Act 2

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Mark Ryan G Donato


1) Fn = 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377

2) Fn = 11, 17, 28, 45, 73, 118, 191, 309, 500, 809

It improves our analytical thinking, sharpens our minds, generates practicality and also
its use can be applied in the day to day. The mathematics is present in our daily lives.
For many students, math is boring, abstract, lacking in creativity, complex and very
difficult to understand, hence the typical expressions of “I am of letters” or “Numbers are
not mine.” However, it is a subject that is part of the study of our self and as such should
be an effort for compression, which usually involves constant practice. The mathematics
is present in our daily lives. Yes Mathematics also use in market that makes our
shopping more efficient, one of these are the operations that we use for calculating how
much we will pay for our purchases, next the ratio and proportions, use for measuring
the right amount of the stuff that we will buy. Mathematics makes our life orderly and
prevents chaos. Certain qualities that are nurtured by mathematics are the power of
reasoning, creativity, abstract or spatial thinking, critical thinking, problem-solving
ability, and even effective communication skills.
1. The time that i hated math when im in elementary school im grade 6 that time and i
couldn't even listen to my math teacher i always thought that math is difficult, i
couldn't even remember 1 to 9 multiplication that time then next year i graduated
in elementary and couple of months i started high school in first quarter of my
grade 7 i didnt expect that i got a top 10 in TLE then i realized that im more happy
when i got compliment to my mother and classmate then i realize that im more
active in every subject then in 4th year of my high school i realize that i like math
since then i always excited when math is involve in our discussion. It’s perfectly
ok to hate math. Nobody loves every subject in school, but I would suggest that
we really need to try to focus and be able to pass at least the High-School and
Undergrad Math otherwise we will be stuck in a menial job for the rest of our life.
that is just depressing. i said to my self that i will try it until my graduation in high
school then when i got in 4th year i realized that i like mathematics.

2. Because religion has been used to legitimize tyrants, torture, wars, mass murder,
rape and much more. Religion needs to be as far away from power and the
legitimacy of that power. Religion should be private and locally organized,
otherwise it would just be co-opted by the power-hungry to suit their needs. In
race people heard over and over from many people around them that “those
people” pose a risk. They see examples of black criminals. They see non-criminal
blacks as exceptions. Hundreds of remarks and stories have built up a certainty
that all those people can’t be wrong. Actually i dont know why people discrimate
color of skin. All human lives are worth the same. Some people are more
productive and some have horrible behavior. However, underneath it all everyone
wants to be accepted and loved by at least one other human.

Discrimination can be on the basis of race, colour, country, region, religion or sex.
But always remember, the person who distinguishes people on the basis of the
above mentioned criteria or in any other way, is small and not the one on whom
the insult is showered. Instead of being subjugated by such discrimination, fight
back and bring such people back to their places.
1. A
2. B
3. 11

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