Grade 6 Ict Exam

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1. Describe what is a computer? (3MKS)


2. List the 3 main functional components of a computer? (2MKS)


3. Write down the two main type the following. (4MKS)

a. Software

b. Hardware

4. State whether the following statements are true or false. (3MKS)

a. You can type a composition in Ms word………………………

b. The appearance of text, size and colour in Ms word is called font…………………

c. There are two rulers found in Ms word…………………………...

d. PowerPoint cannot be used to make presentation

5. Name 4 key features/parts found in Ms Excel. (4mks)


6. Fill in the blanks with the correct word. (5mks)

Plus Application A1 Data Active Letters cell

a) Ms Excel is an ……………………………………

b) Ms Excel stores the……………………………….in the form of tables.

c) Formula bar displays the formula of an …………………cell.

d) Columns in MS Excel are labelled as ……………………..

e) The intersection between a row and a column…………………………

f) The First cell address of a worksheet is called…………………….

g) The mouse pointer changes to a ………………………..sign on the worksheet.

1. Name 5 types of keys on found on a computer keyboard. (5mks)


2. Fill in the blanks with the correct option. (5mks)

Virus Internet chrome Anti-virus Search engines

a) ………………………………………………………………..stands for interconnected network

b) ……………………………………………….is a program that is loaded onto your computer

without your knowledge and runs against your wishes.

c) ……………………………………programs periodically check your computer system for the

known types of viruses.

d) ………………………………………….is a series of graphical web browser.

e) …………………………………………..specifies where a specific website is available and the way

to retrieve it.

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