Prpc27 Mechatronics and Industrial AUTOMATION (Theory & Lab)

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AUTOMATION (Theory & Lab)

Experiment – 4, Date: 01-03-2021
Aim: To design, simulate and testing of hydraulic circuits to study the single cycle automation of
multiple cylinders in sequence (sequence of motion: A+B+A-B-)

Components Required:
1. double Acting Cylinder
2. One-Way Flow Control Valve
3. 3/n Way Valve
4. 5/n Way Valve
5. Tank
6. Pump Unit
7. Distance Rule

Circuit Description:
 Double Acting Cylinder:- are used to transmit hydraulic power in two different directions, with both
pulling and pushing force.
 One-Way Flow Control Valve:- is used to influence the volumetric flow rate through an adjustable
throttle point, in one direction.
 3/n Way Valve:- A three-way valve has three ports or openings that are connected to piping or tubing
for gas or fluid flow to pass through. These ports are usually described as one inlet and two outlet ports
or one outlet and two inlet ports depending upon the flow direction through the valve.
 5/n Way Valve:- allow for direct media flow from a single bottom inlet to one of four separate lines.
 Tank:- provides fluid storage, dissipates heat, and allows contaminants to settle out of the fluid.
 Pump Unit:- a set of devices, usually consisting of a pump, a motor, and a transmission. Pump units
may be stationary (mounted on foundations or in wells or other locations) or movable (mounted on a
trailer or chassis).
 Distance Rule:- is a device for attaching switches at the cylinder. It defines links to the actual
proximity switches or limit switches in the electrical circuit.

Working of the Circuits:

1. The signal given by the completion of each movement will initiate the next movement. This circuit
consists of two cylinders.
2. Each actuator will have a power valve(5/n way valve) and two associated feedback valves(A0,A1 &
B0,B1). The first actuator to move also has a Run/End valve.
3. It follows the principle of the sequence valve circuit which is, “The signal given by the completion of
each movement will begin the next movement in the pattern sequence”.
4. First the RUN/START valve is actuated, and then the RUN/START valve gets turned on by shifting
the position.
5. With the help of 5/n way valve and 3/n valve’s synchronization we finally obtain the sequence .
6. Finally, the pattern sequence of A+B+A-B- is generated

Simulate circuit with state diagram using FluidSIM-H:

Results: Thus, the design, simulate and testing of hydraulic circuits to study the single cycle
automation of multiple cylinders in sequence (sequence of motion: A+B+A-B-) is performed.

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