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Artificial Intelligence and It’s Learning Methods Dream x Team Origins Students: a Univ. Bocangel La Torre, aac ao cee Univ. Calderon Molina, Rotherick Fernando Univ. Quisbert Mamani, Jhosep Sharum we Contents. (INTRODUCTION 2.1 What Is Artificial intelligence 22 Risks and benefits of Al 2.3 Solving Problems by Searching 2.4 Machine Learning 25 Deep Learning go, 25 Artificial intelligence Today 4 A. 2.6.1 Alignment of the attitude of teleoperators with that of a semi-autonomous android 2.62 Learning Plastic matching of robot dynamics in closed-loop central pattern generators 2.63 Althat can learn the patterns of human language on 2.6.4 A neural network learns when it should not be trusted og cig 2.5.5 The road to future Allis paved with trust > i 3 CONCLUSIONS Introduction. What's Al? It is a computer science concept that tries to give a machine the human intelligence capacity to solve problems by orang From mistakes. The artificial intelligence is the development of technology that can interconnect devices in a huge scale and make them to think by - themselves. @ (Ve) \ Introduction. Itis a great fact that artificial intelligence is seen in the Future as the best invention of humanity because it promises better education, improve efficiency in terms of basic work, improve the quality of life of a person in terms of health, In recent years, a large part of humanity has begun to think that artificial intelligence will replace human workers, which may be true, but seeing it from another point of view, this improvement can make humanity focus more on improving professionally and not settling with the minimum which Is a great cause that the country did not progress. (2/2) \ What is Artificial Intelligence The artificial intelligence concerns to preform like human intelligence. This topic is related with rationality and behavior. Also, this issue relates humanity vs. rationality and thoughts vs. behavior into Four possibilities: acting humanly, thinking humanly, thinking rationally and acting rationall © i (| (Ve) What is Artificial Intelligence Computer agents are expected to do something but also act autonomously, it also has to perceive its environment, it has to persist prolonged time period, also adapt to change and eruse jacals: Making it a rational agent that acts to achieve the best outcome. Being rational means making the correct inference. It is more amenable to science development this means that this is mathematically well defined. All this these things let us to imitate human behavior. The probability and machine learning let us to s crate rational eqante) This paradigm is what we e@ j call the standard model ry (2/2) L Risks and benefits of Al The artificial intelligence is of ambiquous use and it can be used for good and evil in every espact of society. The benefits of this technology are that it frees us from repetitive work. Besides it increases the production of goods and | services. Also, it accelerates the e@) scientific research (Russell, 2021. we) i) Risks and benefits of Al The risk of this technology is that someone can create lethal autonomous weapons. Other risk is that the surveillance eliminates privacy. Also, we can talk about the impact in the employment because it will eliminate the repetitive employments. Finally, there are a lot of implications in cybersecurity because hacker can create _ Al to hack accounts and other security @ ) stuff (we) (2/2) - Solving Problems by Searching An agent to solve a not obvious Problem it needs to plan the sequence of actions that achieve the goal. We call to these agents problem-solving agent that search a solution to the problem. Those agents that use a structured representation of states are known as planning agents (Russell, 2021). (V2) ® [7 Solving Problems by Searching Between the algorithms that are used are the informed algorithms where the agent know how far it is from the goal, uninformed algorithms where no such estimate is available. When the agent has no information abouts its environment it just executes one action at random so the agent has to have information about the world.So, — the agent can follow four problem-solving e@ ) processes (Ty (2/2) L Machine Learning An agent is learning if it improves its performance after making an observation about the world. If the agent is a computer, it’s called machine learning where it observes the data and builds a model and generate hypothesis. These models can be classes-decision trees, linear models, nonparametric models, ensemble models _ (Russell, 2021). e@) (ie (v3) = Machine Learning An agent can be improved with machine learning but this depends on which component is to be improved, the prior knowledge, the data and the Feedback in every component can be learned. This technology is a standard for software engineering because it can improve any software. Problem where the input is a factored representation it means that this is a vector of attribute values and when it is one of a Finite set of values the learning problem is called classification and when it’s a number the learning problem is a regression. The input has three type of feedback that determine the three types of learning. The first one is supervised learning where input-output ®& ("3 (2/3) 2 Machine Learning pairs are mapped to learn a Function Evan on the feedback. The second one is the unsupervised learning where the agent learns patterns without FeedBack. The third is reinforcement Peering where rewards are used to stimulate the learning. For all the learning types is required decisions trees to search the best path to get the solution by taking care of the entropy ©) 2 (3/73) ) Deep Learning Deep learning is a broad Family of techniques for machine learning in which hypothesis take the form of complex pigeon circuits with tunable connection strengths. It uses ‘ayers that are the paths from the input to the output in many steps. It is based on neural networks. These networks can be very complex so we use a linear and Logistic regression. Where the decision trees have long computation paths. Besides feedforward networks has connections in one direction and the information flows from input nodes to output nodes. A recurrent network feeds its intermediate or final outputs back into its own inputs. It means that it has a kind of memory © ; ("| (VW) 1 Artificial Intelligence Today @ ") Alignment of the attitude of teleoperators with that of a semi-autonomous android Increased labor productivity when operating the android. Enhance the cognitive part of the robot Humans are an essential part of Al learning, since we implement a programming through which the robot learns and saves its information; the programmer is the fundamental part of the robot, since it designs its learning program (Tomonori, 2022). A free interaction between human and robot is expected, that they are capable of pessonlal by themselves without the need to be managed by other humans (Tomonori, 2022). The autonomous function of the robot should be improved without being operated in terms of its verbal algorithm The robot learns as the operator controls it 1 (Tomonori, 2822). \ Learning Plastic matching of robot dynamics in closed-loop central pattern generators An electromechanical system was designed which allows the robot to “learn” From its displacement curves in order to walk autonomously. Emphasis is made on how to use passive elements to generate movement in the robot's joints, dynamics that cannot be used in servomotors. Use of CPG (central pattern generator) to manage movement e } control (Ruppert, 2022). 7 (Y/1) 1) Al that can learn the patterns of human language This model allows you to establish linguistic rules within your programming It allows discovering linguistic, phonetic, grammatical rules, and solving word conversion problems From one language to another (Zewe, 2222). Use of the Bayesian method to find algorithms that solve linguistic problems The Alis able to recognize response patrons between correct grammar problems and 4 grammatical errors (Zewe, 2022). e) (V1) ") A neural network learns when it should not be trusted Al based on a feedback learning system that is capable of evaluating its actions and determining when it can be trusted. Arguing, there is no stable network connection that allows Faster online interactions, including recnoloaical limitations (Technology, 2029). Based on laboratory tests, this Alis capable of detecting changes in the environment; In addition, it is constantly evolving to be able to analyze variables in health states or changesin _ the environment that surrounds it (Technology, © 2020). 7 (v/W1) M9 The road to Future Alis paved with trust Alis constantly evolving thanks to new projects based on the trust placed in them; mainly using the TAILOR program, which focuses on investigating decision-making that must assimilate — @ (") (1/1) Al Texemes % (videogames) (Cyber Security) technological information proposal We propose the creation of a robot which has the main eq. characteristic of the prowiecge of a doctor but it j my is portable, perhaps it will be — development and good programming, to propose this idea we are based on the movie “Great Heroes” more efficient wit good e THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION! a

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