Analysis of Treatment Plant For Dyeing I

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Analysis of treatment plant for dyeing

industry effluent
Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2396, 030009 (2021);
Published Online: 28 September 2021

Sujnani Kadakolmath, R. Saravanakumar, P. Parthiban, et al.


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AIP Conference Proceedings 2396, 030009 (2021); 2396, 030009

© 2021 Author(s).
Analysis of Treatment Plant for Dyeing Industry Effluent
Sujnani Kadakolmath1, a), R. Saravanakumar2, 3Parthiban3 and 0-Anju3
Department of Civil engineering, KG Reddy College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, India
Department of Civil Engineering, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology , Coimbatore, India
Department of Civil Engineering, Jyothi Engineering College, Thrissur, Kerala, India
Corresponding author:

Abstract. The rapid growth of textile industries is affecting the environment in several ways the most essential
consideration is to be made on controlling the water pollution caused by dyeing industry effluent. The increase in usage
of cloths increases the effluent from dyeing industries which in turn affecting the environment. This paper focuses on the
characteristics analysis of effluent from a dyeing industry. The effluent from dyeing industry is investigated and various
parameters such as pH value, BOD, COD, Total solid, Total suspended solid, Chloride, Sulphates, Dissolved Oxygen of
the procedures are analyzed and with permissible limit prescribed by Bureau of Indian Standards (IS 2296 Surface Water
Quality Standards).

Keywords: Textile effluent, BoD, CoD, Total Solids.

Textile dyeing factories use large amounts of water, which they typically drain out repeatedly from the ground or
natural water supplies, resulting in ground water depletion. Textile plants produce a large amount of poisonous
effluent containing shades, sodium sulphate, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, and traces of other salts during the
dyeing process. These are produced as a result of the dyeing and washing of garment fabrics. The waste water
created after dyeing is known as Dye Bath water, and the waste water generated after washing is known as wash
water. Wash water comprises only 0.5-1 percent solids, whereas dye bath contains solids in the range of 4-5 percent.

Need for the Present Study

x Whenever untreated effluent is dumped into a river system, the floating solids in the discharge can wash up
on the shore at the point of disposal, where they decompose and emit foul odors.
x The vast volume of organic matter in the released effluent can absorb dissolved oxygen from the water
system as it oxidizes, thereby lowering dissolved oxygen levels in the river and creating fish kills and other
negative consequences.
x In addition, the released effluent can contaminate river water with pathogenic bacteria, necessitating
treatment until it can be used as a natural supply for water.

Objective of the Study

The characteristic of the effluent varies according to the effluent from the different industries. This study
involves study on the most important characteristics of dyeing industry effluent.
The effluent from dyeing industry is to be collected and various parameters such as

International Conference on Energy and Environment (ICEE 2021)

AIP Conf. Proc. 2396, 030009-1–030009-8;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-4130-9/$30.00

x pH,
x BOD,
x COD,
x Total solid,
x Total suspended solid,
x Total dissolved solid,
x Chloride,
x Sulphates,
x Dissolved Oxygen,
x Turbidity

Industrialization and urbanization have resulted in increase of pollutants, most of which are dumped into aquatic
system. The need for the direct and deliberate reuse of reclaimed industrial effluents is increasing in many areas of
the world. Many journals have explained innovative ideas about the industrial effluent treatment and some of them
are referred as follows.

The impact of heterogeneity on activated sludge treatment of textile dyeing wastewater. Batch respirometry
experiments were used in parallel to measure the harmful effects of certain reactive dyes and to investigate the
influence of non-pretreated engineered fibre wastewater containing reactive dyes on emission bio-removal and
activated sludge characteristics. While some of the dyes upset biomass throughout the lab, it was able to cope with
the changes in their chemistry and remained involved during the tests, suggesting that it could lead to COD
elimination. The dyes were partly adsorbed by the microorganisms but were not degraded.

Their advanced oxidation processing idea holds great promise for providing an option for improved health and
environmental safety. The treatment efficiency for various advanced oxidation processes was considered and
presented in the experiment based on their basic features [2].

Waste Generation and Effluent Treatment in Cotton Textile Processing This paper suggests a cotton fibre
effluent treatment system that includes coagulation-flocculation, adsorption on powdered activated carbon, an
electrochemical procedure, ozone treatment, and membrane processes (reverse osmosis, nanofiltration,
ultrafiltration) [3].

The researchers investigated novel non-traditional activated carbon for the remediation of dyeing industry
effluent. In Various physical and chemical activation methods are used to attempt to prepare activated carbon from
Euphorbia antiquorum L wood. The current study investigates the suitability of Euphorbia antiquorum L activated
carbon (EAAC) prepared by the orthophosphoric acid impregnation process for the treatment of dyeing industry
effluents. Based on the form and concentration of pollutants in the effluent, the optimum adsorbent dosage varies
from sample to sample. The potential of activated carbon made from Euphorbia antiquorum L wood impregnated
with H3PO4 to remove colouring matter from dyeing industry effluent was investigated. Pore size distribution
experiments confirmed the adsorbent's mesoporous existence [9].

Textile effluent physicochemical and characterization, as well as dye decolorizing bacteria screening. This
research includes isolating effluent, sampling, and identifying dye-decolorizing bacteria (VITEF1, VITEF2, and
VITEF3), as well as physicochemical characteristics of polluted soil [10].

It is proposed that the effluent be treated with colloidal ferroferrihydrol (FFH), which is generated by anodic
distillation of steel turnings or stamping wastes. It is proposed that the effluent be treated with colloidal
ferroferrihydrol (FFH), which is generated by anodic distillation of steel turnings or stamping wastes. Using the ion-
exchange technique Reverse osmosis and electrodialysis Electrocoagulation is a procedure that involves the use of
electricity [11].

Waste water generated from dyeing industry contains large amount of suspended solids, organic matter, silt, etc
removal of these pollutants is necessary for the purpose of reuse or safe disposal.

Effects of Suspended Solids

Is if dissolved particles throughout the effluent exceed the allowable limit, the sewer will clog, the pipe wall will
be damaged, and the pumping power will be reduced. It will also affect the performance of the unit like screen, grit
chamber, settling tank, etc. of the sewage treatment plant. Additional capacities will be required for the units like
sludge pumps, sludge dewatering unit and sludge disposal area. Accumulation of suspended particles in porous
streams beds results in sediment deposits that can adversely affect the flora and fauna especially of the stream bed.

Effects of pH
Corrosion of sewers shall be caused due to acids, salts etc. present in the waste. Acids, alkalizes and salts
presents in the waste can be corrosive to the equipment and machinery of the treatment plant.
In addition, it will also result in excess requirement of chemicals such as lime. Aquatic life will be affected by acidic
and alkaline wastes.

Effect of BOD and COD

High organic concentrations in waste discharge can lead to organic over loading of the biological treatment unit.
A rise in organic waste causes an increase in BOD load, which necessitates the use of more oxygen. The chemical
substances present will interface with aerobic and anaerobic treatment unit including the sludge digestion processes.
x Plankton
x Fisheries
x Birds


The effects on plankton can usually be summarized under be the three headings.
x The contaminants layer can interact with gaseous interchange at the water surface, lowering dissolved
oxygen levels.
x Larger pollutants on the ocean can induce a significant decrease in photosynthesis through phytoplankton
by obstructing light.
x Plankton can be severely harmed by pollutants and dispersants.


For three major factors, pollutants are a possible threat to fisheries.

x Pollution has the potential to affect fish and shellfish populations directly
x Pollutants that cling to or grow on fish and shellfish may cause them to die
x Spilled contaminants can cause physical interference with fishing operations


Birds are especially vulnerable to toxins when they come into contact with them when swimming on the water's
surface, and marine species, in particular, are used to avoiding dangers by diving, which allows them to become
increasingly entangled in contaminants.

When birds come into contact with liquid, their plumage absorbs it and loses its water proofing and insulating
qualities, causing them to become chilled and die of exposure and fatigue when their energy reserves are depleted. If
they inhale or swallow harmful chemicals when trying to clean themselves, this may cause damage to the
respiratory, gastrointestinal, and excretory processes. When toxins remove their volatile and poisonous components
by evaporation and solution and solidify, they can no longer sock the plumage and inflict internal harm if
swallowed, but the birds may also damage their plumage in an attempt to clean themselves.
Pollutants is therefore likely to cause more damage to bird populations then to any other form of wild life if
pollution is not controlled and may already be Valuing bird numbers in some highly polluted areas.


The samples collected were subjected for estimation of all the parameters described below.
x pH
x Total solids
x Total suspended solids
x Sulphates
x Chlorides
x Dissolved oxygen

Determination of the Parameters


pH is the expression commonly used to express the pressure of the acid or alkaline state of a solution. That is a
means of describing the hydrogen- ion concentration. The logarithm of the inverse of the hydrogen ion concentration
in moles per liter is what it's called. The pH scale runs from 0 to 14, with 0–7 indicating acidity and 7–14 indicating
alkalinity and acidity, and expresses a sample's total reserve or buffering capability. The hydrogen ion
concentrations at any given time are represented by the pH.
The PH measurements of the sample were carried out using an analog pH meter was calibrated first with buffer
solutions of pH and again cross checked with another buffer solutions of pH. Then the pH s of the different samples
was measured directly.

Total Solids

A 50 to 100 ml volume of sample is chosen. The sample shaken thoroughly and unfiltered is placed in a
weighted evaporating dish. The dish containing the sample is placed in an even maintained in 1400 to 1500 and the
sample is evaporated to dryness. The evaporation might be carried out on a steam bath but final drying should be
done only in the oven. If the residue is hydroscopic, it may necessitate weighting the dish in a cooled container.
The difference in weight is reported as total solids or residue on evaporation,

Amount of total residue in mg/lit = (i)

Total Suspended Solids

A mat of acid and alkaline washed asbestos pipes 2mm thick is prepared in a hooch crucible or a porous bottom
porcelain crucible. The crucible is dried in an oven at 1030c to 1050c for an hour, cooled and weighted one liter of
sample is filtered through the crucible with suction, dried for one hour at 1030 c to 1050 c cooled in a desiccator
and weight against to get constant weight.

Amount of total residue in mg/lit = (ii)

Sulphates: (Spectro Photometer Method)

The ion sulphate is found in most water sources and is also present in waste water. Sulphates are chemically
reduced to sulphides and to hydrogen sulphite by bacteria under anaerobic under anaerobic condition. The hydrogen
sulphate is then chemically oxidized to sulphuric acid, which corrodes sewage pipes. Sulpahte are reduced to
sulphides acid digesters and may upset, if the sulphate concentration exceeds 200mg/1.
x Apparatus Required:
o Spectrophotometer
o Test tube
o Measuring jar
o Volumetric flask, etc.
x Chemicals Required:
o Sodium sulphate
o Barium chloride
o Sodium chloride conc. HCl
x Reagents Preparation:
o Standard sulphate solution:
o Create up to 250 ml of sodium sulphate (Na2SO4) solution by dissolving 0.333698 gm sodium
sulphate (Na2So4) in purified water.
1 ml = 1 mg of sulphate
o Barium chloride:
Dissolve 10 grams of barium chloride (Bacl2H2o) in 100ml of distilled water.
o Condition reagent:
Dissolve 24gms solids chloride in 100 ml distilled water containing 2 ml of Conc. HCl
x Procedure
In 10 each of a set of numbered, five 50 ml std. flask or nestles tube pipette out 2,4,6,8,10 ml of
STD sulphate solution. Add to each tube 10 ml of conditioning reagent and stir .Then add 10 ml of barium
chloride solution. Make up the solution to the mark with distilled water and shake or stir for exactly 5 min.
Read the absorbance of the suspension at 420 mm in a spectrophotometer. Draw the absorbance of the
sulphate concentration calibration line.

Measure its absorbance and read its concentration from the calibration lines. A duplicate experiment with
another 20ml of the sample.
X ml contains (w) = w x 1000/v (iii)
Where, V = volume of sample in ml taken for test.


One of the main anions in water and waste is chloride, which takes the form of the CL ion. Chlorides in natural
water are caused by the leaching of chloride-bearing minerals and soils into the water, which occurs in marine areas
due to salt water intrusion. The drainage of household waste waters into sea water is a cause of chlorides.
x Apparatus are Required:
o Burette with stand, pipette conical flask, and Measuring jar are required apparatus.
x Chemicals are Required:
o Sodium chloride
o Silver nitrate
o Potassium chromate.
x Reagent Preparation:
o Silver nitrate solution preparation:
o Create up to 250 mL (2.396g) of AgNo3 in 1 liter of distilled water by dissolving 0.6 grammes of
AgNo3 in distilled water.
o Potassium chromate solution preparation:
Dissolve 1 gram of K2CrO4 in 20 ml distilled water.

x Procedure:
o Titration 1: AgNo3 normal vs. sample. In a sterile conical flask, pipette out 20 mL of sample. As
an indicator, add 1 or 2 drops of K2CrO4 solution. Titrate it against AgNO3 Solution until a
reddish-brown color appears. Check for concordance by repeating the titration.
o Titration 2: standard AgNo3 vs distilled water. Pipette into conical bottle of 20 ml of purified
water. K2CrO4 predictor (one or two drops) AgNo3 solution titrate until reddish brown color
Repeat the titration for concentrated.

Amount of chlorides in mg/lit = (iv)

Chemical Oxygen Demand

The chemical oxygen consumption of a waste is generally more demanded because it can chemically oxidise
more compounds than can be bio-oxidized in certain water types: COD and BOD can be correlated. This is very
valuable since the COD is measured in 3 hours compared to 5 days for the BOD. Upon establishment of the
correlation, COD measurements may be used with benefit for processing, plant management and activity.

The COD test used in agricultural and urban waste to assess organic matter containing substances that are used
for biological purposes.

Three reflux flasks are collected and 3 ml sample, 5 ml sample and 20 ml distilled water are taken in each flask
separately and 17 ml distilled water is inserted respectivamente. 15 ml distilled water. Added solution to each 10 ml
of potassium dichromate.

As the sample contains further chlorides, a further 1/10 of the volume of chloride is added to mercuric sulphate.
Also added as a catalyst was a touch of silver sulphate. Add to each flask 30 mL of sulfuric acid, then reflux and
cool for two hours.

Added 90 ml of distilled water per 150 ml of ferrion indicator to make up the distilled water volume of 150 ml.2-
3 drops. Found volume added too. The material was extensively mixed and titrated in comparison to the sulphate
solution of 0.1n iron ammonium. The bottom point is the transition in colour from greenish to reddish.

The COD s for all samples are calculated using the following formula.
The COD in mg/lit = (v)
= (vi)
A - Amount of FAS consumed by blank
B - Amount of FAS consumed by 3 ml sample
C - Amount of FAS consumed by 5 ml sample

Biological Oxygen Demand

The 5-day BOD is the most commonly used indicator of chemical contamination of both waste water and surface
water. The amount of oxygen required by bacteria is normally specified when aerobically stabilising decomposable
organic matter. The calculation of the microorganisms used for the biochemical degradation of organic material
requires dissolved oxygen. The findings of BOD are still used
x Determination the approximate quantity of oxygen that will be required to biologically stabilise
the organic matter present.
x Determine the size of water treatment facilities.
x Measure the efficiency of some treatment processes

The sample must be suitably diluted with specially formulated dilution water to ensure that enough nutrients and
oxygen are sufficient during the incubation process in order to achieve meaningful results. To 1 litre of dilution
water, 4 ml of each phosphate buffer magnesium sulphate calcium chloride, and ferric chloride solution were added
and thoroughly combined.

Appropriate dilution was made because the sample's dissolved oxygen was likely to be drained. The effluent
sample was diluted 50 percent according to the predicted BOD range. Two sets of BOD bottles were packed with
the filtered samples. The dissolved oxygen content of one package of BOD bottles was determined immediately
after three days of incubation in the BOD incubator at 270 C. After a three-day incubation period.
The BOD s of the effluents were found out using the formula.

BOD in mg / lit = (D0 – D3) X dilution factor (vii)

D0 - initial dissolved oxygen in the sample
D3 - dissolved oxygen after 3 days

Dissolved Oxygen

In ecological, chemical, and sanitary investigations, accurate awareness of the dissolved oxygen content of water
is critical because it is one of the most significant measures of the state of the water system. It is essential for
aerologic microorganisms and other aerobic life forms to breathe. The solubility of the gas, the partial pressure of
the gas in the atmosphere, and the temperature all influence what can be present in solution.

Since the rate of biochemical reactions that use oxygen increases as the temperature rises, dissolved oxygen
levels become more important during the summer. The pressure of dissolved oxygen in waste water is desirable
because it prevents the formation of noxious odours.
x Burette with stand, pipette, conical flask, and measuring jar are the required equipments
x Chemicals Required:
Sodium hydroxide, manganese sulphate, potassium iodide, sodium thiosulphate, H2 SO4, starch.

Permissible Value from Bureau of Indian Standards IS 2296 Surface Water Quality Standards

TABLE 1. Permissible Value for Industrial Effluent

Parameter Permissible Value

pH 5.5-9.0
Turbidity (NTU) 50
TSS (mg/l) 100
Sulphates (mg/l) 1000
DO 4(minimum)
TDS 2100
Chloride (mg/l) 600
BOD (mg/l) 30
COD (mg/l) 250


Based on the procedure for various parameters such as pH, total solids, COD, BOD, turbidity, DO, chlorides,
sulphates. If Collect the samples available from various dyeing industries able to do the testing and the results of the
analysis were compared with the permissible value for the industrial effluent discharge into surface water body. The
appropriate treatment plant consisting of bar screen, collection cum sedimentation tank, aeration tank and reverse

osmosis can be designed. If the value are above the permissible value, hence the aquatic life such as underwater
plants and fisheries are much affected and can lead to extinct of life in the water body where the effluent is
discharged without treatment.

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