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Energy 239 (2022) 122233

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Fines migration and mineral reactions as a mechanism for CO2

residual trapping during CO2 sequestration
Jiachao Ge, Xiaozhou Zhang, Furqan Le-Hussain*
School of Minerals and Energy Resources Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, 2052, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study investigates fines migration and mineral reactions as a mechanism for CO2 residual trapping.
Received 1 August 2021 We perform imbibition experiments using a sintered glass core and seven Berea sandstone cores. The
Received in revised form cores receive four injection stages: water, CO2-saturated water, water-saturated CO2, and finally water or
27 September 2021
CO2-saturated water. During the second injection stage, the quantity of CO2-saturated water is altered to
Accepted 29 September 2021
induce various degrees of fines migration and mineral reactions. These effects are found to yield residual
Available online 1 October 2021
CO2 saturations of 16%, 22% and 23% for zero, 25 and 50 pore volumes of CO2-saturated water injection,
respectively. These percentages are 6e7% greater than if neither fines migration nor mineral reactions
Fines migration
were present. This is attributed to pore plugging caused by fines migration and mineral reactions,
Mineral reactions impeding the imbibing water from displacing CO2 in the plugged pores. In addition, CO2-saturated water
CO2 residual trapping imbibition is found to increase residual CO2 saturation by 26e30% over that resulting from water
Water imbibition imbibition. This is attributed to the CO2 dissolution effect during water imbibition. We therefore
CO2 dissolution conclude that fines migration and mineral reactions is a CO2 residual trapping mechanism during CO2
© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction caprock [15]. In fact, the isolated CO2 blobs due to residual trapping
have less buoyancy, which reduces upward migration and therefore
CO2 injection in subsurface aquifers and oil reservoirs is a po- the risk of leakage [16]. Residual trapping is therefore considered to
tential way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions [1e5]. Four major enhance storage security [7,15]. This paper focusses on residual
trapping mechanisms to secure the sequestration of injected CO2 trapping only.
have been recognised: structural trapping, residual trapping, sol- Previous studies have run core flooding experiments in the
ubility trapping, and mineral trapping [6e8]. Structural trapping is laboratory in an attempt to either reveal mechanisms of CO2 re-
where the upward motion of CO2 is impeded by a low-permeability sidual trapping or optimise CO2 residual trapping efficiency. Core
caprock. Although it provides immediate and relatively secure flooding experiments on CO2 residual trapping generally start with
barriers to the migration of CO2 to upper formations, structural a core fully saturated with water. CO2 is then injected to achieve
trapping depends on the integrity of the caprock [9e11]. Addi- initial CO2 saturation ( SCO2 ; i ). This CO2 injection is a process of
tionally, the injected CO2 can be geochemically immobilised either drainage, where CO2 is acting as the non-wetting phase to displace
by dissolving it into the formation water (solubility trapping) or by water as the wetting phase. A drainage stage of an experimental run
forming carbonate minerals through CO2-water-rock reactions involving CO2 injection falls into two types. For steady-state
(mineral trapping) [12]. Residual trapping occurs when formation drainage, CO2 and water are injected simultaneously with
water imbibes back to the trailing edge of a CO2 plume. The injected increasing fractional flow of CO2 [17e22]. For unsteady-state
CO2 becomes disconnected by the water displacement and there- drainage, CO2-saturated water is injected before water-saturated
fore trapped in the form of isolated blobs [13,14]. Unlike structural CO2 injection [18,23e32]. CO2-saturated water and water-
trapping, residual trapping does not rely on the integrity of the saturated CO2 are prepared by equilibrating CO2 and water prior
to injection [26,29]. Once SCO2 ; i is established by CO2 drainage,
water is injected to displace CO2 in the core, so as to achieve re-
sidual CO2 saturation ( SCO2 ; r ). This water injection is an imbibition
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (F. Le-Hussain). process, because water is acting as the wetting phase to displace
0360-5442/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Ge, X. Zhang and F. Le-Hussain Energy 239 (2022) 122233

CO2 as the non-wetting phase. 2. Materials and methods

Previous studies have determined that residual trapping can be
affected by intrinsic rock properties including rock type [20,31], 2.1. Fluids
pore network geometry [11,33,34], and pore aspect ratio [35]; by
fluid-fluid interactions including interfacial tension [36] and hys- Ultrapure filtered water was used. To prepare CO2-saturated
teresis [37,38]; or by rock-fluid interactions including wettability water and water-saturated CO2, CO2 and water were equilibrated in
[39,40]. In addition, it has been shown that SCO2 ; r is dependent on an accumulator at experimental conditions (50  C, 10 MPa). Table 1
SCO2 ; i established after CO2 drainage. However, capillary pressure presents the fluid properties at those conditions.
has been the only mechanism of residual trapping found by these
2.2. Rocks and experimental runs
To our knowledge, no studies have examined the effect of fines
migration and mineral reactions on CO2 residual trapping. During
One sintered glass core (Borosilicate Glass Filter Cylinder,
CO2 sequestration, the injected CO2 can dissolve in the formation
designated G) and seven Berea sandstone cores (designated B1, B2,
water, creating CO2-saturated water. The CO2-saturated water has a
B3, B4, B5, B6, B7) were used. The Berea cores were drilled from the
pH of 3e4, which can dissolve intergranular cements and dislodge
same sandstone block, to maximise similar characteristics. Each
fines [41,42]. The dislodged fines can migrate with the following
core had diameter 2.56 ± 0.02 cm and length 14.2 ± 0.2 cm. Porosity
CO2-water interface and might consequently plug pores [43e46].
was measured to be 0.44 for the glass core, and 0.18 ± 0.02 for Berea
However, none of the fines migration and mineral reaction studies
cores. Table 2 presents the experimental runs (designated by
[28,41,47e52] performed imbibition experiments.
Experiment ID).
Most imbibition studies [17e21,24,25,31,32] injected CO2-satu-
The experimental runs were designed to provide the following
rated water during imbibition to avoid CO2 dissolution in water.
Fewer studies [29,53e55] used water during imbibition. The effect
of imbibition water type on CO2 residual trapping needs to be
1. Exp 5, 7, and 9 were performed to check reproducibility of Exp 4,
examined because imbibition can occur at the tail of a CO2 plume,
6, and 8, respectively.
where water can be un- or under-saturated [53,54]. Berg, Oedai
2. Exp 1 and 2 performed on the glass core were to determine
[29] injected water during imbibition and observed significant CO2
whether CO2 residual trapping would be affected by the injec-
dissolution. CO2 dissolution in the injected water led to reduction in
tion of CO2-saturated water during stage 2. Exp 4, 6, and 8 were
both pressure difference across the core and CO2 saturation in the
analogous for Berea cores. Othman, Naufaliansyah [41,61] found
core. However, the study did not investigate the differences be-
that the injection of CO2-saturated water into Berea cores
tween water imbibition and CO2-saturated water imbibition.
stimulated mineral reactions and created a significant concen-
Chang, Zhou [53] concluded that water imbibition mobilised free-
tration of fines. Ge, Zhang [62] showed that omitting CO2-
phase CO2, resulting in a lower residual CO2 saturation than that
saturated water injection minimised fines migration and min-
from CO2-saturated water imbibition. However, they did not
eral reactions and had negligible effect on CO2 dissolution in
compare pressure difference during imbibition by water versus
CO2-saturated water.
3. Exp 1 and 3 performed on the glass core would show whether
To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate fines
CO2 residual trapping was affected when water or CO2-saturated
migration and mineral reactions as a mechanism for CO2 residual
water was used for imbibition. Exp 4 and 10 were analogous for
trapping. The rest of the paper is organised as follows. Section 2
Berea cores.
presents materials and methods. Section 3 presents results. Sec-
tion 4 discusses our results. Section 5 states the conclusion.
An additional Berea core was drilled from the same block and

Table 1
Fluid properties at 50  C, 10 MPa.

Water [56] CO2-saturated Water [57,58] Water-saturated CO2 [59,60]

Viscosity (cp) Density (g/cm3) Viscosity (cp) Density (g/cm3) CO2 Solubility (mol/kg) Viscosity (cp) Density (g/cm3)

0.55 1.02 0.57 1.03 1.155 0.0293 0.4048

Table 2
Experimental runs.

Experiment ID Core Type Core Label Absolute Permeability (md) Pore Volumes Injected (PVI) of CO2-saturated Water during Stage 2 Imbibition Water Type

Exp 1 Glass G 619 0 Water

Exp 2 8 Water
Exp 3 0 CO2-saturated water
Exp 4 Berea sandstone B1 21 0 Water
Exp 5 B2 31 0 Water
Exp 6 B3 25 25 Water
Exp 7 B4 25 25 Water
Exp 8 B5 29 50 Water
Exp 9 B6 23 50 Water
Exp 10 B7 32 0 CO2-saturated water

J. Ge, X. Zhang and F. Le-Hussain Energy 239 (2022) 122233

Table 3
XRD results for Berea sandstone.

Compound Name Mineral Chemical Formula Quantity [%

Name wt]

Silicon Oxide Quartz SiO2 84.40 (±1.5)

Aluminium Silicate Hydroxide Kaolinite -1A Al2(Si2O5) (OH)4 6.20 (±1.0)
Potassium Aluminium Silicate Microcline Al0.99K0.94Na0.06O8Si3.01 3.8 (±0.5)
Calcium Magnesium Dicarbonate Dolomite CaMg(CO3)2 2.6 (±0.9)
Potassium Aluminium Silicate Muscovite Al3H2KO12Si3[(K0.959Ba0.012Na0.029) (Al1.826 Ti0.033 Fe0.102 Cr0.108 Mg0.11 Mn0.0009) ((Si3.135 Al0.865)O10) 1.90 (±0.3)
Hydroxide -2M1 (O0.502F0.041Cl0.001(OH)1.456)]
Iron Carbonate Siderite FeCO3 1.00 (±0.8)

was subjected to X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis to determine its produced. An oven maintained a temperature of 50  C.
mineral composition, as presented in Table 3. Berea core was found
to contain mostly quartz. Intergranular cement in Berea sandstone 2.4. Experimental procedure
is composed of dolomite, siderite, and silicates [63,64].
Prior to each experimental run, the core was fully saturated with
2.3. Apparatus water. Two types of flooding were performed: three-stage flooding
in Exp 1, 3, 4, 5, and 10, and four-stage flooding in Exp 2, 6, 7, 8, and
Fig. 1 shows a schematic of the experimental setup. Two 9. For four-stage flooding, the injection stages are presented below.
continuous-flow ISCO 260D pumps were used: one for CO2 injec- Stage 1 and stage 2 were executed with the coreholder horizontal.
tion and one for water injection. To inject CO2-saturated water and In three-stage flooding, stage 2 was omitted.
water-saturated CO2 into the core, an accumulator was used to Stage 1. Inject 20 PVI of water into the core.
equilibrate the fluids. The core was placed in a coreholder, which in Stage 2. Inject CO2-saturated water into the core. To examine the
turn was mounted in a rotational stage. Use of the rotational stage effect of fines migration and mineral reactions on CO2 residual
allows both horizontal and vertical injections. The confining pres- trapping, vary the PVI of CO2-saturated water among experimental
sure was kept constant at 13 MPa. The back pressure was set at runs according to Table 2.
10 MPa by a backpressure regulator. A high-precision (±0.03 kPa) Stage 3. Rotate the coreholder to vertical by adjusting the rota-
pressure transducer measured the pressure difference across the tional stage. Inject water-saturated CO2 into the core from the top.
core. A two-phase acoustic separator recorded the volumes of fluid For Berea cores, inject 20 PVI of water-saturated CO2. For the glass

Fig. 1. Schematic of the experimental setup.

J. Ge, X. Zhang and F. Le-Hussain Energy 239 (2022) 122233

core, inject 7 PVI of water-saturated CO2. Injection of water- were collected for Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission
saturated CO2 avoids mass transfer and therefore the drying out Spectrometry (ICP-OES) analysis [66,67].
effect [29].
Use the amount of water produced during this stage to calculate
3. Results
CO2 saturation at the beginning of stage 4. We refer to this satu-
ration as the initial CO2 saturation ( SCO2 ; i ), given by
3.1. Reproducibility check
SCO2 ; i ¼ ; (1) Fig. 2 presents pressure difference and PV of CO2 produced
during imbibition in Exp 4 through 9. For each pair of experimental
runs under the same conditions, the differences in measurements
where Vw is volume of water produced during stage 3, and Vp is
for the two runs are small enough to be attributable solely to
pore volume of the core.
experimental error, indicating that the experiments in this study
Stage 4. Rotate the coreholder by 180 . Inject water (Exp 1, 2, 4,
are reproducible. Hence, further analysis will omit Exp 5, 7, and 9.
5, 6, 7, 8, and 9) or CO2-saturated water (Exp 3 and 10) into the core
from the bottom. Continue the injection until CO2 production is
below the detection threshold. Because our accumulator was small, 3.2. Effect of CO2-saturated water injection during stage 2 on CO2
CO2-saturated water imbibition was not performed in the experi- residual trapping
ments involving four-stage flooding.
Stages 1, 2, and 3 involved a constant injection rate of 2.5 cc/min Fig. 3 presents the effect of CO2-saturated water injected during
at 50  C and 10 MPa. In stage 4, the injection rate of water or CO2- stage 2 into the glass core on pressure difference, PV of CO2 pro-
saturated water was 1.25 cc/min. Stage 3 represents drainage, duced, and initial and residual CO2 saturation. The quantity of CO2-
whereas stage 4 represents imbibition. The relation of the injection saturated water injected during stage 2 did not affect pressure
stages with real field-scale flow will be explained in the Discussion difference (Fig. 3a), PV of CO2 produced (Fig. 3b), initial CO2 satu-
section. Pressure difference across the core was measured during ration (Fig. 3c), or residual CO2 saturation (Fig. 3d). These findings
each stage. For Berea cores, the measured pressure difference are consistent with the expectation of neither fines migration nor
during stage 4 was normalised based on the stage 1 pressure dif- mineral reactions in the glass core.
ference measured during Exp 4. Normalised pressure difference Fig. 3a presents the pressure difference during water imbibition
( DPn ) is calculated as in the glass core. Because the water injection rate is constant,
pressure difference (DP) is inversely proportional to the total
DPm mobility (M), given by [68]
DPn ¼  DPs1; Exp 4 ; (2)
qw 1
where DPm is the measured pressure difference across the core, DP ¼ dx ; (5)
kab A M
DPs1 is the measured pressure difference during stage 1, and 0
DPs1; Exp 4 is the measured pressure difference during stage 1 in Exp
4. Normalising the pressure difference allows meaningful com- where qw is the water injection rate, kab is the absolute perme-
parison of experiments involving Berea cores having different ability of the core, A is the cross-sectional area of the core, L is the
permeabilities. length of the core, and M can be calculated as the sum of water and
CO2 produced during stage 4 was reported in pore volumes (PV). CO2 mobilities, given by [68,69]
PV of CO2 produced ( PVPCO2 ) is given by
krCO2 krw
M¼ þ ; (6)
Vg mCO2 mw
PVPCO2 ¼ ; (3)
where krCO2 is CO2 relative permeability, mCO2 is CO2 viscosity, krw
where Vg is volume of CO2 produced during imbibition (stage 4). is water relative permeability, and mw is water viscosity.
Average CO2 saturation ( SCO2 ) during stage 4 is therefore Before breakthrough, total mobility decreased as the injection
calculated as front reached the production surface of the core. This is because the
increase in water relative permeability was slower than the
SCO2 ¼ SCO2 ; i  PVPCO2 : (4) decrease in CO2 relative permeability, yielding an increasing trend
of pressure difference. However, after breakthrough, due to
The ultimate SCO2 at the end of stage 4 is assumed to be the increased water saturation, water relative permeability increased
residual CO2 saturation ( SCO2 ; r ). and therefore total mobility increased, yielding a decreasing pres-
Following Exp 4 and 8, Itrax X-ray Fluorescence (Itrax-XRF) sure difference trend.
scanning was performed on the injection and production surfaces Fig. 3b presents PV of CO2 produced. Before breakthrough, PV of
of Berea cores to collect elemental profiles. The Itrax-XRF scanner CO2 produced was equal to PV of water injected. After break-
was programmed to take a reading in precise steps of 200 mm along through, rate of CO2 production decreased significantly.
a surface. Details of the technique can be found in Kelloway, Ward Fig. 3ced presents initial and residual CO2 saturation, respec-
[65]. The obtained elemental intensity can provide insights on any tively. Both saturation values for Exp 2 are 1% less than those for
changes in mineralogy due to fines migration and mineral Exp 1. However, the differences are within experimental error.
reactions. Fig. 4 presents the effect of the CO2-saturated water injected
After Exp 8, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images were during stage 2 into the Berea cores on pressure difference, PV of CO2
taken of the production surface of the Berea core. Energy-dispersive produced, and initial and residual CO2 saturation.
X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) was run to identify minerals present in CO2-saturated water injection during stage 2 showed no effect
the SEM images. on the pressure difference or PV of CO2 produced during imbibition.
During Exp 2, 4, and 8, samples of water produced during stage 3 Endpoint water relative permeability (krw e ) can be calculated
J. Ge, X. Zhang and F. Le-Hussain Energy 239 (2022) 122233

Fig. 2. Comparisons between runs having identical conditions within Exp 4 through 9, of pressure difference and PV of CO2 produced during stage 4, as a reproducibility check.

J. Ge, X. Zhang and F. Le-Hussain Energy 239 (2022) 122233

Fig. 3. Comparisons of (a) pressure difference, (b) PV of CO2 produced, (c) initial CO2 saturation, and (d) residual CO2 saturation during water imbibition for Exp 1 and 2 on the glass

using the ultimate pressure difference ( DPe ) during imbibition, illustrates a pore being plugged by the dislodged fines. Due to pore
given by [68] plugging, further injected water-saturated CO2 is diverted to pre-
viously unswept pores [9,62,70], yielding higher initial CO2
qw mw L saturation.
krw e ¼ : (7a)
kab ADPe Because PV of CO2 produced is independent of CO2-saturated
water injection, residual CO2 saturation changed only because of
The calculated krw e was 0.82 ± 0.02 for all experimental runs different initial CO2 saturation. As shown in Fig. 4d, with 25 PVI and
performed on Berea cores. Hence, fines migration and mineral re- 50 PVI of CO2-saturated water, residual CO2 saturation was 6% and
actions did not seem to affect water relative permeability, meaning 7% higher than that without CO2-saturated water injection,
that water flow was independent of fines migration and mineral respectively. Fig. 5b illustrates imbibition after pore plugging has
reactions. been brought about by fines migration and mineral reactions. The
Initial CO2 saturation was found to be sensitive to the quantity of injected water can displace CO2 only in connected pores, leaving
CO2-saturated water injected during stage 2 (Fig. 4c). With 25 PVI the CO2 in disconnected pores residually trapped.
and 50 PVI of CO2-saturated water, initial CO2 saturation was 4% and Fines migration and mineral reactions were observed only in
7% higher than that without CO2-saturated water injection, Berea cores with CO2-saturated water injection. This was deter-
respectively. This can be explained by fines migration and mineral mined using the Itrax-XRF, which found differences in element
reactions. Ge et al. [62] established that the injection of CO2-satu- intensity between the injection and production surfaces only when
rated water into Berea cores can dissolve minerals occurring in CO2-saturated water was injected. Fig. 6 presents the intensity of
intergranular cement, which can dislodge fines [41]. The dislodged aluminium (Al) and potassium (K) on the injection and production
fines can migrate with the subsequently injected water-saturated surfaces of the Berea cores.
CO2 along the flow direction and consequently plug pores. Fig. 5a
J. Ge, X. Zhang and F. Le-Hussain Energy 239 (2022) 122233

Fig. 4. Comparisons of (a) pressure difference, (b) PV of CO2 produced, (c) initial CO2 saturation, and (d) residual CO2 saturation during water imbibition for Exp 4, 6, and 8 on Berea

Without CO2-saturated water injection, the average intensity of Fig. 7 presents an SEM image of the production surface of the
Al on the production surface was only 8% higher than that on the Berea core after Exp 8. EDS analysis shows the presence of quartz,
injection surface (Fig. 6a). However, when 50 PVI of CO2-saturated kaolinite, and muscovite. The direct observation of these minerals
water was injected, the average intensity of Al on the production in the production surface matched previous studies [28,41,71e74].
surface was 33% higher than that on the injection surface (Fig. 6c). Xie, Saeedi [28] found that kaolinite fines detachment and migra-
Without CO2-saturated water injection, the average intensity of tion can occur during CO2-water displacement. In addition, Oth-
K on the production surface was only 5% higher than that on the man, Naufaliansyah [41] observed quartz and muscovite fines
injection surface (Fig. 6b). However, when 50 PVI of CO2-saturated migration during water-saturated CO2 injection into Berea cores.
water was injected, the average intensity of K on the production Further evidence of mineral reactions was obtained by ICP-OES
surface was 24% higher than that on the injection surface (Fig. 6d). analysis. Fig. 8 presents the ICP-OES results of produced water for
Al and K were the only chemical elements whose intensity was Exp 2, 4, and 8.
measurably different between the injection and production sur- The ICP-OES results show no traces of Ca, Fe, K, or Mg in water
faces. Al presents in kaolinite, microcline, and muscovite, and K produced by Exp 2. This is expected because there are no reactive
presents in microcline and muscovite minerals (Table 3). The dif- minerals or fines in the glass core.
ferences in Al and K intensity between injection and production Production of cations was observed in Berea cores only when
surfaces indicate that kaolinite, microcline, or muscovite are dis- CO2-saturated water was injected during stage 2. Cation production
placed toward the production surface, due to fines migration or of Ca, Fe, K, and Mg suggests reactions of dolomite, siderite, and
mineral reactions. other cement constituents [62]. This further establishes the

J. Ge, X. Zhang and F. Le-Hussain Energy 239 (2022) 122233

Fig. 5. Schematic of the proposed mechanism of CO2 residual trapping by fines migration and mineral reactions. (a) During drainage, fines migrate at the CO2-water interface by
interfacial force (top left figure). The fines then cause pore plugging (top right figure). If fines migration does not occur (bottom figures), the pore will not be plugged. (b) During
imbibition, water enters the pore throat (left figure). If fines migration occurs (top right figure), water cannot displace CO2 in the plugged pore, leading to more CO2 residual
trapping. If fines migration does not occur (bottom right figure), water displaces CO2 in the pore freely, leading to a small quantity of CO2 being trapped by capillary force.

occurrence of fines migration and mineral reactions due to CO2- Berg, Oedai [29] imaged CO2 saturation using micro-CT, finding
saturated water injection. rapid dissolution of CO2 during water imbibition.
For both the glass core and Berea cores, post-breakthrough
3.3. Effect of water and CO2-saturated water imbibition on CO2 pressure difference during water imbibition reduced gradually,
residual trapping whereas it remained flat during CO2-saturated water imbibition
(Fig. 9a and b). For the glass core, post-breakthrough pressure dif-
Fig. 9 presents the effect of water and CO2-saturated water ference reduced from 8.8 to 6.3 kPa during water imbibition,
imbibition on pressure difference, PV of CO2 produced, and average whereas it remained unchanged at 7.7 kPa during CO2-saturated
CO2 saturation. water imbibition. For Berea cores, post-breakthrough pressure
Water imbibition led to a later breakthrough by 0.27 PVI for the difference reduced from 450 to 118 kPa during water imbibition,
glass core and 0.18 PVI for Berea cores, respectively (Fig. 9a and b), whereas it slightly reduced from 367 to 353 kPa during CO2-satu-
than did CO2-saturated water imbibition. The later breakthrough rated water imbibition. The observed reduction in post-
during water imbibition might indicate dissolution behind the breakthrough pressure difference during water imbibition can
injected waterfront. For both water and CO2-saturated water also be explained by dissolution. As residual CO2 continues to be
imbibition, residual CO2 exists behind the waterfront. However, for dissolved during water imbibition, water saturation and therefore
water imbibition, some of the residual CO2 was dissolved in the total mobility increase, yielding a decreasing pressure difference.
further injected water; therefore, more of the injected water would Increased total mobility due to CO2 dissolution has been previously
occupy pore space behind the waterfront than in CO2-saturated reported [18,53].
water imbibition. This in turn would reduce the speed of the Post-breakthrough dissolution of CO2 also led to an increase in
waterfront, which explains later breakthrough in water imbibition. PV of CO2 produced during water imbibition. CO2-saturated water

J. Ge, X. Zhang and F. Le-Hussain Energy 239 (2022) 122233

Fig. 6. Intensity of Al and K on the injection and production surfaces after experimental runs. Solid lines signify production surfaces, and dotted lines signify injection surfaces.

Fig. 8. ICP-OES analysis of produced water from Exp 2, 4, and 8.

Fig. 7. SEM image of the production surface of the Berea core after Exp 8. Arrows
indicate where EDS revealed presence of (a) quartz, (b) kaolinite, and (c) muscovite.
during water imbibition, whereas it remained constant at 42%
during CO2-saturated water imbibition (Fig. 9f).
imbibition yielded negligible CO2 produced after breakthrough Fig. 9e and f presents average CO2 saturation during water and
(Fig. 9c and d), which is typical during water imbibition in strongly CO2-saturated water imbibition. The initial CO2 saturations for
water-wet rocks [75]. Consequently, for the glass core, post- water and CO2-saturated water imbibition are the same. This is
breakthrough average CO2 saturation reduced from 9% to 4% dur- expected because stage 2 (CO2-saturated water injection) was
ing water imbibition, whereas it reduced slightly from 37% to 34% omitted in these experimental runs. Because water imbibition
during CO2-saturated water imbibition (Fig. 9e). For Berea cores, produced more CO2 than did CO2-saturated water imbibition,
post-breakthrough average CO2 saturation reduced from 22% to 16%

J. Ge, X. Zhang and F. Le-Hussain Energy 239 (2022) 122233

Fig. 9. Comparisons of pressure difference, PV of CO2 produced, and average CO2 saturation during water imbibition and CO2-saturated water imbibition.

J. Ge, X. Zhang and F. Le-Hussain Energy 239 (2022) 122233

residual CO2 saturation for the glass core was 4% after water (radians). Capillary forces are dependent on IFT and contact angle.
imbibition and 34% after CO2-saturated water imbibition, and for Previous studies [77e79] observed IFT reduction due to CO2
Berea cores was 16% after water imbibition and 42% after CO2- dissolution in water. Under the same experimental conditions as
saturated water imbibition. we used, Li, Boek [77] measured IFT of 35 mN/m between CO2 and
For the glass core, the difference in residual CO2 saturation be- water and 33 mN/m between CO2 and CO2-saturated water. Kaveh,
tween water and CO2-saturated water imbibition was due to the Rudolph [80] measured a contact angle increase from 25 between
dissolution effect. For Berea core, fines migration and mineral re- CO2 and water, to 55 between CO2 and CO2-saturated water at
actions might also contribute to the difference. Although stage 2 45  C, 10.2 MPa, due to CO2 dissolution in water.
(CO2-saturated water injection) was omitted in these experimental Using the IFT and contact angle values above, the capillary
runs, CO2-saturated water imbibition during Exp 10 into the Berea number is 7  107 for water imbibition, and 1.2  106 for CO2-
core could have dissolve intergranular cements resulting in fines saturated water imbibition. Both values are of the same order of
migration. However, Othman, Yu [48] and Zhang, Ge [43] suggested magnitude and therefore do not represent significant change in
that fines generated during CO2-saturated water injection migrate flow regime [75,81].
with the CO2-water interface. Therefore, we assume that negligible
fines migration occurred, as there was no CO2-water interface to
mobilise the fines after CO2-saturated water imbibition. In addition, 4. Discussion
the differences between water and CO2-saturated water imbibition
were of similar magnitude in Berea and glass cores. Therefore, the To examine how the above experimental findings might be
observed differences presented in Fig. 9 can be mainly attributed to adapted to field-scale CO2 sequestration, we used a simulation
the dissolution effect during water imbibition rather than to fines model presented by Hussain, Michael [82]. Simulation run included
migration and mineral reactions. CO2 injection into a 100 m-thick water-bearing rock formation for
To analyse whether capillary forces can differ during the two 30 years at 1 Mt/year, followed by a further 70 years without any
types of imbibition, we use the ratio between viscous and capillary injection. Details of the model can be found in the Appendix.
forces, which has been designated [76] Capillary number (Nc ), Fig. 10a presents the location of the CO2 plume and the con-
given by centration of CO2 dissolved in water after 30 years of injection.
Some of the injected CO2 got dissolved in water. The water near the
vm CO2 plume became fully saturated. Therefore, as the injection
Nc ¼ ; (7b)
scosq continued, water was displaced by CO2-saturated water followed
by injected CO2. This corresponds to injection stages 1, 2, and 3 in
where v is the displacing fluid velocity (m/s), m is the displacing this study. CO2-saturated water led to mineral reactions and fines
fluid viscosity (Pa.s), s is the interfacial tension (IFT) between dis- generation. The following CO2-water interface displaced CO2-
placing and displaced fluids (N/m), and q is the contact angle saturated water away from the injection well, exposing more of the

Fig. 10. Simulation of a water bearing formation showing the CO2 plume and concentration of dissolved CO2 in water at (a) 30 years of CO2 injection, and (b) 10 years after CO2
injection stopped. The region between boundaries of the CO2 plume at the end of injection and at 10 years after injection stopped represents the residual CO2 saturation.

J. Ge, X. Zhang and F. Le-Hussain Energy 239 (2022) 122233

rock formation to CO2-saturated water. More mineral reactions and In addition, fines migration and mineral reactions did not affect
fines generation would occur if the exposure time to CO2-saturated pressure difference or endpoint water relative permeability
water is longer. PVI in stage 2 of our experimental runs represents during water imbibition.
the exposure time to CO2-saturated water. The CO2-water interface  For both the glass core and Berea cores, CO2 residual trapping
can mobilise the generated fines, which can plug pores. Therefore, presented distinctive differences between water and CO2-satu-
further injected CO2 would be diverted to other pores that were rated water imbibition, due to dissolution during water imbi-
previously not swept by CO2, causing the injected CO2 to have bition. Both water imbibition and CO2-saturated water
better sweep efficiency. imbibition can occur near the edges of CO2 plume during a real
Fig. 10b presents the CO2 plume locations at the end of CO2 in- CO2 sequestration project.
jection and 10 years after the injection was stopped. As the injec- Water imbibition led to a later breakthrough by 0.27 PVI for the
tion was stopped, CO2 continued to migrate upward due to glass core and 0.18 PVI for Berea cores, respectively, compared to
buoyancy, which caused water to imbibe into the pores vacated by that during CO2-saturated water imbibition.
CO2. This water imbibition at the edges of the CO2 plume corre- Post-breakthrough pressure difference reduced during water
sponds to stage 4 in this study. The water-imbibed region holds imbibition but remained fairly constant during CO2-saturated
residual CO2 saturation. In the absence of fines migration and water imbibition.
mineral reactions, the residual CO2 saturation is controlled only by Due to the dissolution effect, residual CO2 saturation for the
capillary forces. However, if fines migration and mineral reactions glass core was 4% after water imbibition versus 34% after CO2-
occur, the imbibing water cannot flow through the plugged pores. saturated water imbibition, and for Berea cores was 16% after
Therefore, these pores will retain more CO2 than would unplugged water imbibition versus 42% after CO2-saturated water
pores (see Fig. 5 for schematic and Fig. 4d for experimental imbibition.
observation). Due to the limited capacity of our equipment, CO2-saturated
Fig. 4d show an additional residual CO2 saturation of 6e7%, due water imbibition was not performed for experimental runs with
to fines migration and mineral reactions. Such increase in residual CO2-saturated water injection before drainage. Such experi-
CO2 saturation is significant considering that the field-scale ments should be performed to further assess the effect of fines
CO2CRC Otway experiment (Stage 2B) reported residual CO2 satu- migration and mineral reactions on CO2 residual trapping.
ration of 18%e23% [83]. Furthermore, the increase in residual CO2
saturation reduces the amount of free-phase CO2 that may other- In conclusion, fines migration and mineral reactions were found
wise be in contact with the caprock and therefore improves storage to be a CO2 residual trapping mechanism. The induced residual
security [84]. trapping contributes to safer storage because it reduces the amount
The imbibing water near the edges of a CO2 plume can be of free-phase CO2 that may be in contact with the caprock. Addi-
partially or fully saturated. Previous studies [54,85] also found that tionally, we observed a dissolution effect during water imbibition
dissolved CO2 at the plume edges can be in contact with unsatu- but not during CO2-saturated water imbibition.
rated water. Therefore, we performed both water and CO2-satu-
rated water imbibition (section 3.3). However, to complete the Credit author statement
picture, experiments should be performed where CO2-saturated
water is used in stage 2 and again during imbibition in stage 4. Due Jiachao Ge: Writing - Original Draft, Methodology, Data Cura-
to the limited capacity of our accumulator, such experiments were tion, Investigation, Formal analysis, Visualization Xiaozhou Zhang:
not performed. Formal analysis Furqan Le-Hussain: Supervision, Conceptualiza-
tion, Writing- Reviewing and Editing, Methodology, Resources,
Formal analysis.

5. Conclusion Declaration of competing interest

In this study, we performed experiments on a sintered glass core The authors declare that they have no known competing
and Berea sandstone cores to examine the effect of fines migration financial interests or personal relationships that could have
and mineral reactions on CO2 residual trapping, as well as to appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
differentiate between water imbibition and CO2-saturated water
imbibition. Acknowledgements
Our observations lead to the following conclusions:
The authors acknowledge David H. Levin (Murphy, NC, USA) for
 Fines migration and mineral reactions can lead to higher re- editing the manuscript; and the Mark Wainwright Analytical
sidual CO2 saturation. Centre, UNSW for providing ICP-OES and SEM-EDS services. Jiachao
For Berea cores, residual CO2 saturation was dependent on the Ge thanks UNSW and the China Scholarship Council (CSC) for
quantity of CO2-saturated water injection, which is known to providing funding for his PhD studies.
cause fines migration and mineral reactions. Following 25 and
50 pore volumes of CO2-saturated water injection, residual CO2 APPENDIX. Field-scale CO2 sequestration simulation
saturation was 22% and 23%, respectively, compared to 16% for
where no CO2-saturated water was injected. The commercial compositional reservoir simulator Eclipse
For the glass core, CO2-saturated water injection had negligible 300™ was used to model CO2 injection and subsequent water
effect on CO2 residual trapping. This is attributed to the absence imbibition in a sequestration formation. Table A1 presents the pa-
of fines migration and mineral reactions in the glass core. rameters of the simulation model.

J. Ge, X. Zhang and F. Le-Hussain Energy 239 (2022) 122233

Table A1
Parameters of the simulation model

Number of grid blocks Nx  Ny  Nz ¼ 51  51  20

Grid block size in x-direction (block numbers 1 to 24 and 28 to 51) 400 m

Grid block size in x-direction (block numbers 25 and 27) 300 m
Grid block size in x-direction (block number 26) 200 m
Grid block size in y-direction Equal to x-direction block sizes
Grid block size in z-direction 5m
Top depth 1,100 m
Initial pressure at top depth 12 MPa

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