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"I am not!" Feather got angered by Cat's insults.

"Of course you are, thank you for showing your true colors early," Cat replied, determined to
make Feather upset. She had never expected this sudden shift of personality as she had always
thought her cousin was such a flawless fragile angel. Most of the time, she felt really bad when
Feather got reprimanded by their ballet teacher that the Don hired over the summer to tutor them
both. Now, she felt foolish for pitying her. It seemed that she didn't deserve her sympathy.

"Whatever, you are just upset that grandfather went angry with you," Feather gets back at her
trying to build up some confidence by putting her two hands on her waist.

"So what? Grandfather is angry with me right now, but tomorrow, I'll still be his favorite," Cat
smiled rather victoriously. "Do you think you can take his favors from me that easily? Try
harder.." Cat rolled an eye and went with the path, intentionally bangging Feather with her
shoulder to disturb her composure.

"He is already frustrated with you," Feather attempted to ruin Cat's mood further.

"He'll only be frustrated with me when my  ballet skills will go down  to your level," Cat replied
and smiled, knowing she hit the right spot. Not wanting to waste her time with her petty jealous
cousin, she heads for her room without waiting for Feather's reply. She saw the girl coming at
her thought but she immediately closed the door before she could grab her.

"Open the door!" Feather shouted as she was totally not done with her but Cat ignored her and
just jumped into her bed and pushed a pillow to her face. Feather was the least of her problems
then and so she didn't want to deal with her.


Morning came and all of Cat's bags were packed. She had been waiting all night for her father to
come but he didn't show up. It was really unusual for her father not to come and leave her under
her grandfather's care because as far as she knew, he didn't want him around her. She was sure
something was wrong, but she was not in the place to know what it was.

Does she really have to leave now?

"Miss Cat, come on," The butler went to offer her a hand. She was then sitting at the front door
not willing to move but it was time and they had to leave.

"Is there any news about my father?" She looked up to him with a worried face. 

"He did call. He told me to tell you to stay within the city for a while and heed your grandfather's
orders. Wasn't it your dream to go to Mara Ballet? Your father thought you'd like it there and so
he was okay with you going with your grandfather now. The Don will take you to that ballet
"I wish Father was the one who's going to bring me there," Cat replied, very upset.

"Your father doesn't want you to leave. However he doesn't want to hinder you with your
dreams. Maybe he thought it would be better for your grandfather to send you off by himself
because he might not be able to bear it. This separation is hard for him too," The butler explained
thoroughly, hoping he can ease the girl's ill feeling. "You'll see him soon anyway,"

"Alright," Cat sighed deeply and decided to stand on her feet. The butler took her hand and
carefully dragged her to the car where Feather was waiting. The Don was in another Car.

"Drama queen," She heard Feather cussing but she ignored it. Instead, she laid her head on the
window and eased  herself with beautiful thoughts. In a while, she felt their car moving and saw
the mansion's gate opening up for them. She held a deep breath as if something was drowning
her as the car excited the property. She really has to leave now. She had to leave without saying
her father a proper goodbye so was her only friend ,Spin.

The car swerved a little and started hitting on the dusty road, in a minute though, she noticed
something and when she moved her head to look, she saw Spin chasing their car.

"Stop the car!" Cat charged.

"Miss Cat I can't. Your grandfather's car is at our back. He'll sure reprimand me,"

"Then at least open the window for me," Cat begged. The driver who pitied the girl, heed her
second request.

"Spin!" She called and pushed her head out of the window to look at the little boy who was
chasing them. 

"Cat!" Spin was very relieved to have finally seen her face. He thought he would never get to see
her beautiful face for the last time and although he was already exhausted from running and his
little feet were already aching, it was worth everything.

"Goodbye Spin! I'll see you soon!"

"Wait! Here!" Spin took something from his little pocket and tried to give her something. It was
the butterfly ring she had been eyeing for a while then and the view of it from Spin's hand almost
made her cry. 

"I bought it for you. Take it!" 

Tears were already rounding at the corner of her eye when she reached for it. The car was
running fast yet Spin was trying his very best to cope up with the speed and make sure Cat gets
the ring which she did eventually.

"You brought it for me," She smiled when she finally had it. "I thought you wouldn't,"
"I had to. I promise your grandfather I'll take you someday," Spin proudly shouted at her, almost
losing his breath. "Don't worry, I'll come for you someday,"

"Silly..we will still see each other again! I'll come home—"

"I'll marry you someday and take you away! I promise that!" Spin halted all of Cat's words and
even when she found her friends' words as cringey, her tears fell suddenly. There was something
about it that felt comforting, especially with what she went through the whole night—waiting
endlessly for her father that never came.

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