Km/h  5m/s ½
36 Km/h 10m/s ½
t 5 sec
v  u 10  5 1
a    1m/s 2
t 5
1 2 ½
s  ut  at
 5  5    1  5 2
 37.5 m
(a) Definition 1
(b) t 460 240 s
r 210 m
total distance covered in one revolution 1
 2r  2   210  1320 m 
Dist 1320
Speed    5.5m/s
time 240 1

Area under the velocity time graph gives the distance covered by an object.

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24. (a) Inertia is that property of a body due to which it resists change in its state 1
of rest or of uniform motion.
Iron 1
Because mass is the measure of the inertia of a body. Heavier objects have 1
more inertia than lighter objects. 2
(b) Inertia of rest. When the striker hits the lower coin it comes into motion.
On the other hand rest of the coins remain in the state of rest – because of
inertia. Hence they remain at the same position.
OR ½
(a) Definition
S.I unit - Kg m/s ½
(b) P  mv
mTv T  mC vC
Since mT > mC SD,
vT < vC
 Can travels with a faster velocity 2
(c) m1 20 g  0.02 Kg
u1 500 m/s
m2 1 Kg
u2  0 m/s.
Let v be the velocity of block with bullet embedded in it. v ? 1
Applying law of conservation of momentum
(m1m2)v  m1v 1 m2v 2
(1.02)v  0.02 (500)  1(0)
500  0.02 
v m/s
 9.8 m/s 1


25. (b) 1

26. (a) 1

27. (b) 1

28. (c) 1

29. (b) 1

30. (a) 1

31. (a) 1

32. (a) 1

33. (d) 1

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34. (a) 1

35. (c) 1

36. (c) 1

37. (b) 1

38. (d) 1

39. (a) 1

40. (d) 1

41. (d) 1

42. (c) 1


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