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India: RBI Liberalises

Grant of ESOP by Foreign

Companies & Defines
Norms for Repurchase
by Companies
Daksha Baxi and Rina Kamath
Nishith Desai Associates, India

This article has been published in April 2006 issue of

BNA International’s Corporate Restructuring
India: RBI Liberalises Grant of ESOP
by Foreign Companies & Defines
Norms for Repurchase by Companies
Daksha Baxi and Rina Kamath
Nishith Desai Associates, India

Through a Notification1 dated April 5, 2006, details of remittances/beneficiaries etc., in the prescribed
addressed to all banks authorised to deal in foreign format.
exchange, the Reserve Bank of India ("RBI") has :N ow foreign com panies w illnothave to w aitfor
rationalised the norms for issuance of shares of a clearance from the RBIw hen granting ESO Ps through a trust
foreign company under an Employee Stock Option oran SPV orby theirstep dow n subsidiary,provided the
("ESOP") Scheme, and announced norms for conditions m entioned above are satisfied.
repurchase through the automatic route of such shares
from the employees. H ow ever,the com panies are now required to file a report,
w hich is an additionalcom pliance requirem ent.
These changes pertain to Regulation 22 of the Foreign
Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue of Any Foreign
Security)(Amendment) Regulation, 20042 II. Repurchase of Shares
(“Regulation”). Itis furtherproposed to grantG eneralPerm ission to foreign
com panies to repurchase the shares issued to residents in
I. Issue of Shares by Trust, SPV or Step Down India underany ESO P Schem e provided the follow ing
conditions are satisfied:
■ the shares should have been issued in accordance with
Underthe Regulation 22 (2),Authorised DealerBanks w ere
authorised to allow rem ittances by Indian residentindividuals the Rules/Regulations framed under Foreign Exchange
w ithoutany m onetary lim itto the foreign com pany for Management Act, 1999;
acquiring shares offered underan ESO P Schem e by such ■ the shares should be repurchased in terms of the initial
foreign com pany,provided the residentindividualw as an offer document; and
em ployee ofthe foreign com pany’s branch orliaison office in ■ an Annual Return in the prescribed form should be
India oran em ployee ordirectorofan Indian com pany,w hich submitted through the Authorised Dealer Banks, giving
w as the subsidiary ofthe foreign com pany orin w hich the details of remittances, beneficiaries, etc.
foreign com pany held atleasta 51 percentstake.Itis now
proposed to perm itrem ittance foracquiring shares under Implications: The above rationalisation seems to be a
retrogressive step since such permission was already granted
ESO P Schem es,irrespective ofthe m ethod ofthe operation
under sub regulation 4 of Regulation 22 of 2004. Now, by this
ofthe schem e.N ow therefore,the Authorised DealerBanks recent Notification, the RBI has imposed certain conditions
are perm itted to allow rem ittance foracquiring shares under for repurchase through the automatic route. In particular, the
an ESO P Schem e,w here the shares underthe schem e are condition that the repurchase should be in terms of the initial
offered directly by the issuing com pany orindirectly through a offer document takes away the ability of a private company to
trust/SpecialPurpose Vehicle (“SPV”)/step dow n subsidiary, repurchase the shares if the employee leaves employment.
provided: This can prove to be a substantial hurdle for private
companies to liberally give stock options as a retention
■ the company issuing the shares effectively, directly or strategy.
indirectly, holds in the Indian company, whose
1 Source:RBI/2005-06/353 A.P.(DIR Series)C ircularN o.30,April5,
employees/directors are being offered shares, at least 2006
51percentt of its equity;
2 otificationU ser.aspx?Id=2817&M ode=0 as
■ the shares under the ESOP Scheme are offered by the view ed on April7,2006
issuing company globally on a uniform basis; and
For further information please contact Daksha Baxi by e-mail
■ an Annual Return is submitted by the Indian company to at: or Rina Kamath by e-mail at:
the RBI through the Authorised Dealer Banks, giving

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