Heterogeneity in Lung Cancer

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Tumour Heterogeneity

Pathobiology Received: February 14, 2017

Accepted after revision: February 5, 2018
DOI: 10.1159/000487440 Published online: April 10, 2018

Heterogeneity in Lung Cancer

Vitor Manuel Leitão  de Sousa a–d Lina Carvalho a–d

a Institute
of Anatomical and Molecular Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal;
– Research Center for Environment, Genetics and Oncobiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of
Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal; c Centre of Pulmonology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Coimbra,

Portugal; d Service of Anatomical Pathology, University Hospital of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal


Keywords Introduction
Lung cancer · Heterogeneity · Molecular pathology ·
Genetics Lung cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed
cancers, especially in developed countries. Despite recent
developments in the diagnosis, classification, and therapy,
Abstract the overall survival is still poor. Better understanding of
Lung cancer diagnosis is a challenge since it is also one of the the pathology of these tumours, especially molecular pa-
most frequently diagnosed cancers. Diagnostic challenges thology, is necessary to accumulate knowledge in order to
are deeply related to the development of personalized ther- better address this issue, aiming at personalized therapy.
apy and molecular and precise histological characterizations Tumour heterogeneity has been described in several
of lung cancer. When addressing these features, it is very im- tumours and it has been addressed in several ways: histo-
portant to acknowledge the issue of tumour heterogeneity, logical, cellular, and molecular/genetic. Lung cancer con-
as it imposes several questions. First of all, lung cancer is a stitutes a group of heterogeneous tumours, with several
very heterogeneous disease, at a cellular and histological differentiation types, recognized by the WHO classifica-
level. Cellular and histological heterogeneity are addressed tion of lung tumours. In this classification, the impor-
with emphasis on the diagnosis, pre-neoplastic lesions, and tance of molecular characterization of lung cancer is rec-
cell origin, trying to contribute to a better knowledge of car- ognized.
cinogenesis. Molecular intra-tumour and inter-tumour het- Tumour heterogeneity has an important impact not
erogeneity are also addressed as temporal heterogeneity. only on tumour classification but also on defining prog-
Lung cancer heterogeneity has implications in pathogenesis nosis and therapy decision. So, it is crucial to understand
understanding, diagnosis, selection of tissue for molecular the implications of tumour heterogeneity in daily diagno-
diagnosis, as well as therapeutic decision. The understand- sis routine.
ing of tumour heterogeneity is crucial and we must be aware The authors aim to address tumour heterogeneity in
of the implications and future developments regarding this lung cancer, exploiting histological, cellular and molecu-
field. © 2018 S. Karger AG, Basel lar heterogeneity. They intend to review the heterogene- - 4/13/2018 10:36:36 AM

© 2018 S. Karger AG, Basel Vitor Manuel Leitão de Sousa

Instituto de Anatomia Patológica, Faculdade de Medicina
Universidade de Coimbra, Rua Larga
University of Groningen

E-Mail karger@karger.com
PT–3000-054 Coimbra (Portugal)
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E-Mail vitorsousa.patol @ gmail.com

ity issue, discussing and reflecting on lung heterogeneity Cellular heterogeneity is also observed in combined
and addressing the new WHO classification and several tumours such as small cell lung carcinomas combined
published knowledge. with other lung carcinomas such as adenocarcinoma or
squamous cell carcinoma or large cell neuroendocrine
carcinomas combined with other carcinomas.
Histological and Cellular Heterogeneity in Lung This cellular heterogeneity could be, at least in part,
Cancer explained by different cell origins. Pre-neoplastic lesions
for some lung carcinomas are defined.
Lung cancer is a heterogeneous group of cancers. Im- Two repair/carcinogenic pools of adult stem cells have
provements in the histological classification are continu- been reported and are related to pulmonary carcinoma
ously being made. The new WHO classification of lung heterogeneity: the TRU – terminal respiratory unit; i.e.,
tumours has recently been published. This classification the respiratory bronchiole and adjacent alveolar duct/
takes into account the great histological heterogeneity in septae – and the adult central respiratory epithelium till
lung cancers. It recognizes several types of lung cancers, the TRU. Embryonic development of human-induced
such as epidermoid carcinomas, adenocarcinomas, small pluripotent stem cells after induction of adult fibroblasts
cell lung carcinomas, large cell carcinomas, large cell neu- in mouse skin has demonstrated the whole embryonic
roendocrine carcinomas, adenosquamous carcinomas, potential informing about the repair/adaptation and the
sarcomatoid and pleomorphic carcinomas, and several possibilities of the intermingling of meso/ecto/endoderm
other types. Non-small cell lung cancer reporting is not in one single cell. In this preliminary study, CK7, CK5.7,
acceptable without an immunohistochemical profile to TTF1, VIM, CD56, and Ki-67 demonstrated to be enough
achieve differentiation as well as to identify genetic altera- to classify carcinomas according to cellular populations/
tions and biomarkers, some with predictive value for ther- heterogeneity. Similar results have been obtained with
apy decision. Small biopsies are prone to identify CK7/ chromium treatment of both fibroblasts and normal
TTF1, CK5.6/p40, and vim/neuroendocrine markers. Bi- bronchial cells in contact where epithelial-mesenchymal
opsies keep being the most representative tissue to classify transition was revealed.
and treat pulmonary carcinomas due to the high percent- It is well known that squamous cell carcinomas have a
age – 70% – of tumours diagnosed in a non-surgical way. basal cell origin (in the respiratory epithelia), demon-
This great variety of histopathologic diagnosis reflects strated by our group and several other investigators. The
tumour heterogeneity that could be explained by differ- sequence basal cell hyperplasia – squamous metaplasia –
ent cells of origin or differentiation pathways. squamous dysplasia – squamous carcinoma is well de-
Even in carcinomas like squamous cell carcinomas or fined. Our research group also demonstrated molecular
adenocarcinomas heterogeneity has been found, as histo- changes in this spectrum of lesions, reflecting the severity
logical subtypes have been defined. For instance, variants and biological aggressiveness along the spectrum of le-
of squamous cell carcinoma are recognized. The same is sions, using immunohistochemical markers such as Ki-
true for adenocarcinomas. These histopathological sub- 67, p53, EGFR, and HER2 and also evaluating EGFR and
types have diagnostic, prognostic, therapeutic and demo- HER2 gene copy number [1].
graphic distinct features. So, although similar in differen- We have studied EGFR expression in these pre-neo-
tiation, they represent different tumours, thus reinforcing plastic lesions, demonstrating its increasing expression in
that heterogeneity is a feature of these tumours. lesions in this spectrum; therefore, EGFR and its respec-
Histological and cellular heterogeneity in lung cancer tive pathways may play a role in early steps of epidermoid
is also well proven when we look for tumours with more carcinoma development, reflecting the importance of
than one type of differentiation. Adenosquamous carci- EGFR signalling transduction pathways in pre-neoplastic
nomas are a good example. They clearly demonstrate het- lesions [1]. Other studies also corroborate these results
erogeneity at the cellular level as we can find cells with [2–9]. On the other hand, it seems that HER2 might not
adenocarcinoma differentiation markers like CK7 and be involved in the first steps of epidermoid cancer devel-
TTF1 as well as with squamous differentiation markers opment; other studies have found identical results [8,
such as CK5/6 or other high-molecular-height cytokera- 10, 11].
tins. This is also true for pleomorphic carcinomas where EGFR, Ki-67, and p53 might play a role in the identi-
we can find areas with squamous or adenocarcinoma dif- fication of epidermoid carcinoma pre-neoplastic lesions
ferentiation and giant and/or fusiform cells. at higher risk of developing epidermoid carcinoma [1]. - 4/13/2018 10:36:36 AM

2 Pathobiology de Sousa/Carvalho
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An increasing expression of these markers was observed ERCC1 expressions. It seems that impaired DNA repair
[1]. The study reinforced the utility of Ki-67 as a biomark- mechanisms are implicated in carcinogenesis when the
er for dysplasia, a group of pre-neoplastic lesions charac- papillary pattern is dominant [18]. Adenocarcinomas
terized by a higher proliferative index, also identified by showed higher TTF1 expression in acinar, BA/lepidic and
other authors [1, 12–17]. micropapillary patterns corresponding to TRU adeno-
Atypical adenomatous hyperplasia is considered as an carcinomas that express TTF1 [18, 19], probably related
adenocarcinoma pre-neoplastic lesion. Peripheral adeno- to a better prognosis when compared to non-TRU-type
carcinomas have their origin in epithelial cells of the adenocarcinomas [20]. This is also highlighted by some
TRU, like pneumocytes, with CK7 and TTF1 expression. authors that identified an inverse correlation between
Nevertheless, we must consider that more central adeno- TTF1 and Ki-67, a marker of proliferation and biological
carcinomas have a different cell of origin as they develop aggressiveness [21]. We identified higher TTF1 expres-
upstream the TRU. So, it is hypothesized that the origin sion in acinar and lepidic patterns, in TRU-type adeno-
is in cylindrical cells of the respiratory tract. Also, adeno- carcinomas, corroborating the published results [18].
carcinomas can clearly have a lung differentiation dem- TTF1, expressed in TRU-type adenocarcinomas, has
onstrated by CK7 and TTF1 positivity, but some lung ad- been associated with good prognosis [21–26].
enocarcinomas express CK20 and are TTF1 and CK7 However, Pelosi et al. [27] did not find a correlation
negative, revealing a colonic-like expression. Another between TTF1 expression and prognosis. Several studies
perspective is to observe the way cells are organized. Sev- identified a correlation between TTF1 expression, like
eral patterns of cellular organization can be observed. TRU-type adenocarcinomas, and EGFR mutations [28,
These different patters may reflect not only cellular type/ 29]. TRU-type adenocarcinomas have also been associ-
differentiation but molecular differences that could ex- ated with EGFR mutations [28–32]. It is also known that
plain cellular organization and even biological behaviour, EGFR mutations are more frequent in lepidic and acinar
as well as prognostic and therapeutic differences in be- patterns. EGFR protein expression has been described as
tween patterns. Our research group has been addressing more frequent in TRU-type adenocarcinomas as well as
lung carcinomas considering histological patterns, espe- in epidermoid lung carcinomas [33].
cially in adenocarcinomas but also exploring adenosqua- The micropapillary pattern had higher retinoblastoma
mous and pleomorphic carcinomas [18]. For instance, we protein (RB) expression, and the acinar pattern lower
proved the relevance of pattern classification demon- ERCC1 and higher EGFR expression when compared
strating that adenocarcinomas are molecularly different with normal tissue [18]. Cyclin D1 seemed to be relevant
from normal adjacent tissue, and that acinar and BA/lep- in acinar and BA/lepidic patterns and not related to the
idic patterns are the most alike and papillary patterns the micropapillary pattern [18].
most different [18]. Cluster analysis revealed three clus- ERCC1 protein expression in micropapillary, solid
ters: papillary, solid, and a group composed of acinar, BA/ and BA/lepidic patterns indicated DNA repair preserva-
lepidic and micropapillary patterns [18]. Papillary and tion, while in acinar and papillary patterns, there was low-
solid patterns revealed lower TTF1 expression (identical er expression [18]. Lung cancer with higher ERCC1 ex-
to normal tissue), exhibiting a non-TRU/bronchial phe- pression was associated with cisplatin-based chemother-
notype [18]. Acinar, BA/lepidic and micropapillary pat- apy resistance as ERCC1 acts by removing DNA adducts,
terns showed higher TTF1 expression corresponding to which relates to poor prognosis [34–39].
TRU origin [18]. These patterns, especially lepidic and These differences identified between the adenocarci-
acinar, being TTF1-positive, are those where EGFR mu- noma patterns represent a form of heterogeneity with im-
tations are said to be more frequent [18]. TTF1 expres- plications in the diagnosis, pathogenic understanding,
sion, identifying possible TRU origin, defines a subgroup and therapeutic outcome.
of adenocarcinomas with molecular and biological par- We can also argue that carcinogens could have a role
ticularities [18]. The solid pattern also revealed lower in determining heterogeneity as some lung carcinomas
HER2 and higher EGFR and ERCC1 expression (com- are more frequently diagnosed in smokers or ex-smokers,
pared to papillary) [18]. In solid patterns, EGFR pathway such as small cell lung carcinoma and squamous cell car-
activation was related to EGFR overexpression [18]. We cinoma, and some other carcinomas, like adenocarcino-
stated that adenocarcinomas with a solid pattern were less ma, are being diagnosed in never-smokers. However,
differentiated adenocarcinomas, with a worse prognosis there are adenocarcinomas related to smoking and others
[18]. Papillary patterns showed higher HER2 and lower not related to smoking. This fact indicates that the envi- - 4/13/2018 10:36:36 AM

Heterogeneity in Lung Cancer Pathobiology 3

DOI: 10.1159/000487440
University of Groningen
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ronment is also a determinant of tumour heterogeneity, histological subtype is associated with prognosis (for in-
as different exposure histories are related to different ge- stance, well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma
netic and molecular changes, explaining the histological compared to basaloid squamous cell carcinoma and typi-
heterogeneity. Also, we know that several lung patholo- cal carcinoid compared to atypical carcinoid) [42–45].
gies/conditions are associated with an increased risk of We all also recognize that morphologic or histologic
lung carcinoma, such as lung fibrous/scar areas and lung heterogeneity has therapeutic implications especially as
interstitial diseases. These diseases could constitute a field the prevalence of molecular targetable changes differs in
of cancerization, and some may share molecular path- between histologic subtypes [42, 45, 46]. For instance,
ways with the lung cancers, such as pathways implicated EGFR mutations are more frequently identified in lung
in epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT). adenocarcinoma, especially arising from the TRU, and
Tobacco and professional or other exposure inhaling also more frequently identified in some patterns like lep-
demand cellular remodelling and adaptation of the basal idic, papillary and acinar patterns [45, 47]. ALK translo-
cells in either TRU or respiratory epithelium, with conse- cations are more prone to be identified in lung adenocar-
quent hyperplasia of vimentin-positive cells and TTF1 cinomas and in acinar, solid and signet cell morphology
bronchial-positive cells, demonstrated in carcinomas [45, 48–50]. However, there are some conflicting results
arising after molecular transformation in less matured as some authors identify EGFR mutations in all the pat-
cells, and consequently, in multi-patterned carcinomas terns of lung adenocarcinomas; these authors identified
and in pleomorphic carcinomas. This approach facilitat- an association of KRAS and BRAF mutations and high
ed pulmonary carcinoma classification in biopsies but nuclear grade [51].
does not correlate directly with metastatic potentiality. Molecular heterogeneity has been identified in mor-
Histological heterogeneity is also observed in the dif- phologic heterogeneous carcinomas such as in adeno-
ferentiation grade. For instance squamous cell lung car- squamous cell carcinomas, for KRAS mutations and
cinoma could be classified as well or poorly differentiated. EGFR mutations [52]. Molecular heterogeneity related to
The degree of differentiation is associated with a greater KRAS mutations status has also been identified in pleo-
biological aggressiveness and poor outcome. morphic carcinomas [53]. By whole-genome sequencing,
So, only by looking for cellular and histological hetero- different rates of gene mutations, gene copy number al-
geneity can we say that lung carcinomas are a good mod- terations, and different protein expression levels and pro-
el for cancer heterogeneity study. Cancer heterogeneity is tein phosphorylation levels were demonstrated, confirm-
a constant and identified in other organs and system of ing the association between morphologic and molecular
organs. heterogeneity [54]. Fang et al. [54] reported that p53 is the
Several authors recognize morphologic heterogeneity most frequently mutated gene; KRAS, EGFR, MLL3, and
in lung adenocarcinomas and the WHO recommends re- STK11 the most frequently mutated genes in adenocarci-
porting the patterns present as well as the most prevalent nomas; PI3KCA, SOX2, CDK2, P63, and FGFR1 the most
pattern. These patterns have prognostic value, with the frequently mutated genes in squamous cell carcinomas;
lepidic pattern having better prognosis and the micro- and RB1, MLL2, SMO, and PI3KCA the most frequently
papillary and solid pattern having worse prognosis. This mutated genes in small cell lung cancer.
morphologic heterogeneity also has therapeutic implica-
tions as patients with solid and micropapillary patterns
benefit more from adjuvant chemotherapy [40–42]. Molecular and Genetic Heterogeneity
We also know that different molecular expression pat-
terns are associated with heterogeneity as well as with Tumour molecular and genetic heterogeneity has been
prognosis. The differential expression of several molecu- identified not only in lung tumours but also in other or-
lar markers, such as c-erb-2, bcl-2, p53, p63, rb, egfr, and gans. Molecular/genetic heterogeneity has been identi-
neuroendocrine markers, reinforces the utility of pattern- fied in breast, gastric, bladder, prostate, pancreatic, as well
based classification [40, 41]. as in lung cancer [55–57].
Morphologic heterogeneity has clear prognostic im- Only 1/3 of somatic mutations are present in all the
plications. We clearly know that the histological type is regions of the same tumour [57]. Intra-tumour heteroge-
associated with prognosis (for instance small cell carci- neity (ITH) was first described by Fidler [58].
noma has worse prognosis and in situ adenocarcinoma Genetic heterogeneity has been described in lung can-
and typical carcinoid have better prognosis). Also, the cer [59–63]. Tumour heterogeneity has been explained by - 4/13/2018 10:36:36 AM

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genetic heterogeneity (intra- and inter-tumour heteroge- ating agents and bleomycin, are responsible for DNA
neity) and also by non-genetic heterogeneity driven by breaks [77, 78]. Six different mechanisms are involved:
external and internal pressures allowing outgrowth of cell mismatch repair, homologous recombination and non-
subpopulations, some cases depending on selective pres- homologous end joining, translesion DNA synthesis, base
sure related to microenvironment and interactions with excision repair, and nucleotide excision repair [77, 78].
immune and stromal cells or with matrix components Several authors and studies revealed molecular/genet-
[61, 62, 64, 65]. ic heterogeneity concerning EGFR and KRAS mutations;
Molecular heterogeneity could be explained by several however, conflicting results have been published [79]. Bai
mechanisms such as by stem cell theories, by genomic or et al. [76] identified an ITH rate of 28.2% (24/85%); Man-
chromosomal instability, epigenetics modifications, and suet-Lupo et al. [80] identified an ITH rate of 5% (2/40);
by adaptation mechanisms in response to microenviron- Kim et al. [81] an ITH rate of 2.9% (1/34); Tomonaga et
ment stimulus [66]. This molecular/genetic heterogene- al. [75] an ITH rate of 23.7% (9/38); Taniguchi et al. [82]
ity is associated with resistance to therapy like EGFR-tar- an ITH rate of 28.6% (6/21); Zhang et al. [83] an ITH rate
geted therapy [66]. of 100% (7/7); Zhong et al. [79] found an ITH rate of
ITH is also explained by clonal (monoclonal or poly- 15.4% (10/65), mainly in adenocarcinomas and in some
clonal) evolution resulting in genetic heterogeneity, by studies in squamous cell carcinomas and adenosquamous
selective pressure induced by the microenvironment or carcinomas. On the other end, other studies and authors
by chemotherapy favouring one or more than one clone did not find ITH [29, 84–86]. Some of these works had
of cells, by the EMT theories and by inter-clonal coopera- small samples and studied less foci of the same tumour
tion mechanisms [61, 67–69]. Inter-clonal cooperation is compared to the studies where ITH was identified. Other
also important for metastases, as clones favour metastases authors showed that EGFR mutation heterogeneity is rare
by sequential or simultaneous cooperation in motility, in primary tumours and metastasis, being higher in mul-
matrix degradation, vascular invasion or distant coloni- tiple lung nodules, with ITH rates of 9.1%, discordance
zation [67, 70–74]. rate between primary and lymph node metastasis of
Other authors associate tobacco with ITH, as they 10.2%, discordance rate of 14.3% between primary and
identified EGFR mutation heterogeneity according to ad- distant metastasis and discordance between multiple lung
enocarcinoma pattern (more frequent in lepidic pattern) nodules of 24.4% [87].
and to tobacco habits [75]. Multiple carcinogens present Zito Marino et al. [88] identified ITH for ALK translo-
in tobacco are related to the development of a field of can- cation but no ITH for EGFR in lung adenocarcinomas.
cerization, where cells tend to accumulate several molec- Several authors (Badalian et al. [89], Cortot et al. [90],
ular changes leading to genetic instability and therefore Kalikaki et al. [91], Schmid et al. [92], and Sun et al. [93])
favouring heterogeneity. Other authors identified asso- identified ITH for KRAS mutation status in adenocarci-
ciations between gene copy numbers (for EGFR) and in- nomas, ranging from 69 to 86%. However, Alsdorf et al.
tra-tumour mutation heterogeneity [76]. These authors [94] reported that intra-tumour KRAS heterogeneity is a
propose that non-small cell lung cancer could be strati- rare event, without discordance between primary tumour
fied into four groups according to ITH: pure mutated; and metastasis.
pure wild-type, mutated heterogeneous; and wild-type For MET high intra-tumour spatial heterogeneity rate
heterogeneous. Those tumours with higher or pure mu- was identified in non-squamous lung carcinomas, associ-
tational rates mutated with better response to EGFR-tar- ated with worse prognosis [95].
geted therapy [76]. Taking into account that most of the authors report
DNA repair has important implications in cancer. De- intra-tumour genetic/molecular heterogeneity, we could
ficient DNA repair function allows genomic instability ask if the small biopsy is representative of the whole ge-
[77, 78]. Genomic instability allows the accumulation of netic panorama of the neoplasia. As the concordance rate
mutations thus promoting heterogeneity. DNA repair im- varies between 68 and 97.1% for EGFR mutation status,
pairments could also explain the increased sensitivity of we could argue that according to our group reports for
tumour cells to radiation and chemotherapy and thus most cases biopsy tissue will be representative, but not in
clonal selection pressure [77, 78]. DNA damage could be some other cases [75, 76, 79–83, 96]. On the other end,
related to spontaneous hydrolysis, cytosine deamination, Zhong et al. [79] and Yatabe et al. [84] stated that EGFR,
mismatched bases, and secondary to reactive oxygen spe- KRAS, and ALK ITH is rare, defending the representative-
cies (ROS) [77, 78]. Also, anticancer agents, such as alkyl- ness of the tissue obtained by biopsy. Mansuet-Lupo et al. - 4/13/2018 10:36:36 AM

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University of Groningen
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[80] also showed that EGFR mutations are independent of the most important causes of cancer-related death. Re-
the primary tumour localization, of the type of sample, sistance mechanisms are related to signal transduction-
and consistent between primary and metastasis, validat- redundant activation, new mutations, synergic interac-
ing the use of biopsies. Intra-tumour genetic heterogene- tions with the target gene, EGFR inhibition bypass, EMT
ity for EGFR or ALK could also explain different TKI re- phenotype acquisition, DNA hypermethylation, and
sponse rates between patients. Clonal selection and acqui- also related to the emergence of new tumour cell sub-
sition of new mutations could also be responsible for clones with secondary mutations resistant to previous
resistance. Re-biopsy or metastasis biopsy is important to therapy, this event is related to selective pressure and
evaluate therapeutic resistance. As some patients do not heterogeneity (cellular and molecular) [66, 107, 108].
have conditions to re-biopsy or have inaccessible tumours, Therapeutic selective pressure is associated with EGFR
liquid biopsy is gaining importance and actually is a valid TKI resistance [66, 107, 108]. Chemotherapy and tar-
tool for diagnosis, evaluation of response, and recurrence geted therapies are associated with the reduction of the
as well as to address spatial and temporal heterogeneity. number of sensible cell clones and to a higher proportion
Temporal genetic/molecular heterogeneity is also be- of resistant clones that persists after treatment. After
ing studied in lung cancer. This could be related with tem- chemotherapy, the response rate to EGFR TKIs is lower
poral heterogeneity in the primary tumour or between and some authors report a decrease in EGFR mutation
primary tumour and metastasis over time. This temporal rate [76, 109, 110]. Chen et al. [87] also demonstrated
heterogeneity is of great importance in the understanding higher intra-tumour and inter-tumour heterogeneity in
of recurrence and therapeutic resistance. Kim et al. [97], tumours of patients submitted to chemotherapy. Resis-
by next-generation sequencing, identified infrequent ge- tance mutations and amplification rates are higher be-
netic heterogeneity of 16 genes between primary tumour fore EGFR TKIs [66]. EGFR TKIs resistance takes place
and metastasis. Sherwood et al. [98], in a review of 26 ar- about 10–13 months after EGFR TKIs, related frequent-
ticles, demonstrated that there are variable discordance ly to EGFR T790M mutation, MET amplification, HER2
rates between primary tumour and their metastases. How- mutation, and KRAS mutation. Anti-ALK therapy resis-
ever, as there is a substantial concordance, the molecular tance is often related to ALK mutations and amplifica-
diagnosis could be made in the primary tumour or in the tions, KIT amplification and EGFR activation. Bai et al.
metastasis, recommending, however, the use of sensible [76, 109] showed that patients with tumours showing
methods [98]. The concordance or discordance could be higher EGFR gene copy number had lower ITH and
explained by sample issues as the percentage of tumour those patients with higher heterogeneity had a worse
cells, by the methodologies applied on diagnosis, by ITH, prognosis and survival rate. Also they stated that tu-
temporal heterogeneity (mutational status evolution), and mours with higher EGFR mutation rates showed better
preservation methods and even by the local of metastasis EGFR TKI response [76, 109]. Taniguchi et al. [82] also
[98]. EGFR concordance rate between primary tumour demonstrated that time to progression and overall sur-
and metastasis ranged from 100 to 72% [98]. Kalikaki et vival after EGFR TKIs is significantly lower in patients
al. [91] identified concordance rates of 72% (18/25 cases), with tumours with high ITH.
Schmid et al. [92] 94% (90/96), Mansuet-Lupo et al. [80] As expected intra- and inter-tumour genetic and mo-
90% (9/10), Sun et al. [93] 91% (73/80), Wei et al. [105] lecular heterogeneity have important therapeutic impli-
94% (47/50), Yatabe et al. [84] 100% (77/77), Shimizu et cations. We must also take into account that molecular
al. [104] 86% (60/70), Park et al. [103] 88% (89/101), Mat- heterogeneity is also reflected when we consider that
sumoto et al. [102] 100% (8/8), Luo et al. [101] 93% some genes could have different mutations or genetic
(14/15), Gow et al. [99] 73% (49/67), and Han et al. [100] events, some conferring different therapeutic sensibility,
identified a concordance rate of 81% (30/37). KRAS con- as described for EGFR mutations where we can also find
cordance rate between primary tumour and metastasis resistance conferring mutations, like T790M EGFR muta-
ranged from 100 to 64% [98]. KRAS concordance rates tion [111]. Other EGFR mutations are associated with less
identified by different authors were: 76% (19/25) [91]; sensibility to TKIs (exon 18 G719 and exon 21 L861Q for
74% (71/96) [92]; 93% (74/80) [93]; 100% (9/9) [94]; 100% instance), and exon 20 in frame insertion are associated
(15/15) [106]; 64% (7/11) [89]; 71% (15/21) [90]; 81% with no affinity for TKIs [111].
(17/21) [90] (using ARMS); and 97% (36/37) [100]. ITH has also been identified at a metabolic level, some
Lung cancer heterogeneity raises prognostic ques- with prognostic significance and implications in disease
tions. Recurrence after therapeutic resistance is one of progression after chemotherapy [112–115]. - 4/13/2018 10:36:36 AM

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University of Groningen
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Another important issue is related to molecular het- cinomas [77, 140–146]. P53, PI3KCA mutations and
erogeneity when dealing with primary and metastatic dis- FGFR1 amplification are more frequently identified in
ease. Several reports address this problem [58, 93, 98, 104, lung squamous cell carcinomas [77, 145, 147–150]. RB
116–118]. Temporal heterogeneity is also an issue to con- and P53 mutations and MYC amplification are more fre-
sider, with clinical implications in the clinical follow-up, quently identified in small cell lung cancer [42, 77, 141,
determining the risk of recurrence and metastases, relat- 151].
ed to acquiring resistance to chemotherapy or targeted Our studies in bronchial-pulmonary carcinomas,
therapy [108, 109, 119–122]. Several authors have been combining immunohistochemical and molecular pathol-
addressing these issues. ogy testing, have demonstrated the following cascades in
To address the questions imposed by spatial and tem- pulmonary carcinomas: epidermoid carcinoma – EGFR
poral heterogeneity including heterogeneity between and HER2 polysomy and CK7/Vimentin for EMT non-
primary tumour and metastasis and by the selective ther- pure epidermoid carcinomas; bronchial-pulmonary ad-
apeutic pressure, several authors are recommending the enocarcinomas – non-smoking females – mutated EGFR
sequential sampling of tumour cells or genetic material. and ERCC1 expression; micropapillary pattern with
This could be achieved by liquid biopsy either address- VIM/RB/ERCC1 expression; acinar/BA-lepidic/micro-
ing circulating tumour cells or cell-free DNA like papillary patterns express TTF1 and mutated EGFR [18,
ctDNA. These approaches are useful in the selection of 47, 152].
the treatment, monitoring and evaluation of early recur- We verified that generally EGFR mutations were pres-
rence and minimal residual disease, and resistance ac- ent in all the patterns of the same adenocarcinoma, rein-
quisition [123–125]. This methodology is also relevant forcing the possibility of mutational status determination
when patients show no tolerance to a new biopsy, if there in biopsies [47]. Some other authors also identified that
are several metastases in different localizations, when the identification of EGFR mutations was independent of
the tissue is insufficient or has artefacts related for in- the localizations in the primary tumour and concordant
stance to decalcification, when there are problems re- with metastasis [80]. However, we did find some cases
lated to heterogeneity or when biopsy imposes risks where the mutations were not present in all the patterns
[124]. ctDNA can be used to identify resistance to TKIs [47]. We also found cases with harbouring different EGFR
[126–135]. Weber et al. [136] demonstrated a concor- mutations in different patterns, nevertheless all muta-
dance rate of 90% (179/199) for EGFR mutations be- tions were activating mutations [47]. We have also identi-
tween biopsy tissue and ctDNA (plasma) before EGFR fied cases with more than one type of EGFR mutation in
TKIs. These authors identified EGFR mutations in the the same patterns/cells of the same pattern and even have
plasma not identified in the biopsy, probably related to published cases with EGFR and KRAS mutation coexis-
sampling issues or heterogeneity [136]. Douillard et al. tence [47]. These facts are in favour of the tumour hetero-
[137] demonstrates a concordance rate of 94.3% be- geneity hypothesis as these complex EGFR mutations
tween tumour samples and plasma ctDNA. Mok et al. (coexistence of more than one type) were detected in ad-
[138] achieved a concordance rate of 88%. Kim et al. enocarcinomas, clearly demonstrating a molecular com-
[139] identified a concordance rate of 87.7% and 5 cases plexity that might be related to different cell clones or
(8.7%) with EGFR or KRAS mutations only in plasma. genomic instability responsible for the accumulation of
However, some studies showed cases where the muta- multiple molecular events in the EGFR gene.
tional status evaluated in the plasma did not totally rep- Our group has also investigated DNA promoter hy-
resent the mutational status in the tumour [108]. Tissue permethylation according to histologic type. We also
is still the choice when it possible to biopsy. In negative found heterogeneity when studying MHL1 and MSH2
cases, it is necessary to recur to tissue and to apply more gene methylation [153]. A higher prevalence of the MLH1
sensitive methods. Tissue biopsy is still the gold stan- gene was identified mainly in squamous cell carcinoma
dard, but liquid biopsy could be adequate specially to (72%) [153]. However, no obvious differences were found
overcome the problems related to biopsies. for MSH2 promoter hypermethylation [153].
Genetic/molecular heterogeneity is recognized when FGFR1 was recently considered as a driver oncogene,
we consider the most frequent mutations according to the especially for squamous cell carcinoma [154–156]. Some
histologic type. EGFR, KRAS, P53 mutations and ALK, authors have identified overexpression and increased
RET, ROS1 rearrangements and EGFR and MET amplifi- gene copy number especially in squamous cell carcino-
cations are more frequently identified in lung adenocar- mas, an example of inter-tumour heterogeneity. - 4/13/2018 10:36:36 AM

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In our research, we have evaluated the FGFR1 gene, The development of next-generation sequencing
not only in squamous cell carcinoma but also in other methods allowed to easily demonstrate intra-tumour and
histological types. We found FGFR1 protein expression inter-tumour genetic heterogeneity.
in all subtypes of lung bronchial-pulmonary carcinomas, Thus, it is very important to know that lung cancer
especially in pleomorphic carcinomas [157]. FGFR1 am- heterogeneity is a fact, with implications in pathogenesis
plification, although more frequent in squamous cell car- understanding, carcinogenesis, pathological diagnosis,
cinoma, was also identified in adenocarcinomas, adeno- selection of tissue for molecular diagnosis, and in thera-
squamous and pleomorphic carcinomas [157]. Higher peutic decision. The understanding of tumour heteroge-
expression in pleomorphic carcinomas suggests that neity is crucial and we must be aware of the implications
overexpression may also be implicated in the activation and future developments regarding this field.
of the EMT pathway [157]. Overexpression could also be Tumour heterogeneity could be addressed by different
responsible for tumour growth and proliferation and in- perspectives; for the pathologist as histological or pattern
vasiveness, related with a more aggressive behaviour differences in the tumour, for the molecular pathologist
[157]. as genetic/molecular and epigenetic variations in the tu-
Inter-tumour heterogeneity can also be identified at a mour (spatial and temporal), and for the oncologist as
metabolic level as some works of our groups of research heterogeneity related to therapeutic response and resis-
demonstrate [158–162]. Distinct metabolic signatures tance.
have been found between lung adenocarcinomas between Tumour heterogeneity is changing the paradigm: ini-
adenocarcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas. These tially one treatment was fitted to all patients, then, with
findings could be identified in several biological speci- the emergence of targeted therapies, one patient/one
mens as neoplastic tissue, plasma, and urine [158–162]. treatment was applied, and now we are heading towards
The authors argue that RMN-based technologies could be precision medicine, i.e., one patient/one moment in the
used for diagnostic perposes after validation [158–162]. disease evolution/one treatment.

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