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15th September 2022 Our Reference -AB/22,{HKN/ELE/RE : SBMT3 PRTYRPRT/09/ 1 5

HKN JV (Hyundai-Keangnam-Nawaloka Joint Venture)

No. 130 Glennie, Street,
Colombo 02,
Sri Lanka.

Kind Attention: Mr. Jin Wook Choi

Dear Sir,

Re: Submit 3'd Parfy Inspection Reports of Elevators at Building 4, 5 & 6

We refer to the subject letter dated 14th Sep 2022 and would like to write our reply below. As
you are aware, the elevator subcontractor has been carrying out third-party inspection in
waterfront elevators in following basis.

Construction use elevators - Once in every six months from the date of elevator handing
over for construction activities and also another third-party inspection at final handing
over to the client.

Non-construction use elevators - Third-party inspection at the handing over stage.

The subject elevators were tested by the third-party inspector and elevators have been already
certified as fit for use in accordance with 855655 and EN8l. Please note that, there are no any
special third-parfy inspector in Sri Lanka to examine the physical snags highlighted by the

engineer, we are the authorized local agent who is factory trained and authorise for snags

rectification, repair or maintenance work in Hyundai elevators. We as a local agent confirm

that the snags highlighted/raised by the engineer have been cleared and which the concern party

can witness thesame. If the client requirement is to carry out another third party inspection

which could be performed at a cost.

Yours Faithfully,

Wasantha Athukorala
General Manager

Abans Engineering (Pvt) Ltd.

Professionol Service, Personol Commitment Reg. No. PV 96156

Registered Address : No. 498, Galle Road, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka
BusinessAddress : No. I 28,Airport Road, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka.
Hot Line:0094 I I 2623208 :
General Line: 0094 ll 776359410094 I I 7633544
Fax:0094 I | 7763593

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