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Identify the arguments/ theses of the texts.

Are the arguments valid and sound?

Are the arguments inductively or deductively constructed?

Identify the unstated assumptions.

Can you accept the assumptions? Why?

Identify the evidence to support the arguments.

Evaluate the evidence.

Do the authors of the texts show leniency to a certain side or issue?

What is your opinion of the texts based on the argument development in the text?

Text 1

Identify the arguments/ theses of the texts.

2. A return to the partial lockdown contradicts the central government’s zeal for economic
reopening, which ended up triggering a surge in cases and deaths, especially among medical
3. But Jakarta’s tough policy is doomed to fail without support from both the central
government and neighboring regions.
4. If the central government and the Jakarta administration cannot get their acts together, the
upcoming PSBB will be an even more painful period for everyone.

Are the arguments valid and sound? We consider the arguments in this text valid and sound

Are the arguments inductively or deductively constructed? The argument is constructed deductively

Identify the unstated assumptions.

Argument 1

 perhaps the reopening of the economy could trigger a spike in cases and deaths from the
covid virus.
 medical personnel are vulnerable to the covid virus.
 The partial lockdown that was imposed turned out to be contrary to the spirit of the central
government to economy reopening.

Argument 2

 This policy needs support from both the central government and neighboring regions.

Argument 3

 Central government and DKI Provincial Government are responsible for PSBB regulations.
 This PSBB regulation requires cooperation between the central government and the DKI
Provincial Government.
 The upcoming PSBB will be even worse if the central government and the DKI Provincial
Government do not cooperate

Can you accept the assumptions? Why?

Identify the evidence to support the arguments.

1. Jakarta has reported a positivity rate of 12.2 percent over the past week, more than twice
the rate of 5 percent or below recommended by the World Health Organization for relaxing
restrictions — after the city met the WHO’s minimum testing rate of one test per 1,000
people per week.
2. A joint study from Social Resilience Lab, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and the
LaporCOVID (Report COVID-19) community shows that the healthcare system in Jakarta may
collapse by the end of the year without massive intervention to curb transmission of the
disease. The modeling, which analyzed data from Aug. 1 to Sept. 3, predicted up to 3,000
deaths by the end of October as more people requiring hospitalization would be unable to
get treatment because hospitals would run out of beds.

Evaluate the evidence.

Do the authors of the texts show leniency to a certain side or issue?

What is your opinion of the texts based on the argument development in the text?

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