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■『読む力 初中級』「この本の使い方」英語翻訳■

How to Use This Book

This book is perfectly suited for the following learners!

○ Those who want to be able to read academically

○ Those who feel that the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N3 is just right while the N2
is still too difficult
○ Those who want to study at the first half of the CEFR B1 level
○ Those who are beginning to study for the Examination for Japanese University Admission (EJU)

Features of This Book

Feature 1 Discover Each Learning Objective!

Learning Objective
1 This is one of the main learning objectives to be achieved with this book.

2 This is a more detailed learning objective based on「できること1」 . By looking
here, you can begin to understand what skills you’ll achieve by studying this chapter.

1 できること
易しい文 章 を読んで、論理・意図・ 祝 辞やエッセイを読んで、論理や意図がつかめる
しゅく じ ろん り い と
Ch. 1,
やさ ぶんしょう ろん り い と

要点や、筆者の提案・アドバイスが Read and understand the logic and intentions of congratulatory addresses Ch. 2
ようてん ひっしゃ ていあん
and essays.
Read and understand the logic, intentions, 実 用書やエッセイの一節を読んで、 情 報を比べ、要点がつかめる Ch. 3,
じつようしょ いっせつ じょうほう くら ようてん
Ch. 1 main points, and suggestions/advice of the Read and compare information and understand the main points of
Ch. 4

author of simple compositions. passages taken from practical guides and essays.
Ch. 6
スピーチ原稿やエッセイを読んで、筆者の提案・アドバイスがつ Ch. 5,
げん こう ひっ しゃ てい あん

かめる Ch. 6
Read and understand the suggestions/advice of the author of speeches
and essays.

リライトされた易 しめの文 章 を読 実 用書や 教 養書の一節を読んで、要点や筆者の意図がつかめる

じつようしょ きょうようしょ いっせつ ようてん ひっしゃ い と
Ch. 7,
やさ ぶん しょう

んで、要点や筆者の主 張・意図・メッ Read and understand the main points and intentions of the author through Ch. 8
ようてん ひっしゃ しゅちょう い と
passages from manuals and education books.
Ch. 7 セージがつかめる
Read and understand the main points and 2 つのエッセイを読んで比 べ、それぞれの筆者の主 張 がつかめる Ch. 9,

くら ひっしゃ しゅちょう
Ch. 11 assertions/intentions/message of the author Read and compare two essays to get a sense of each author’s opinions.
Ch. 10
through rewritten simple compositions.
エッセイを読んで、筆者のメッセージがつかめる Ch. 11

Read and understand the message of the author of essays.

生 の文 章 を読んで、筆 者 の思 い・ ドキュメンタリーや新聞のコラムを読んで、筆 者の意図がつかめる Ch. 12,

ひっしゃ い と
なま ぶん しょう ひっ しゃ おも

Ch. 12 意図がつかめる Read and understand the intentions of the author of documentaries and Ch. 13
い と
newspaper columns.
Read and understand the feelings/intentions

Ch. 14 of the author through authentic texts.

あいさつを読んで、筆者の思いがつかめる Ch. 14
ひっしゃ おも

Read and understand the feelings of the author of greetings (speeches).

■『読む力 初中級』「この本の使い方」英語翻訳■

Feature 2 Clearly Understand Necessary Skills!

The「スキル 表 」(skills chart) enables you to understand the「学 習 目 標 」(learning objective) and
ひょう がく しゅう もく ひょう

「この課で身につけるスキル」(skills aquired in this chapter) necessary to achieve it. Moreover,「タス

か み

ク」(questions)—「全 体 把 握 」(overall understanding) and「認 知 タスク」(cognitive tasks)—help you

ぜん たい は あく にん ち

aquire these「スキル」(skills). Lastly, this page clearly demontrates the relationship between「タ
スク」⇒「スキル」⇒「学 習 目 標(できること)

what one can do

能做到的 スキル 表
skills chart 技能表 技能表 스킬표 Bảng tổng kết kỹ năng
할 수 있다
Những kỹ năng học được

易しい文 章 を読んで、論理・意図・要点や、筆者の提案・アド

できること やさ ぶんしょう ろん り い と ようてん ひっしゃ ていあん task number


learning objective
学习目标 題號

2 祝 辞やエッセイを読んで、論理や意図がつかめる 문제 번호

しゅく じ ろん り い と

학습목표 Số bài tập

Mục tiêu học tập
understood without help
タスク 自分で 授業で
評価してみよう 番号 わかった わかった
스스로 익힘
ひょう か ばんごう

➡ ➡ ➡

Tự mình hiểu được

メタ・コンテンツをつかむ 【全体 1】


い と

skills aquired in this ◦ 筆者が身につけてほしいコミュニケーションは? 【認知 1】 understood in class


chapter ひっしゃ み にん ち

通过这课学到的技能 ◦ 「機械を相手にはできない勉強」は、どんな勉強?
【認知 3】
き かい あい て にん ち

◦ 「日本語で、世界の友をつくる」の意味は? 【認知 4】 수업을 통해 익힘
이 과에서 익힐 스킬
とも にん ち

Học được qua giờ học

Những kỹ năng học được 比べる
trong bài này
◦ 2つのコミュニケーションとは、具体的にどんな
ぐ たいてき 【認知 2】
にん ち

Ô đánh dấu
技能 task type
> 3 段落
い と
Kỹ năng 問題的種類
1. 下 線部②に「それはどのようなコミュニケーションでしょうか」とありますが、筆 者は 문제 종류
(→ p.8) か せん ぶ ひっしゃ


につけてほしいと言っていますか。 Loại bài tập
a. 〈A〉だけ
b. 〈B〉だけ
c. 〈A〉と〈B〉の両 方だが、特に〈A〉

d. 〈A〉と〈B〉の両方だが、特に〈B〉

■『読む力 初中級』「この本の使い方」英語翻訳■
Skills Aquired in This Chapter

メタ・コンテンツをつかむ テキストの内容をメタ的に(=少し上のレベルから)捉えて、抽 象 的に言い

ないよう てき とら ちゅうしょうてき い
  Understand the Meta Contents 換えます。内容の要約ではありません。
か ないよう ようやく
Grasp the contents of a text at a meta level (= from a level slightly above) and rephrase it
abstractly. This is not the same as a summary of the text itself.

論 理をつかむ 話の筋を理解し、
ろん り すじ り かい つぎ とら
  Understand the Author’s Logic Follow the storyline, understanding “why this can be said” as well as “what will happen next.”

意 図をつかむ
い と
こと ば どお い み ひっしゃ ほんとう り かい
  Understand the Author’s Understand not just the literal meaning of the words, but also what the author really wants to
  Intentions say.

主 張をつかむ その文 章 を通じて筆者が伝えたい考え(意見)を捉えます。

し ゅ ちょう ぶんしょう つう ひっしゃ つた とら
  Understand the Author’s Through the composition, grasp the thoughts (opinions) the author wants to convey.

じょう ほ う
必要な情 報がどこに書いてあるか探して、取り出します。
ひつよう じょうほう さが と だ
  Locate Information Find and retrieve necessary information from where it is written.

比 べる 「Aは~だが、Bは~だ」のように、何かを分けたり比べたりします。筆者だ
くら わ くら ひっしゃ
  Compare and Contrast けの特別な分け方の場合もあります。
わ ば あい
Distinguish between or compare something like “A is ~, but B is ~.” In some cases, there
may be special ways of contrasting applicable only to the particular author.

何の例 かをつかむ 具体例を見て、それが「何を説明するための例なのか」を理解します。

れい ぐ たいれい せつめい れい り かい
  Understand Examples な例か」ではありません。
Look at specific examples, and understand “what this example is trying to explain,” not “what
kind of example this is.”

Feature 3 The 3 Types of Tasks That Enable Academic Reading

言語処理 認知処理
げん ご しょ り にん ち しょ り

■ What is 言語処理 ? 例:語彙・文法 例:意図をつかむ ■ What is 認知処理 ?

げん ご しょ り れい ご い ぶんぽう れい い と にん ち しょ り

(Language Processing) (Cognitive Processing)

Language processing is the understanding Cognitive processing is the deep

of the literal meaning of a composition ⇩ understanding of what an author
through knowledge of vocabulary meaning, wants to say through a composition
usage, grammar, etc. アカデミックな読み by using one’s brain.

Academic Reading

1.全体把握 (Overall Understanding)

ぜんたい は あく

These tasks ask about メタ・コンテンツ(→p.9)and the type of composition. Rather than
understanding the fine details, grasp what the text is trying to convey as a whole. Particularly, the
ability to summarize the メタ・コンテンツ as a short phrase is very useful when writing reports
and presentation outlines at university, as well as when reporting information at work.

2.言語タスク (Language Tasks)

げん ご

“Language tasks” are “language processing” tasks, that is, tasks of understanding the literal
meaning of the composition. Before solving「認知タスク」(Cognitive Tasks), solve and check the
にん ち

language tasks to see if you are able to do the necessary language processing (understand the
text), as well as whether you are ready to proceed with deep reading.
■『読む力 初中級』「この本の使い方」英語翻訳■

3.認知タスク (Cognitive Tasks)

にん ち

“Cognitive tasks” are academic tasks, that is, tasks that require both “language processing” and
“cognitive processing” at the same time. “Cognitive processing” means using your head (brain) to
read a composition and deeply understand what the author is trying to convey. It is the same type
of task that is asked on the Examination for Japanese University Admission (EJU).

 What is メタ・コンテンツ (meta content) ? 

Meta content is not the content itself, but the content grasped at a meta level
(from a slightly higher level) and rephrased in an abstract manner. This is neither
the topic nor the summary.

 ➡ What’s the difference between「コンテンツ」(content) and「メタ・コンテ

ンツ」(meta content)?

① 日曜日の外 出 について話します。人気のパンケーキの店に行きました。人



 △ 人気のパンケーキの店に行ったら、1時間も待ったが、おいしかった。
 ○ 日曜日の外 出 でしたこととその感想 ←メタ・コンテンツ
がいしゅつ かんそう

× パンケーキの店 ←トピック (topic)

② 家族は5人です。父と母と姉と弟と私です。 両 親は会社員です。姉も会
りょう しん

社員です。弟は高校生です。みんなスポーツが好きで、仲 がいいです。

ときどき やまのぼ

 △ 家族は 両 親と姉と弟で、みんなスポーツ好きだ。 ←コンテンツ
りょうしん ず

 ○ 5 人家族の 職 業 と好きなことの紹 介 ←メタ・コンテンツ

しょくぎょう しょうかい

× 家族 ←トピック

③ 先生、初 中 級 クラスのリンです。今日、朝から熱 があって、測 ったら

しょ ちゅう きゅう ねつ はか


 △ インフルエンザで、今週は学校に行けない。 ←コンテンツ

 ○ 欠席の理由と予定の連絡 ←メタ・コンテンツ
り ゆう よ てい れんらく

× インフルエンザ/欠席  ←トピック
■『読む力 初中級』「この本の使い方」英語翻訳■

How to Study With This Textbook

1 読む前に “Before Reading” Section

Questions relating to the chapter’s topic or theme. These questions prepare you to read the text.

2 学 習 目 標(スキル 表 ) Learning Objective (Skills Chart)

がくしゅうもくひょう ひょう

Review what you will be able to do by studying this chapter.

3 この課で身につけるスキル(スキル 表 ) Skills Aquired in This Chapter (Skills Chart)

か み ひょう

These are the skills needed to achieve the learning objectives. By being conscious of these skills
while completing the tasks (questions), you can acquire them while improving your reading ability.

4 テキスト Main Text

There are two types of text in this book.

1)Commissioned writing. … Essays written for the book and compositions by Japanese learners
2)Authentic texts … Some lightly rewritten, and some in their original form

For authentic texts, various texts such as essays and practical guides have been selected.
Gradually become accustomed to academic reading through simple texts, bridging the gap to deep
reading at an intermediate level.

5 全体把握・言語タスク・認知タスク Overall Understanding/Language Tasks/Cognitive Tasks

ぜんたい は あく げん ご にん ち

1.First, quickly scan the entire text. Do not look at the vocabulary list, nor a dictionary. Immediately solve
「全体把握」to confirm your general understanding. Even if you are unsure of your understanding
ぜんたい は あく

here, proceed to the next step.

2.Next, read the text one more time without rushing. It is okay to look at the vocabulary list or
dictionary this time. Solve「言語タスク」and「認知タスク」, and check your answers with the
げん ご にん ち

answer key. Be conscious of the corresponding skill while solving「認知タスク」. When you
にん ち

understand the meaning of the text, but cannot solve the task, it might be a chance for you to
greatly improve your reading ability by re-reading that paragraph or sentence a number of times.
3.Finally, read through the whole text once more and check your comprehension with「全体把握」
ぜんたい は あく

6 スキル表 をチェックする Fill-in (check) the Skills Chart


If you were able to understand the task by yourself without help

= Check「自分でわかった」 □

If you were able to understand the task in class with the help of a classmate or teacher

= Check「授 業 でわかった」 □

7 スキル一覧 表(別冊) Skills Table (Supplementary Text)

いちらんひょう べっさつ

After completing the chapter, self-assess your skills and fill-in the skills table. When each skill listed
in this table is viewed horizontally, skills frequently marked「自分でわかった」are your strengths with
regard to reading comprehension, while skills that have been marked「授 業 でわかった」might be

weaknesses to be aware of and develop in the future. 10

■『読む力 初中級』「この本の使い方」英語翻訳■

■ Ruby Characters (Furigana)

Furigana are attached to words which are written with kanji characters corresponding to the
Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N3 (formerly JLPT Level 2) and above, as well as all
proper nouns (for tasks, these are attached only above the first question in which they appear).

■ 頭 と言葉のエクササイズ Mind and Language Exercises

あたま こと ば

The basis for solving「認知タスク」is solid language processing. In「 頭 と言葉のエクササイズ」

にん ち あたま こと ば

practice using words for cognitive processing. Since these are independent of each chapter’s
contents, please feel free to engage with them either as a change of pace or as a mental break.

■ The Supplementary Text

○スキル一覧表 (Skills Table):After studying, check and self-assess.

○語彙リスト (Vocabulary List):Mainly, the vocabulary above JLPT N3 level, as well as difficult vocabulary
ご い

from N4 and N5 levels, are listed in the vocabulary list. Translations (English, Chinese (Simplified
and Traditional), Korean, and Vietnamese) are published on the web, so please make use of them
for learning.

○解答例 (Answer Key):The answers to each task and「頭 と言葉のエクササイズ」are printed in the
かいとうれい あたま こと ば

answer key.

語彙リスト: English
ご い

Tiếng Việt


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