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Disaster Resilient Architecture

Module 02: Design for Cyclone

By: Sonu Mohanty

27th, 30th March & 3rd April 2021
Natural Disaster

Tropical Cyclone
Different Names of Tropical Cyclone

- In Australia, a cyclone is called a willy-willy.

- Storms forming in the North Atlantic, central North Pacific,

and eastern North Pacific are known as hurricanes.

- A storm in the Northwest Pacific is a typhoon

Tropical Cyclone

- rapidly rotating storm

system characterized by a
low-pressure center
- a closed low-level
atmospheric circulation
- strong winds
- a spiral arrangement of
thunderstorms that
produce heavy rain and/or

Tropical Cyclone

Reason of Formation:

- differences between air

pressure within our

- Air under high pressure

flows toward areas of low

Tropical Cyclone

Reason of Formation:

The greater the difference in

pressure, the faster the air

Impact on Tropic Cyclone due to Climatic Change

Rainfall, Intensity, Frequency,

storm tracks, storm surges
and flood hazards
- There is warm oceanic temperature due to change in climate change

- Tropical cyclone uses warm and moist air as their fuel

- Warmer air holds more water vapour

- This results in heavy rainfall, increase in the intensity and frequency

- There is also rise in sea-level that increase the storm surge level

- A 2017 study shows increase in floods, storm surge, and terrestrial flooding (rivers)
due to climate change

Tropical Cyclone

Behaviour of Cyclone
- Tropical cyclones are compact and circular storms

- generally some 320 km (200 miles) in diameter

- whose winds swirl around a central region of low atmospheric pressure

- The winds are driven by this low-pressure core and by the rotation of Earth, which
deflects the path of the wind through a phenomenon known as the Coriolis force.

- As a result, tropical cyclones rotate in a counter-clockwise (or cyclonic) direction in

the Northern Hemisphere

- in a clockwise (or anti-cyclonic) direction in the Southern Hemisphere.

Tropical Cyclone

Structure of Cyclone

- The eye is a region of mostly calm weather at the center of tropical cyclones

- The eye of a storm is a roughly circular area, typically 30–65 kilometers in diameter.

- The cyclone's lowest barometric pressure occurs in the eye and can be as much as 15
percent lower than the pressure outside the storm

- Typically, atmospheric pressure at the surface of Earth is about 1,000 millibars

- At the centre of a tropical cyclone, however, it is typically around 960 millibars or may
be as low as 880 millibars


- In addition to low pressure at the centre, there is also a rapid variation of pressure
across the storm, with most of the variation occurring near the centre.

- This rapid variation results in a large pressure gradient force, which is responsible for
the strong winds present in the eyewall

- Horizontal winds within the eye, on the other hand, are light.

- In addition, there is a weak sinking motion, or subsidence, as air is pulled into the
eyewall at the surface


- As the air subsides, it compresses slightly and warms, so that temperatures at the
centre of a tropical cyclone are some 5.5 °C (10 °F) higher than in other regions of the

- Because warmer air can hold more moisture before condensation occurs, the eye of
the cyclone is generally free of clouds.


- The most dangerous and destructive part of a tropical cyclone is the eyewall

- Here winds are strongest, rainfall is heaviest, and deep convective clouds rise from
close to Earth’s surface to a height of 15,000 metres

- Air is warmer in the core of a tropical cyclone, and this higher temperature causes
atmospheric pressure in the centre to decrease at a slower rate with height than
occurs in the surrounding atmosphere


- In addition to deep convective cells (compact regions of vertical air movement)

surrounding the eye, there are often secondary cells arranged in bands around the

- These bands, commonly called rainbands, spiral into the centre of the storm.

- In some cases the rainbands are stationary relative to the centre of the moving storm,
and in other cases they seem to rotate around the centre.

You-Tube Video

(41) Tropical Cyclone, Hurricane, Storm Formation - Geography of UPSC, IAS, CDS, NDA -


- Preparing a structure in scientific manner to

withstand forces of natural hazards

- Up gradation of existing building for increasing

the resistance against natural hazards
Cyclonic Retrofitting

Masonry Building
Retrofitting of Masonry Building

- A) Fixing of cracks
- B) Stitching junctions of walls by ferro cement plates
- C) Strengthening of walls by horizontal belts
- D) Strengthening of walls by vertical belts
- E) Strengthening around doors/ windows
- F) Control on length of wall
- G) Control on opening

Retrofitting of Masonry Building

A) Fixing of cracks more than 5mm

Retrofitting of Masonry Building

B) Stitching junctions of walls by ferro cement plates

- Ferro cement plates must be installed in a length of 300mm on each side of crack on
inside and ( wall thickness +300 mm) on outside

- Ferro cement plate must be of size 25mm x 25 mm with 35 mm thick micro cover

Retrofitting of Masonry Building

B) Stitching junctions of walls by ferro cement plates

Retrofitting of Masonry Building

C) Strengthening of walls by horizontal belts

Horizontal belts ensures integral action in case of buildings which did not incorporate
horizontal bands at the time of initial construction.

Such belt should be

(i) Width : 300 mm along the walls with continuity at corners and junctions.
(ii) Reinforcement : Welded mesh with 10 nos. long wires G10 spaced at about 30 mm
with transverse wires spaced at 300 mm.
(iii) Covering (micro concrete) : 35 mm thickness

Retrofitting of Masonry Building

C) Strengthening of walls by horizontal belts

Retrofitting of Masonry Building

D) Strengthening of walls by vertical belts

- The vertical steel reinforcement at corner and near opening shall be provided in a
similar to horizontal belts.

- The width of belt at corner maybe 300 mm on either face while at T junctions it wall
thickness plus 600 mm.

- The spacing of such wires shall be 30mm and thickness of micro concrete may be 35

Retrofitting of Masonry Building

D) Strengthening of walls by vertical belts

Retrofitting of Masonry Building

E) Strengthening around doors/ windows

Belts needs to be provided at jambs and around the doors opening to strengthening as
they are more vulnerable in building

Installation of Belt:
(i) Remove plaster , rack out mortar joints to about 20 mm depth. Clean the surface
and wet it with water. Apply neat cement slurry and apply first coat of 12-16mm
thickness microconcrete, roughen the surface.
(ii) Fix the mesh with 150 mm long nails ( having large heads) at 300 mm apart when
first coat is still green.
(iii) Apply the second coat of microconcrete of about 20 mm thickness ensuring a clear
cover of about 12 mm for steel
Retrofitting of Masonry Building

E) Strengthening around doors/ windows

Retrofitting of Masonry Building

F) Control on length of wall

The maximum length of wall should not exceed 4m in case of stone buildings and 5 m in
case of walls with rectangular masonry units.

In case wall length exceeds 5 m, it should be strengthen using buttress or pilaster spaced
less than 4m.

Retrofitting of Masonry Building

F) Control on length of wall

Retrofitting of Masonry Building

G) Control on opening

There should be preferably be one door and window in one wall opening with Total
Length of opening < fifty percent of wall length in a story

Retrofitting of Masonry Building

Retrofitting of Masonry Building

Norms and Standards for Housing Design
in Cyclonic Region

Guidelines for Planning

1. the building shall be founded on good ground.
2. Regular plan shapes are preferred.
3. a circular or polygonal plan is preferred over rectangular or square plans
4. A symmetrical building with a compact plan form is more stable than an
asymmetrical building with a zig-zag plan
5. In case of construction of group of buildings with a row type or cluster arrangement,
cluster arrangement can be followed in preference to row type.
6. Long walls having length in excess of 3.5 m shall be provided with cross walls or
7. Buildings are not to be located in low-lying areas as cyclones are invariably associated
with floods.
8. In hilly regions, construction along ridges should be avoided since they experience an
accentuation of wind velocity
9. buildings with large span with sloped roofs, roof pitches having a slope less than 1 in
3 shall be avoided
10. Hipped roofs are preferred to gabled roofs for non-engineered and semi-engineered
11. The percent of the total opening in the cross-section of the frontal wall shall be less
than 50 percent of the width of the wall
12. While planning a lay-out for group housing, if the inter-building spacing is less than
twice the width of the building considerable shielding is available for the interior
buildings though the first two column shows attract larger forces compared to a
stand alone building
13. In regions where storm surges lead to coastal inundation, buildings should be located
at higher ground levels. If high ground is not available buildings may be constructed
at raised earthen mounds suitably surrounded by retaining walls

Norms and Standards for Housing Design
in Cyclonic Region

Guidelines for Non-Engineered

1. To reduce problems due to flying-off of thatched roof, it may be held down to the
frame work of the roof or the building envelope using organic ropes. Diagonal
pattern of rope is preferred
2. The overhang of the roof beyond the wall shall be limited to 450 mm.
3. All the posts buried below ground level shall be painted with a coat of coal tar up to
the level of maximum flood
4. The main posts shall be firmly anchored to the ground using suitable anchor poles
5. As mud wall is erodible, protection barrier or revetment built with stone or brick
shall be built up to the maximum flood level, and plastering with special water proof
clay or cement/lime mortar on outer surface is essential
6. In case of sloped roof, triangular frames may be located with a maximum spacing of
2.0 m.

7. Brick work in weak mortars and random rubble masonry can be used for the walls. In
these cases, the bond beam/anchorage beam provided on top shall be anchored to
the foundation using mild steel rod properly encased in cement mortar.

8. Discrete anchorage of roof into brick rubble masonry can be accomplished through
anchorage reinforcement.

Norms and Standards for Housing Design
in Cyclonic Region

Guidelines for Semi-Engineered

1. To achieve a certain measure of restraint for tiled roofs provide concrete or masonry
restraining bands at a spacing of approximately 1.2m to 1.5m. These bands may
preferably be located over wooden rafters forming integral part of the truss system.

2. The tiled roof system shall be securely fixed to a bond beam. The bond beam in turn
is to be connected to the foundation by holding down bolts. The holding down bolt
shall be designed with a factor of safety of 2.0.

3. Wherever asbestos sheets are used for roof cladding, U bolts are preferred when
compared to J bolts

4. Use of hollow concrete block masonry with reinforcements

5. Good connections are required among the various wooden elements- in the roof and
wall. The important requirement is that the uplift force on the roof is to be safely
transmitted to the foundation. The connections must have adequate strength to
transfer the uplift force.

6. If strong wall made of good quality brick work is provided, the roof can be anchored
to the continuous lintel band through cyclone bolts.

Norms and Standards for Housing Design
in Cyclonic Region

Guidelines for Engineered Building

1. For buildings located on the periphery of the building clusters, the pressure loadings
shall be enhanced by a factor of 1.50

2. For all interior buildings a shielding factor of 0.80 can be considered

3. The roof pressures on buildings of the outer rows shall be enhanced by a factor of
1.50 in industrial sheds.

4. For evaluating the roof pressures on interior buildings, a shielding factor of 0.80 can
be considered for gabled roofs.

5. In all buildings where wind loading is the dominant loading no increase in allowable
stresses in steel over and above that specified in IS 800 is permitted.

6. In all buildings where load bearing masonry is used a parapet of minimum height 600
mm may be provided.

7. In multi-hazard prone areas with earthquake zones III and above, even if the design
forces are governed by wind loading

8. In flood prone areas all public buildings including cyclone shelters shall be
constructed on raised ground with appropriate peripheral retaining walls.

9. If buildings are constructed with openings at the ground level/stilted buildings,

adequate symmetric shear walls shall be provided in both the principal directions of

10. Wherever feasible, without compromising functionality, the comers of the buildings
shall be rounded off with suitable radius of curvature so as to reduce the drag forces
11. In industrial buildings with gable roof plan bracing shall invariably be provided at the
bottom chord level of trusses to avoid bottom chord buckling due to uplift force as
well as to distribute the horizontal loading from gable ends

12. Upper chord bracing is also desirable at least near gable end walls

Coastal Zoning Regulation for Construction

Classification of Coastal Regulation

Category I (CRZ-I):

(i) Areas that are ecologically sensitive and important, such as national parks/marine
parks, sanctuaries, reserve forests, wildlife habitats, mangroves, corals/coral reefs,
areas close to breeding and spawning grounds of fish and other marine life, areas of
outstanding natural beauty/historical/heritage areas, areas rich in genetic-diversity,
areas likely to be inundated due to rise in sea level consequent upon global warming
and such other areas as may be declared -by the Central Government or the
concerned authorities at the State/Union Territory level from time to time.

(ii) Area between the Low Tide Line and the High Tide Line

Category-II (CRZ-II):

The areas that have already been developed up to or close to the shoreline. For this
purpose, "developed area" is referred to as that area within the municipal limits or in
other legally designated urban areas which is already substantially built up and which has
been provided with drainage and approach roads and other infrastructural facilities, such
as water supply and sewerage mains 61
Category III (CRZ-III):

Areas that are relatively undisturbed and those which do not belong to either category-I
or II. These will include coastal zone in the rural areas (developed and undeveloped) and
also areas within Municipal limits or in other legally designated urban areas which are
not substantially built up

Category-IV (CRZ-IV):
Coastal stretches in the Andaman & Nicobar, Lakshadweep and small islands except those
designated as CRZ-I, CRZ-II or CRZ-III

Coastal Zoning Regulation for Construction

Norms for Regulation of Activities

No new construction shall be permitted within 500 metres of the High Tide Line. No
construction activity, except as listed under 2(xii), will be permitted between the Low
Tide Line and the High Tide Line

(i) Buildings shall be permitted neither on the seaward side of the existing road (or
roads proposed in the approved Coastal Zone Management Plan of the area) nor on
seaward side of existing authorised structures. Buildings permitted on the landward
side of the existing and proposed roads/existing authorised structures shall be
subject to the existing local Town and Country Planning Regulations including the
existing norms of FSI/FAR.

(ii) Reconstruction of the authorised buildings to be permitted subject with the existing
FSI/FAR norms and without change in the existing use.

(iii) The design and construction of buildings shall be consistent with the surrounding
landscape and local architectural style
(i) The area upto 200 metres from the High Tide Line is to be earmarked as 'No
Development Zone'. No construction shall be permitted Within this zone except for
repairs of existing authorised structures not exceeding existing FSI existing plinth
area and existing density. However, the following uses may be permissible in this
zone - agriculture, horticulture, gardens, pastures, parks, playfields, forestry and salt
manufacture from sea water.

(ii) Development of vacant plots between 200 and 500 metres of High Tide Line in
designated areas of CRZ-III with prior approval of MEF permitted for construction of
hotels/beach resorts for temporary occupation of tourists/visitors subject to the
conditions as stipulated in the guidelines at Annexure-II


iii) construction/reconstruction of dwelling units between 200 and 500 metres of the
High Tide Line permitted so long it is with in the ambit of traditional rights and customary
uses such as existing fishing villages and goathans. Building permission for such
construction/reconstruction will be subject to the conditions that the total number of
dwelling units shall not be more than twice the number of existing units; total covered
area on all floors shall not exceed 33 per cent of the plot size; the overall height of
construction shall not exceed 9 metres and construction shall not be more than 2 floors
(ground floor plus One floor).

(iv) Reconstruction/alterations of an existing authorised building permitted subject to (i)

to (iii) above


Andaman & Nicobar Islands:

(i) No new construction of buildings shall be permitted within 200 metres of the HTL;ii)
The buildings between 200 and 500 metres from the High Tide Line shall not have more
than 2 floors (ground floor and 1st floor), the total covered area on all floors shall not be
more than 50 per cent of the plot size and the total height of constructions shall not
exceed 9 metres;
(iii) The design and construction of buildings shall be consistent with the surrounding
landscape and local architectural style.
(iv) Corals and sand from the beaches and coastal waters shall not be used for
construction and other purposes:
(v) Dredging and underwater blasting in and around coral formations shall not be
permitted; and
(vi) However, in some of the islands, coastal stretches may also be classified into
categories CRZ-I or II or III with the prior approval of Ministry of Environment and Forests
and in such designated stretches, the appropriate regulations given for respective
Categories shall apply.

Lakshadweep and small Islands:

(i) For permitting construction of buildings, the distance from the High Tide Line shall
be decided depending on the size of the islands. This shall be laid down for each
island in consultation with the experts and with approval of the Ministry of
Environment & Forests, keeping in view the land use requirements for specific
purposes vis-a-vis local conditions including hydrological aspects erosion and
ecological sensitivity:

(ii) The buildings within 500 metres from the HTL shall not have more than 2 floors
(ground floor and 1st floor), the total covered area on all floors shall not be more
than 50 per cent of the plot size and the total height of construction shall not exceed
9 metres;


Lakshadweep and small Islands:

(iii) The design and construction of buildings shall be consistent with the surrounding
landscape and local architectural style.

(iv) Corals and sand from the beaches and coastal waters shall not be used for
construction and other purposes;

(v) Dredging and underwater blasting in and around coral formations shall not be
permitted; and

(vi) However, in some of the Islands, coastal stretches may also be classified into
categories CRZ-I or II or III, with the prior approval of Ministry of Environment & Forests
and in such designated stretches, the appropriate regulations given for respective
Categories shall apply
Coastal Zoning Regulation for Construction

Materials and Construction

- Materials and construction methods in coastal environment should be resistant to
flood and wind damage, wind driven rain, corrosion, moisture and decay

- Globalisation bought new construction technologies and new products or materials to

withstand the harsh conditions in coastal regions

- Selection of material has a prominent role right from the construction stage through
the maintenance phase

- Warm outdoor temperatures and higher relative humidity allow more water vapour
to be present and increases the rate of corrosion

- Choosing the right roofing material that would ensure longer life, higher wind load
capacity with low maintenance and is corrosion resistant is critical for coastal regions

- UPVC is highly resistant, recyclable and energy efficient, making it a natural choice for
coastal weather
Coastal Zoning Regulation for Construction

Innovative Materials
Corrosion Resistance Steel (CRS) TMT bars

Reinforcement bars of wire rods are used in conjunction with cement concrete to build
up a reinforced concrete structure which has a much higher strength. However, corrosion
of reinforcement bars arises due to the presence of chloride ions in the concrete and
cement which contains calcium hydroxide produces calcium carbonate in the presence of
carbon dioxide and moisture in the environment. To protect steel from corrosion, CRS
TMT introduced to prolong the longevity of RCC structure. These bars are produced with
utmost care and with adequate addition of corrosion resistance elements such as copper,
chromium and phosphorous. These TMT bars are most suitable for highly humid and
moist areas, marine atmosphere, bridges, dams, roofing prone to seepage of water, back-
water areas.

Ground granulated blast-furnace slag

To prevent the penetration of chloride ions a dense, impermeable concrete needs to be

produced. This can be achieved by using Ground Granulated Blast furnace slag (GGBS).
When GGBS cement hydrates, dicalcium silicate and tricalcium silicate are formed.
However, the reaction also produces other secondary hydrates, which effectively fill the
cement paste pores. This is because there is an excess of reactive alumina and silica in
the material. GGBS cement has a slower rate of hydration than Ordinary Portland Cement
(OPC) helps in reducing the permeability of concrete as cracking due to temperature rise
is minimised. Alternatively, Portland slag cement conforming to IS 455 having more than
50 per cent slag or a blend of Ordinary Portland Cement and slag cement may be used
provided sufficient information is available on performance of such blended cements in
these conditions.

Kryton’s crystalline technology

Kryton’s entire ranges of crystalline products are best suited for the coastal climate. The
special Krystol technology works from within the concrete. The waterproofing products
are either added directly to the concrete mix or applied to the surface of concrete. Once
added, Krystol chemically reacts with water and un-hydrated cement particles to form
insoluble needle-shaped crystals. These crystals fill capillary pores and micro-cracks in the
concrete to block pathways for water and waterborne contaminates. Krystol will continue
to give the concrete structure a self-sealing ability. If water is re-introduced through a rise
in hydrostatic pressure or through hairline cracks, Krystol will initiate further
crystallisation to ensure permanent waterproof protection. Krystol works for the life of
the concrete. Kryton’s entire range includes, admixtures, surface applied solutions, joint
repair solution and dry-shake are extremely easy to apply and do not ask for any special
care and help in adding durability to the structure.

Roofing Material

Choosing the right roofing material that would ensure longer life, higher wind load
capacity with low maintenance and is corrosion resistant is critical for coastal regions. An
ideal roofing material for such environs is pre-painted zincalume steel as compared to
conventional galvanised steel materials. It serves to be far more durable and easy on

Doors and windows

Unplasticised polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) is one of the most versatile substances use for
construction. UPVC is highly flexible and has better performance than its counterparts.
uPVC is highly resistant, recyclable and energy efficient, making it a natural choice for
coastal weather.

In coastal climate, the air contains high traces of moisture which makes it easy to cause
corrosion or rust. UPVC windows and doors are tough to fight nature’s fury of
atmospheric corrosion.
Openable window system

Openable windows bang in the wall from high wind pressure. Sliding windows offer
smooth operation. Superior beauty, thermal efficiency and overall performance which
can be found in Window Magic’s sliding windows.” They are designed for strength and
larger glass exposure; they feature two easy-to-clean tilt-in sashes to make any cleaning
chore a breeze.

In coastal area, the window should be salt resistant as coastal regions are privy to contain
traces of saline-based moisture in their weather. With the beaches present in these
regions saline water is predominant and hence there is a huge demand for uPVC windows
in such coastal weather regions. uPVC windows remain new and glossy as ever and saline
proof. So, while choosing, windows must aware about all the helpful factors as living near
coastal areas is a lifestyle choice that can be very fulfilling.


Developers and architects have greater choice owing to their green solutions and
innovations in glass processing technology, with the ability to explore new building
solutions that enhance the aesthetics, energy efficiency and economics of commercial
and residential spaces

Based on climatic study and optimum orientation, it works on a 4G approach and

provides shading and daylight analysis, whole building simulation, wind load analysis and
acoustics analysis. It then generates a comparative analysis (with cost-benefit mapping)
to make recommendations that are best suited for the customer.


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