Exercise - Day 1 Session 1 Module 1 Quiz On Types of Variables and Data

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Exercise- DAY 1 Session 1 Module 1

Exercise1: Types of variables

This questionnaire is designed to collect the data from hospital.

A1. Geographic Region

1 = South
2 = Northeast
3 = Midwest
4 = Southwest
5 = Rocky Mountain
6 = California
7 = Northwest
A2. Types of ownership
1 = Local Government
2 = Not-for-profit
3 = For-profit
4 = Federal government
A3. Types of service
1 = General medical
2 = Psychiatric
A4. Number of Beds

A5. Number of Admissions

A6. Number of Outpatients

A7. Number of Births

A8. Total Expenditures (in units of $1,000)

A9. Payroll Expenditures (in units of $1,000)

A10. Personnel

A11. Name of the respondent?


A12. Cell number of the respondent?

A13. What is sex of the respondent?

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Exercise- DAY 1 Session 1 Module 1

Male 1
Female 2

A14. What is age of the respondent? …………….

A15. What is the temperature of the area at the time of interview?.................

A16. What is your level of satisfaction in your job in a scale of 1 to 5? Where 1 is strongly
dissatisfied and 5 is strongly satisfied.
Strongly Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Strongly
dissatisfied satisfied
1 2 3 4 5

Q1. Observing the questions A1 to A16, determine whether the variable is qualitative or
quantitative. If you think variable is qualitative then circle around 1 if you think variable is
quantitative then circle around 2.

Questions Qualitative Quantitative

variable variable
A1 1 2
A2 1 2
A3 1 2
A4 1 2
A5 1 2
A6 1 2
A7 1 2
A8 1 2
A9 1 2
A10 1 2
A11 1 2
A12 1 2
A13 1 2
A14 1 2
A15 1 2
A16 1 2

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