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July Agenda: Meeting Agenda OHSU Student Council (SC) 07/15/11, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm Location: BRB 381 Called to order:

12:01pm Attendants: Nate Risley (DS2), Jason Greyslak (DS2), Jesse Hollander (DS4), Will Giardino (SOM Grad 4), Allison Anacker (SOM Grad 5), Chris Denton (MS4), Heather Ennis (Student Center), Karen Seresun (Student Center), Laura Zeigen (Library), Joan Feraco (March Wellness), Edward Joe Kent (MS2), Trevor Frideres (DS3), Josh Maclaugllan (CoP), Ben Kong (CoP), Kristin Belford (SON), Elizabeth Walter (MS4) y y y Welcome/Food/Drinks (10 minutes) Approval of Past Minutes (1 minute): Approved by majority vote. Funding Request (5 minutes): o Nepal Public Health Research Project (Megan Willis, Tesha Grangaard, Noor Khaki): They would like to visit some of the main towns in Nepal and do a follow-up study on a study that was done over 20 years ago. They want to assess the cavity rates in the main villages in children 5-14 years of age. They have received $4,000 dollars in funding already, and they are requesting $500 per person, in total $1500. Their budget is $8,000. There was a 1st motion, a 2nd, and a majority vote for approval of $1,000 for this research project. No persons in opposal. o There was discussion about setting a cap of $1,000 for groups requesting money for community service, volunteerism, and research. Regular Updates (20 minutes): Student Newsletter Committee (William Giardino): No update. Student Health Advisory Group (Derek Musashe): No update. Student Center Planning Committee (Karen Seresun): Construction is going well. The first floor is pretty much finished, and they are starting work with the second floor. After removing the drop ceiling on the second floor, they discovered a cool looking log cabin type ceiling. The architects are going back to the drawing board in order to utilize these wood ceilings. o Waiting on funding allocations for further construction from OHSU. o Looking to expand on website access for the student center. This could be a place that would have all the student calendars, upcoming events, etc. March Wellness (Amber, Director; Joan Feraco): March Wellness has received a list of all the students that will be allowed to use their membership. Edward Joe Kent (MS2) is going to check on the usage rules for students during the summer between MS1 and MS2. o They have prohibited people from using their cell phones in the locker room. o No members are allowed to let other people use their cards to enter the gym. Library (Laura Zeigen): Bought another five licenses to Access Medicine, which is a textbook database. The library is trying to make sure that there are fewer amounts of turn-aways based on too few licenses.

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Legislative Update (Kirsten Williams, Nate Risley): No update. Activities Updates (10 Min): Intramurals (Heather Ennis): Intramurals are going really well. There is only one night of basketball this term. New Business (10 minutes): o PhD Comics screening at the Student Center (Allison Anacker, Heather Ennis):  The screenings start September 15th. It costs about $700. She was looking to see if there is interest in any of the other schools for having these screenings and look to see how we can fund this. o Collaborative Life Sciences Building (Jesse Hollander, Nate Risley): OHSU, PSU, and OUS (Oregon University System), are collaborating to plan, design and build this life sciences building. This is planned to erect on the Schnitzer donated land near the waterfront, just north of the CHH. The Student Council has been involved with a lot of the campus life aspect of the building, including the library, the student lounge, the auditorium, and study space. The building is going to be used as an iconic building for OHSU. Meetings will be held over the summer and through the fall. Email if you would like to be involved in these meetings.

Acton Items: y Look at academic schedules to plan the right weekend for the All Hill Ski Trip. Please email for questions concerning the All-Hill Ski Trip. y Put down deposit for the All Hill Ski Trip. End Time: 12:55pm The Meeting Minutes were taken by Nate Risley, who is currently the Director of Communications for the OHSU Student Council. If there are any errors in this document, please email him at

Next Meeting: Friday, October 14th, 2011***, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm MRB 310 ***Note room change***

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