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Name : Nguyen Duy Hai

Risk of cyber attacks to society

I’m here today to share with you risks of cyber-attacks to business and
I will split into 2 main branches : Primary effects and secondary effects.

Primary effects

Direct effects of specific devices within IT systems .Threat actors

perform a series of actions to create a cyber event which will disrupt
and/or exploit a targeted device. This can range from something as
simple as wanting to compromise the data, to a more serious effect
like ransomware. The severity of the attack can be measured in the time
it takes to recover from them. If the attack is simple enough, it can be
resolved in a matter of hours. However, if it is a little more complex, for
example aimed at the manufacturing line of a business, this is where it
leads into the secondary effects.  
 Ransomware : a type of malicious software designed to block
access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid.

Secondary effects

Indirect impacts created by a cyber event. A manufacturing company’s

production line has been halted for a number of days due to a cyber-
How does this really affect the business?

Time is wasted in a business because of cyber-attacks, from waiting for
the IT system to be secured, recovering data that could have been lost in
the contravention,then putting the systems back. In the 2018 Cyber
Security Survey, it took 17% of businesses ‘a day or more to recover
from the breach’. When talking about wasted time, it does inadvertently
lead to loss in money. 

The majority of businesses will lose money in some way from a cyber
attack,whether it is through money stolen by cybercriminals, sales lost
because of production delays, or hiring experts to fix the attack. When
the customers is made aware of these attacks, it can lead to them
questioning the business,therefore, put their reputaion in risk.
A good reputation with clients can take many years to build, but one
cyber-attacks and trust is completely lost. Depending on the size of
business, there can be media coverage or competing business can use it
to their adventage.
With individuals
In some cases, cyber-attacks can target normal users. Almost people
accept loss of data, because of complex solutions and cost. The data of
people could be sold for many companies to marketing. Even worse,
sentitive informations of people will be sold on social media.

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