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[07:52:52] {FFFFFF}SA-MP {B9C9BF}0.3.

7 {FFFFFF}Started
[07:52:52] Connecting to
[07:52:52] [SF] {FFFFFF}Reconnect+ by NarutoUA |
[07:52:52] {b3b3b3}FactionsCMD(v.0.4) Remade by {0066ff}DaGGoTh {b3b3b3}for OG-
Times RPG has loaded.
[07:52:52] {b3b3b3}Foloseste {0066ff}/copcmd {b3b3b3}pentru a vedea lista
comenzilor disponibile.
[07:52:52] {FFF08B}[Copytext] {FFFFFF}by {5AD9F9}gumball3000 {FFFFFF}has loaded!
[07:52:52] {FFF08B}Use ALT + Left/Right arrow keys while the chat is opened.
[07:52:53] {FF0000}[V7.6]TesterCMD creat de: {FF0000}drag411[]{FF0000} pentru LSPD.
[07:52:53] {FF0000}Foloseste [/testercmd] pentru a vedea comenzile.{b30000}
[07:52:53] {b3b3b3}ResponsabilCMD made by{FF4000} []St3f {b3b3b3}has loaded.
[07:52:53] {b3b3b3}Foloseste {FF4000}[/rcmd]{b3b3b3} pentru a vedea o lista de
[07:52:53] {0099cc}Los Santos Police Department LeaderCMD ~ /lcmd
[07:52:53] {0099cc}Created by []St3f
[07:52:53] Connected. Joining the game...
[07:52:54] Nu folosesti voicechat. You aren't using voicechat.
[07:52:54] Il poti instala de pe You can install it from og-
[07:52:59] Connected to {B9C9BF}OG-Times RPG | Earth Server - Halloween Update!
[07:52:59] SERVER: {FFFFFF}Welcome to OG-TIMES RPG.
[07:52:59] SERVER: {FFFFFF}You already have a registered account, please enter your
password into the dialog box.
[07:53:05] You are a premium account user.
[07:53:05] Misiune: Evadeaza din jail | Progres: 0/1
[07:53:05] Misiune: Livreaza 15 pizza | Progres: 0/15
[07:53:05] Progres misiuni zilnice: (ziua 1/7) - recompensa curenta: $200,000 +
bonus, 1 RP per misiune
[07:53:05] Clasament 2022: Tasteaza /leaderboard pentru mai multe informatii si
[07:53:05] Daily Job-ul de astazi: Pizza Boy, bonus curent: 50%. O sa primesti bani
in plus muncind la acest job!
[07:53:05] Event-ul Jigsaw la job-ul Farmer (misiune-extra) este activ. Lucreaza la
job pentru a obtine o cheie Jigsaw.
[07:53:05] Halloween 2022: Noi misiuni asteapta sa fie completate. Viziteaza /gps -
Halloween Quests!
[07:53:05] Halloween Quests: Premiu 1 | Progres total 0/25/50
[07:53:29] Your car (Model: Infernus) has been now spawned!
[07:53:37] This Infernus (ID 122) is owned by Adi | Age: 319 days | Odometer: 9672
km | Colors: 199, 198 | Insurance: $0 (5 points) | Fuel: 3 ...
[07:53:37] ... /3
[07:53:38] * Adi starts the engine of his Infernus.
[07:54:28] Hud Options: FPS set to {FFFF00}enabled{FFFFFF}.
[08:12:42] Your paycheck has arrived; please visit the bank to withdraw your money.
[08:12:42] [L] Felicitari! Ai obtinut +5 LBP pentru ca ai obtinut sub 1800 secunde
la payday.
[08:12:42] Ai primit 0.11 ore jucate (7.00 minute). Acum ai 1169.91 ore jucate.
[08:12:42] Pet-ul tau vLd47 [lv.13] a obtinut +20 EXP la acest payday.
[08:12:42] Ai obtinut +390,000$ de la pet-ul tau la acest payday.
[08:12:42] Paycheck: $44 | Bank balance: $20,064,332,578 | Bank interest:
$3,592,137 | Tax: $2000 | Rent: $15,000 | Normal earnings: $3,594,374
[08:40:57] Vehiculul tau Infernus va fi despawnat intr-un minut din cauza
[08:40:57] Vehiculul tau Infernus a fost despawnat din cauza inactivitatii.
[08:41:06] Now you are AFK.

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