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Topic: A Reading Lesson

Specific Learning Outcomes:

The specific learning outcomes of the lesson will make students able to:

 understand the concept and significance of ‘main idea’

 identify the ‘main idea’ by understanding the whole text
 determine the ‘main ideas’ of different text samples by careful reading

Best Practice Used:

The teacher used the ‘Objective-Driven Practices’ which is quite useful and effective to introduce New
Learning. This is a guided but independent practice in which first teacher introduces the topic which is
‘New learning’ to the students and after that reads a text to identify the ‘main idea’. Furthermore, the
teacher gives text to students and asks them to read carefully and identify the ‘main idea’.

Teacher Component of Focused Reading:

The teacher used the ‘Comprehension’ component of focused reading to make students able to
understand the concept of ‘main idea’. To identify the text teacher engages students in a careful reading
of the text for comprehension which consequently helps them to determine the ‘main idea’.

Format of the Lesson:

1. Introduction of the main concept

2. Teacher`s reading and identification of the ‘main idea’
3. Students practice the same by reading a text to determine the ‘main idea’
4. Teacher leads a discussion about the concept
5. Students share their answers and teacher asses them and provides the correct answers.
6. Students re-identify the ‘main idea’ of the text.
7. Teacher summarizes the concept

Course of the Lesson:

Before the actual lesson starts

The teacher begins the lecture by giving some background knowledge about the significance of the
‘main idea’ of a text.

During the lesson

The teacher reads the lesson carefully and engages students to determine the ‘main idea’ of the text.
During the lesson, the teacher asks students to read text and identify the main idea and asses them to
give correct answers. The teacher also leads an interesting discussion about the topic to engage class.
After the lesson

After the lesson teacher ends the class by summarizing ‘the main idea’ of the lesson.

Why did you choose the lesson this way? (reflection and explanation)

I choose the lesson in this way because it includes a comprehension-based reading plan in which
students engage themselves attentively to identify the ‘main idea’. The Objective-Driven practice which I
have used in this lesson plan is a very effective strategy to introduce ‘New Learning’ of new concepts.
After this useful lesson and practice students will be able to achieve the desired objectives of the

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