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Midwifery Terminologi

Clinical Setting
Gytta Affrilia Siswanto S.Tr.Keb., M.Keb


Section 1

20XX Instrumen Midwifery 4
20XX Instrumen Midwifery 5
20XX Instrumen Midwifery 6
20XX Instrumen Midwifery 7
20XX Instrumen Midwifery 8
Section 2

includes the most
frequently used terms by
all professionals in clinical
Read the midwifery terminology and sign & symptoms of
pregnancy below

20XX Midwifery Terminology 10

Read the midwifery terminology and sign & symptoms of
pregnancy below


20XX Midwifery Terminology 11

A patient gets loss of her leg and doubt to go home.
P: I don’t know what to do…
M: You may not know what to do now, Sir. But once you’re out
there…There’s so much to do. P: I feel so useless
M: I understand the feelings. Some people think this is the end of the
world. But many handicapped people do useful things, Things they never
thought of before.
P: Like what?
M: One of our patients last year… You know, he writes now. He says he
can’t be happier.
P: Really? I should think of hobby now.
M: Why not. Everyone has potentials.
P: That’s true. Thanks. N: Welcome.

20XX Midwifery Terminology 12

Exercise 1
Match the left side words to the right
word until create a correct word by
placing the letter of the right side into
the left side.
1. Give birth a. Melahirkan
2. Fetus b. Janin
3. Baby c. Bayi
4. Misbirth d. Keguguran
5. Swollen e. Bengkak

20XX Exercise 1 13
Exercise 2
Find the antonym for the
adjectives below
a. Sweet
b. Cheap
c. Difficult
d. Short
e. Stupid

20XX Exercise 2 14
Section 3
includes the most frequently abbreviated
terms and conditions used by all
professionals. Please note that abbreviations
should be avoided if at all possible, but in the
event of abbreviations being used, only those
approved by the Quality & Clinical Care
Directorate and contained within the HSE
document are permitted (HSE 2010). reduced
number of these abbreviations are also
included inthis booklet.
20XX Abbreviations 16
20XX Abbreviations 17
20XX Abbreviations 18

20XX Abbreviations 19
1. Tugas Individu
2. Microsoft Office Word
3. Times New Roman
4. Ukuran tulisan 12
5. Disatukan dari secsion 1&2
6. Identitas lengkap (Nama, NPM, Kelas, Prodi) pada halaman 1 di kiri atas
7. Ditulis hanya jawabanya saja
8. Tugas di koordinir satu orang oleh pj matakuliah English in midwifery baru
kirim ke email saya (perhatikan tatacara mengirim
email yang baik terhadap dosen) setelah kirim email konfirmasi ke WA saya.

20XX presentation title 20

Gytta Affrilia Siswanto S.Tr.Keb., M.Keb

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