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NCM 107 A Final Examinations

(First Semester SY 2016-2017)

Name: _____________________________________ Date: _________________ Score: ______________

Test I. Multiple Choice: Read the questions carefully and shade the letter of your answer on the
answer sheet provided.

Situation 1- As a nurse, knowledge of the legal aspects in nursing is essential to safeguard self and
clients from legal complications. Clients are becoming increasingly aware of their health rights, thus,
you should recognize your professional boundaries and consequences of nonconformity.
1. Your co-worker got a thank you card from a patient’s family with an accompanying photo of her
with the family. She asked you if it would be alright to post the photo on facebook. Which would
be you best response?
A. “I think that would be okay, but you should ask permission from our head.”
B. “Yes, as long as you ask the family if that would be okay.”
C. “No, that could lead to a malpractice suit by the patient or family.”
D. “No, posting pictures of patients and families on social media is not acceptable.”
2. Identify which action is acceptable as an EXCEPTION to a nurse’s obligation regarding
A. Leaving printouts of lab reports on the deskin the physician’s lounge.
B. Discussing a patient’s care with someone who is not involved in patient care.
C. Discussing a patient’s condition in a public place as long as his name is not mentioned.
D. Reporting certain diseases to public health authority.
3. The central question in any charge of malpractice is whether the prevailing standard of care was
met. Which of the following statements are true about standards of nursing care?
1) Basic prudent care is standard.
2) Any health care provider can determine standards of care.
3) Standards of care are never changing.
4) Standards are based on the ethical principle of nonmaleficence.
5) National standards of nursing practice are standards for all nurses.
A. 1,3,4
B. 2,3,5
C. 1,4,5
D. 2,4,5
4. Select the nursing responsibility which can NEVER be delegated:
A. Rotation schedule
B. Evaluation
C. Accountability
D. Complex procedure
5. For safe nursing practice, you should observe some of the do’s and do not’s in performing your
professional duty. Which ones are NOT acceptable standard of actions by the nurse?
1) Keeping current year license to practice
2) Being a witness to a patient’s will
3) Following policies and procedures
4) Protecting patients from injuring themselves.
5) Accepting money or gift from patients
6) Giving practical advice contrary to the Doctor’s order
A. 1,4,6 B. 1,3,4 C. 2,4,5 D. 2,5,6

Situation 2 - A public health nurse is giving orientation to three beginning nurses who are hired by the
local government unit under the Nurse Deployment Program.

6. In the first session, the nurse presented the organization chart of the Rural Health Unit. Which
of the following aspects of organizational structure is illustrated in the chart?
1) Type of work being done
2) Extent of coordination to be done
3) Levels of management
4) Line and staff relationship
A. 2,3,4 B. 3 and 4 C. 1, 3,4 D. 1 and 3
7. The PHN wants to emphasize to the new nurses that it is important to observe professional
accountability which is taking responsibility for one’s actions. She explains that accountability
can be done by:
1) Asking assistance from the doctor
2) Performing nursing tasks in a safe manner
3) Reporting and documenting assessment and interventions.
4) Evaluating client’s response to nursing care given.
5) Evaluating the care when there is complaint by the client.
A. 1,2,3 B. 1,3,5 C. 2,4,5 D. 2,3,4
8. Accountability also includes a commitment to continuing education to stay current and
knowledgeable. According to the Guidelines Implementing Continuing Professional Education
for Nurses (CPE), from which of the following can a nurse earn credit units?
1) Participation in seminars
2) Engagement in a research project
3) As per reviewer
4) Innovations
A. 2 and 3 only
B. 1,2,3,4
C. 1 and 2 only
D. 1,3,4
9. The PRIMARY purpose for requiring continuing education is to ______
A. Qualify for work abroad
B. Improve nursing competency after registration
C. Comply with the Board of Nursing requirements
D. Ensure legal practice
10. To better address emerging public health issues, a public health nurse enrolls in a course in:
A. Ethics
B. Research
C. Communication
D. Leadership

Situation 3 - Documentation and reporting are just as important as providing client care. As such, the
nurse must be factual and accurate to ensure quality documentation and reporting.

11. An insurance company has requested a copy of the client’s chart from the doctor’s office in
order to compensate the physician for the medical care received by the client. Which of the following is
the most appropriate nursing action by the office nurse?

a. Tell the doctor of the insurance company’s request

b. Copy the client’s record and send it to the insurance company
c. Refer the insurance company to the office manager
d. Explain that the client’s medical record is confidential
12. A nurse who has been called in to work due to unusually high client census has missed the inter-
shift report. While waiting to get report from another nurse, where can the look to find the most concise
and accurate information related to the client care assignment?

a. Admission record of each client

b. Previous shift’s assignment sheet
c. Kardex
d. physician progress notes
13. A client is voluntarily admitted to the psychiatric unit. Later the client develops severe pain in the
right lower quadrant and is diagnosed as having acute appendicitis. When preparing the client for an
appendectomy the nurse should:
a. Have two nurses witness the operative consent as the client signs it.
b. Have the surgeon and the psychiatrist sign for the surgery, because it is an emergency
c. Phone the client’s next of kin to come in to sign the consent form because the client is on
Psychiatric unit
d. Ask the client to sign the preoperative consent form after being informed of the procedure
and required care
14. The nurse is aware no physician has visited a hospitalized client for 3 consecutive days. Reporting
this information to a nursing supervisor, the nurse serves which of the following roles?
a. Direct care provider
b. Case manager
c. client educator
d. client advocate
15. The primary purpose for regulating nursing practice is to protect:
a. The public
b. The employing agency
c. practicing nurses
d. professional standards
Situation 4 – Nurse Ana knows that ethics is important in community health nursing practice and that
ethical decisions are conducted in a universal and standard framework.

16. One step in ethical decision-making is to place an ethical issue or dilemma within a meaningful
context. The rationale for this step is:
A. The nature of ethical issues and dilemmas determines the specific ethical approach used.
B. People cannot make sound ethical decisions if they cannot identify ethical issues and
C. Multiple factors affect the interpretation and justification of ethical issues and dilemmas.
D. Health professionals cannot avoid choice and action in applying ethics in their work setting.
17. The historical character in nursing whose work in environmental health providing care for destitute
people, and disease prevention establish the nurses as leader and community oriented was:
A. Lilian Wald
B. Virginia Henderson
C. Margaret Sanger
D. Florence Nightingale
18. Ethical decision-making is the component of ethics that focuses on:
A. the result of the decision
B. The process of how decisions are made
C. The factors impinging on making the decision
D. Who makes the decision
19. The ethical principle that empowers the client (groups or communities) to make knowledgeable
decision is ______:
A. Act in accordance to client’s wishes
B. Act in client’s best interest
C. Offer frank and independent advice
D. Keep the client properly informed
20. When Nurse Ana cannot meet a need of the client, it is most appropriate for her to:
A. Refer the client to an agency that may be able to give assistance.
B. Suggest that the client discuss the need with the physician.
C. Encourage the client to pay someone to meet that need.
D. Inform the client that insurance will not pay for the care.
Situation 5 – Interdisciplinary teamwork is an important model for delivering healthcare to patient.
Integrating services among many health providers leads to better outcomes delivered to underserved
populations and communities with limited access to health care.
21. Professional group productivity and member satisfaction are best achieved by which of the following
leadership styles?
A. Democratic
B. Authoritarian
C. Laissez-faire
D. Autocratic
22. As a member of a professional work-related group you know that:
A. Functional goals are assigned by management
B. The leader is responsible for overall functioning.
C. The members summarize progress and allocate assignments
D. The cooperation of all members is required.
23. The nurse is making a referral for the client. What should be the first consideration for the nurse to
A. Acceptability of the referral to the client.
B. Cost of the referral service
C. Barriers to making a referral
D. Client’s eligibility for the service.
24. Groups with a Laissez-faire leader are likely to be _____.
A. More structured
B. Less productive
C. More productive
D. More satisfying to members.
25. You have volunteered to be part of a work group whose purpose is to look at ways to prevent
medication errors. You know that:
A. Teamwork enhances the probability of goal achievement.
B. Group process is not important in a task.
C. The leader assume responsibility for the overall group functioning.
D. The goal should be set by the management.
Situation 6 – In the public health, Quality Improvement (QI) techniques are used to improve
performance and service delivery.
26. PDCA is the basic structure for most quality improvement (QI) process, in public health, PDCA is
focused on activities that are responsive to community needs and improving population health. PDCA
stands for:
A. Perform-Documents-Correct-Act
B. Perform-Do-Check-Analyze
C. Plan-Document-Check-Analyze
D. Plan-Do-Check-Act
27. There are several approaches and tools in (QI). One of these is the fishbone diagram, developed by
Ishikawa. Which of the following BEST describe the fishbone diagram?
A. A cause-and-effect diagram
B. A wholistic approach in problem identification
C. Used in interview session
D. Useful in focusing on problem symptoms
28. As a QI tool, the Gantt chart is useful for planning and scheduling projects. Which of the following
statements is INCORRECT abour rge GANTT chart? It ____
A. provides a graphical illustration of resources.
B. Plans the order in which you’ll complete tasks.
C. Tracks specific tasks in a project.
D. Help assess how long a project should take
29. The steps in conducting quality improvement consists of the following:
1) Identify and select strategies
2) Evaluate QI outcomes
3) Implement solution in small scale
4) State the problem
5) Expand scope of QI throughout the organization
A. 4,1,3,5,2 B. 2,1,5,3,4 C. 4,2,1,3,5 D. 1,4,5,3,2
30. Client satisfaction survey is an important and commonly used indicator for measuring the quality in
health care. In the context of public health, which is NOT a purpose of satisfaction surveys? To _____.
A. Serve as essential sources of information for identifying gaps.
B. Directly address the health problems presented.
C. Present the likelihood of continuing client-provider-agency relationships.
D. Provide data about health-seeking behaviors.
Situation 7 – In any setting of nursing practice including community health, records management such
as documentation and record keeping, is important.
31. Documentation is critical component to the delivery of health care. It is a tool which serves many
purposes. Which of the following is NOT included?
A. Create a permanent record for the patient’s future care
B. Provide material for discussion by students.
C. Plan and evaluate a patient’s treatment.
D. Ensures continuity of care.
32. When recording the home visit, it is important for the public health nurse to?
A. Document the visit only when there are significant changes
B. Follow the agency format for recording and documentation
C. Complete the charting every Friday of the week.
D. Use phrases in outline form
33. The nurse should document intelligently and clearly. There are ways to help protect against an
allegation of falsifying a medical record. These are the following:
1) Date, time and sign every entry
2) Make entries soon after care is given
3) Write legibly
4) Be thorough, accurate, and objective
5) Use only approved abbreviation
A. 1,2,3,4,5 B. 1,3 and 5 C. 2,3 and 5 D. 2,4 and 5
34. Public health nurses must know that all records have a lifecycle and retention scheduling. Clinical
records must be retained in the health care facility for:
A. Anytime with client’s permission
B. Ten years from last date of service
C. Two years from date of client’s last visit.
D. Five years from client admission
35. Controlled substances such as drugs dispensed and administered, order and inventory records must
be kept in the health care facility for how many years?
A. Six months
B. One year
C. Five years
D. Three years
Situation 8 – Headnurse Mila wishes to successfully change the way her registered nurses, nursing
assistants, and other nursing staff in providing emotional support to the ward’s patients.
36. In conducting quality improvement, Nurse Mila should look into which of the following as her basis,
A. Patient’s complaint data
B. Patient’s satisfaction survey
C. Incident reports
D. Patient’s chart
37. The FIRST step in the Quality Improvement process is which of the following?
A. Assess progress
B. Examine the data
C. Confirm the existence of the problem by gathering data
D. Set goals
38. The BEST quality improvement intervention that Nurse Mila can do is which of the following?
A. Maintain ongoing informal communication with staff.
B. Analyze patient’s complaint record
C. Interview staff individually and in groups
D. Recommend increase in salary of nursing staff.
39. Some of the nursing staff seemed to have a sense of entitlement according to nursing department
leadership. They behaved as though they had unlimited job security (because of the strength of the
nursing unions). Which of the following action is the BEST?
A. Develop a documentation-and-tracking process for the observations Headnurse makes during
their rounds with a specific focus on necessary improvement actions.
B. Revise job descriptions and performance evaluations for all for all nursing staff to include the
new general care guidelines and highlight emotional support.
C. Continue to work on increasing staff accountability for service behaviors.
D. Develop new evidence-based general care guidelines for nurse-patient interactions.
40. Which of the following requires quality improvement? Select all that apply
1)Patient’s fall/injury
2) Infection
3) Safety
4) Pressure ulcers
A. 1,2,3 B. 3 only C. 1 & 4 D. 1,2,3,4
Situation 9 – Nurse Virgil is newly assigned in the Pediatric Ward in San Vicente Medical Center. Since
he will be taking care of pediatric patients, there is a need for Nurse Vergel to be abreast with the
legal aspects of pediatric nursing care.
41. Which of the following regulates the practice of the nursing profession?
A. Department of Health
B. Professional Regulation Commission
C. Civil Service Commission
D. Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing
42. One of Nurse Vergel’s patient needs to undergo invasive procedure. Based on the patient’s Bill of
Rights, sequence the persons from whom Nurse Vergel could obtain consent?
1) Parents
2) Legal guardian
3)Next of kin
A. 1,2,4 & 3 B. 1,4,2 & 3 C. 1,2,3, & 4 D. 1,3,2, & 4
43. Based on the Right to Privacy and Confidentiality under the Patient’s Bill of Rights, the patient has
the right to demand the following, but Not ________ pertaining to his care as confidential.
A. Information
B. Communication
C. Records
D. Financial status
44. The Right to Information does not include _________.
A. Any change in the plan of care before the change is made.
B. Extent to which payment maybe expected from Philhealth.
C. Discount for the professional fee of the attending doctor(s)
D. result of the evaluation of the nature and extent of his/her disease.
45. A patient has the right to leave the hospital regardless of his physical condition provided s/he is
informed of which of the following? Select all that apply.
1) Is informed of the medical consequences of his/her decision
2) Releases those involved in his/her care from any obligation relative to the consequences of
his decision.
3) His/her decision will not prejudice public health and safety
4) Appropriate arrangement has been made to settle the unpaid bill.
A. 1 & 2
B. 1,2, & 4
C. 3 & 4
D. 1,2,3, & 4
Situation 10 – Nurse Melissa has been assigned in the Pediatric Ward for almost a year. Her Head
Nurse is on Maternity Leave for the next 6 months. She was appointed by the Area Nurse Supervisor
to be the Charge Nurse.
46. Nurse Melissa recalls that one of the major responsibilities of a Headnurse is record keeping. There
are many reasons for keeping records in health care, but two stand out above all others. These are to
1) Compile a complete record of the patient’s journey through services
2) Enable continuity of care for the patient both within and between services
3) Make available for legal purposes
4) Protect nurses from litigation
A. 1 & 4 B. 2 & 3 C. 3 & 4 D. 1 & 2
47. The following statements demonstrate to Nurse Melissa that record keeping is good, EXCEPT:
A. Entries are dated and timed as close to the actual time of the events as possible.
B. Relevant information about the condition of the patient/client at any given time and the
measures you have taken to respond to their needs.
C. Abbreviations is used.
D. A full account of your assessment and the care you have planned and provided.
48. On record keeping, the Area Supervisor reminds Nurse Mellissa that for most nurses who find
themselves involved in legal proceedings, the best defense to win the case is ______.
A. Honesty
B. Good memory
C. Quality of good documentation
D. Knowledge
49. Which statement is incorrect regarding record keeping?
A. Patients now have a legal right to see their own records.
B. Keeping records of patient care and treatment is NOT an integral part of nursing practice.
C. Any later alterations or additions must be carefully indicated, ensuring that the original entry
can still be clearly read.
D. All records must be signed by the person making the entry together with the date and time of
the entry.
50. When the patients ask where to get his/her medical record after discharge, the correct answer is
A. Office of the attending physician
B. Medical Record Section
C. Admission section
D. Office of the Administrative Officer
Situation 11 – To ensure patient safety at all times, personal and professional growth of nurses is a
necessity than a choice. Nurse Florence is a beginning nurse in one of the hospitals in the suburb.
During the Orientation program, the need to enhance her skills, knowledge and attitude was

51. “Commitment to continual learning and active participation in the development and growth of the
profession are commendable obligations” is contained in which of the following?

A. Code of Ethics
B. RA 10912
C. RA 7164
D. RA 9173
52. Which law declares that the policy of the state is to promote and upgrade the practice of profession
in the country?

A. RA 7164
B. RA 0173
C. Code of Ethics
D. RA 10912
53. Nursing programs that are based on needs assessment and needs analysis and should be offered
free is which of the following?
A. Continuing Development Program
B. In-service Training Program
C. Nursing Education Program
D. Post-Graduate Program
54. In three years’ time, Nurse Florence needs to attain certain number of Continuing Professional
Development units to be able to renew her:
A. Philippine Nurses Association membership
B. Professional License
C. Professional Identification Card
D. Professional Registration
55. Nurse Florence was asked by her Headnurse why she requested permission to enroll in the Graduate
Program for the second semester. Her reply should be EXCEPT:
A. To have an impressive resume to enable her to be competitive
B. Connect with people professionally
C. Invest for the future
D. Pursue her interest in Pediatric Nursing in more depth
Situation 12 - Nurse Karen, a quality manager champion, in a tertiary hospital has been awarded this
title because she has been consistently modeling to the whole nursing department the culture of
56. One of the models of quality health care is the blueprint of action which Nurse Karen adopts in
quality improvement. What part of the model is mapping current and proposed processes collecting
data and analyzing result of performance in the PDCA model?
A. Plan
B. Do
C. Act
D. Check
57. Which of the following is the quality TOOLBOX when nurse Jaren makes use of an immustration of all
processes, decision-points, action steps and waiting stages in order to define problems and process
improvement in healthcare?
A. Flow chart
B. Fish bone diagram
C. Scatter diagram
D. Pareto Chart
58. In the process of doing performance appraisal of nursing staff, Nurse Karen is guided by the basic
goals of comprehensive appraisal system. Which of the following is included in the process?
1) Determine the capability required for the job
2) Match abilities of the nurses with job requirements
3) Improve nurse’s capability
4) Enhance nurse’s motivation
A. 1,2, & 3
B. 3 & 4
C. 1 & 2
D. 1,2,3,& 4
59. In conducting performance appraisal, Nurse Karen as a manger, is aware that bias can happen when
assessing her staff with just one method. To minimize subjectivity, multiple methods can be employed.
Which of the following methods is MOST applicable for a staff position level?
A. Peer review
B. Management by objectives
C. 360 degree evaluation
D. Self-evaluation
60. Nurse Karen has a staff nurse who has been with her unity for almost two years. Recently she has
observed that her work performance is getting substandard, such that she misses deadlines and is
becoming uncooperative. What is the BEST approach to be done to this problem?
A. Mentoring
B. Scolding
C. Counseling
D. Coaching
Situation 13 – A domain in the development of competency of the practicing nurse is one’s Legal
61. The graduates from the colleges of Nursing are being prepared to take the Nursing Licensure
Examination (NLE) with the main goal to ______.
A. Providing opportunity for overseas employment.
B. Determine the standards of nursing practice.
C. Protect the public from incompetent nurse practitioner.
D. Limit the practice of the profession.
62. Ms. Libby is a professional nurse who was approached by her cousin to be in a Television show
where she has to wear the nurses uniform and advertise a commercially prepared beauty product for
use in their work setting. Her mother is presently having dialysis so she accepted the offer. Ms. Libby is
violating the _________.
A. Nursing law
B. Nursing code of ethics
C. Nursing jurisprudence
D. Consumers fraud law
63. Mr. Larson is scheduled for Coronary Artery By-pass Graft (CABG) surgery. He has to signed an
informed consent prior to operation. The validity of this consent is how long?
36 hours after surgery
24 hours after surgery
After the surgical procedure
12 hours after the surgery
64. A patient was admitted in a medical center by his physician for an Exploratory Laparotomy. After
discharge for two days, he was complaining of chills and fever. The abdominal incision was passing out
yellowish purulent discharge. He had an abdominal Xray and was found to have 2 pcs gauze inside the
abdomen. A libel suit was filed by the family. Who is liable in this case?
1) Surgeon
2) Circulating nurse
3) Anesthesiologist
4) Hospital
1,2,& 3
65. Nurse Rose is assigned to a patient in ICU who is dying to cardiac arrest. After two hours, the patient
was pronounced dead. Which of the following health status should guide the nurse if the patient is
declared dead?
All body functioning are no longer functioning.
Flat sign of electrocardiogram.
Has no more pain sensation
Stoppage of heart beat and blood pressure.

Situation 14 – The role of the Health professionals in the care delivery system has been very challenging
especially with the contemporary approach to practice where teamwork and collaboration is highly

66. Nurse Josie is a graduate nurse assigned in the cardiac rehabilitation unit after she has undergone a
special training program in rehabilitation nursing. She is aware that working in this unit needs
collaborative practice. Which of the following is NOT an acceptable behavior in teamwork?

Actively engaging in care planning and management including audit.

Contributing to decision making regarding patient’s needs and concerns.
Respecting the role of the members of the health team in care management.
Questioning therapeutic interventions by the health team despite evidences.
67. The implementation of course of action from several alternatives are usually done by the team when
designing a program for the rehabilitation of cardiac patients. The steps for an EFFECTIVE decision-
making include which of the following _______?
1) Determine the goal of the outcome
2) Identify the need for the decision.
3) Evaluate the alternative action/s chosen, if it was achieved.
4) Identify alternative actions, with each benefits and consequences.
5) Choose an alternative action/s.

2,1,4, 5, & 3
1, 3, 2, 4, & 5
3, 2, 1, 4, & 5
4,1,3,2, & 5
68. Nurse Josie’s manager demonstrated passion for serving her staff rather than being served. She
takes time to listen, prefers to be a teacher first before being a leader, which is characteristic of:

Transformational leader
Transactional leader
Servant leader
Charismatic leader
69. On the other hand, Nurse Josie notices that the Chief Nurse Executive has a charismatic leadership
style. Which of the following behaviors best describes this style?
Possesses inspirational quality that makes followers get attracted to him and regard him with
Acts as he does because he expects that his behavior will yield positive results.
Uses visioning as the core of his leadership.
Matches his leadership style to the situation at hand.
70. Which of the following conclusions of Nurse Josie about leadership characteristics is true?
There is a high correlation between the communication skills of a leader and the ability to get
the job done.
A manager is effective when he has the ability to plan well.
Assessment of personality traits is a reliable tool for predicting a manager’s potential.
There is good evidence that certain personal qualities favor success in a managerial role.

71. She reads about Path-Goal theory. Which of the following behaviors is manifested by the leader who
uses this theory?
Recognizes staff for going beyond expectations by giving them citations.
Challenges the staff to take individual accountability for their own practice.
Admonishes staff for being laggards.
Reminds staff about the sanctions for non-performance.
72. One leadership theory states that “leaders are born and not made,” which refers to which of the
following theories?

Great Man
73. She came across a theory which states that the leadership style is effective depends on the situation.
Which of the following styles best fits a situation when the followers are self-directed, experts, and are
matured, individuals?
74. She surfs the internet for more information about leadership styles. She reads about shared
leadership as a practice in some magnet hospitals. Which of the following describes this style of

A. Leadership behavior is generally determined by the relationship between the leader’s personality and
the specific situation.
B. Leaders believe that people are basically good and need not be closely controlled.
C. Leaders rely heavily on visioning and inspire members to achieve results.
D. Leadership is shared at the point of care.
75. Ms. Caputo learns that some leaders are transactional leaders. Which of the following does not
characterize a transactional leader?
Focuses on management tasks.
Is a caretaker.
Uses trade-offs to meet goals.
Inspires others with vision.
76. She finds out that some managers have a benevolent-authoritative style of management. Which of
the following behaviors will she exhibit most likely?
Have condescending trust and confidence in their subordinates.
Gives economic or ego awards.
Communicates downward to the staff.
Allows decision-making among subordinates.
77. Henry is a Unit Manager I the Medical Unit. He is not satisfied with the way things are going in his
unit. The patient satisfaction rate is 60% for two consecutive months and staff morale is at its lowest. He
decides to plan and initiate changes that will push for a turnaround in the condition of the unit. Which of
the following actions is a priority for Henry?
Call for a staff meeting and take this up in the agenda.
Seek help from her manager.
Develop a strategic action on how to deal with these concerns.
Ignore the issues since these will be resolved naturally.
78. He knows that there are external forces that influence changes in his unit. Which of the following is
not an external force?
Memo from the CEO to cut down on electrical consumption.
Demands of the labor sector to increase wages.
Low morale of staff in his unit.
Exacting regulatory and accreditation standards.
79. After discussing the possible effects of the low patient satisfaction rate, the staff started to list down
possible strategies to solve the problems head-on. Should they decide to vote on the best change
strategy, which of the following strategies is referred to this?
A. Collaboration
B. Majority rule
C. Dominance
D. Compromise
80. One staff suggests that they review the pattern of nursing care that they are using, which is
described as a:
A. Job description
B. System used to deliver care
C. Manual of procedure
D. Rules to be followed
81. Which of the following is true about functional nursing?
Concentrates on tasks and activities.
Emphasizes the use of group collaboration.
One-to-one nurse-patient ratio.
Provides continuous, coordinated, and comprehensive nursing services.
82. Functional nursing has some advantages, which one is an exception?
Psychological and sociological needs are emphasized.
Great control of work activities.
Most economical way of delivering nursing services.
Workers feel secure in a dependent role.
83. He raised the issue of giving priority to patient needs. Which of the following offers the best way for
setting priority?
A. Assessing nursing needs and problems.
B. Giving instructions on how nursing care needs are to be met.
C. Controlling and evaluating the delivery of nursing care.
D. Assigning a safe nurse: patient ratio.
84. Which of the following is the best guarantee that the patient’s priority needs are met?
A. Checking with the relative of the patient.
B. Preparing a nursing care plan in collaboration with the patient.
C. Consulting with the physician.
D. Coordinating with other members of the team.
85. When Henry uses team nursing as a care delivery system, he and his team need to assess the priority
of care for a group of patients, which of the following should be a priority?
A. Each patient is listed on the worksheet.
B. Patients who need the least care.
C. Medications and treatments required for all patients.
D. Patients who need the most care.
86. He is hopeful that his unit will make a big turnaround in the succeeding months. Which of the
following actions of Henry demonstrates that he has reached the third stage of change?
A. Wonders why things are not what they used to be.
B. Finds solutions to the problems.
C. Integrate the solutions to his day-to-day activities.
D. Selects the best change strategy.
87. Joey is a newly-appointed nurse manager of The Holy Spirit Medical Center, a tertiary hospital
located within the heart of the metropolis. He thinks of scheduling a planning workshop with his staff in
order to ensure effective and efficient management of the department. Should he decide to conduct a
strategic planning workshop, which of the following is not a characteristic of this activity?
A. Long-term goal-setting.
B. Extends to 3-5 years in the future.
C. Focuses on routine tasks.
D. Determines directions of the organization.
88. Which of the following statements refer to the vision of the hospital?
A. The Holy Spirit Medical Center is a trendsetter in tertiary health care in the next five years.
B. The officers and staff of The Holy Spirit Medical Center believe in the unique nature of the human
C. All the nurses shall undergo a continuing competency training program.
D. The Holy Spirit Medical Center aims to provide patient-centered care in a total healing environment.
89. The statement, “The Holy Spirit Medical Center aims to provide patient-centered care in a total
healing environment” refers to which of the following?
A. Vision
B. Goal
C. Philosophy
D. Mission
90. Joey plans to revisit the organizational chart of the department. He plans to create a new position of
a Patient Educator who has a coordinating relationship with the head nurse in the unit. Which of the
following will likely depict this organizational relationship?
A. Box
B. Solid line
C. Broken line
D. Dotted line
91. He likewise stresses the need for all the employees to follow orders and instructions from him and
not from anyone else. Which of the following principles does he refer to?
A. Scalar chain
B. Discipline
C. Unity of command
D. Order
92. Joey orients his staff on the patterns of reporting relationships throughout the organization. Which
of the following principles refer to this?
A. Span of control
B. Hierarchy
C. Esprit de’ corps
D. Unity of direction
93. He emphasizes to the team that they need to put their efforts together towards the attainment of
the goals of the program. Which of the following principles refers to this?
A. Span of control
B. Unity of direction
C. Unity of command
D. Command responsibility
94. Joey stresses the importance of promoting ‘esprit d corps’ among the members of the unit. Which of
the following remarks of the staff indicates that they understand what he pointed out?
A. “Let’s work together in harmony; we need to be supportive of one another.”
B. “In order that we achieve the same results; we must all follow the directives of Julius and not from
other managers.”
C. “We will ensure that all the resources we need are available when needed.”
D. “We need to put our efforts together in order to raise the bar of excellence in the care we provide to
all our patients.”
95. He discusses the goal of the department. Which of the following statements is a goal?
A. Increase the patient satisfaction rate.
B. Eliminate the incidence of delayed administration of medications.
C. Establish rapport with patients.
D. Reduce response time to two minutes.
96. He wants to influence the customary way of thinking and behaving that is shared by the members of
the department. Which of the following terms refer to this?
A. Organizational chart
B. Cultural network
C. Organizational structure
D. Organizational culture
97. He asserts the importance of promoting a positive organizational culture in their unit. Which of the
following behaviors indicate that this is attained by the group?
A. Proactive and caring with one another
B. Competitive and perfectionist
C. Powerful and oppositional
D. Obedient and uncomplaining
98. Stephanie is a new Staff Educator of a private tertiary hospital. She conducts orientation among new
staff nurses in her department. Joseph, one of the new staff nurses, wants to understand the channel of
communication, a span of control, and lines of communication. Which of the following will provide this
A. Organizational structure
B. Policy
C. Job description
D. Manual of procedures
99. Stephanie is often seen interacting with the medical intern during coffee breaks and after duty
hours. What type of organizational structure is this?
A. Formal
B. Informal
C. Staff
D. Line
100. She takes pride in saying that the hospital has a decentralized structure. Which of the following is
not compatible with this type of model?
A. Flat organization
B. Participatory approach
C. Shared governance
D. Tall organization

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