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NAME: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Raziel G. Tiquis DATE: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
March 18-19, 2022
SUBJECT TEACHER:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
MS. ROSE ANN C. MALUNES SCHEDULE:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Fri-Sat 7:30-9:30 am


Directions: Complete the group of words to form relevant ideas about the lesson.
1. According to the collision theory, there are three (3) requirements for a reaction to occur: these are
2. The factors that can affect the rate of reaction are ACTIVATION ENERGY, TEMPERATURE,
3. Increasing the concentration of reactants in a solution INCREASES the frequency of collision of
particles and the rate of reaction.
4. Increasing the concentration means, there is more of SOLUTE in the solution.
5. Increasing the temperature INCREASES the collision of particles.
6. Increasing the temperature INCREASES the kinetic energy of particles.
7. The greater the size of particles, the SMALLER is the surface area.
8. The smaller the size of particles, the GREATER is the surface area.
9. Remember, not all reactions happen at the same speed. Some are SLOW/SLOWER while others
What’s More:
Answer the guide questions below after watching each video.
Link 1: Guide Questions
1. What is a catalyst?
Catalysis is the addition of a catalyst to a chemical reaction to speed up the rate of the reaction.
2. How does catalyst work?
Catalyst works by offering a (different) mechanism with a lower activation and a different transition
3. In the video, where are catalysts used in everyday life?
Catalyst was used in the Haber process contact process and catalytic converter.
Link 2: Guide Questions
1. What substance in the experiment contains catalyst that helps in the reaction?
Enzymes are enzymes that act as biological catalysts. They are proteins that fold into specific
conformations to aid in the speeding up of specific chemical reactions. The reactant in biological
reactions is usually referred to as the substrate.
2. What happens when the yeast is added to the hydrogen peroxide?
A molecule found in yeast causes hydrogen peroxide to break apart, releasing oxygen gas and
water. The energy required to break apart hydrogen peroxide was released when oxygen and
water were created. This is referred to as an exothermic reaction.
3. What enzyme catalyst was produced by the substance?
Enzymes first form enzyme-substance complexes with various reactive compounds when they
synthesize. It is possible to synthesize new chemicals from a variety of reactive components.
4. How would you differentiate catalyst from temperature as a factor affecting the rate of
When solids and liquids react, increasing the solid's surface area speeds up the reaction. With a
drop in temperature, the reaction rate slows. Without being consumed in the reaction, catalysts
can lower the activation energy and raise the reaction rate.
5. What is the significance of putting flame on the solution in the experiment?
Putting the jar above the candle prevents oxygen from entering the jar. Only the oxygen in the jar
can be used in the reaction. As a result, once that oxygen is depleted, the reaction can no longer

Additional Activities:
In your most creative way, how will you define catalyst and describe how it affects reaction rate? It can
be through a song, a role play (experiment), poem, poster, or interpretative dance. A
5-minute-performance will be evaluated using a common rubric to be given by the teacher.
Catalyst for Change
A catalyst is a chemical that speeds up reactions.
At least that’s what I learned in chemistry class.
Catalysts sometimes are the major factors in a reaction and without them,
The reaction could never happen.
Catalyst can be lab chemicals,
coffee even,
or a person.

While lounging around one afternoon you were talking physics

And I turned it on your head and spoke of chemistry,
Knowing full well that I was speaking of our personal chemistries.
You were right, the physics of a relationship gives us the laws,
But CHEMISTRY can predict the outcome.
If you do the math and follow the directions,
you can determine the product without even doing the experiment.

Unless the reaction you are creating has never been attempted before by
the scientists preforming the experiment.

They can flip through the books,

Read the essays,
Study the theorems,
Even attempt the calculations,
But if they don’t do the actual experiment,
They will never find their outcome.

Some things need a push,

A catalyst,
For them to form a bond,
And combine into a stable combination.
Hypotheses must be TESTED, ACCEPTED, and RATIFIED
Before becoming a law.

No matter how based in logic your hypothesis might be,

You need the universe and its fundamental laws to back it up.
There are still surprises left in the universe.
Maybe you and I can be one of them.

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