Literacy Rate Comparative Analysis

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AVERAGE RATE (pls. check)

COUNTRY LITERACY RATE Increasing decreasing
( 10 years) HIGH LOW
PHILIPPINES (98.9%) For John Arnold S. Siena, a director As more people get a better education, If the DepEd will continue the
for the National Educators Academy the Philippines' literacy rate has initiatives implied and aid the
of the Philippines, part of DepEd, the improved. Between 2010-2021, the children in their education, the
high literacy rate in the country and literacy rate was highest in the year literacy rate would continue to
the 95.24% school participation of 2021 and lowest in the year 2018. The increase. In this rate, the economy
children in elementary schooling were literacy rate reached 99.27% in 2021. of the Philippines will also
achieved through the campaign of the Between 2010 to 2021, the literacy rate continue to grow as many literate
government, particularly DepEd, to of the Philippines increased by 1.4%. Filipinos will realize their worth
bring more school-age children to and eventually make them do
school. He said initiatives that things that contribute to
focused on this goal include the sustainable development of the
following: The Alternative Learning society.
System, which provides opportunity
for out-of-school youths to use the
education services of DepEd and
take the accreditation and
equivalency test, paving the way for
further education Open high school
and night school opportunities
Establishment of schools in areas
without schools The Kindergarten
Law, which makes attending
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kindergarten a requirement Literacy-

specific initiatives include the
following: Every Child A Reader
Program, which mandates all
schools, school divisions, and regions
to develop interventions addressing
reading in schools based on certain
assessment techniques such as the
Philippine Informal Reading Inventory
(Phil-IRI) The Library Hub,
established nationwide, in which a
vast collection of book titles
appropriate for children of various
ages is located and in which the
books are circulated in schools and
made part of the learning
competencies of the children A focus
in K–3 curriculum on language
development, including reading The
mother tongue–based multilingual
education as part of the K–12
program (under this program,
teachers are trained to teach mother
tongue competencies to prepare for
learning of a second language)
Journalism program RA 7079, which
offers teacher and student training in
journalism Activities throughout the
year, including Book Week and
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National Reading Month

THAILAND (92.87%) To maintain its own language and The literacy rate in Thailand is very high The implemented efforts of the
script, Thailand constantly promoted averaging up to 95%. Majority of Ministry of Education in Thailand
reading through both formal and children proceed to secondary results to a great output. The
informal education. Thailand had one education since it is provided for free by continuation of this action may
of the highest levels of functional the government. make their literacy rate increase
literacy in Asia as well as one of the more as years go by.
largest publishing rates per person of
any developing nation. Under Prime
Minister Thaksin Shinawatra in the
early 2000s an effort was made to
improve education, particularly in
poor areas where it had long been
neglected. There were five education
ministers in three years as Thaksin
took a results-oriented approach.
Prrojects and policies included setting
up “knowledge center,” liberalizing
school fees and establishing at least
one school with good facilities in each
district under the “one tambon, one
scholarship program.” Under Thaksin
school were allowed to set their own
fees. Some poor families were given
money for uniforms and books. The
Thai government says: “In its mission
to develop the country’s vast human
resources, the education system has
to be adapted to suit the changing
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times, which necessitates the

addition of new knowledge and skills
in the curriculum such as foreign
languages and computer literacy.
Presently, a large number of
educational institutions in Thailand
operate as international schools
using English as the medium of
instruction, with bilingual schools in
operation at various levels, in
response to the rising demand for
foreign language skills in the world
market" William Pesek of Bloomberg
wrote: It is important for Thailand “to
invest billions of dollars in education
and in training to improve the quality
of the labor force and raise
productivity so that Thailand can
keep up in the world’s most dynamic
region. The country lags not just at
the tertiary level, but also at the
primary and secondary phases of the
education process. Like several other
countries in the region, Thailand’s
focus on rote learning gives short
shrift to creative and critical thinking
and English proficiency.
CAMBODIA 80.53% It said that the adult literacy rate in In 2009, youth literacy rate for Equipping citizens with the
Cambodia increased a total of 10.1 Cambodia was 87.1 %. Youth literacy knowledge and skills necessary to
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percent from 77.6 percent in 2008 to 87.7 rate of Cambodia increased from 76.3 % achieve their full potential,
percent in 2019. There was a significant in 1998 to 87.1 % in 2009 growing at an contribute to an increasingly
change in urban areas, with an adult average annual rate of 4.59%. interconnected world, and
literacy rate of 93.3 percent compared to Youth (15-24) literacy rate (%). Total is ultimately convert better skills into
83.8 percent in rural areas. the number of people age 15 to 24 better lives is a central
The census said that the educational years who can both read and write with preoccupation of policy makers in
enrollment rate for children aged 6 to 11 understanding a short simple statement Cambodia and around the world.
is at 91.6 percent and this is the same for on their everyday life, divided by the The measures of student
both boys and girls in this age group. It population in that age group. Generally, proficiency included in PISA and
said that the enrollment rate becomes ‘literacy’ also encompasses ‘numeracy’, PISA-D were developed to monitor
slightly lower for boys in the 12 to 14 age the ability to make simple arithmetic how close countries are to
group and this continues to fall as they calculations. achieving this goal
grow older. It said in the 20 to 24 age
group of the population, 22 percent did
not complete primary education. On
January 12, the Ministry of Education,
supported by Unicef, launched a national
back to school campaign to encourage
Cambodian children to return to
classrooms while actively preventing the
spread of COVID-19.
BRUNEI 97. 21% What students know and can do in Over the last 20 years, Brunei students The Brunei Government has seek
reading • In Brunei Darussalam, 48% have achieved low literacy rates and ways in aiding the illiteracy of the
of students attained at least Level 2 encountered failing standards of the country. They acquire partnerships
proficiency in reading (OECD English Language (Azaraimy, 2003; in different countries to at least in
average: 77%). At a minimum, these Nicol, 2004; Coluzzi, 2011). It has been one way or another the literacy
students can identify the main idea in established that English Language rate of brunei will steadily increase
a text of moderate length, find teaching in Brunei over the years and years later it has shown its
information based on explicit, though focused on elevating students’ effectivity. That's a success from
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sometimes complex criteria, and can proficiency in English, so educational them. Started from year 1981 up
reflect on the purpose and form of initiatives have been targeted to until present the annual change is
texts when explicitly directed to do increase literacy skills in this language. fairly good. Nonetheless, among
so. • Some 1% of students in Brunei In Brunei, similar to Singapore’s of all ASEAN Countries. This
Darussalam were top performers in linguistic background, specific English country is striving towards
reading, meaning that they attained Language Teaching (ELT) initiatives education.
Level 5 or 6 in the PISA reading test have been introduced into the school
(OECD average: 9%). At these curriculum (Martin 8c Abdullah, 2004;
levels, students can comprehend Lim, 2000), but Brunei ELT initiatives
lengthy texts, deal with concepts that over the last two decades have shown
are abstract or counterintuitive, and less impact in raising students’
establish distinctions between fact competencies. In 2009, as one of the
and opinion, based on implicit cues grand initiatives to improve the failing
pertaining to the content or source of language situation of English, Brunei
the information. In 20 education restructured its education system and
systems, including those of 15 OECD introduced literacy into its education
countries, more than 10% of 15-year- through the latest education reform,
old students were top performers. known as Sistcm Pendidikan Negara
What students know and can do in Abad Ke-21 or SPN21 (The National
mathematics • Some 52% of students Education System for the 21st century).
in Brunei Darussalam attained Level
2 or higher in mathematics (OECD
average: 76%). At a minimum, these
students can interpret and recognise,
without direct instructions, how a
(simple) situation can be represented
mathematically (e.g. comparing the
total distance across two alternative
routes, or converting prices into a
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different currency). The share of 15-

year-old students who attained
minimum levels of proficiency in
mathematics (Level 2 or higher)
varied widely – from 98% in Beijing,
Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang
(China) to 2% in Zambia, which
participated in the PISA for
Development assessment in 2017.
On average across OECD countries,
76% of students attained at least
Level 2 proficiency in mathematics. •
In Brunei Darussalam, 3% of
students scored at Level 5 or higher
in mathematics (OECD average:
11%). Six Asian countries and
economies had the largest shares of
students who did so: Beijing,
Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang
(China) (44%), Singapore (37%),
Hong Kong (China) (29%), Macao
(China) (28%), Chinese Taipei (23%)
and Korea (21%). These students
can model complex situations
mathematically, and can select,
compare and evaluate appropriate
problem-solving strategies for dealing
with them. What students know and
can do in science • Some 54% of
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students in Brunei Darussalam

attained Level 2 or higher in science
(OECD average: 78%). At a
minimum, these students can
recognise the correct explanation for
familiar scientific phenomena and can
use such knowledge to identify, in
simple cases, whether a conclusion is
valid based on the data provided. • In
Brunei Darussalam, 2% of students
were top performers in science,
meaning that they were proficient at
Level 5 or 6 (OECD average: 7%).
These students can creatively and
autonomously apply their knowledge
of and about science to a wide variety
of situations, including unfamiliar
INDONESIA 95.57% Indonesia has a reading problem. Despite Adult literacy rate is the percentage of An Indonesian non-profit organisation
a reported 95% adult literacy rate, most people ages 15 and above who can both read working find answers to these
available evidence suggests that the and write with understanding a short simple questions, with a particular focus on
ability of the average Indonesian adult to statement about their everyday life. Early Childhood literacy. They work
understand and make use of written Indonesia literacy rate for 2020 was 96.00%, through the Saya Suka Membaca [I
information is shockingly low. Even the a 0.34% increase from 2018. Indonesia Love Reading] programme to achieve
highly schooled in Indonesia are far literacy rate for 2018 was 95.66%, a 0.28% the vision of “Children in poor
behind global standards,’ with the increase from 2016. Indonesia literacy rate communities across in Indonesia
average Jakartan with tertiary education for 2016 was 95.38%, a 0.16% increase learning to love reading.” The
having a lower literacy proficiency than from 2015. Indonesia literacy rate for 2015 programme partners with charities
average school-leavers across OECD was 95.22%, a 0.1% increase from 2014. that provide free or low-cost
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countries. The Indonesian press lamented The latest PISA data (2015) reports that preschool education in poor
the results of the World’s Most Literate more than 86% of Indonesian 15 year olds communities, helping their teachers to
Nations report, which placed Indonesia read at PISA Level 2 or below – that is, they develop as skilled and caring teachers
60th out of 61 countries using a are unable to consistently perform Level 3 of reading. The average teacher in
combined measure of literacy and literate skills such as ‘locat[ing] and… these preschools has an Indonesian
behaviour. recognis[ing] the relationship between high-school education, and has
several pieces of information’ in a text. received little or no training to enable
These skills are essential to secondary and them to teach effectively. Their aim is
tertiary education. to equip these ‘average’ teachers so
that they are able to teach reading
with good results. They do this
through providing three key elements:
teacher training and mentoring; a
high-quality reading curriculum and
resources; and culturally relevant
reading books designed to support
beginner readers and make reading
fun. Moreover, according to them,
What we do see is increased energy
and purpose in classrooms where our
programme is used. We see kids in
some of the poorest communities of
Jakarta coming into their classrooms,
going straight to the book box,
picking up books and starting to read.
We’ve seen girls living in a rail-side
slum not only learning to read, but re-
entering school and being told by
their teachers that they’re ‘the
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cleverest readers in the class.’ It’s a

start. The transformation of education
in Indonesia depends on children like
these – and teachers like these –
learning to love reading.
LAOS 84.7% Laos’s economic freedom score is 49.2, In 2015, adult literacy rate for Lao People’s Located in the center of the Asia-
making its economy the 151st freest in Democratic Republic was 84.7 %. Though Pacific region, Laos faces many
the 2022 Index. Laos is ranked 33rd Lao People’s Democratic Republic adult challenges as one of Asia’s least
among 39 countries in the Asia–Pacific literacy rate fluctuated substantially in developed economies and Southeast
region, and its overall score is below the recent years, it tended to increase through Asia’s only landlocked country. Its
regional and world averages. The Laotian 2000 - 2015 period ending at 84.7 % in geographic location makes Laos
economy grew slowly over the past five 2015. extremely vulnerable to climate
years, with only a modest decline in Even before the pandemic hit, Laos’s change and other environmental
2020. After an initial uptick, economic economic transformation had started to slow challenges. While Laos had success
freedom has declined in the past half- in 2019. While GDP growth had eased from managing the early outbreak of
decade. Driven lower by score decreases 8.0% in 2013 to 6.3% in 2018, it dropped to Covid-19, the impacts of pandemic
in fiscal health and rule of law, Laos has 4.7% in 2019, as a result of natural and lockdowns and closures of businesses
recorded a 4.8-point overall loss of human-caused disasters that slowed growth in 2021 have severely impacted the
economic freedom since 2017 and has in agriculture and power generation. In country’s fledgling economy,
fallen from the “Mostly Unfree” category addition, inflation had started to climb due including its many agricultural and
to the “Repressed” category. An to rising food prices, while the fiscal deficit, small enterprises. It is also true that
economy relatively unburdened by public debt, current account deficit and over the past decade, Laos has greatly
taxation and government spending may falling international reserves suggested improved its education system,
be a bright spot, but judicial effectiveness long-standing structural vulnerabilities in environmental policies, and
and financial freedom in Laos are among the economy had not been alleviated. infrastructure. The National Assembly
the worst in the world. has become increasingly active. On a
regional level, Laos is an active
member of ASEAN and recently
participated in the U.S.-ASEAN
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Special Summit in Washington, DC.

MALAYSIA 94.58% Malaysia’s efforts to tackle education Adult literacy rate is the percentage of There should be cooperation of all
challenges, particularly through the people ages 15 and above who can parties since it is essential to
establishment of a ‘delivery unit’ that both read and write with understanding ensure the continuation of the
tracks results, can help other a short simple statement about their high satisfactory literacy rate.
countries seeking to improve everyday life.
implementation in the sector, says a
new World Bank report.  Malaysia literacy rate for 2019
was 94.97%, a 0.12%
The report, Improving Education increase from 2018.
Sector Performance: Lessons from  Malaysia literacy rate for 2018
the Delivery Unit Approach, highlights was 94.85%, a 0.23%
the role of the Education decline from 2017.
Performance and Delivery Unit, or  Malaysia literacy rate for 2017
PADU, under the Ministry of was 95.08%, a 0.2%
Education, in improving education increase from 2016.
outcomes, a key government priority.  Malaysia literacy rate for 2016
was 94.88%, a 1.76%
The report examines how PADU increase from 2010.
facilitated program implementation
and delivery of results through the
Literacy and Numeracy Screening
program, or LINUS. Unlike other
interventions, the LINUS task force –
comprised of several divisions –
worked closely with agencies across
government to provide an effective
framework for coordination, tracking,
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monitoring and reporting.

SINGAPORE 2010-2020 While governments across the Adult literacy rate is the percentage of There is a need to develop a
97.29% globe engage in discussions about people ages 15 and above who can holistic approach towards teaching
reforms in their respective state both read and write with understanding literacy across the whole school
education policies, Singapore a short simple statement about their curriculum since the literacy rate
seems to have gone a step ahead everyday life. for 2020 decreases. It is important
to execute reform actions in its to develop successful readers who
academic establishments.  Singapore literacy rate for 2020 are engaged in reading; hence, it
was 97.13%, a 0.35% is imperative that we not only
Singapore evolved from a third world decline from 2019. teach reading but also encourage
country to becoming one of the top-  Singapore literacy rate for 2019 the students to read—so as to
choices for expats. It has gone from was 97.48%, a 0.13% avoid creating a generation of
strength to strength ever since its increase from 2018. reluctant readers. Knowing how
independence and has unsurpassed  Singapore literacy rate for 2018 they perform in literacy at the
ratings for the quality of its schools. was 97.34%, a 0.14% earlier stages of primary school
increase from 2017. would enable teachers, textbook
There is a heavy investment in  Singapore literacy rate for 2017 writers, and curriculum developers
education, a good 20% of its national was 97.20%, a 0.15% such as the Curriculum
budget is spent on this sector. People increase from 2016. Development Division to develop
are its greatest resource and its adult lessons and materials that would
literacy rate is 97%. The average take into consideration the
Singaporean student is 10 months interests and needs of boys and
ahead in English and 20 months girls. We suggest that at the
ahead in Math than students of other school level, teachers take into
first-world countries. Highest consideration the differences in
performing students in international how boys and girls approach
education rankings are Singaporean reading so that a possibly different
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and they are especially proficient at approach or set of reading

Science and Math. Students also ace materials would be used for boys
the international exams as rated by and girls. Finally, it is also crucial
the leading international study to provide the needed support for
TIMSS. teachers so that they can plan for
a variety of lessons encompassing
Some of the policies that the Ministry different interests and learning
of Education and the Government of styles, as well as to assist them to
Singapore have adopted rival some become more creative teachers.
of the best school systems in the With this, it is hoped that they will
world today. The government be as interested in, and enjoy
continually reviews syllabi to remain reading.
flexible and guarantee the quality of There should also cooperation of
education. all parties since it is essential to
ensure the continuation of the
Classrooms are highly-scripted and
high satisfactory literacy rate.
uniform across all school levels and
subjects. Curriculums are focused on
training practical skills that help them
work solutions out to real-world
problems. Classes are specifically
streamlined to engage the problem-
solving skills of students. Exams are
given strict importance to and classes
are oriented around them.

School years begin in the first month

of the year and end in November.
They contain two semesters with two
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terms each. When academic

pressure was reported as being a
major risk factor for stress and other
psychological problems, the
government stopped listing top-
scores. The Ministry of Education has
decried announcing ranks of students
to discourage unhealthy competition
among students. Report books do not
show the students’ position in the

The government of Singapore

adopted a learning strategy called
‘Teach Less, Learn More’ to focus on
the quality of education, and not
quantity. Parents are actively one of
the primary stakeholders of students’
education. 70% of parents sign
students up for extra classes.
Teacher-student ratios are sufficient
to ensure quality in the individual
learning experience. Local
bookstores dedicate ½ the stock of
books to the educational and
academic genre.

Students of ages six to eight are not

assessed on examinations and are
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motivated to inculcate self-learning.

The Ministry of Education is
continually on a mission to reduce
stress and the traditional focus on
marks. Singapore ranks third globally
in time spent on homework. Mid-year
exams were removed from certain
boards to free up time and space in
schools. Students are encouraged to
meet the challenges of an
increasingly complex world by
becoming lifelong learners.

Some other things to consider in this

academic ecosystem are the cost of
education, the rigid curriculums, and
the low tolerance for low
performances that bring down
averages. But these policies have
only enriched job prospects, quality of
life and education, and bettered
earning and living standards.

Global educators recognize the

rigours of the fourth Industrial
Revolution and the demand for non-
cognitive and socio-emotional skills
like leadership, creativity, enterprise
conscientiousness, resilience, and
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perseverance which contribute to

individual career growth. Cross-
cultural dexterity in a ‘glocal’ world is
another important asset of this city-
state with almost 40% of its
population being expatriates.

There is an emphasis on the joy of

learning and the holistic development
of children with a reasonable
balancing out of global educational
trends that focus on grades and
marks. There is more than meets the
eye in the detailed, strategic outlay of
Singapore’s education system. It has
been one of the first countries to
experiment boldly with its policies and
reach the forefront in the global

VIETNAM 92.43% Literacy in Vietnam among those aged 15 Adult literacy rate is the percentage of Building instructional capacity also
to 35 is 98.5 percent, an incredible feat people ages 15 and above who can both read requires meaningful, ongoing
considering some 90 percent of the and write with understanding a short simple
support. Establishing appropriate
population was unable to read or write in statement about their everyday life.
1945 when it gained independence. The •Vietnam literacy rate for 2019 was 95.75%, support structures is vital for
country’s Ministry of Education and a 2.23% increase from 2009. •Vietnam enabling teachers and principals
Training put this down to its Learning literacy rate for 2009 was 93.52%, a 3.36% to implement new pedagogical
Society Program. Vietnam's literacy rate increase from 2000. •Vietnam literacy rate models in schools. In addition,
is now one of the highest in the world. for 2000 was 90.16%, a 0.12% decline from
creating mechanisms for
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•Nearly 37 percent of Vietnamese 1999. •Vietnam literacy rate for 1999 was professional learning and
children are not enrolled in upper 90.28%, a 2.68% increase from 1989. collaboration among teachers and
secondary school. Since PISA assesses
clusters of schools would allow
learning of 15-year-olds in school, scores
were likely inflated by the under educators to learn from one
representation of students from low- another and continually refine their
income and disadvantaged groups. A practices. Vietnam's commitment
major challenge is to reduce early school to education is visible in sizeable
dropout and related inequities while
public and private investments and
maintaining quality. •In its first
participation in Program for International rising attainment levels. The belief
Student Assessment (PISA) in 2012, that a healthy mix of education
Vietnam scored higher than the and hard work is the key to
Organization for Economic Co-operation success is palpable on the streets
and Development (OECD) average and of Ho Chi Minh City, where
outperformed many developed
economies, including the US. Vanessa children are seemingly always en
Shadoian-Gersing, a former OECD route to school or supplemental
analyst who writes and consults on global classes. As Vietnam sets out to
education, examines the factors that build on its initial successes and
contributed to this stunning success as prepare for a modern economy,
well as the opportunities and challenges
there has never been a more
facing the Vietnamese education system.
Vietnamese students surprised the world fascinating time to be learning
with their 2012 PISA results. Other from, and with, its education
assessments confirm that Vietnamese system.
students and adults have strong numeracy
and literacy skills. Vietnam's
accomplishments over the past 20 years
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are indeed remarkable in terms of

attendance, completion, and student
achievement. In fact, whenever I am in
Vietnamese cities, I am impressed by the
energy of this dynamic society and its
respect for education.
MYANMAR 83.28% Youth literacy in Myanmar is Adult literacy rate is the percentage of Young people represent a huge
relatively high at 94 per cent, this still people ages 15 and above who can source of potential for Myanmar’s
means that more than half a million both read and write with understanding development. Government policy
young people cannot read or write. a short simple statement about their needs to focus on improving the
This is primarily due to low school everyday life. •Myanmar literacy rate for standard of education, as well as
attendance. Almost half a million 2019 was 89.07%, a 13.52% increase on increasing school attendance
children aged 7-15 have never from 2016. •Myanmar literacy rate for and youth literacy. It is also
attended school. School attendance 2016 was 75.55%, a 14.39% decline essential to invest in skills training
differs by age, but peaks at only 85 from 2000. •Myanmar literacy rate for for those who have already left
per cent for nine year-olds. Less than 2000 was 89.94%, a 11.37% increase school. Education must reach all
one in three teenagers aged 15-19 go from 1983. •Myanmar literacy rate for groups in society so that every
to school. 1983 was 78.57%, a 78.57% increase young person’s potential is
from. fulfilled, and no one is left behind.

Prepared by:
Bensig, Jan Felix
Cartagena, Jyriel
Comendador, Kelsey
Hilongos, Danica
Latonio, Bethlourgen
Republic of the Philippines
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