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[|stats Sesuriy Tanng Programe | ‘Appendix 11: MODULE 11 Training Format = Clas room training (Awareness) cau = Group G Description irport Directors and Managers, Airline Senior Executives, Line Managers and Station Managers, Airport and Airline Supervisors, Passenger Terminal, passenger services and cargo managers, Handling, ‘agents management and duty officers of aviation related companies, Key concessionaires and tenants’ management Duration = 10 hours (Including Module 2) = 3 hours (Annually), Should consist of atleast three hours of classroom ests and tps, ne hour of Fld instruction Gompe 3) Roles and esponsbies iy Toms of AVSEC a relevant functions _ b) Acces Cont System for Persond/Vehicles 05 hours 3) Recopition of explosives, endaries and ae weapons €) New terorist profile 1.5 hous Seer and con] of acess o ressted trial reas, installations and. the. landid! tise OShous boundaries 1) Security Equipment use at Aiport O5hours @ Need of Searching of People, Baggage, Vhices, Aircraft and Buildings Thour TD Security of Cargo, Airrafs, Mall and! Cou aes 1 hour ) Contingency Planning and the Management of Incidents hour (Ceo [i van Aug of Lanka [oe ORT La) ‘atonal Civil Aviation Security Training Programme Page :34 \ Appendix 12: MODULE 12 ‘Training Format = Class room training (Awareness) ‘Target Group H Description + Airlie Check-in, Boarding and Dispatch Staff Duration ~ \2hours (Including Module 2) Recurrent Training -2 hours (Annually) a) Threats to Civil Aviation ¥) Cheeicin security procedures and control of ‘boarding documentation ©) Screening and questioning of passengers 4) Seourity procedures when boarding othe areraft ©) Baggage handling security procedures 1 hour ) Passengerbaggage reconciliation and interline ‘bageawe 8) Control access to sirerat 1h) Control of eargo and catering on board |) Security surveillance 1 hour ¥ ‘ivan Ra aS Tawa [Dao HT] © (A ase z | Appendix 13: MODULE 13 Training Format Classroom training (Awareness) j Target = Group | i sien Description _"preraft leaning, loading and handling taf, Airport maintenance and cleaning personne! with acess o restricted areas, Aireraft mainten personne! and tenants working in restricted areas Duration 4 hours (Including Module 2) Recurrent Training —=2 hours (Annually) jc ale a ‘Components Minimum duration 8) The need for aviation security 30 minutes ') The importance of identity cards and acess contol 15 minutes ©) The care and use of identtylaccess passes 15 minutes @) Security briefing for persons permitted G ‘unaccompanied access to restricted areas umes ©) Protection of screened hold baggage from a ‘unauthorized interference 30 minutes 1) How individual stafT can contribute to aviation sete 15 minutes 8) The need for vigilance in respect of suspicious behavior, baggage, vehicles and unusual ear 30 minutes 1), How torpor incidents prompt and to whom See ’) Action tobe taken during pon emergencies/contingencies des 30 minutes ce=—e—~v<@—sS ST [ye verseea nae a LAO SOLO ‘Training Format Target Appendix 14: MODULE 14 ~ Class room training (Awareness) i Group J Description -Aireraft Catering Staff including aireraft catering personnel employed ‘ ‘on contract basis, (extemal agencies) where applicable Duration + 12 hours (Ineluding Module 2) Recurrent training -$ hours (Annually) Components Minimum Duration 8) Overall objective of security measures related to in aarti flight supplies ') In-flight supplies providers’ responsibilities and Rata obligations related to security ©) Why civil aviation and in-flight supplies activities eae are vulnerable to attack papa 9) Types of individual that nay pose a eat oi satan ©) Catering Aviation Security Procedures 1 hours 1) Security of Catering premises, Buildings, Access peas Control, ID Cards £2) Suspicious items and restricted articles 30 minutes 1) ‘Security of SRAs at catering facility (Loading bay, aes ight kitchen, bonded warehouse, ete) 1) Supply chin socurity — Registered suppliers, Secure lay transportation, CSD 5) Catering Trolley Security 30 minutes 1) In-Flight Sales Trolley Security 30 minutes | gio es ai Selena ear a 1). Security seals/tickers control & management 30 minutes ee eae and VaR — 1) Tnsoraion of Tih saplin and bie Sees security ay Patrolling controlled areas(purpose, how to do an effective patrolling and situations that warrant 30 minutes further actions) : a ‘Actions to be Taken in case of suspicious activity eee » (How to report whom to report, wha to report) sai ) Handling bomb threats received by telephone 30 minutes {@ Management and supervisory duties 30 minutes (CRexoi__—[ Gini Aviation Authority of Sri Lanka [Date 07.10.2021 ©

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