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Air Pollution

Problem/Solution Tree
Problem Tree
These gases irritate the lungs' That gas blocks the blood from taking
airways, making it more difficult in oxygen. In those with heart
02 problems, this can cause a drastic drop
for people with lung problems to
breathe. in the amount of oxygen reaching the
Gaseous sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and carbon monoxide are heart (Landrigan, 2019).
the primary criteria air pollutants of primary concern in urban settings. Carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless, and tasteless gas that is produced when a
These pollutants are emitted directly into the air from fossil fuels such
as fuel oil, gasoline, and natural gas that are burned in power plants,
automobiles, and other combustion sources. Carbon monoxide is also
03 combustion process is only partially successful. In terms of the criterion pollutants, it has
the highest prevalence. Although household heating systems and certain industrial
operations also produce substantial amounts of this gas, the primary source of this
emitted directly into the air from combustion sources. In addition to pollutant is automobiles that run on gasoline and are driven on public roads. Power plants
being a gaseous pollutant, ozone, which is an essential component of are constructed and managed in such a way as to achieve the highest possible level of
smog, is formed in the atmosphere as a result of a series of complex combustion efficiency, which results in comparatively low emissions of carbon
chemical processes involving nitrogen dioxide and a variety of volatile monoxide. Carbon monoxide can quickly displace oxygen in the bloodstream, which can
organic chemicals (e.g., gasoline vapours). lead to asphyxiation if the concentrations are high enough and the exposure duration is
long enough. This can make exposure to carbon monoxide extremely dangerous.

Inflammation and
aggravation of heart 04
and lung disorders can
be induced by fine
particles since they are

Air Pollution
Air pollution is not limited to the
able to be inhaled area immediately surrounding the
deeply into the lungs source.
(Stern, 2021). During the combustion of coal or oil that contains sulphur as an impurity, a gas known as sulphur dioxide is
Particulates are a term that refers to very minute bits of solid objects or liquid droplets that are produced. This gas is odourless and has a smell that is described as being "choking." The generation of electricity
floating in air. They are classified not according to their chemical make-up but rather according to is the source of the vast majority of sulphur dioxide emissions; mobile sources contribute very little. When
their size and phase, that is, whether they are solid or liquid, with the exception of airborne lead, inhaled, this noxious gas can irritate the eyes and the throat, and it can also damage the tissue in the lungs.
which is classified as its own distinct category. For instance, solid particulates that have a diameter
of between approximately 1 and 100 m are referred to as dust particles, but airborne solids that have
a diameter of less than 1 m are referred to as fumes.

Saves energy. Reduces emissions of greenhouse gases, which are a contributor to the changing climate of the planet.
Contributes to the preservation of the natural world for the benefit of future generations. Helps to cut down on the amount
of garbage that must either be recycled or disposed of in landfills or incinerators (Boubel, 2019).
Reducing air pollution helps tackle Solution Tree
climate change Information key to minimise
The most significant contribution to the warming of the planet has been made by
carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. By burning fossil fuels, carbon dioxide is exposure
released into the atmosphere and contributes to climate change (coal, gasoline, and The majority of affluent nations have passed legislation to restrict emissions and cut
natural gas). In order to power automobiles and aeroplanes, heat homes and
businesses, and generate electricity, humans have come to rely on fossil fuels. The 02 down on air pollution. These laws are in addition to the internationally enacted Kyoto
Protocol. The use of a system known as cap and trade to reduce emissions is currently
release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is a direct result of these activities. the subject of discussion in the United States. The quantity of pollution that a
Methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated gases are a few examples of the additional corporation is permitted to produce would be capped or otherwise limited by this
greenhouse gases that can be generated by both natural and artificial sources. The approach. Companies that went above their limit would be required to make a payment.
production of coal and agricultural processes both produce significant amounts of Companies who polluted less than their limit had allowed were able to exchange or sell
methane as an emission. Nitrous oxide is a gas that is often released into the whatever remaining pollution allowance they had to other businesses. A system known

atmosphere as a byproduct of industrial processes, agricultural practises, and the as cap and trade would, in essence, pay businesses to reduce their levels of pollution.
combustion of fossil fuels in vehicles. In order to fight the effects of global New Air Quality Guidelines were published by the World Health Organization in the
warming, a number of nations throughout the world have implemented policies that year 2006. The guidelines established by the WHO are more stringent than those
either cut or cap their emissions of greenhouse gases. The Kyoto Protocol is an established by the majority of individual countries. The World Health Organization has
agreement between 183 countries that they will endeavour to reduce the amount of issued guidelines with the goal of lowering the number of fatalities caused by air
carbon dioxide that they emit into the atmosphere. It was initially adopted in pollution by 15 percent annually. When it comes to air quality, the European
Kyoto, Japan, in 1997. That international agreement has not been signed by the Environment Agency collaborates with its member countries to collect consistent, long-
United States. Its impact on both the regional and global climates could be either term data. With this information, we can track changes over time, examine patterns,
warming or cooling, depending on its chemical make-up. Black carbon, for and investigate correlations between, say, traffic and air quality readings (De Nevers,
instance, which is a component of fine particulate matter and a byproduct of the 2021).
incomplete combustion of fuels, absorbs solar and infrared radiation in the

atmosphere and causes it to warm up (Vallero, 2019).

Taking coherent action

from local to global 04
The health consequences of breathing polluted air might linger for
a number of years or even for an entire lifetime. They are so
dangerous that they can potentially cause a person's death. Heart
disease, lung cancer, and respiratory disorders like emphysema Measures to cut emissions of short-lived
are only some of the long-term health impacts that can be
climate forcers such as black carbon,
Reducing Air Pollution
attributed to air pollution. Additionally, people's nerves, brains,
kidneys, livers, and other organs can be adversely affected by the
long-term effects of air pollution. There is a school of thought methane, ozone, or ozone precursors benefit
among certain experts that contaminants in the air cause birth
abnormalities. Every year, outdoor and indoor air pollution are both human health and the climate.
responsible for the deaths of around 2.5 million people around the
world. Different types of air pollution elicit a variety of responses
from individuals. Pollution tends to have a more profound effect
on younger children and older adults since their immune systems The particles that make up air pollution eventually fall to the ground. Air pollution has the potential to
are often in poorer shape in these age groups. Exposure to air contaminate the soil directly, as well as the surface of bodies of water. This can either cause the crop to
pollution can make existing conditions, such as asthma, heart die or lower its production. It poses a threat to the lives of young trees and other plants. Acid rain can
disease, and lung disease, even more severe. The duration of be produced when airborne sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide particles combine with water and
exposure, as well as the quantity and kinds of contaminants, are oxygen in the atmosphere. This reaction results in the production of acid rain. The majority of these
other important considerations. pollutants in the air come from power plants that burn coal and vehicles on the road. When acid rain
Various factors influence the degree of air pollution in various falls to Earth, it changes the composition of the soil, which in turn causes damage to plants and crops; it
regions. Various industries and vehicles are major contributors to also reduces the quality of the water in rivers, lakes, and streams; and it can cause structures and
air pollution. Some of the largest contributors to air pollution in monuments to deteriorate.
Europe include the transportation sector (road transport), Despite the fact that they release a lot of pollution into the air, many governments encouraged diesel
agriculture, power plants, industry, and households (Flagan, vehicles. In a similar vein, high levels of particulate matter in the local air have been the result of the
2021). promotion of sustainable wood burning in various places of Europe (Kampa, 2018).

One further pollutant that has an effect on both climate change and air quality is particulate matter. Both local and global
temperatures could be affected by its presence, depending on its chemical make-up. Incomplete combustion of fuels produces
black carbon, a component of fine particulate matter that absorbs solar and infrared radiation in the atmosphere and
contributes to global warming (Brunekreef, 2022).
Brunekreef, B., & Holgate, S. T. (2022). Air pollution and health. The lancet, 360(9341),

Kampa, M., & Castanas, E. (2018). Human health effects of air pollution. Environmental
pollution, 151(2), 362-367.

Vallero, D. A. (2019). Fundamentals of air pollution. Academic press.

Boubel, R. W., Vallero, D., Fox, D. L., Turner, B., & Stern, A. C. (2019). Fundamentals
of air pollution. Elsevier.

Stern, A. C. (2021). Air Pollution: The effects of air pollution (Vol. 2). Elsevier.

De Nevers, N. (2021). Air pollution control engineering. Waveland press.

Flagan, R. C., & Seinfeld, J. H. (2021). Fundamentals of air pollution engineering.

Courier Corporation.

Landrigan, P. J. (2019). Air pollution and health. The Lancet Public Health, 2(1), e4-e5.

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