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ation 1
Students: Bocangel La Torre Ignacio
Calderon Molina, Rotherick Fernando
Quisbert Mamani, Jhosep Sharum
Trujillo Mercado Jhaquelin
Ferrari Urquidi José Hernan
Herrera Hinojosa Abril Fernanda
Professor: Salas Rocha Rudy.

06 de october 2022

SHARUM: Good morning, guys. How are you?
ROTHERICK: Good morning. I’m sleepy as always.
INGNACIO: Hi guys I’m fine. What about you?
ABRIL: Hello guys. Good morning
ABRIL: I’m hungry because I didn’t break fast
JHAQUELIN: Good morning I’m fine
JOSE: Good morning I’m so hungry
INGNACIO: Why don’t you eat breakfast in the morning?
JOSE: Because I’m too lazy to wake up early in the morning and breakfast
INGNACIO: So, I was thinking what are your hobbies
JHAQUELIN: Why do you ask?
JOSE: I think Ignacio wants to know us a little better.
ABRIL: I think it is a good topic to know each other.
JOSE: I think it’s a good topic to know each other and to be better friends
ABRIL: Ok who starts?
ROTHERICK: I like to play videogames what about you?
SHARUM: So, do I like to play video games
INGNACIO: What a coincidence so do I.
SHARUM: So, girls do you like to play video games?
JHAQUELIN: I like to play left for dead.
ROTHERICK: I like to play Star Wars the Old Republic
INGNACIO: What about you Sharum?

SHARUM: I like a lot of games

JHAQUELIN: Any specific?
SHARUM: I like open world games also survival and horror
INGNACIO: By myself I like the RPG and action games
ROTHERICK: What catches your attention about your favorite video games?
ABRIL: The violence
JHAQUELIN: So, do I, I like the violence
ABRIL: Also, I like 3D graphics.
INGNACIO: What catches my attention are the stories
SHARUM: I like not having limits in the game
ROTHERICK: I like that It has a good historic context also a good philosophy and that It
evolves with the time.
JOSE: I like that the games offer novelties?
SHARUM: Apart from the video games. What else do you like?
JHAQUELIN: I used to sing when I was a child. I would like to do It again.
SHARUM: I like to sing since I was a child
INGNACIO: I used to sing when I was a child and I keep singing now
JOSE: I like to listen to sing the people
SHARUM: As a critic way?
JOSE: Just if you question me.
ROTHERICK: I like to sing and listen to country music but I don’t sing well and I sound like
someone who is killing a dog
SHARUM: We have to discover that?
JOSE: What is country music?
ROTHERICK: It is a gender that comes from United States small towns and farms and It has a
nice rhythm
JOSE: How did you know that gender?
ROTHERICK: I discovered it watching movies and tv series related with cowboys when I was a
JOSE: Interesting…..

ROTHERICK: But what about you Jose what kind of music do you like?
JOSE: I like the music that is around me
ROTHERICK: What do you mean
JOSE: Basically, all kind of music.
ABRIL: I like electronic music and I used to go to dance before to go to the university.
INGNACIO: I am not good dancing but my favorite music gender is the rock
SHARUM: Well, it isn’t a gender that you dance a lot
INGNACIO: You are right. I don’t like to dance but what calls my attention is the instrumental
JHAQUELIN: I don’t know to much about dancing but I know something about salsa, break
dance and electronic pop.
JOSE: If you start talking about salsa, I will get hungry
JOSE: Ok I will go to get something to eat see you later bye.
INGNACIO: I think Jose forgot that we get class soon.
JHAQUELIN: If he arrives late, I want to see how he is off the class
ABRIL: That is cruel but funny
ROTHERICK: So, Do you like any kind of sports?
JHAQUELIN: I used to be sprinter and volleyball player
SHARUM: I also like to play volleyball
ABRIL: I am acrobat
INGNACIO: I like to play basketball
JHAQUELIN: Abril what do you mean acrobat?
ABRIL: I practice pole dance
ROTHERICK: What’s that dance about?
ABRIL: It is about making acrobatics with a metal tube fixed on the floor and roof
SHARUM: How often do you practice?
ABRIL: I practice two or three times per week
ABRIL: I also like to pint because I express my feelings and I like.
SHARUM: How interesting I also like to draw

INGNACIO: I also like to draw.

ROTHERICK: Do you have anything else to tell us about your hobbies?
JHAQUELIN: I was so bored in the pandemic that I read eight books
ROTHERICK: Do you like to read.
JHAQUELIN: Yes, I like to read when I have time.
INGNACIO: Which one is your favorite?
JHAQUELIN: My favorite books are “El retrato de Dorian Gray”, “La Mecanica del Corazon”
and “Nuestra Señora de Paris”.
ABRIL: Look at what time is it. Lets go to class or we will be late.
SHARUM: Ok, lets talk later, bye

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