Process Recording

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Tunga-Tunga, Maasin City

Social Work Department


A. Rosarian Youth Organization in Sto. Rosario, Maasin City Southern Leyte

February 10, 2019

Time of Activity:
1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

B. Group Workers:

1. Alaras, Robert C.
2. Bataller, Jermaine S.
3. Dolera, Gemma D.

C. Attendance

Mariel S. Piloton Peter John Tanquison

Alwin P. Ayad Cris Angelo Cerdoza
Jeremy Magallano Augusti Bj L. Lumen
Analyn Doron Edward L. Gayas
Sandielyn D. Hayahay Dennis Peter V. Garcia
Lito L. Cinco Ejay Kian M. Ichon
Martin Kyle R. Caube Loujille B. Binongo
Jade Nhytan A. Binongo Lyle O. Basco
Nicka A. Postrero

D. Preparation for the Activity

Before the activity started, in the morning, the interns prepared the things that are to be used
during the activity. The venue, which is the barangay gym was cleaned and set-up with tables
and chairs for the participants; the sound system of the barangay was also set to be used for the
activity. We also organized some games for the team-building activity and prepared snacks for
the participants. The preparation finished by two in the afternoon.

E. Content of the Activity

The activity started at exactly 3 o’clock in the afternoon. It was opened with a short a prayer
followed by an opening line from one of the group workers. After that, the participants were
divided into two by means of counting off 1-2. When they have their groups, we let them choose
their leader and create their team name and cheers. When finished, the team-building activities
started with a series of games that truly build the youths’ teamwork. First was the “Cup Pyramid”
game, followed by the “Planting Straw” with the use of their elbows, and lastly the “Caterpillar”.
When the games were all done, each team was given with a piece of Manila paper and marker for
them to write the things that they learned as well as their struggles during and after the games.
When they were all done, we asked a member of the group to come to the front to explain what
they have written. Snacks were served after the team-building activity.

When the group had their fill, we asked them to stay foot for the next activity which is the
“Group Profiling”. We no longer had an election for they already have their complete set of
officers, so we just proceed to their group profile. Every member of the group was given a group
profile form. The intern explained what are they going to write on the form and what is it for. We
gave them enough time to fill what is asked in each form. After that, we formally ended the
activity with some words of gratitude from one of the group workers.

F. Insight/ Comment on this Activity

Upon having these two activities, it became clear to me why the group shouldn’t exceed on 15-17
members, because it is very hard to organize a large group especially if you are just a beginner.
You have to have a lot of patience and you must also be determined enough so that the group
would listen to what you say and they would trust you. A group worker must be firm, but he
should also be considerate enough to his clients.

These activities also taught me some techniques to be used on a team-building activity. The game
that I must prepare should fit the goal of developing “teamwork” in the group.

Prepared by:

Jermaine S. Bataller
SW14 Student


Tunga-Tunga, Maasin City
Social Work Department


A. Rosarian Youth Organization in Sto. Rosario, Maasin City Southern Leyte

March 3, 2019

Time of Activity:
2:30 pm – 6:30 pm

B. Group Workers:

1. Alaras, Robert C.
2. Bataller, Jermaine S.
3. Dolera, Gemma D.

C. Attendance

Nicka A. Postrero Raffy Postrero

Ana Marie Doron Jayvee Hilo
Rachel Ann Carbonilla Ejay Kian Ichon
Christian Ella G. Lorsano Remegio C. Aros Jr.
Martin Kyle F. Caube Carl Joseph A. Layola
Lito Cinco Adriane Jeth Q. Laput
Vince Neil Layola Rose Maicah Carbonilla
Dennis Garcia Vincent Jose Layola
Christian D. Layola Kevin Christian Binongo
Dexter D. Caja Armando A. Vertudazo
Denn Anthony V. Garcia Jolce Kriska Balili
Peter John A. Tanquison Rosette Georgina L. Bentulan
Loujille Binongo

D. Preparation for the Activity

At around ten in the morning, the preparation for our third activity which is “Self-Awareness
Activity” started. The venue is in the barangay hall of Sto. Rosario. It was cleaned and set-up.
Things to be used for the activity were also set, like writing materials, candles and some other
resources. Vincent Bajan, a fellow intern of the group workers, was invited to conduct the said
activity. Snacks were also prepared. The preparation finished at around one in the afternoon.
E. Content of the Activity

Before the activity formally started, we let the participants have their attendance written on a
piece of yellow pad. At exactly 2:30 in the afternoon, the activity began with a short prayer
followed by the singing of the national anthem. A Welcome Talk was given by SK Chairwoman,
Ana Marie Doron. After that, the speaker was introduced and the workshop started. There were
25 participants. The group was divided into 5 groups. When they had their group, they were given
a piece of Manila paper for them to think of what would be their groups’ name. They must
explain to everybody why they chose that name, and then they should also prepare a short cheer
for their team. After each team had presented, the speaker called a group worker to have an
energizer. When everyone was already energized, the speaker started his talk. He prepared some
activities for the group, specifically for the group to know and to realize who they really are.
Every activity that the speaker gives, two interns were assigned to facilitate and to help the group.
Snacks were served in the middle of the activity. Before the talk ended, the speaker let
everybody, including the interns and us, observers, to participate in his last activity which is
giving gratitude to everyone. He let us form a big circle, hold hands, and then take turns in
thanking everyone. When the talk was finished, he asked someone from the group to share his
realizations and thoughts upon having the workshop. After that, certificates of recognition were
given, first to the speaker, and to the participants. We ended the activity with a picture taking
with the speaker and the participants.

F. Insight/ Comment on this Activity

The activity helped me realize the importance of being aware of oneself. Because soon, when I
become a social worker, it would be easier for me to understand and help my clients in solving
their problems. We must be aware of our strengths and weaknesses in order to be an effective
social worker.

This activity also helped me understand that when we handle a group, we must really show to
them that we are there to guide them. We must be confident enough to face them, so that they
wouldn’t have doubts about our effectiveness. Because when they see that we are assertive, there
is a big chance that they would believe what we say and follow what we asked them to do.

Prepared by:

Jermaine S. Bataller
SW14 Student


Tunga-Tunga, Maasin City
Social Work Department


A. Rosarian Youth Organization in Barangay Sto. Rosario, Maasin City

March 10, 2019

Time of Activity:
7:30 am – 4:30 pm

B. Group Workers:

1. Robert A. Alaras
2. Jermaine S. Bataller
3. Gemma D. Dolera
C. Attendance

Nicka A. Postrero Raffy Postrero

Ana Marie Doron Jayvee Hilo
Rachel Ann Carbonilla Ejay Kian Ichon
Christian Ella G. Lorsano Remegio C. Aros Jr.
Martin Kyle F. Caube Carl Joseph A. Layola
Lito Cinco Adriane Jeth Q. Laput
Vince Neil Layola Rose Maicah Carbonilla
Dennis Garcia Vincent Jose Layola
Christian D. Layola Kevin Christian Binongo
Dexter D. Caja Armando A. Vertudazo
Denn Anthony V. Garcia Jolce Kriska Balili
Peter John A. Tanquison Rosette Georgina L. Bentulan
Loujille Binongo

D. Preparation for the Activity

Before the Clean-Up Drive activity was formally started, we help the interns to prepare and get
some materials to be used for cleaning, specifically the seashore of the barangay. We also took
with us some empty sacks where we will segregate the biodegradable and non-biodegradable
garbage that we’ll pick-up. We also brought some bottle of water, so that we will not be
dehydrated from the heat, because the sun is quite up.
After the clean-up drive and having our snacks, we then prepared the food for our Feeding
Program Activity which is “monggos”. Some tables and chairs were arranged in the gym for the
kids who will be the ones that we’re going to feed. Plastic cups and spoons were bought to be
used during the feeding. We also contributed fifty pesos each for the expenses.

E. Content of the Activity

The activity was supposed to start at 7:30 am, but due to some inconvenience, like the
participants being late, it started at 10 o’clock in the morning. The sun is high, but the activity
must go on. Together with the interns, we cleaned-up the shore of barangay Sto. Rosario. We
segregated the biodegradable from the non-biodegradable. It did not take us too long to pick-up
garbage from the shore for it is not so dirty. After the coastal cleaning, we head back to the
barangay hall to rest and to have our snacks.

The activity started by 3 o’clock in the afternoon. The participants were the children of Barangay
Sto. Rosario. The feeding program then started with the food blessing and prayer. After that, we
asked the children to fall in line so that it would be easier for us to distribute the food and the
distribution will be organized and smooth. Children, along with their parents were taught about
the importance of proper nutrition and why we need to have it. It will help us function normally
and that it contributes a lot to our well-being.
F. Insight/ Comment on this Activity

Having the Clean-up Drive helped the community where the group we (the Interns) organized,
have a clean environment, for the place where an individual lives contributes to his social well-
being. If a member of the group stays in a filthy environment, it might affect his health, thus lead
him to be dysfunctional.

Organizing an activity is never easy, and participation is highly needed from the members. I
would just comment on the time. They should really follow the time scheduled for the activity so
that it would also finish on the time expected.

Upon having the Feeding Program activity, we realized the importance of proper nutrition and
how it can become a factor to make an individual improve his social functioning. Health is one
aspect that could help an individual function normally, thus it is important for him to acquire
proper nutrition.

The activity also helped us to have patience, especially with children. We must be soft with them
in order for them to listen, and we must know how to give simple but understandable
explanations to them, so that it would be a lot easier for them to understand.

Prepared by:

Jermaine Bataller
SW14 Student
Tunga-Tunga, Maasin City
Social Work Department


A. Rosarian Youth Organization in Barangay Sto. Rosario, Maasin City

April 12, 2019

Time of Activity:
10:00 am – 11:20 am

B. Group Workers:

1. Robert A. Alaras
2. Jermaine S. Bataller
3. Gemma D. Dolera

C. Attendance

Sandielyn D. Hayahay Rachel Ann Carbonilla

Leah S. Redondo Lyka Angelie P. Sablayan
Martin Kyle R. Caube Dexter Caja
Josephus Caube Joseph L. Lorzano
Allen Mark Lorsano Mark John Lorzano
Jayvee Hilo Lyle Basco
Mariel S. Piloton James Gatche
Fretzie S. Lurzano JM Cruz
Christian Ella G. Lorsano

D. Preparation for the Activity

Before the day of the activity, we bought the needed materials and stuffs for the Recreational

In the morning, we went to the barangay early to prepare the venue as well as the decorations and
snacks for the participants. The barangay tanod also helped us in setting up the sound system and
microphone that will be used during the program. We set up a table where the prizes were placed,
as well as for other props and materials that will be used during the activity. When we were done
setting up everything that is necessary, we waited for the participant’s arrival.
E. Content of the Activity

By 9:30 am, the participants were slowly arriving, so we let them have their registration first. The
activity started at 10 o’clock in the morning. We opened it with a prayer, followed by the
welcome address of the Youth President. After that, we explained to the group why we are there
and what is the activity all about. We also told them our expectations and hopes for the activity.

After the small talk, we started the activity proper, which are the parlor games. We let them count
1-2 first, to divide them equally into two groups. When they were already grouped, we started the
first game which was the “Modern Maria Went to Town”. We explained to them the mechanics,
first and then had a trial. As soon as they are ready, we already started the game. Everyone was
quite having fun and laughing during the game, in the end, the group who was the fastest to finish
won the game, which is the Group 1. After the game, we asked someone to volunteer from each
group to tell us about their learning or insights about the first activity. The next and last game was
the “Police Catcher”, where all of them were asked to participate as one group. Again, we
explained to them the mechanics of the game, and as soon as they are ready, we started the game.
Everyone was trying their best to not be caught by the police. They were giddy and having so
much fun throughout the game. When someone is caught, they got terminated from the game, and
the game continues with decreasing members. At the end, the four who were the last to get away
from the “police” were declared as the winners. When the game was finished, we, again, asked
for a volunteer to tell us about their learning or insights about the game.

After the sharing of insights, we already gave the snacks. After having our snacks, we also gave
the prizes that we prepared for the winners. Once we have distributed their prizes, we give a few
words of gratitude and had the picture taking after.

When the activity was finished, we cleaned up everything that we used, and return all the
materials that we borrowed from the barangay.

F. Insight/ Comment on this Activity

Upon having the activity, I learned that it is not really easy to organize even the simplest activity.
We need to exert a lot of effort and energy, even money to make the activity successful. Also, we
need to cooperate with our group mates in order to achieve the objectives of the activity. We need
to have teamwork and determination to surpass all of the challenges that we will face in
organizing an activity.

As one of the workers who organized the “Recreational Activity” for the youths of Barangay Sto.
Rosario, I felt accomplished and contented with the result of our efforts. What we did was quite
hard, at first, since it is our first time to organize an activity. It might be not that perfect, but at
least we tried our very best to make the activity a successful one. In the end, we felt satisfied
though with what we did, because of the smile on the faces of the group who participated in our

Now, I think when we are asked to organize an activity, it will not be that so hard for us anymore,
because we already have an experience that we can use to make the next activity that we will be
organizing a smoother flowing one.

Prepared by:
Jermaine Bataller
SW14 Student
Pictures During and After the Activity

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