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SUPPORTING LECTURER : Nurcahyaning Dwi Kusumaningrum S.E

Arranged by :

Muhammad Amantono (220903101034)

Nanda Silvia Eka D (220903101044)

Nararia Maywana Putri M (220903101051)

Marshanda Clesyifa (220903101054)

Hany Prilianti (220903101056)

Sinta Aprilia Putri (220903101057)



Praise be to Allah SWT the Almighty for His blessings and guidance to all of us who have
bestowed His grace so that we can complete this paper. We would like to thank Ms.
Nurcahyaning Dwi Kusumaningrum S.E., M.A. As an English teacher who has given us this
document for us to understand. And hopefully it can add knowledge and experience to readers,
that in the future it will be even better both in form and content.
Due to the limitations of both our knowledge and experience, we believe there are still many
shortcomings in this paper, for that we expect suggestions and constructive criticism from
readers for its perfection.


TABLE OF CONTENS............................................................................................ii
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................1
1. Background........................................................................................................1
1.2. Problem Formulation.......................................................................................2
1.3. Purpose of Writing..........................................................................................2
2. Theoritical Review.............................................................................................3
3. Discussion..........................................................................................................3
CHAPTER II...........................................................................................................7
1. Background........................................................................................................7
1.2. Problem Formulation.......................................................................................8
1.3 Purpose Writing................................................................................................8
2. Definition and Discussion..................................................................................8
CHAPTER III CLOSING....................................................................................11
3.1 Conclution......................................................................................................11
3.2 Advice............................................................................................................11


Basically, it is characterized by the condition of a society because it cannot meet the needs of its
life. The problem of poverty occurs in many developing countries, especially in Indonesia.
Poverty is influenced by socio-economic factors including population density, education level
and so on. DKI Jakarta Province cannot be separated from the problem of poverty. This study
aims to determine the level of poverty in Indonesia, especially for the DKI Jakarta area and also
efforts to overcome the weaknesses in this area.


1.1. Background
Every developing country has the same problem in order to achieve development goals,
namely poverty. Poverty is a complex problem that is still difficult to solve in almost all parts of
Indonesia. As stated by Susanto (2006) that a person or group of people can become poor due to
various factors that can be seen from the dimension space due to limited access, income and
expenses that are vulnerable to disease, are often involved in debt and receivables, or have to sell
their goods to buy goods. needs and emergency situations and they are socially excluded from
various centers of life and have limited relationships, especially in social life and daily activities.
Limitations in accessing all resource systems that can be utilized are a manifestation of the
causes of poverty that greatly affect the level of poverty, especially in Indonesia.
The poverty rate in Indonesia based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (CTA) noted that
the percentage of poor people in Indonesia was 9.54% as of March 2022. This figure decreased
by 0.17 points compared to September 2021 which was 9.71%. World Bank (2018), Indonesia is
included in the list of the 100 poorest countries in the world, which is ranked 88th with a GDP of
11,612. As a form of seriousness of countries that have poverty problems. The cause of the
disparity in the severity of poverty in rural and urban areas shows that the results of development
and government programs still tend to be centered in urban areas.
DKI Jakarta Province is the capital city of the State which is a target area for rural communities.
An advanced economy and industry attracts people to look for jobs and try their luck in DKI
Jakarta Province. Employment in industry and goods production can accommodate workers who
only rely on the skills and strength of brute force who only need physical so that there are more
alternatives to get jobs according to their abilities and expertise. However, the rapid development
is increasingly becoming the attraction of uncontrolled urbanization. The large number of
migrants makes DKI Jakarta unable to accommodate them both from formal and informal jobs.
The ability of human resources remains the main factor to win the competition in obtaining a
better life.

1.2. Problem Formulation
1. What is condition of the poverty rate in the DKI Jakarta Province
2. What are the causes of economic problem in the DKI Jakarta are?
3. How to overcome the poverty?
1.3. Purpose of Writing
1. Knowing the conditions and poverty rates in the DKI Jakarta Province
2. Knowing and explaining what are the causes of the emergency pf economic problem in
DKI Jakarta due to poverty
3. Able to provide an explanation of how to overcome poverty

2. Theoritical Review
Indonesia has regulated based on Law Number 13 of 2011 concerning the handling of the
poor. Chapter 1 Article 1 explains that the poor are people who do not have a source of
livelihood at all or have a source of livelihood but do not have the ability to meet basic needs that
are adequate for the life of themselves or their families. Meanwhile, Article 2 contains the
handling of the poor based on humanity, social justice, non-discrimination, welfare, solidarity,
and empowerment. However, several newcomers came to make the DKI Jakarta area an increase
in social problems because the regional imbalance to accommodate the growing population
caused the quality of human life to decrease. Conceptually (Suharto, 2005:17) states that poverty
is caused by 4 (four) factors, which are related to aspects, namely individual factors, social
factors, cultural factors, and structural factors. Using a broader perspective, in the view of David
Cox (Suharto, 2009), dividing the causes of poverty into four dimensions, namely poverty caused
by globalization, poverty related to development, social poverty, and consequential poverty.
3. Discussion
Based on the Central Statistics Agency poverty in Indonesia is spread across 34 provinces
in Indonesia. Most of the poverty levels are still high in certain areas. This is because the
problem of poverty in each region varies, so the solution to solving the problem of poverty in
each region will also be different, for that it is necessary to look for problems that cause poverty
in each region. (Kuncoro, 1997:131) states that the population of this country is poor because
they depend on the subsystem agricultural sector, traditional production methods are often
accompanied by apathy towards the environment.
Two years since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the poverty rate in DKI Jakarta has been
recorded to be high. The Central Statistics Agency noted that the percentage of poor people in
DKI Jakarta was 4.69% as of March 2022. This figure rose 0.02 points compared to September
2021 which was 4.67%. It was noted that March 2022 was the second time the capital's poverty
rate had touched 4.69%. Previously, DKI Jakarta had also achieved the same gain in September
2020. In the last 10 years, the poverty rate in DKI Jakarta reached its lowest level in September
was 3.42%. The lowest poverty rate in the last decade was the last time it was below 4%
before the Covid-19 pandemic hit the capital. DKI Jakarta's poverty rate in March 2022 and
September 2020 was the second highest in the last decade. The first position is occupied by the
poverty rate in March 2021 which reached 4.72%. It should be noted that the number of poor
people in DKI Jakarta in March 2022 was recorded at 502.04 thousand people. Compared to
September 2021, that number is up 0.02% or an increase of 3,750 people.

The Last 5 Years The Poverty Rate
In DKI Jakarta
4.72 4.69 4.69 4.67
5 4.53
4 3.57 3.47 3.55 3.42
maret september

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Poverty that occurs in DKI Jakarta is still quite high even though the government has
issued several policies. In 2009 Presidential Regulation No. 13 of 2009 was issued regarding the
Coordination of Poverty Reduction. This regulation states that the direction of the national
poverty reduction policy is guided by the Long-Term Development Plan (Article 2). Another
regulation made to reduce poverty is Presidential Decree 15 of 2010 concerning the Acceleration
of Poverty Reduction. The direction of poverty reduction policy at this step is different from the
previous regulation. Especially when the Covid-19 pandemic that hit the world affects life from
various aspects, one of which is the economy. Talking about the economy, of course, cannot be
separated from poverty. DKI Jakarta had recorded a spike in the poverty rate in March 2020,
precisely at the beginning of the pandemic. At that time, the number of poor people in DKI
Jakarta increased by 1.11 percentage points or increased by approximately 119 thousand people
or increased to 118.56 thousand people compared to the calculation of the previous period,
namely September 2019.

As in the last five years, the poverty rates that occurred in the DKI Jakarta area are:
1. Based on the March 2012-September 2018 Susenas, the number of poor people in DKI Jakarta
fluctuated. In September 2018, the poverty rate in March 2018 was 3.57% and in September the
same as March 2013 which was 3.55%
2. Based on the Central Statistics Agency of DKI Jakarta Province In the last 10 years, the
poverty rate in DKI Jakarta reached its lowest lowest level in September 2019 at 3.42%. The
lowest poverty rate in the last decade was the last time it was below 4% before the Covid-19
pandemic hit the capital. Meanwhile in March it was 3.47%
3. Based on the Central Statistics Agency of DKI Jakarta Province, the addition of the poor
population in March was 4.53% until September 2020, which was 4.69%. This could be due to a
decrease in people's purchasing power which was influenced by the increase in prices of goods
and services. Loss of income sources due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is also another
factor that causes an increase in the poor population in 2020.
4. Based on the Central Statistics Agency of DKI Jakarta Province, the poverty rate in the March
2021 period was 4.72%, this was due to the increase in new cases of Covid-19 because the
Omicron variant had an impact on the imposition of restrictions on several economic activities
which previously had begun to gradually recover. Furthermore, in September 2021 it fell to
4.67% making Jakarta's economy grow 4.42%
5. Based on the Central Statistics Agency of DKI Jakarta Province, March 2022 is the second
time the capital city's poverty rate has touched 4.69%. Previously, DKI Jakarta had also achieved
the same gain in September 2020.


Juvenile delinquency is behavior that deviates from the norm carried out by adolescents
which in the end can be detrimental to both themselves and others. There are many factors
behind the occurrence of juvenile delinquency. Various existing factors can be grouped into
internal factors and external factors. Juvenile delinquency causes a lot of material loss and
mental misery both on the subject of the perpetrator himself and on his victims, so the
community and the government take action. Efforts to prevent juvenile delinquency are carried
out by educators against behavioral disorders of adolescents. Mental education in schools is
carried out by teachers, supervising teachers and school psychologists together with other
educators. Efforts should be directed at adolescents by observing, paying special attention and
monitoring any deviations in adolescent behavior at home and at school. Efforts to take action
against social and moral norms can be carried out by punishing every violation. Adolescents are
expected to become adults with strong personalities, physically and spiritually healthy, firm in
belief (faith) as members of society, nation and homeland.



1. Background
Teenagers are children who are in the range of 13-18 years. When a child is 13-18 years
old, a child has passed the age of childhood, but is not mature enough to be considered an adult.
At this time, it is a transition or search for true identity, so they often commit acts known as
juvenile delinquency. Juvenile delinquency includes behavior that deviates from legal norms.
Juvenile delinquency is a deviant and disturbing social behavior both for others and for oneself.
The number of cases carried out is a proof that juvenile delinquency is very disturbing the peace
of the surrounding environment. Juvenile delinquency that disturbs the peace of the environment
includes often going out late at night, drinking alcohol, gambling, fighting, to using illegal drugs,
and others. One of the social behaviors that tend to deviate is a factor from a broken home.
At this time some families are vulnerable to broken homes, various kinds of problems
and causes that vary according to conditions such as for example early marriage due to
compulsion in marriage, one parent is addicted to something, parents commit physical violence,
are used to threatening children if they want. not fulfilled. Households with broken home
conditions greatly affect the mental development of children and can also cause depression when
it is ongoing, so it is not uncommon for children living in broken homes to have deviant
behavior. Children who live in broken home families also tend to be stubborn, unruly, and
unstable or uncontrolled emotions, deviant social behavior in adolescents also interferes with
teaching and learning activities because they can behave like, lack of courtesy and respect for
teachers. , likes to talk rudely, and annoy other friends.
Considering that young people are the next generation of the nation whose potential is to
be the successor of the nation's ideals, youth have an important role. Psychological protection
and guidance is very necessary for this in order to ensure physical, mental, and spiritual integrity.
Protection and guidance for teenagers need positive support, especially from parents, after which
other parties help actively participate. Parents in this case should ignore the ego in each other for
the sake of children who need mental health to think and concentrate on learning, so they don't

hesitate to socialize with others, don't be a quiet child, and care about the environment around
them, not only that. In this case, parents need to foster children by instilling religious teachings.
1.2. Problem Formulation
1. What is juvenile delinquiency due to a broken home ?
2. What are the things that can be said that the family has the criteria of a broken home
family ?
3. What are the impacts broken home on children social behavior ?
1.3 Purpose Writing
1. Knowing what is dequliency
2. Knowing what the criteria for a broken home
3. Knowing what the impact can be caused by a broken home for children social
2. Definition and Discussion
The word broken home comes from two words, namely broken and home. Broken comes
from the word break which means crack, while home means house or household Broken home
can be said as chaos in a family. Disruption in the family is a common test subject because
everyone may be exposed to one of its various types, and because the experience is usually
dramatic, involves dramatic moral choices and personal adjustments. It is said that a broken
home family has the following criteria :
1. Death of one or both parents.
2. Divorce (both parents separated or divorced).
3. Poor marriage (parent-child relationship is not good).
4. Poor parent-child relationship (parental relationship is not good).
5. High tenses and low warmth.
6. Personality psychological disorder (one or both parents have a personality disorder or
mental disorder).

Broken home can also be interpreted as a crisis family. Family crisis means that family
life is in a state of chaos, disorder and direction, parents lose the authority to control the lives
of their children, especially teenagers, they fight against their parents, and there are constant
fights between mothers and fathers, especially regarding the issue of educating children.

Even a family crisis can lead to a husband and wife divorce. In other words, a family crisis is
a very

unstable condition in the family, where two-way communication in democratic conditions no
longer exists.
The impact of a broken home family on children's social behavior includes the following :
1. Vulnerable to Psychological Disorders
Broken home children experience psychological disturbances due to the divorce of their
parents. In this case, of course, the role of parents is needed for the development of children
in the future, both mentally and physically. Because when a divorce occurs it will cause a
critical period for children, especially regarding the relationship of parents who no longer
live together, causing various feelings to rage in the minds of children.
2. Hating the child's parents
Children who experience a broken home tend to blame their parents and even hate their
parents because the child does not get love from their own parents. The attention that
children need from their parents is to be loved wholeheartedly in the form of direct verbal
communication with children, even if they only ask about their daily activities.
3. Easily Get Bad Influence From The Environment
It is easy to be influenced by the environment because the only place that children run away
from is the environment of their friends, because this environment is the only place for
children to seek entertainment and socialize. This happens. When the conditions at home and
family become uncomfortable, the child will try to find another place that is used as a place
to share and entertain himself. When conditions like this, then his playmates will become a
destination as a substitute for family.
4. Seeing that life is in vain
Some Broken home children tend to feel like they have lost their purpose in life because they
feel that their lives are just in vain because the responsibility of parents to give love to their
children is no longer available to children, so this is what makes children see their lives in
5. It's not easy to get along with broken home children
Not Easy to Get along with Broken home children tend to withdraw from the social
environment because they feel ashamed of their family's condition and they also feel jealous
of their friends who always receive attention and affection from their parents. Basically,
Broken home children are quiet, withdrawn and aloof.

6. Moral Problems
Children who are born from a broken home family background when the child is in its
development period, then of course the child will always be in a state of quarrels with parents
which indirectly shapes the child's personality to be rough and hard.

3.1 Conclution
 Based on the results of the first two discussions regarding the poverty rate in the DKI
Jakarta area, it can be concluded that the problem of poverty is something that is very
difficult to solve by the government due to several causes. What we already know is that
Indonesia has a very high population, some migrants mostly gather in the capital city to
make a living but this only adds to the problem for a region. The large number of
migrants makes DKI Jakarta unable to accommodate them. The emergence of Covid-19
also affects the percentage of poverty in DKI Jakarta due to the decline in people's
purchasing power which is influenced by rising prices of goods and services. Loss of
source of income due to the impact of the pandemic.
 For the second result of the discussion on the impact of deviant social behavior of
teenagers due to a broken home, according to our group, this problem is very troubling,
because it does not only happen to themselves but to other people. Delinquency that
disturbs the peace of the surrounding environment such as frequent night outs, drinking,
brawls, gambling, using illegal drugs, and so on. From what we know that children.
Broken home children tend to behave differently from other children who still have
intact families. These differences are like having a quiet, stubborn nature, withdrawing
and even opposing parents. This is because Broken home children do not get enough
attention and affection from their parents.
3.2 Advice
As Indonesian citizens, we should work together to help brothers and sisters who
need assistance for the welfare of the Indonesian nation itself, not the other way around,
which is more concerned with personal affairs than the interests of the community.

Task 1
Astrini Merlindha, Getar Hati Jurnal Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial (Journal of Social
Welfare) 16 (1), 2015
Task 2
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