SC1-021 MS

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Strictly Confidential : (For Internal and Restricted Use Only)

SC1 - 021
Secondary School Examination
Class – IX
General Instructions :
1. The Marking Scheme provides general guidelines to reduce subjectivity and maintain
uniformity. The answers given in the marking scheme are the best suggested answers.
2. Marking be done as per the instructions provided in the marking scheme. (It should not be
done according to one’s own interpretation or any other consideration). Marking Scheme
be strictly adhered to and religiously followed.
3. Alternative methods be accepted. Proportional marks be awarded.
4. If a question is attempted twice and the candidate has not crossed any answer, only first
attempt be evaluated and ‘EXTRA’ written with second attempt.
5. In case where no answers are given or answers are found wrong in this Marking Scheme,
correct answers may be found and used for valuation purpose.

1. Rubber band changes shape under force and regains the shape when the 1
force is removed, so it is classified as a solid.

2. plasmolysis 1

3. The force acting on a body is said to be 1N, when it produces an acceleration 1

of 1m/s2 in a body of mass 1 kg

4. (i) Rate of diffusion : solid<liquid<gas 1

(ii) Particle motion : solid< liquid< gas 1

5. mass of solute ½
Concentration of solution   100
mass of solution
  100 1
350  50
  1 00
4 00
 12.5%

6. M – Chloroplast ½x4 = 2
N – Nucleus
O – Cytoplasm
P – Intercellular space

7. The falling of a body from a height towards earth under the gravitational 1
force of earth (with no other force acting on it) is called free fall
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1 2
h  ut  gt
2 ½
1 2
 0  9.8  10 
 490 m ½

8. Three ways in which crop plants can be attacked by insect pests: ½ x3 = 1 ½

(i) cut the plant parts
(ii) suck the cell sap from various parts
(iii) bore into stem and fruits

Control measure : spraying pesticides

Preventive measure : (i) use of resistant varieties ½
(ii) summer ploughing ½

9. (a) reduce milk production. 1

(b) Diseased cattle don’t take regular feed and don’t show normal 1
(c) Concentrates – Animal feed with high protein and low fibre content 1
with other nutrients

10. (a) On increasing temperature, K.E. of the molecules increases and force 2
of attraction between the molecules decrease and the state of matter
(b) This is because the heat supplied to the matter is utilized in changing 1
the state by overcoming the force of attraction.

11. (i) Evaporation – It is the process of conversion of a liquid into its ½,1
(ii) The volatile solvent from its non- volatile solute 1
(iii) Ink is a mixture of a dyes in water. ½

12. Nuclear region of Nuclear region of an animal cell 1x2=2

bacterial cell
(i) Poorly defined and lacks (i) Well defined and membrane
any covering. bound.
(ii) Has single chromosome (ii) Has more than one chromosome
(iii) Lacks true organelles (iii) Well defined membrane bound
cell organelles present.
(any two)
Chromosomes bear ‘genes’ 1

13. Tissue ‘A’ – adipose tissue ½

Present just below epithelium 1
Tissue ‘B’ – Cardiac muscle ½
Present in heart 1

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14. Meristematic tissue Permanent tissue 1x3=3
(i) Cells possess dividing ability (i) Cells generally do not divide
(ii) Cells are living (ii) Cells can be living or dead
(iii) Main function is to bring (iii) Perform varied type
about growth. function.
any other significant difference can be considered.

15. Definition of uniform motion 1

Definition of non-uniform motion 1
One example of each ½ x2=1

16. Newton’s third law of motion- 1

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction 1
Water is pushed back and so the body is pushed forward. 1

17. Given u  36 km/h  10m/s ½

v  0 m/s
t  5 seconds
m 450 kg
vu 0  10 1
a   2 m/s 2
t 5
Force  ma ½
450 (2)
900N 1

18. Gm 1 m 2
F 
G  2m 1   2m 2  4 Gm 1 m 2
(a) F' 2

d d2 1
= 4F
Force is quadrupled
G m1 m2 4 Gm 1 m 2
(b) F "  2

 d d2
  1
Force is quadrupled
(c) There is no effect on force when air is removed 1

19. Given h  10m

g  20 m/s2
v ?
t ?
v u 2gh
2 2 ½
v2  0  22010
v 400  20 m/s 1
2020 (t)

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20. (a) Macronutrients : Nutrients required by plants in large quantities. 1
Micronutrients : Nutrients required by plants in traces/small 1
(b) Formation of compost 1
Formation of green manure 1
(c) (i) improves soil texture ½
(ii) is eco friendly ½
(a) Manure is nutrient rich organic mixture made up of dead and 1
decaying plant and animal waste.
Fertilizers : Commercially produced plant nutrient 1
(b) (i) improves soil texture 1
(ii) is eco friendly 1
(c) May kill friendly soil organisms/change the nature of soil/reduce 1
the soil fertility in long term use.
(any one)

21. (i) Rigidity – Property of matter to maintain shape 1x2=2

(ii) Compressibility – Property of matter by virtue of which molecules of
matter can be brought closer.
(iii) Density – Property of matter defined as mass per unit volume
(any two)

Property Solid Liquid Gas 3

Rigidity Rigid Fluid Fluid
Compressibility Negligible Very low High
Density High Less than solids Least
but more than
(compare any two states)
(a) Similarity – In both cases liquid gets converted in to vapours. 1
Difference – Evaporation is a surface phenomenon while boiling is a 1
bulk phenomenon
(b) (i) Cotton clothes absorb perspiration which causes cooling. 1
(ii) Evaporation causes cooling 1
(iii) Rate of evaporation is less during rainy season 1

22. (a) (i) It is heterogeneous mixture. (1/2)

(ii) Particles of colloids scatter a beam of light (1/2)
(iii) It is stable (1/2)
(b) Dispersing medium, dispersed phase (1)
(c) Ink, blood, foam 11/2

Simple Distillation Fractional distillation 1x2=2

To separate a mixture of two or To separate two or more
(i) more miscible liquids for which (i) miscible liquids for which
difference in b.p. in more than difference in b.p. is less than
25C 25C.
(ii) Fractionating column is not (ii) A fractionating column is
used used.
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(b) Refer to Pg 22, Fig 2.10 of NCERT 3

23. (i) 10 km/h 1

(ii) 35 km/h 1
(iii) BC 1
(iv) CD 1
(v) 242.5 km 1

(a) Uniform Velocity (zero acceleration) 1
NO 1
(b) (i) Uniform acceleration ½
(ii) Uniform retardation ½
(c) 36 km/h  36   10 m/s ½
54 km/h  54   15 m/s ½
vu 15  10
a    0.5 m/s2 1
t 10

24. (a) Definition 1

SI unit  kg m/s ½
(b) v2  u2  2gh ½
v2  (0)2  2(10) (5)
v 100 10 m/s ½
momentum  m  v
 10  10 ½
 100 m/s

(b) The karate player strikes the pile of tiles with his hand very, very
fast. In doing so, the large momentum of fast moving hand is
reduced to zero in a very, very short time. This exerts a very large
force on the pile of tiles which is sufficient to break them.
(a) Definition of inertia 1
steel 1
Mass is a measure of inertia 1
(b) Any activity to show the inertia of rest. 2


25. (d) 1
26. (a) 1
27. (c) 1
28. (d) 1
29. (c) 1

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30. (c) 1
31. (a) 1
32. (d) 1
33. (c) 1
34. (c) 1
35. (a) 1
36. (d) 1
37. (c) 1
38. (a) 1
39. (a) 1
40. (a) 1
41. (d) 1
42. (d) 1


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