The Punjab Animals Slaughter Control Act

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An Act to prohibit the slaughter of useful animals and to regulate the slaughter of other animals in
Preamble: WHEREAS it is expedient to prohibit the slaughter of useful Animals and to regulate the
slaughter of other animals in the province of the Punjab;
It is hereby enacted as follows:-
1. Short title, extent and commencement. — (1) This Act may be called the Punjab Animals
Slaughter Control Act. (2) It extends to the whole of the province of the Punjab, except the Tribal
Areas.(3) This section shall come into force at once and the remaining provisions of the Act or any of
them shall come into force in such area and on such date as Government may, by notification in the
official Gazette, specify in this behalf.
2. Definitions.—In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions shall
have the meanings hereby respectively assigned to them, that is to say:-
(a) “Animal” means a bullock, bull, cow, buffalo, buffalo-bull, goat and sheep of any age;
(b) “Carcass” means the dead body of an animal 10[and includes a part thereof];
(c) “Cull” means to pick an animal which is suitable neither for breeding purposes nor for draught
(d) “Government” means the Provincial Government of the Punjab;
(e) “Local Authority” means an urban local council constituted under the Punjab Local Government
Ordinance, 1979 (VI of 1979) or a Cantonment Board established under the Cantonments Act, 1924
ee) “meat” means the meat of an animal.
(f) “Prescribed” means prescribed by rules made under this Act;
(g) “Slaughter” means to kill animals by any means;
(h) “slaughter-house” means any building or premises used for slaughtering animals and approved
by the local authority concerned;
(i) “stock yard” means any enclosure, approved by a local authority where animals are assembled
for examination by the Veterinary Officer to determine whether they are suitable for slaughter or not,
or where animals approved for slaughtering are housed until they are removed to the slaughter-
(j) “Area” means an area which the Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, declare
to be an area for the purposes of this Act;
(k) “Useful animal” means— (i) a female sheep or goat below the age of one year and six months;
(ii) a female sheep or goat of the age exceeding one year and six months but not exceeding four
years, which is pregnant or fit for breeding purposes;
(iii) Any female animal, other than sheep, or goat below three years of age;
(iv) Any female animal, other than sheep, or goat which is pregnant or in milk or fit for breeding
v) any female animal, other than sheep or goat between three to ten years of age, which is fit for
draught purposes; but does not include any such animal which on account of culling, injury, illness
or other cause, is certified in writing by a Veterinary Officer or any gazetted officer of the Livestock
and Dairy Development Department as not likely to live or as no longer a useful animal for the
purposes of this Act;
(vi) any male sheep or goat below the age of two months;
(l) “Veterinary Officer” means an officer of the Livestock and Dairy Development Department, not
below the rank of a Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, and includes an Officer-in-charge of a slaughter-
house, provided that such officer-in-charge possesses a degree or diploma from a recognized
Veterinary or Animal Husbandry College.
3. Restriction on slaughter of animals.—
(1) No person shall slaughter a useful animal.
(2) No person shall slaughter an animal—
(a) Unless such animal has been approved as hereinafter provided, for slaughter;
(b) Except in a slaughter-house and during the hours prescribed.
(c) On Tuesday and Wednesday or on such other day or days as Government may by notification in
the official Gazette, specify in this behalf.
Provided that nothing contained in this section shall apply to the slaughter of any animal—
(i) by a Muslim on the day of Eid-ul-Azha and the two succeeding days; or
(ii) Which on account of illness, injury or other cause is likely to die before it can be presented
to the officer-in-charge of slaughter house.
3) No person shall, directly or indirectly,— (a) sell, keep, store, transport, offer or expose for sale,
or hawk any meat or carcass of any animal which has not been slaughtered in a slaughter-house and
does not bear the stamp or mark of the slaughter-house prescribed by the local authority in this
(b) Sell or cause to be sold any meat at a place other than that set apart or approved for this purpose
by the local authority.
3-A Presumptions.—IN every prosecution under this Act, the court shall presume—
(a) that any meat or carcass found in possession of any person who is, or has been, habitually
selling, keeping, storing, transporting, offering or exposing for sale, or hawking the meat or carcass,
was being sold, kept, stored, transported, offered or exposed for sale, or hawked, as the case may be,
by such person;
(b) That any meat or carcass which does not bear the stamp or mark of a slaughter-house has not
been slaughtered in a slaughter-house or during the hours prescribed therefor; and
(c) That any person who is in possession of the premises where an offence under this Act has been or
is being committed by another person has abetted that offence.
4. Examination in stock-yard.—
(1) Any person intending to slaughter an animal in slaughter-house shall produce the animal in the
stock yard for examination at any time during the hours fixed by the local authority concerned for
inspection. (2) After examination of any such animal, the Veterinary Officer may approve it for
slaughter: Provided that no useful animal shall be so approved.
(3) Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Veterinary Officer may, within twenty-four hours of
such decision, prefer an appeal from such decision, to such authority as may be prescribed.
(4) Subject to the decision of the appellate authority the decision of the Veterinary Officer shall be
5. Prohibition to cause abortion.—No person shall voluntarily cause a pregnant sheep mis-carry or
induce premature birth of its young.
6. Power to exempt.—Government may, under special circumstances subject to such conditions as it
may deem fit to impose, exempt any person or class of persons from all or any provisions of this Act.
7. Power of entry, search and seizure.—(1) A Veterinary Officer or any gazetted officer may—
(a) enter and search a slaughter-house or any other premises where he has reason to believe that an
offence under this Act or rules has been, is being or is about to be committed, and may seize any
animal, carcass or meat, in respect of which such offence has been, is being or is about to be
committed, as the case may be; and
(b) Arrest or cause to be arrested any person who, in his view, commits any offence under the
provisions of this Act or the rules.
(2) A Veterinary Officer or a gazetted officer arresting or causing the arrest of any person, or
seizing or causing the seizure of any animal, carcass or meat shall—
(a) without unnecessary delay, and subject to the provisions of clause (b) and clause (c) as to release
on bond, take or send the person arrested or the animal carcass or meat seized to the police-officer
along with a report, in writing, stating facts constituting the offence for which such person has been
arrested or such animal, carcass or meat has been seized;
(b) Release such person on his executing a bond to appear, when so required, before the police-
officer; and
(c) Release such animal to the person from whose possession it has been seized or to the owner
thereof on his executing a bond to produce it, when so required, before the police-officer.
Explanation— IN sub-section (2) “police-officer” means the officer-in charge of the nearest police-
8. Penalty.— (1) Whoever contravenes any provision of this Act (other than the provisions of clause
(c) of sub-section (2) of section 3 or the rules shall, on first conviction, be punished with
imprisonment for a term which may extend to one month, or with fine which shall not be less than
one hundred rupees or with both and, on second or subsequent conviction, with imprisonment which
may extend to six months, or with fine which shall not be less than two hundred rupees or with both.
(2) Whoever contravenes the provisions of clause (c) of sub-section (2) of section 3 shall be
punished with imprisonment which may extend to three years, or with fine which shall not be less
than three hundred rupees, or with both, and the court trying the case relating to such contravention
shall direct that any animal slaughtered in contravention of the provisions of that clause shall be
forfeited to the Government.
(3) An attempt to contravene any provision of this Act or the rules and an abetment of such
contravention shall be punished as an offence under this Act.
8-A. Offences to be cognizable and bailable.—notwithstanding anything contained in the Code of
Criminal Procedure, 1898, an offence punishable under this Act or the rules shall be cognizable and
bailable within the meaning of the said Code.
8-B. Cognizance of offences.—No court shall take cognizance of any offence punishable under this
Act or the rules except on a report, in writing, of the facts constituting such offence made by a
Veterinary Officer or a gazetted officer.
8-C. Offences to be tried by whom. No court inferior to that of a magistrate of the first class shall try
any offence punishable under this Act or the rules.
9. Forfeiture: The court trying an offence under this Act may direct that any animal, carcass or meat
in respect of which the court is satisfied that an offence under this Act has been committed, be
forfeited to Government.
10. Reward to informers. The court trying an offence under this Act may direct that an amount not
exceeding twenty per cent of such sum as may be realized by way of fine or under section 517 of the
Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898, (V of 1898), on account of the sale or disposal otherwise of the
animal, carcass or meat in respect of which an offence under this Act has been committed, be
awarded to the person or persons supplying information relating to the commission of the offence.
11. Rules.— Government may frame rules— (i) to regulate the procedure for the disposal of
animals, carcass or meat seized under this Act; and (ii) generally to give effect to the provisions of
this Act.
12. Repeal. Section 43 of the Punjab Laws Act, 1872 is hereby Repealed.

1. Short title, extent and commencement.
2. Definitions.
3. Power to regulate and prohibit import and export of animals and animal products
4. Operation of notification under section 3
5. Control of animals and animal products in quarantine.
6. Powers, duties and functions of Quarantine Officer.
7. Cognizance of offence.
8. Penalties.
9. Appointment of officers and members of staff.
10. Revision.
11. Indemnity.
12. Exemption.
13. Delegation of powers.
14. Power to make rules.
15. Repeal.
An Ordinance to regulate the import, export and quarantine of animals and animal products.
WHEREAS it is expedient to regulate the import, export and quarantine of animals and animal
products in order to prevent the introduction or spread of diseases and to provide for matters
connected there with or incidental there to;
1. Short title, extent and commencement. __
(1) This Ordinance may be called the Pakistan Animal Quarantine (Import and Export of Animals
and Animal Products) Ordinance, 1979.
(2) It extends to the whole of Pakistan. (3) It shall come into force at once
2. Definitions. In this Ordinance, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,__ (a)
“animal” includes all kinds of__ (i) birds; (ii) cold-blooded creatures; (iii) creatures by means of
which any disease may be carried or transmitted; (iv) crustacean ; (v) fish; (vi) four-footed beats
which are not mammals ; (vii) mammals, except man; and (viii) reptiles;
(b) “animal product” means anything originating or made, whether in whole or in part, from an
animal or from a carcass and includes blood, bones, casings, dairy products, eggs, fat, feedstuffs of
animal origin, fish products, hair, hides, horns, hooves, hormones and their biological preparations,
offals, seed materials for research purposes, semen, skins, tendons, viscera, wool and any other
substance of animal origin which may be specified by the Federal Government by notification in the
official Gazette;
(c) “carcase” means the carcase of an animal and includes any part or portion thereof;
(d) “diseased” means suffering from or carrying any infectious or contagious disease or such
disease as may be declared by the Federal Government from time to time by notification in the
official Gazette;
(e) “fodder” means hay, roughage, concentrate or any other substance used for feeding animals;
(f) “health certificate” means a certificate issued by a Quarantine Officer in respect of the health
status of animals and animal products;
(g) “import” and “export” respectively means bringing into or taking out of Pakistan by sea, land or
air; (h) “litter” means any substance used as bedding for animals or for holding or containing
animals in the process of transportation;
(i) “prescribed” means prescribed by rules;
(j) “points of entry” and “points of exit” mean the Islamabad Airport, Karachi Airport, Karachi
Harbour, Lahore Airport, Peshawar Airport, Quetta Airport, the Chaman, Kuh-i-tuftan, Turkham,
Khokhrapar and Lahore land routes and include any other authorised land, sea or air route declared
by the Federal Government from time to time by notification in the official Gazette;
(k) “quarantine” means a site or premises provided or approved by the Federal Government for the
isolation and examination of animals and animal products intended for import or export;
(l) “Quarantine Officer” means any veterinarian duly authorised by the Federal Government to
exercise and perform the powers and functions of Quarantine Officer under this Ordinance; and (m)
“rules” means rules made under this Ordinance.
3. Power to regulate and prohibit import and export of animals and animal products.__ (1) The
Federal Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, prohibit, restrict or otherwise
regulate, subject to such conditions as it may think fit to impose, the import or export of any animal
or class of animals or animal products likely to introduce diseases to any other animal, animal
product or man.
(2) A notification under this section may specify and animal or class of animals or animal products
either generally or in any particular manner, whether with reference to the country of origin, or the
route by which imported or otherwise.
(3) Any condition imposed under this section may require __ (a) the examination, inspection and
detention in quarantine by the Quarantine Officer of the animals or animal products brought in or to
be taken out ; (b) the obtaining of health certificate ; (c) the treatment or detention, confiscation and
destruction of diseased animals or animal products ; and (d) that any animal or class of animals or
animal products shall not be imported or exported except by a specified agency of the Federal
4. Operation of notification under section 3. A notification under section 3 shall operate as if it had
been issued under section 16 of the Customs Act, 1969 (IV of 1969), and the officers of customs shall
have the same powers in respect of any animal or animal product in respect of which such a
notification has been issued as they have for the time being in respect of any article the importation
or exportation of which is prohibited or restricted under the said Act, and all the provisions of that
Act shall have effect accordingly.
5. Control of animals and animal products in quarantine. All animals and animal products detained
in quarantine shall be under the control of the Quarantine Officer and shall be dealt within the
prescribed manner.
6. Powers, duties and functions of Quarantine Officer. Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance,
the Quarantine Officer shall have the power to __ (a) inspect animals and animal products ;
(b) detain in and release from quarantine and determine the length of the quarantine period ;
(c) order the carrying out of the prescribed tests ;
(d) issue health certificate ;
(e) order destruction of such animals or animal products as may, after such examination and tests as
may be prescribed, be found to be diseased ;
(f) order disposal of clothing, dung, fittings, fodder, harness or litter that may have been in contact
with, or pertaining to, diseased animals and animal products ;
(g) require proper disinfection of any premises or aircraft or railway wagon or carriage or vessel or
vehicle of any description used for carrying animals and animal products ;
(h) approve conditions to be observed in export quarantine ;
(i) prohibit export of animals considered unfit to travel ;
(j) prohibit voyages of vessels carrying animals during adverse weather;
(k) inspect and issue certificates in respect of animals and animal products in transit ;
(l) deport any animal or animal product, at the expenses of the person importing such animal or
animal product, the import of which is prohibited by the Federal Government ; and
(m) carry out such functions as are necessary for the successful operation and management of
quarantine stations.
7. Cognizance of offence. No Court shall take cognizance of any offence under this Ordinance,
except upon complaint in writing made by an officer authorized by the Federal Government in this
8. Penalties.__ (1) Whoever contravenes or attempts to contravene any of the provision of this
Ordinance or the rules or any notification issued thereunder, shall, without prejudice to any penalty
to which he may be liable under the provisions of the Customs Act, 1969 (IV of 1969), as applied by
section 4, be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years, or with fine
which may extend to five thousand rupees, or with both. (2) Any import of animals or animal products
not accompanied by a valid import licence and the prescribed health certificate shall, if found free
from infectious or contagious disease, be disposed of by the Federal Government in such manner as
may be prescribed.
9. Appointment of officers and members of staff. The Federal Government may appoint such
number of officers and members of staff as it may deem fit for carrying out the purposes of this
10. Revision.__
(1) Any person aggrieved by an order passed by the Quarantine Officer under this Ordinance may
apply for revision to the Federal Government within thirty days from the date of issue of such order,
and the decision of the Federal Government shall be final [:]1 1 [Provided that no order on such
revision shall be passed unless the applicant has been given an opportunity of being heard].
(2) The Federal Government may, on the receipt of an application under subsection (1), stay the
operation of the order of the Quarantine Officer till the disposal of the application.
11. Indemnity. No suit, prosecution or other legal proceedings shall lie against the Federal
Government or the Quarantine Officer or any other person for anything in good faith done or
intended to be done under this Ordinance, or the rules.
12. Exemption. The Federal Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, exempt any
animal or animal product from the operation of all or any of the provisions of this Ordinance, subject
to such conditions, if any, as may be specified in the notification.
13. Delegation of powers. The Federal Government may, by notification in the official Gazette,
delegate to a Provincial Government, or to any officer or authority of such Government, any of its
powers under this Ordinance
14. Power to make rules.__ (1) The Federal Government may, by notification in the official Gazette,
make rules 2 for carrying out the purposes of the Ordinance. (2) In particular and without prejudice
to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may provide for all or any of the following
matters, namely:__ (a) the conditions to be observed before, during and after importation of animals
or animal products ;
(b) the procedure for the landing, inspection, quarantine, seizure, detention and treatment of animals
and animal products ;
(c) methods of testing for identification of diseases ;
(d) the forms and fee for licenses to import or export animals or animal products, health certificates,
certificates of freedom from disease and certificates of vaccination, destruction, disinfection, onward
movement and approval of export quarantine
(e) the limits of the points of entry and points of exit ;
(f) the quarantine charges and the recovery of costs of keeping animals and animals products therein
; (g) the method of cleaning and disinfection ;
(h) the ma nner of identification of imported animals ; and
(i) any other matter which is to be or may be prescribed.
15. [Repeal.] Omitted by the Federal Laws (Revision and Declaration) Ordinance, 1981.
An act for the prevention of cruelty to animals.
WHEREAS it is expedient to make further provision for the prevention of cruelty to animals: It is
hereby enacted as follows:-
1. Title extent and commencement, and supersession of other enactments.—
(1) This Act may be called the Prevention Cruelty to Animals, Act, 1890.
(2) This section extends to [the whole of Pakistan and Provincial Government may, by notification in
the Official Gazette, extend, on and from a date to be specified in the notification the whole or any
part of the rest of this Act, to any such local area as it thinks fit.
(3) When any part of this Act has been extended under subsection (2) to a local area, the Provincial
Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, direct that the whole or any part of any other
enactment in force in the local area for the prevention of cruelty to animals shall, except as regards
anything done or any offence committed or any fine or penalty incurred or any proceedings
commenced, cease to have effect in the local area, and such whole or part shall cease to have effect
accordingly until the Provincial Government, by a like notification, otherwise directs.
(4) The Provincial Government may cancel or vary a notification under sub-section (2) or subsection
(3). 2. Definitions.— In this Act, unless there is something repugnant in the subject or contest:-
(1) “animal” means any domestic or captured animal
(2) “Street” includes any way, road, lane, square, court, alley, passage or open space, whether a
thoroughfare or not, to which the public have access.
(3) “Phooka or doom day” includes any process of introducing air or any substance into the female
organ of a milch animal with the object or drawing off from the animal any secretion of milk.
3. Penalty for cruelty to animals and for sale of animals killed with unnecessary cruelty.— If any
(a) Overdrives, beats, or otherwise treats any animal so as to subject it to unnecessary pain or
suffering, or
(b) Binds, keeps, carries or consigns for carriage any animal is such manner or position as to subject
it to unnecessary pain or suffering or
(c) Offers for sale or without reasonable cause has in his possession any live animal which is
suffering paid by reason of mutilation, starvation, thirst, over-crowding or other ill treatment, or
(d) Offers for sale any dead animal or part of a dead animal which he has reason to believe has been
killed in an unnecessarily cruel manner, or
(e) Without reasonable cause abandons any animal in circumstances which render it likely that it
will suffer pain by reason of starvation or thirst. He shall be punished, in the case of a first offence,
with fine which may extend to fifty rupees, or with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one
month and, in the case of a second or subsequent offence committed within three years of the previous
offence, with finewhich may extend to one hundred rupees, or with imprisonment for a term which
may extend to three months, or with both.
A. Penalty for overloading animals.— (1) If any person overloads any animal, he shall be punished
with fine which may extend to fifty rupees, or with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one
month. (2) If the owner of any animal, or any person who, either as a trader, carrier or contractor or
by virtue of his employment by a trader, carrier or contractor, is in possession of, or in control of the
loading of any animal, permits the overloading of such animal he shall be punished with fine which
may extend to one hundred rupees.
Penalty for practicing phooka.— (1) If any person performs upon any cow or other milch animal the
operation called phooka or doom dev, or permits such operation to be performed upon any such
animal in his possession or under his control. He shall be punished with fine which may extend to five
hundred rupees, or with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years, or with both, and
the animal on which the operation was performed shall be forfeited to Government: Provided that in
the case of a second or subsequent conviction of a person under this section he shall be punished with
fine which may extend to five hundred rupees and with imprisonment for a term which may extend to
two years. (2) A. Court may order payment out of any fine imposed under this section of an amount
not exceeding onetenth of the fine to any person other than a police officer or officer of a society or
institution concerned with the prevention of cruelty to animals who has given information leading to
the conviction.
5. Penalty for killing animals with unnecessary cruelty anywhere.— If any person kills any animal
in an unnecessarily cruel manner, he shall be punished with fine which may extend to two hundred
rupees, or with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months, or with both.
5A. Penalty for being in possession of the skin of a goat killed with un-necessary cruelty.— If any
person has in his possession the skin of a goat, and has reason to believe that the goat has been killed
in an unnecessarily cruel manner, he shall be punished with fine which may extend to one hundred
rupees, or with imprisonment which may extend to three months, or with both, and the skin shall be
5B. Presumptions as to possession of the skin of a goat.— If any person is charged with the offence
of killing a goat contrary to the provisions of section 5, or with an offence punishable under section
5A, and it is proved that such person had in his possession, at the time the offence was alleged to
have been committed, the skin of a goat with any part of the skin of the head attached thereto, it shall
be presumed, until the contrary be proved, that such goat was killed in an unnecessarily cruel
manner, and that the person in possession of such skin had reason so to believe.
6. Penalty of employing anywhere animals unfit for labour: — If any person employs in any work
or labour any animal which by reason of any disease, infirmity, wound, sore or other cause is unfit to
be so employed or permits any such any unfit animal in his possession or under his control to be so
employed, he shall be punished with fine which may extent to one hundred rupees.
6A. Interpretation.— For the purposes of sections 3A and 6, an owner or other person in possession
or control of an animal shall be deemed to have permitted an offence if he has failed to exercise
reasonable care and supervision with a view to the prevention of such offence and, for the purposes
of section 4, if he fails to prove that he has exercised such care and supervision.
6B. Treatment and care of animals.— (1) The Provincial Government may, by general or special
order, appoint infirmaries for the treatment and care of animals in respect of which offences against
this Act have been committed, and may authorize the detention therein of any animal pending its
production before a Magistrate.
(2) The Magistrate before whom a prosecution for an offence against this Act has been instituted may
direct that the animal concerned shall be treated and cared for in an infirmary, until it is fit to
perform its usual work or is otherwise fit for discharge or that it shall be sent to a pinjrapole, or, if
the animal is found or such other Veterinary officer as may be authorized in this behalf by rules made
under section 15 certifies that it is incurable or cannot be removed without cruelty, that it shall be
(3) An animal sent for care and treatment to an infirmary shall not, unless the Magistrate directs that
it shall be sent to a pinjrapole or that it shall be destroyed, be released from such place except upon a
certificate of its fitness for discharge issued by the Veterinary Officer in charge of the area in which
the infirmary is situated or such others Veterinary officer as may be authorized in this behalf by rules
made under section 15.
(4) The cost of transporting an animal to an infirmary and of its maintenance and treatment in an
infirmary, shall be payable by the owner of the animal in accordance with a scale of rates to be
prescribed by the District Magistrate. 13Provided that when the magistrate so orders, on account of
the poverty of the owner of the animal, no charge shall be payable for the treatment of the animal.
(5) If the owner refuses or neglects to pay such cost or to remove the animal within such time as a
Magistrate may prescribe, the Magistrate may direct that the animal be sold and that the proceeds of
the sale be applied to the payment of such cost.
(6) The surplus, if any, of the proceeds of such sale shall on application made by the owner within
two months from the date of the sale, be paid to him.
6C. Penalty for baiting or inciting animals to fight.— If any person: (a) Incites any animal to fight,
or (b) Baits any animal, or (c) Aids or abets any such incitement or baiting, he shall be punished with
fine which may extend to fifty rupees.
Exception:- It shall not be an offence under this section to incite animals to fight if such fighting is
not likely to cause injury or suffering to such animals and all responsible precautions are taken to
prevent injury or suffering from being so caused.
7. Penalty for permitting diseased animals to go at large or to die in public place.— If any person
willfully permits any animal or which he is the owner or is in charge to get at large in any street
while the animal is affected with contagious or infectious disease, or without reasonable excuse
permits any diseased or disabled animal of which he is the owner or is in charge to die in any street,
he shall be punished with fine which may extend to one hundred rupees15 where he is the owner of
the animal, or to fifty rupees where he is in charge of but not the owner of the animal
7A. Special power of search and seizure in respect of certain Offences.— (1) If a police – officer,
not below the rank of sub-inspector, has reason to believe that an offence under section 5, in respect
of a goat, is being or is about to be, or has been committed in any place, or that any person has in his
possession the skin of a goat with any part of the skin of the head attached thereto, he may enter and
search such place on any place in which he has reason to believe any such skin to be, and may seize
any such skin and any article or thing used or intended to be used in the commission of such offence.
(2) If a police – officer, not below the rank of sub-inspector, or any person specially authorized by the
Provincial Government in this behalf has reason to believe that phooka or doom dev. Has just been
or is being performed on any animal within the limits of his jurisdiction, he may enter any place in
which he has reason to believe such animal to be, and may seize the animal and produce it for
examination by the Veterinary Officer in charge of the area in which the animal is seized.
8. Search – warrants.— (1) If Magistrate of the first19 or second class20, Sub divisional
Magistrate21, or District Superintendent of Police, upon information in writing and after such
inquiry as the thinks necessary, has reason to believe that an offence against this Act is being or is
about to be or has been committed in any place, he may either himself enter and search or by his
warrant authorize any police-officer 23[not below the rank of sub-inspector to enter and search the
(2) The provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1882, relating to searches under that24 Code
shall, so far as those provisions can be made applicable, apply to a search under subsection (1) 25[or
under section 7A.]
9. Limitation for prosecution.— A prosecution for an offence against this Act shall not be instituted
after the expiration of thee months from the date of the commission of the offence. 10. Destruction of
suffering animals.—
6(1) When any Magistrate, or District Superintendent of Police has reason to believe that an offence
against this Act has been committed in respect of any animal, he may direct the immediate destruction
of the animal if in his opinion its sufferings are such as to render such a direction proper.
(2) Any police-officer above the rank of a constable who finds any animal so diseased, or so severely
injured, or in such a physical condition that it cannot, in his opinion, be removed without cruelty ,
may, if the owner is absent or refuses to consent to the destruction of the animal forthwith summon
the Veterinary Officer in charge of the area in which the animal is found and if the Veterinary Officer
certificates that the animal is mortality injured, or so severely injured or in such a physical condition
that its destruction is desirable, the police-officer may, after obtaining orders from a Magistrate,
destroy the animal or cause it to be destroyed.
11. Saving with respect to religious rites and usages.— Nothing in this Act shall render it an offence
to kill any animal in a manner required by the religion or religious rites and usages of any race tribe
or class.
12. Provision supplementary to section 1 with respect to extent of Act.— Notwithstanding anything
in section 1, sections 4 and 13, sections 9 and 10, and section 6A, 8 and 15, so far as they relate to
offence under section 4 shall extend to every local area in which any section of this Act constituting
an offence is for the time being in force.
13. Offence under section 4 to be cognizable.— Notwithstanding anything contained in the code of
Criminal Procedure, 1898, an offence punishable under section 4 shall be a cognizable offence within
the meaning of that Code.
14. General power of seizure for examination.— Any police Officer above the rank of a constable or
any person authorized by the Provincial Government in this behalf, who has reason to believe that an
offence against this Act has been or is being committed in respect of any animal, may, if in his
opinion the circumstances so require, seize the animal and produce the same for examination by the
nearest Magistrate or by such Veterinary Officer as may be designated in this behalf by rules made
under section 15; and such police officer or authorized person may, when seizing the animal, require
the person in charge thereof to accompany it to the place of examination.
15. Power to make rules.— (1) The Provincial Government may, by notification in the Official
Gazette, and subject to the condition of previous publications, make rules to carry out the purposes of
this Act. (2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, the
Provincial Government may make rules:
(a) Prescribing the maximum weight of loads to be carried or drawn by any animal;
(b) Prescribing conditions to prevent the overcrowding of animal;
(c) Prescribing the period during which, and the hours between which, buffaloes shall not be used for
draught purposes;
(d) Prescribing the purposes to which fines realized under this Act may be applied, including such
purposes as the maintenance of infirmaries, pinjrapoles, and veterinary hospitals;
(e) Prohibiting the use of any bit or harness involving cruelty;
(f) Requiring persons carrying on the business of a farrier to be licensed and registered;
(g) Requiring persons owning, or in charge of , premises in which animals are kept or milked to
register such premises, to comply with prescribed conditions as to the boundary walls or
surroundings of such premises, to permit their inspection for the purpose of ascertaining whether any
offence against section 4 is being, or has been, committed therein, and to expose in such premises
copies of section 4 of this Act in a language or languages commonly understood in the locality; and
(h) Prescribing the manner in which cattle may be impounded in any place appointed for the purpose,
so as to secure the prevision of adequate space, food and water.
(3) If any person contravenes, or abets the contravention of, any rule made under this section, he
shall be punished with fine which may extend to fifty rupees.
16. Person authorized under section 14 to be public servants.— Every person authorized by the
Provincial Government under section 14 shall be deemed to be public servant within the meaning of
section 21 of the Pakistan Penal Code.
17. Indemnity.— No suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding shall lie against any person who is,
or who is deemed to be, a public servant within the meaning of section 21 of the Pakistan Penal Code,
in respect of any thing in good faith done or intended to be done under this Act.
(LVII of 2016) [6 December 2016]

Short title, extent and commencement.–

(1) This Act may be cited as the Punjab Animals Feed Stuff and Compound Feed Act 2016.
(2) It extends to whole of the Punjab.
Definitions.– In this Act:
(a) “Act” means the Punjab Animals Feed Stuff and Compound Feed Act 2016;
(b) “additive” means a substance or combination of substances added to the basic feed mix or parts
thereof to obtain a specific biological growth and satisfy certain production needs;
(c) “adulterated” in relation to feed stuff and compound feed means any feed stuff or compound feed
which: (i) does not conform to the declaration made regarding its nature, substance or quality; or (ii)
is manufactured by the use of dye or colouring agent to impart a certain color; or (iii) does not
conform to the prescribed standards; or (iv) is spoiled or damaged or is fungus-infested and is
harmful for animals; (d) “animals” include any species of livestock and poultry;
(e) “Authorized agent” means any person who deals in feed stuff and compound feed under an
agreement or contract with the manufacturers;
(f) “authorized officer” means an officer authorized by the Government for purposes of the Act; (g)
“cake” means the mass resulting from the pressing of seeds after removal of oils, fats or other
liquids; (h) “Code” means the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (V of 1898);
(i) “Complete feed” means a feed adequate to fulfill nutritive requirements of animals;
(j) “Compound feed” means any ground, pelleted, crumbled or mixture feed intended for the feeding
of animals and includes:
(i) Complete feed including a customer formula feed;
(ii) Concentrated mixture to be fed as part of a ration with green forages, dry roughage or pasture;
(iii) concentrate containing proteins, minerals or vitamins or a mixture thereof with grains, but does
not include unmixed whole seeds, and whole or ground hay straw, stover, silage, cobs and hulls when
not mixed with other materials;
(iv) The poultry compound feed as may be prescribed;
(v) Livestock compound feed according to growth, productive and reproductive status, as may be
prescribed; and
(vi) feed for other animals, as may be prescribed;
(k) “concentrate” means a mixture of nutrients used with another nutrient to improve the nutritive
balance of the feed and to be further diluted and mixed to produce a supplement or a complete feed
for animals;
(l) “Crumble” means coarsely ground form of pelleted feed;
(m) “customer formula feed” means any type of mixture which may contain more than one feed stuff;
(n) “drug” means a substance intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or
prevention of disease in animals;
(o) “Feed Inspection Officer” means an inspection officer appointed under section 9 of the Act;
(p) “feed mill” means an automatic or semi-automatic plant for manufacturing of compound feed or
customer formula feed possessing experimental facilities to conduct biological trials and a laboratory
of the standard to carry out proximate analysis and mycotoxin estimation of compound feed;
(q) “feed stuff” or “feed ingredient” means any nutritious substance used in the production and
manufacture of compound feed;
(r) “Government” means Government of the Punjab;
(s) “Inspector” means an inspector appointed under section 11 of the Act;
(t) “Licensing Authority” means an officer appointed under section 9 of the Act for grant of licence;
(u) “Meal” means the ingredient which has been grounded or otherwise reduced in particle size for
consumption by animals;
(v) “micro-ingredients” mean vitamins, amino acids, minerals and other nutritive materials normally
required in small amounts and measured as per national and international standards;
(w) “Misbranded” means misuse of registered trade name;
(x) “Pellet” means ground feed transformed into small discs of variable size by means of mechanical
(y) “Prescribed” means prescribed by rules made under the Act;
(z) “sale” in relation to feed stuff and compound feed means transfer of ownership, oral or in
writing, either final in lieu of price paid or promised or part paid and part promised or through
(aa) “silage” means anaerobically preserved fermented fodder or feed stuff prepared and preserved
through a prescribed process with or without adding inoculum for feeding ruminants; and
(bb) “Tribunal” means Tribunal constituted under section 38 of the Punjab Livestock Breeding Act
2014 (XIII of 2014).

Feed stuff or feed ingredient to be used in compound feed.–

(1) The feed stuff or feed ingredient to be used for feeding the livestock or the manufacture of
compound feed for poultry and livestock, may include the following:
(a) Roughages: green fodder, silage, hay, treated or untreated wheat straw;
(b) macro-ingredients: (i) cereals or coarse grains: maize or corn, broken rice (toota), nakoo,
sorghum or milo, wheat, barley;
(ii) vegetable protein sources which mean cotton seed meal or cake (Khal Banola), rapeseed or
canola meal or cake, sunflower meal or cake, soybean meal, sesame cake (til cake) or meal, linseed
cake, maize or corn oil cake, maize or corn gluten feed, maize or corn gluten meal, palm-kernel cake,
rice polishing, rice protein meal, wheat bran, rice bran meal, matri, guar meal, pulses meal, Naan or
roti tukra , confectionaries waste or byproducts;
(iii) animal protein sources which means fish meal, blood meal, meat meal, feather meal or poultry
byproduct meal, meat and bone scraps or byproducts; and
(iv) industrial and agricultural products or by-products which mean molasses, fats and oils, di-
calcium phosphate, limestone, marble powder, natural products, oyster shell, bone meal, bagasse,
straws, stovers, hulls, cobs, fruit, barseem meal;
(c) micro-ingredients: (i) vitamins: vitamin A, vitamin B3, vitamin D3, vitamin E, vitamin K3,
thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, niacin, pyridoxine, biotin, choline, folacin , vitamin B12;
(ii) Mineral compounds or salts: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chlorine, copper, iodine,
iron, magnesium, manganese, selenium, zinc, ferrous, cobalt; and
(iii) amino acids;
(d) Feed additives:
(i) Coccidiostats , antioxidants, enzymes, anti-fungal or antitoxin products;
(ii) Live yeast, by-pass fats;
(iii) Premixes; and
(iv) Drugs
(2) The Government may, by notification, declare any feed stuff to be used in the manufacture of
compound feed for poultry and livestock, other than those mentioned under subsection (1).
(3) The manufacturer shall include any feed stuff as mentioned in clauses (a), (b), (c) and (d) of
subsection (1), in order to meet the nutritive requirements in the given animal compound feed.
(4) The use of any feed stuff of porcine origin in compound feed is prohibited.

4. License for manufacture.–

(1) No person shall manufacture, store, supply, transport for sale and marketing of feed stuff and
compound feed unless he holds a license issued under this Act after fulfillment of such conditions and
payment of such fee, as may be prescribed.
(2) The Feed Inspection Officer may refuse to grant license to any person if the application for
license has not been made in the prescribed manner.
(3) No order under subsection (2) shall be made unless the applicant has been provided a reasonable
opportunity of being heard.
(4) The applicant may appeal against the order made under subsection (2) to such authority and in
such manner as may be prescribed.
5. Renewal of license:
The licence issued under this Act shall be renewed annually on payment of prescribed fee.
6. Packing and labelling.–
No feed stuff and compound feed other than fresh fodder, shall be sold unless it is packed, branded
and labelled in such manner as may be prescribed.
7. Quality control.
(1) All feed stuff and compound feed shall conform to the specifications and standards as prescribed.
(2) The manufacturer of any feed stuff and compound feed shall ensure that a label containing the
following is displayed on the feed bag or packing:
(a) The name under which the article is sold;
(b) Complete address of the manufacturer;
(c) Date of manufacture or packing;
(d) Date of expiry;
(e) Nutritive composition of compound feed or feed stuff including its moisture-content; and
(f) Declaration of Aflatoxin level.
8. Adulteration, storage of adulterated feed stuff and misbranding.–
No person shall, in contravention of any provision of this Act or the rules framed thereunder, directly
or indirectly, prepare, manufacture, keep or store for use or sale, or sell or offer to sell any feed stuff
and compound feed which is adulterated or misbranded.
9. Feed Inspection Officer.–
(1) The Government may, by notification, appoint Feed Inspection Officer or authorize any other
officer for purposes of this Act.
(2) The Feed Inspection Officer appointed or authorized under subsection (1) shall also be the
Licensing Authority.
10. Analytical laboratories: The Government may, by notification, approve analytical laboratories in
the public sector for purposes of this Act, for the whole or any part of Province of the Punjab, for any
specified compound feed or generally for all feed stuff and compound feed.
11. Inspectors:
(1) The Government may appoint Inspectors in respect of all or any feed stuff and compound feed,
and an Inspector so appointed shall have jurisdiction in such area as the Government may notify.
(2) The Feed Inspection Officer or the authorized officer may also exercise the powers and perform
the functions of an Inspector under this Act, within the limits of his jurisdiction.
12. Sampling.:
(1) An Inspector shall, for the purpose of analysis, at any time, collect a sample of feed stuff and
compound feed sold, offered for sale, or stored by manufacturer or kept in feed mill or held by his
authorized agent.
(2) No person shall refuse the Inspector from collecting feed stuff and compound feed for the purpose
of subsection (1) in such quantity and from such packing as he may direct.
(3) If any person contravenes the provisions of subsection (2), the Inspector may, without prejudice to
any penalty to which such person may be liable for such contravention, seize up to twenty kilogram of
the feed stuff and compound feed and give such person a certificate showing the nature and quantity
of the feed stuff and compound feed seized, the date, time and place of seizure.
(4) The Inspector shall, prepare in such form, as may be prescribed, a declaration in triplicate
containing full particulars relating to the sample seized and such declaration shall be signed or
marked by both the Inspector and the person from whose possession, custody or control the
compound feed and feed stuff has been seized, and a copy thereof shall be given to such person.
(5) When a sample is taken from the stock in the possession of an authorized agent as required under
subsection (3) of section 13, the authorized agent shall be bound to give the name and such other
particulars of the person on whose behalf such stock is held by him, as the Inspector may require.
13. General Powers of Inspectors.–
(1) An Inspector may, without any prior notice, enter upon any premises used for preparation,
manufacture, packing, storage or sale of feed stuff or compound feed for the purpose of:
(a) Collection of sample; or
(b) General inspection and examination of feed stuff and compound feed.
(2) An Inspector, after satisfying himself of any gross contravention of provisions of this Act, may
seal or seize the premises, or part thereof, for a period not exceeding seventy two hours, for the
purpose of preservation of material evidence or securing case property.
(3) In order to assess the quality of feed stuff and compound feed, the Inspector shall take samples of
the same batch of feed stuff or compound feed from the farmer, authorized agent and the feed mill
within a period of fifteen days from the date of purchase.
(4) If any such feed stuff and compound feed, on analysis, is found to be not of the quality which it
purports to be or if there is any contravention of the provisions of the Act, the manufacturer or seller
shall be dealt with under section 17.
14. Samples analysis.–
(1) Any person who has purchased the feed stuff and compound feed for his animals or feed mill and
possesses a voucher or cash memo thereof, may make an application in writing to get his feed stuff or
compound feed samples analyzed from approved laboratory for quality check by an Inspector having
the jurisdiction.
(2) The cost of analysis of the sample shall be payable by the person making the application.
(3) The cost of analysis shall be in accordance with the rates of laboratory approved for different
tests by the Government.
(4) The samples collected by the Inspectors for general inspection and examination of feed stuff and
compound feed shall be analyzed without cost of analysis.
15. Manner of sampling for analysis:
(1) An Inspector shall, after collecting or seizing any feed stuff or compound feed with the intention of
submitting the same for analysis, divide such feed stuff or compound feed in four parts.
(2) Each part shall be marked, sealed and fastened in air tight container in the manner prescribed so
that the nature and character of the content may not change, mentioning thereon date and time of
(3) An Inspector shall: (a) deliver two parts to the person from whom the sample is taken; (b) retain
one part for future comparison; and (c) submit one part to the authorized laboratory.
16. Analysis report.–
(1) The authorized laboratory shall, on receiving any sample of feed stuff or compound feed from an
Inspector, analyze the same and deliver or send to the Inspector a report on the prescribed Form
showing the result of such analysis within two weeks, on payment of such fee as may be prescribed.
(2) A copy of such report may be obtained from the approved laboratory, by the person from whom
the article so analyzed was collected or the person who has got his feed analyzed, upon making an
application and payment of prescribed fee.
(3) No person shall display copy of report on any premises or use it for purposes of an
advertisement. 17. Confiscation and disposal.–
(1) A Feed Inspection Officer or an authorized officer or Inspector shall, in case of manufacture,
storage, supply, transport for sale and marketing of feed stuff or compound feed without licence or
involvement in the practice of misbranding or adulteration, confiscate such feed stuff, compound feed
and machinery, and dispose it of in such manner as may be prescribed.
(2) The court, trying an offence, may direct that any feed stuff or compound feed in respect of which
the court is satisfied that an offence under this Act has been committed, be forfeited to the
Government in accordance with the law, and shall be disposed of through burial, incineration or such
other manner as may be prescribed.
(3) A Feed Inspection Officer or an authorized officer or Inspector, for expeditious disposal of feed
stuff or compound feed, shall immediately submit a request to the court for obtaining appropriate
18. Penalties.–
(1) If a person contravenes any provision of this Act, he shall:
(a) on first conviction, be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months but
which shall not be less than sixty days and with fine which may extend to two hundred thousand
rupees but which shall not be less than fifty thousand rupees;
(b) on second conviction, be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year but
which shall not be less than six months and with fine which may extend to three hundred thousand
rupees but which shall not be less than two hundred thousand rupees; and
(c) On third or any subsequent conviction thereafter, be punished with imprisonment for a term which
may extend to two years but which shall not be less than one year and with fine which may extend to
five hundred thousand rupees but which shall not be less than three hundred thousand rupees.
(2) An attempt to contravene any provision of the Act or the rules and an abetment of such
contravention shall be punished as an offence under the Act.
19. The Tribunal: An offence punishable under this Act shall be exclusively triable by the Tribunal
in accordance with the provisions of the Code as if the Tribunal were a court of sessions
20. Cognizance of offence: The Tribunal shall not take cognizance of an offence punishable under
this Act except on the complaint filed by the Feed Inspection Officer or Inspector or any other officer
authorized in this behalf.
21. Appeal: Any person aggrieved by a final order of the Tribunal may, within thirty days of the
passing of the order, prefer an appeal to Lahore High Court.
22. Indemnity: No suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding shall lie against Feed Inspection
Officer, Inspector or authorized officer for any action taken in good faith under this Act.
23. Act to have overriding effect: The provisions of this Act shall have effect notwithstanding
anything to the contrary contained in any other law.
24. Delegation of powers: The Government may delegate all or any of its powers under this Act to the
Feed Inspection Officer or any other officer authorized by it.
25. Power to make rules: The Government may, by notification, make rules for carrying out
purposes of this Act.
26. Jurisdiction barred: Save as provided under this Act, no order made or proceeding taken under
the Act or the rule made thereunder, shall be called in question in any civil court and no injunction
shall be granted by any court in respect to any decision or proceedings taken in pursuance of any
power conferred by or under the Act or rules made thereunder.
27. Repeal and savings: (1) The Punjab Animals Compound Feed and Feed Stuff Ordinance, 2002
(LXVIII of 2002), is hereby repealed. (2) Notwithstanding the repeal, all acts done or intended to
have been done under the said Ordinance shall be deemed to have been done or intended to have
been done under this Act

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